Background compaction support.
When the process state changes to a state which does not perceives
jank, we copy from the main free-list backed allocation space to
the bump pointer space and enable the semispace allocator.
When we transition back to foreground, we copy back to a free-list
backed space.
Create a seperate non-moving space which only holds non-movable
objects. This enables us to quickly wipe the current alloc space
(DlMalloc / RosAlloc) when we transition to background.
Added multiple alloc space support to the sticky mark sweep GC.
Added a -XX:BackgroundGC option which lets you specify
which GC to use for background apps. Passing in
-XX:BackgroundGC=SS makes the heap compact the heap for apps which
do not perceive jank.
Simple background foreground test:
0. Reboot phone, unlock.
1. Open browser, click on home.
2. Open calculator, click on home.
3. Open calendar, click on home.
4. Open camera, click on home.
5. Open clock, click on home.
6. adb shell dumpsys meminfo
PSS Normal ART:
Sample 1:
88468 kB: Dalvik
3188 kB: Dalvik Other
Sample 2:
81125 kB: Dalvik
3080 kB: Dalvik Other
PSS Dalvik:
Total PSS by category:
Sample 1:
81033 kB: Dalvik
27787 kB: Dalvik Other
Sample 2:
81901 kB: Dalvik
28869 kB: Dalvik Other
PSS ART + Background Compaction:
Sample 1:
71014 kB: Dalvik
1412 kB: Dalvik Other
Sample 2:
73859 kB: Dalvik
1400 kB: Dalvik Other
Dalvik other reduction can be explained by less deep allocation
stacks / less live bitmaps / less dirty cards.
TODO improvements: Recycle mem-maps which are unused in the current
state. Not hardcode 64 MB capacity of non movable space (avoid
returning linear alloc nightmares). Figure out ways to deal with low
virtual address memory problems.
Bug: 8981901
Change-Id: Ib235d03f45548ffc08a06b8ae57bf5bada49d6f3
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index e08106b..6e2bf91 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -75,13 +75,17 @@
Heap::Heap(size_t initial_size, size_t growth_limit, size_t min_free, size_t max_free,
double target_utilization, size_t capacity, const std::string& image_file_name,
- CollectorType post_zygote_collector_type, size_t parallel_gc_threads,
- size_t conc_gc_threads, bool low_memory_mode, size_t long_pause_log_threshold,
- size_t long_gc_log_threshold, bool ignore_max_footprint, bool use_tlab)
+ CollectorType post_zygote_collector_type, CollectorType background_collector_type,
+ size_t parallel_gc_threads, size_t conc_gc_threads, bool low_memory_mode,
+ size_t long_pause_log_threshold, size_t long_gc_log_threshold,
+ bool ignore_max_footprint, bool use_tlab)
: non_moving_space_(nullptr),
+ rosalloc_space_(nullptr),
+ dlmalloc_space_(nullptr),
+ background_collector_type_(background_collector_type),
@@ -116,7 +120,7 @@
- min_alloc_space_size_for_sticky_gc_(2 * MB),
+ min_alloc_space_size_for_sticky_gc_(1112 * MB),
min_remaining_space_for_sticky_gc_(1 * MB),
@@ -127,8 +131,8 @@
max_allocation_stack_size_(kGCALotMode ? kGcAlotInterval
: (kDesiredHeapVerification > kVerifyAllFast) ? KB : MB),
- current_allocator_(kMovingCollector ? kAllocatorTypeBumpPointer : kAllocatorTypeFreeList),
- current_non_moving_allocator_(kAllocatorTypeFreeList),
+ current_allocator_(kAllocatorTypeDlMalloc),
+ current_non_moving_allocator_(kAllocatorTypeNonMoving),
@@ -150,7 +154,7 @@
// If we aren't the zygote, switch to the default non zygote allocator. This may update the
// entrypoints.
- if (!Runtime::Current()->IsZygote()) {
+ if (!Runtime::Current()->IsZygote() || !kMovingCollector) {
} else {
// We are the zygote, use bump pointer allocation + semi space collector.
@@ -173,20 +177,23 @@
requested_alloc_space_begin = AlignUp(oat_file_end_addr, kPageSize);
const char* name = Runtime::Current()->IsZygote() ? "zygote space" : "alloc space";
- if (!kUseRosAlloc) {
- non_moving_space_ = space::DlMallocSpace::Create(name, initial_size, growth_limit, capacity,
- requested_alloc_space_begin);
+ space::MallocSpace* malloc_space;
+ if (kUseRosAlloc) {
+ malloc_space = space::RosAllocSpace::Create(name, initial_size, growth_limit, capacity,
+ requested_alloc_space_begin, low_memory_mode_);
+ CHECK(malloc_space != nullptr) << "Failed to create rosalloc space";
} else {
- non_moving_space_ = space::RosAllocSpace::Create(name, initial_size, growth_limit, capacity,
- requested_alloc_space_begin, low_memory_mode_);
+ malloc_space = space::DlMallocSpace::Create(name, initial_size, growth_limit, capacity,
+ requested_alloc_space_begin);
+ CHECK(malloc_space != nullptr) << "Failed to create dlmalloc space";
if (kMovingCollector) {
// TODO: Place bump-pointer spaces somewhere to minimize size of card table.
// TODO: Having 3+ spaces as big as the large heap size can cause virtual memory fragmentation
// issues.
- const size_t bump_pointer_space_size = std::min(non_moving_space_->Capacity(), 128 * MB);
+ const size_t bump_pointer_space_size = std::min(malloc_space->Capacity(), 128 * MB);
bump_pointer_space_ = space::BumpPointerSpace::Create("Bump pointer space",
bump_pointer_space_size, nullptr);
CHECK(bump_pointer_space_ != nullptr) << "Failed to create bump pointer space";
@@ -196,19 +203,18 @@
CHECK(temp_space_ != nullptr) << "Failed to create bump pointer space";
- CHECK(non_moving_space_ != NULL) << "Failed to create non-moving space";
- non_moving_space_->SetFootprintLimit(non_moving_space_->Capacity());
- AddSpace(non_moving_space_);
+ non_moving_space_ = malloc_space;
+ malloc_space->SetFootprintLimit(malloc_space->Capacity());
+ AddSpace(malloc_space);
// Allocate the large object space.
- const bool kUseFreeListSpaceForLOS = false;
+ constexpr bool kUseFreeListSpaceForLOS = false;
if (kUseFreeListSpaceForLOS) {
- large_object_space_ = space::FreeListSpace::Create("large object space", NULL, capacity);
+ large_object_space_ = space::FreeListSpace::Create("large object space", nullptr, capacity);
} else {
large_object_space_ = space::LargeObjectMapSpace::Create("large object space");
- CHECK(large_object_space_ != NULL) << "Failed to create large object space";
+ CHECK(large_object_space_ != nullptr) << "Failed to create large object space";
// Compute heap capacity. Continuous spaces are sorted in order of Begin().
@@ -278,7 +284,9 @@
void Heap::ChangeAllocator(AllocatorType allocator) {
+ // These two allocators are only used internally and don't have any entrypoints.
DCHECK_NE(allocator, kAllocatorTypeLOS);
+ DCHECK_NE(allocator, kAllocatorTypeNonMoving);
if (current_allocator_ != allocator) {
current_allocator_ = allocator;
@@ -322,7 +330,16 @@
void Heap::UpdateProcessState(ProcessState process_state) {
- process_state_ = process_state;
+ if (process_state_ != process_state) {
+ process_state_ = process_state;
+ if (process_state_ == kProcessStateJankPerceptible) {
+ TransitionCollector(post_zygote_collector_type_);
+ } else {
+ TransitionCollector(background_collector_type_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ CollectGarbageInternal(collector::kGcTypeFull, kGcCauseBackground, false);
+ }
void Heap::CreateThreadPool() {
@@ -351,15 +368,28 @@
void Heap::MarkAllocStackAsLive(accounting::ObjectStack* stack) {
- MarkAllocStack(non_moving_space_->GetLiveBitmap(), large_object_space_->GetLiveObjects(), stack);
+ space::ContinuousSpace* space1 = rosalloc_space_ != nullptr ? rosalloc_space_ : non_moving_space_;
+ space::ContinuousSpace* space2 = dlmalloc_space_ != nullptr ? dlmalloc_space_ : non_moving_space_;
+ // This is just logic to handle a case of either not having a rosalloc or dlmalloc space.
+ // TODO: Generalize this to n bitmaps?
+ if (space1 == nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(space2 != nullptr);
+ space1 = space2;
+ }
+ if (space2 == nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(space1 != nullptr);
+ space2 = space1;
+ }
+ MarkAllocStack(space1->GetLiveBitmap(), space2->GetLiveBitmap(),
+ large_object_space_->GetLiveObjects(), stack);
void Heap::DeleteThreadPool() {
-void Heap::AddSpace(space::Space* space) {
- DCHECK(space != NULL);
+void Heap::AddSpace(space::Space* space, bool set_as_default) {
+ DCHECK(space != nullptr);
WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
if (space->IsContinuousSpace()) {
@@ -372,31 +402,19 @@
- if (continuous_space->IsMallocSpace()) {
- non_moving_space_ = continuous_space->AsMallocSpace();
+ if (set_as_default) {
+ if (continuous_space->IsDlMallocSpace()) {
+ dlmalloc_space_ = continuous_space->AsDlMallocSpace();
+ } else if (continuous_space->IsRosAllocSpace()) {
+ rosalloc_space_ = continuous_space->AsRosAllocSpace();
+ }
// Ensure that spaces remain sorted in increasing order of start address.
std::sort(continuous_spaces_.begin(), continuous_spaces_.end(),
[](const space::ContinuousSpace* a, const space::ContinuousSpace* b) {
return a->Begin() < b->Begin();
- // Ensure that ImageSpaces < ZygoteSpaces < AllocSpaces so that we can do address based checks to
- // avoid redundant marking.
- bool seen_zygote = false, seen_alloc = false;
- for (const auto& space : continuous_spaces_) {
- if (space->IsImageSpace()) {
- CHECK(!seen_zygote);
- CHECK(!seen_alloc);
- } else if (space->IsZygoteSpace()) {
- CHECK(!seen_alloc);
- seen_zygote = true;
- } else if (space->IsMallocSpace()) {
- seen_alloc = true;
- }
- }
} else {
space::DiscontinuousSpace* discontinuous_space = space->AsDiscontinuousSpace();
@@ -411,6 +429,47 @@
+void Heap::RemoveSpace(space::Space* space) {
+ DCHECK(space != nullptr);
+ WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
+ if (space->IsContinuousSpace()) {
+ DCHECK(!space->IsDiscontinuousSpace());
+ space::ContinuousSpace* continuous_space = space->AsContinuousSpace();
+ // Continuous spaces don't necessarily have bitmaps.
+ accounting::SpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = continuous_space->GetLiveBitmap();
+ accounting::SpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = continuous_space->GetMarkBitmap();
+ if (live_bitmap != nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(mark_bitmap != nullptr);
+ live_bitmap_->RemoveContinuousSpaceBitmap(live_bitmap);
+ mark_bitmap_->RemoveContinuousSpaceBitmap(mark_bitmap);
+ }
+ auto it = std::find(continuous_spaces_.begin(), continuous_spaces_.end(), continuous_space);
+ DCHECK(it != continuous_spaces_.end());
+ continuous_spaces_.erase(it);
+ if (continuous_space == dlmalloc_space_) {
+ dlmalloc_space_ = nullptr;
+ } else if (continuous_space == rosalloc_space_) {
+ rosalloc_space_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(space->IsDiscontinuousSpace());
+ space::DiscontinuousSpace* discontinuous_space = space->AsDiscontinuousSpace();
+ DCHECK(discontinuous_space->GetLiveObjects() != nullptr);
+ live_bitmap_->RemoveDiscontinuousObjectSet(discontinuous_space->GetLiveObjects());
+ DCHECK(discontinuous_space->GetMarkObjects() != nullptr);
+ mark_bitmap_->RemoveDiscontinuousObjectSet(discontinuous_space->GetMarkObjects());
+ auto it = std::find(discontinuous_spaces_.begin(), discontinuous_spaces_.end(),
+ discontinuous_space);
+ DCHECK(it != discontinuous_spaces_.end());
+ discontinuous_spaces_.erase(it);
+ }
+ if (space->IsAllocSpace()) {
+ auto it = std::find(alloc_spaces_.begin(), alloc_spaces_.end(), space->AsAllocSpace());
+ DCHECK(it != alloc_spaces_.end());
+ alloc_spaces_.erase(it);
+ }
void Heap::RegisterGCAllocation(size_t bytes) {
if (this != nullptr) {
@@ -845,10 +904,9 @@
GetLiveBitmap()->Walk(Heap::VerificationCallback, this);
-void Heap::RecordFree(size_t freed_objects, size_t freed_bytes) {
- DCHECK_LE(freed_bytes, static_cast<size_t>(num_bytes_allocated_));
+void Heap::RecordFree(int64_t freed_objects, int64_t freed_bytes) {
+ DCHECK_LE(freed_bytes, num_bytes_allocated_.Load());
if (Runtime::Current()->HasStatsEnabled()) {
RuntimeStats* thread_stats = Thread::Current()->GetStats();
thread_stats->freed_objects += freed_objects;
@@ -864,12 +922,19 @@
size_t alloc_size, size_t* bytes_allocated,
mirror::Class** klass) {
mirror::Object* ptr = nullptr;
+ bool was_default_allocator = allocator == GetCurrentAllocator();
DCHECK(klass != nullptr);
SirtRef<mirror::Class> sirt_klass(self, *klass);
// The allocation failed. If the GC is running, block until it completes, and then retry the
// allocation.
collector::GcType last_gc = WaitForGcToComplete(self);
if (last_gc != collector::kGcTypeNone) {
+ // If we were the default allocator but the allocator changed while we were suspended,
+ // abort the allocation.
+ if (was_default_allocator && allocator != GetCurrentAllocator()) {
+ *klass = sirt_klass.get();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
// A GC was in progress and we blocked, retry allocation now that memory has been freed.
ptr = TryToAllocate<true, false>(self, allocator, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
@@ -880,7 +945,13 @@
// Attempt to run the collector, if we succeed, re-try the allocation.
- if (CollectGarbageInternal(gc_type, kGcCauseForAlloc, false) != collector::kGcTypeNone) {
+ bool gc_ran =
+ CollectGarbageInternal(gc_type, kGcCauseForAlloc, false) != collector::kGcTypeNone;
+ if (was_default_allocator && allocator != GetCurrentAllocator()) {
+ *klass = sirt_klass.get();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (gc_ran) {
// Did we free sufficient memory for the allocation to succeed?
ptr = TryToAllocate<true, false>(self, allocator, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
@@ -901,6 +972,10 @@
// We don't need a WaitForGcToComplete here either.
CollectGarbageInternal(gc_plan_.back(), kGcCauseForAlloc, true);
+ if (was_default_allocator && allocator != GetCurrentAllocator()) {
+ *klass = sirt_klass.get();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
ptr = TryToAllocate<true, true>(self, allocator, alloc_size, bytes_allocated);
if (ptr == nullptr) {
ThrowOutOfMemoryError(self, alloc_size, false);
@@ -1065,6 +1140,92 @@
CollectGarbageInternal(gc_plan_.back(), kGcCauseExplicit, clear_soft_references);
+void Heap::TransitionCollector(CollectorType collector_type) {
+ if (collector_type == collector_type_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint64_t start_time = NanoTime();
+ int32_t before_size = GetTotalMemory();
+ int32_t before_allocated = num_bytes_allocated_.Load();
+ ThreadList* tl = Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList();
+ Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+ ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kWaitingPerformingGc);
+ Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertNotHeld(self);
+ // Busy wait until we can GC (StartGC can fail if we have a non-zero gc_disable_count_, this
+ // rarely occurs however).
+ while (!StartGC(self)) {
+ usleep(100);
+ }
+ tl->SuspendAll();
+ switch (collector_type) {
+ case kCollectorTypeSS: {
+ mprotect(temp_space_->Begin(), temp_space_->Capacity(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+ space::MallocSpace* main_space;
+ if (rosalloc_space_ != nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(kUseRosAlloc);
+ main_space = rosalloc_space_;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(dlmalloc_space_ != nullptr);
+ main_space = dlmalloc_space_;
+ }
+ Compact(temp_space_, main_space);
+ DCHECK(allocator_mem_map_.get() == nullptr);
+ allocator_mem_map_.reset(main_space->ReleaseMemMap());
+ madvise(main_space->Begin(), main_space->Size(), MADV_DONTNEED);
+ RemoveSpace(main_space);
+ break;
+ }
+ case kCollectorTypeMS:
+ // Fall through.
+ case kCollectorTypeCMS: {
+ if (collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeSS) {
+ // TODO: Use mem-map from temp space?
+ MemMap* mem_map = allocator_mem_map_.release();
+ CHECK(mem_map != nullptr);
+ size_t initial_size = kDefaultInitialSize;
+ mprotect(mem_map->Begin(), initial_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
+ space::MallocSpace* malloc_space;
+ if (kUseRosAlloc) {
+ malloc_space =
+ space::RosAllocSpace::CreateFromMemMap(mem_map, "alloc space", kPageSize,
+ initial_size, mem_map->Size(),
+ mem_map->Size(), low_memory_mode_);
+ } else {
+ malloc_space =
+ space::DlMallocSpace::CreateFromMemMap(mem_map, "alloc space", kPageSize,
+ initial_size, mem_map->Size(),
+ mem_map->Size());
+ }
+ malloc_space->SetFootprintLimit(malloc_space->Capacity());
+ AddSpace(malloc_space);
+ Compact(malloc_space, bump_pointer_space_);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Attempted to transition to invalid collector type";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeCollector(collector_type);
+ tl->ResumeAll();
+ // Can't call into java code with all threads suspended.
+ EnqueueClearedReferences();
+ uint64_t duration = NanoTime() - start_time;
+ GrowForUtilization(collector::kGcTypeFull, duration);
+ FinishGC(self, collector::kGcTypeFull);
+ int32_t after_size = GetTotalMemory();
+ int32_t delta_size = before_size - after_size;
+ int32_t after_allocated = num_bytes_allocated_.Load();
+ int32_t delta_allocated = before_allocated - after_allocated;
+ const std::string saved_bytes_str =
+ delta_size < 0 ? "-" + PrettySize(-delta_size) : PrettySize(delta_size);
+ LOG(INFO) << "Heap transition to " << process_state_ << " took "
+ << PrettyDuration(duration) << " " << PrettySize(before_size) << "->"
+ << PrettySize(after_size) << " from " << PrettySize(delta_allocated) << " to "
+ << PrettySize(delta_size) << " saved";
void Heap::ChangeCollector(CollectorType collector_type) {
// TODO: Only do this with all mutators suspended to avoid races.
if (collector_type != collector_type_) {
@@ -1086,7 +1247,7 @@
- ChangeAllocator(kAllocatorTypeFreeList);
+ ChangeAllocator(kUseRosAlloc ? kAllocatorTypeRosAlloc : kAllocatorTypeDlMalloc);
case kCollectorTypeCMS: {
@@ -1094,7 +1255,7 @@
- ChangeAllocator(kAllocatorTypeFreeList);
+ ChangeAllocator(kUseRosAlloc ? kAllocatorTypeRosAlloc : kAllocatorTypeDlMalloc);
default: {
@@ -1123,7 +1284,6 @@
VLOG(heap) << "Starting PreZygoteFork";
- // Do this before acquiring the zygote creation lock so that we don't get lock order violations.
CollectGarbageInternal(collector::kGcTypeFull, kGcCauseBackground, false);
// Trim the pages at the end of the non moving space.
@@ -1152,7 +1312,13 @@
// Turn the current alloc space into a zygote space and obtain the new alloc space composed of
// the remaining available heap memory.
space::MallocSpace* zygote_space = non_moving_space_;
- non_moving_space_ = zygote_space->CreateZygoteSpace("alloc space", low_memory_mode_);
+ non_moving_space_ = non_moving_space_->CreateZygoteSpace("alloc space", low_memory_mode_);
+ if (non_moving_space_->IsRosAllocSpace()) {
+ rosalloc_space_ = non_moving_space_->AsRosAllocSpace();
+ } else if (non_moving_space_->IsDlMallocSpace()) {
+ dlmalloc_space_ = non_moving_space_->AsDlMallocSpace();
+ }
+ // Can't use RosAlloc for non moving space due to thread local buffers.
// Change the GC retention policy of the zygote space to only collect when full.
@@ -1168,22 +1334,35 @@
for (const auto& collector : garbage_collectors_) {
+ // TODO: Not limited space for non-movable objects?
+ space::MallocSpace* new_non_moving_space
+ = space::DlMallocSpace::Create("Non moving dlmalloc space", 2 * MB, 64 * MB, 64 * MB,
+ nullptr);
+ AddSpace(new_non_moving_space, false);
+ CHECK(new_non_moving_space != nullptr) << "Failed to create new non-moving space";
+ new_non_moving_space->SetFootprintLimit(new_non_moving_space->Capacity());
+ non_moving_space_ = new_non_moving_space;
void Heap::FlushAllocStack() {
- MarkAllocStack(non_moving_space_->GetLiveBitmap(), large_object_space_->GetLiveObjects(),
- allocation_stack_.get());
+ MarkAllocStackAsLive(allocation_stack_.get());
-void Heap::MarkAllocStack(accounting::SpaceBitmap* bitmap, accounting::SpaceSetMap* large_objects,
+void Heap::MarkAllocStack(accounting::SpaceBitmap* bitmap1,
+ accounting::SpaceBitmap* bitmap2,
+ accounting::SpaceSetMap* large_objects,
accounting::ObjectStack* stack) {
+ DCHECK(bitmap1 != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(bitmap2 != nullptr);
mirror::Object** limit = stack->End();
for (mirror::Object** it = stack->Begin(); it != limit; ++it) {
const mirror::Object* obj = *it;
- DCHECK(obj != NULL);
- if (LIKELY(bitmap->HasAddress(obj))) {
- bitmap->Set(obj);
+ DCHECK(obj != nullptr);
+ if (bitmap1->HasAddress(obj)) {
+ bitmap1->Set(obj);
+ } else if (bitmap2->HasAddress(obj)) {
+ bitmap2->Set(obj);
} else {
@@ -1223,14 +1402,6 @@
Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
// If the heap can't run the GC, silently fail and return that no GC was run.
switch (gc_type) {
- case collector::kGcTypeSticky: {
- const size_t alloc_space_size = non_moving_space_->Size();
- if (alloc_space_size < min_alloc_space_size_for_sticky_gc_ ||
- non_moving_space_->Capacity() - alloc_space_size < min_remaining_space_for_sticky_gc_) {
- return collector::kGcTypeNone;
- }
- break;
- }
case collector::kGcTypePartial: {
if (!have_zygote_space_) {
return collector::kGcTypeNone;
@@ -1247,19 +1418,9 @@
if (self->IsHandlingStackOverflow()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Performing GC on a thread that is handling a stack overflow.";
- {
- gc_complete_lock_->AssertNotHeld(self);
- MutexLock mu(self, *gc_complete_lock_);
- // Ensure there is only one GC at a time.
- WaitForGcToCompleteLocked(self);
- // TODO: if another thread beat this one to do the GC, perhaps we should just return here?
- // Not doing at the moment to ensure soft references are cleared.
- // GC can be disabled if someone has a used GetPrimitiveArrayCritical.
- if (gc_disable_count_ != 0) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping GC due to disable count " << gc_disable_count_;
- return collector::kGcTypeNone;
- }
- is_gc_running_ = true;
+ gc_complete_lock_->AssertNotHeld(self);
+ if (!StartGC(self)) {
+ return collector::kGcTypeNone;
if (gc_cause == kGcCauseForAlloc && runtime->HasStatsEnabled()) {
@@ -1290,7 +1451,8 @@
mprotect(temp_space_->Begin(), temp_space_->Capacity(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
collector = semi_space_collector_;
gc_type = collector::kGcTypeFull;
- } else if (current_allocator_ == kAllocatorTypeFreeList) {
+ } else if (current_allocator_ == kAllocatorTypeRosAlloc ||
+ current_allocator_ == kAllocatorTypeDlMalloc) {
for (const auto& cur_collector : garbage_collectors_) {
if (cur_collector->IsConcurrent() == concurrent_gc_ &&
cur_collector->GetGcType() == gc_type) {
@@ -1312,6 +1474,7 @@
total_bytes_freed_ever_ += collector->GetFreedBytes();
// Enqueue cleared references.
+ Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertNotHeld(self);
// Grow the heap so that we know when to perform the next GC.
@@ -1322,7 +1485,7 @@
std::vector<uint64_t> pauses = collector->GetPauseTimes();
// GC for alloc pauses the allocating thread, so consider it as a pause.
bool was_slow = duration > long_gc_log_threshold_ ||
- (gc_cause == kGcCauseForAlloc && duration > long_pause_log_threshold_);
+ (gc_cause == kGcCauseForAlloc && duration > long_pause_log_threshold_);
if (!was_slow) {
for (uint64_t pause : pauses) {
was_slow = was_slow || pause > long_pause_log_threshold_;
@@ -1350,15 +1513,7 @@
- {
- MutexLock mu(self, *gc_complete_lock_);
- is_gc_running_ = false;
- last_gc_type_ = gc_type;
- // Wake anyone who may have been waiting for the GC to complete.
- gc_complete_cond_->Broadcast(self);
- }
+ FinishGC(self, gc_type);
// Inform DDMS that a GC completed.
@@ -1366,6 +1521,29 @@
return gc_type;
+bool Heap::StartGC(Thread* self) {
+ MutexLock mu(self, *gc_complete_lock_);
+ // Ensure there is only one GC at a time.
+ WaitForGcToCompleteLocked(self);
+ // TODO: if another thread beat this one to do the GC, perhaps we should just return here?
+ // Not doing at the moment to ensure soft references are cleared.
+ // GC can be disabled if someone has a used GetPrimitiveArrayCritical.
+ if (gc_disable_count_ != 0) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping GC due to disable count " << gc_disable_count_;
+ return false;
+ }
+ is_gc_running_ = true;
+ return true;
+void Heap::FinishGC(Thread* self, collector::GcType gc_type) {
+ MutexLock mu(self, *gc_complete_lock_);
+ is_gc_running_ = false;
+ last_gc_type_ = gc_type;
+ // Wake anyone who may have been waiting for the GC to complete.
+ gc_complete_cond_->Broadcast(self);
static mirror::Object* RootMatchesObjectVisitor(mirror::Object* root, void* arg) {
mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(arg);
if (root == obj) {
@@ -2046,14 +2224,18 @@
void Heap::RevokeThreadLocalBuffers(Thread* thread) {
- non_moving_space_->RevokeThreadLocalBuffers(thread);
+ if (rosalloc_space_ != nullptr) {
+ rosalloc_space_->RevokeThreadLocalBuffers(thread);
+ }
if (bump_pointer_space_ != nullptr) {
void Heap::RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers() {
- non_moving_space_->RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers();
+ if (rosalloc_space_ != nullptr) {
+ rosalloc_space_->RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers();
+ }
if (bump_pointer_space_ != nullptr) {