Revert "Revert "Unload oat files""

Fixed a race where two threads calling OatFile::Open could both use
dlopen on the host.

Bug: 22720414

This reverts commit 72da5e7461fec3b1e116050f2e6f233efb9c54f3.

Change-Id: I1636045b724944d2a09417527280784967957095
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_manager.h b/runtime/oat_file_manager.h
index 3059cb5..af7efb4 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_file_manager.h
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_manager.h
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
 #include <memory>
+#include <set>
 #include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
 #include "base/macros.h"
@@ -49,10 +51,23 @@
   const OatFile* RegisterOatFile(std::unique_ptr<const OatFile> oat_file)
+  void UnRegisterAndDeleteOatFile(const OatFile* oat_file)
+      REQUIRES(!Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_);
   // Find the first opened oat file with the same location, returns null if there are none.
   const OatFile* FindOpenedOatFileFromOatLocation(const std::string& oat_location) const
+  // Attempt to reserve a location, returns false if it is already reserved or already in used by
+  // an oat file.
+  bool RegisterOatFileLocation(const std::string& oat_location)
+      REQUIRES(!Locks::oat_file_count_lock_);
+  // Unreserve oat file location, should only be used for error cases since RegisterOatFile will
+  // remove the reserved location.
+  void UnRegisterOatFileLocation(const std::string& oat_location)
+      REQUIRES(!Locks::oat_file_count_lock_);
   // Returns true if we have a non pic oat file.
   bool HaveNonPicOatFile() const {
     return have_non_pic_oat_file_;
@@ -86,7 +101,8 @@
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> OpenDexFilesFromOat(
       const char* dex_location,
       const char* oat_location,
-      /*out*/std::vector<std::string>* error_msgs)
+      /*out*/ const OatFile** out_oat_file,
+      /*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* error_msgs)
       REQUIRES(!Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_, !Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -95,7 +111,11 @@
   bool HasCollisions(const OatFile* oat_file, /*out*/std::string* error_msg) const
-  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const OatFile>> oat_files_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_);
+  const OatFile* FindOpenedOatFileFromOatLocationLocked(const std::string& oat_location) const
+      REQUIRES(Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_);
+  std::set<std::unique_ptr<const OatFile>> oat_files_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_);
+  std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> oat_file_count_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::oat_file_count_lock_);
   bool have_non_pic_oat_file_;