Return the same dex location for dex file whether backed by dex file or not.

Bug: 126901248
Test: oat_file_assistant_test
Change-Id: Idae49fb00bfad7007cc55e53a83e4a3e42f53e07
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 03cc658..c7cf43f 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -3757,15 +3757,18 @@
   const size_t dex_cache_length = dex_cache_location.length();
   CHECK_GT(dex_cache_length, 0u) << dex_file.GetLocation();
   std::string dex_file_location = dex_file.GetLocation();
-  CHECK_GE(dex_file_location.length(), dex_cache_length)
-      << dex_cache_location << " " << dex_file.GetLocation();
-  // Take suffix.
-  const std::string dex_file_suffix = dex_file_location.substr(
-      dex_file_location.length() - dex_cache_length,
-      dex_cache_length);
-  // Example dex_cache location is SettingsProvider.apk and
-  // dex file location is /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk
-  CHECK_EQ(dex_cache_location, dex_file_suffix);
+  // The following paths checks don't work on preopt when using boot dex files, where the dex
+  // cache location is the one on device, and the dex_file's location is the one on host.
+  if (!(Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler() && class_loader == nullptr && !kIsTargetBuild)) {
+    CHECK_GE(dex_file_location.length(), dex_cache_length)
+        << dex_cache_location << " " << dex_file.GetLocation();
+    const std::string dex_file_suffix = dex_file_location.substr(
+        dex_file_location.length() - dex_cache_length,
+        dex_cache_length);
+    // Example dex_cache location is SettingsProvider.apk and
+    // dex file location is /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk
+    CHECK_EQ(dex_cache_location, dex_file_suffix);
+  }
   const OatFile* oat_file =
       (dex_file.GetOatDexFile() != nullptr) ? dex_file.GetOatDexFile()->GetOatFile() : nullptr;
   // Clean up pass to remove null dex caches; null dex caches can occur due to class unloading