Fix concurrent GC ergonomics
Fixed a race with the gc_request_pending_ boolean which would cause
two concurrent GCs to start in a row in most cases. This broke sticky
CMS ergonomics since the second GC was a sticky CMS which started way
too early resulting in low throughput. Since the throughput was low,
it switch to partial / full for the next iteration.
The race happened as follows, allocating thread would request
concurrent GC which woke up the daemon thread. The daemon thread
cleared the gc_request_pending_ boolean, but before we set the
concurrent_start_bytes_ to max in to prevent more request, the
allocating thread would call RequestConcurrentGC again. This caused
the next WaitForConcurrentGCRequest to return right away and a
concurrent GC to occur earlier than necessary.
Changed the allocation rate ergonomics to use allocation rate
during the GC instead of allocation rate inbetween GCs, this is
better since the allocation rate may become slower if the GC steals
mutator time, resulting in concurrent GCs starting a bit earlier
than they need to.
Fixed a bug in GrowForUtilization where we didn't use the adjusted
max_free when we shrank down the heap, this caused the sticky CMS to
occasionally shrink the heap more than necessary.
Before: ~12.6s GC time
After: ~7.75s GC time
Change-Id: I354bc825b3c44ccfbfe867af0d437b17fe1fe022
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index 0587bb5..f738c6e 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
+ conc_gc_running_(false),
@@ -167,8 +168,6 @@
- last_gc_time_ns_(NanoTime()),
- allocation_rate_(0),
/* For GC a lot mode, we limit the allocations stacks to be kGcAlotInterval allocations. This
* causes a lot of GC since we do a GC for alloc whenever the stack is full. When heap
* verification is enabled, we limit the size of allocation stacks to speed up their
@@ -413,7 +412,6 @@
gc_request_lock_ = new Mutex("GC request lock");
gc_request_cond_.reset(new ConditionVariable("GC request condition variable", *gc_request_lock_));
heap_trim_request_lock_ = new Mutex("Heap trim request lock");
- last_gc_size_ = GetBytesAllocated();
if (ignore_max_footprint_) {
concurrent_start_bytes_ = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
@@ -2154,16 +2152,9 @@
- uint64_t gc_start_time_ns = NanoTime();
- uint64_t gc_start_size = GetBytesAllocated();
- // Approximate allocation rate in bytes / second.
- uint64_t ms_delta = NsToMs(gc_start_time_ns - last_gc_time_ns_);
- // Back to back GCs can cause 0 ms of wait time in between GC invocations.
- if (LIKELY(ms_delta != 0)) {
- allocation_rate_ = ((gc_start_size - last_gc_size_) * 1000) / ms_delta;
- ATRACE_INT("Allocation rate KB/s", allocation_rate_ / KB);
- VLOG(heap) << "Allocation rate: " << PrettySize(allocation_rate_) << "/s";
- }
+ const uint64_t bytes_allocated_before_gc = GetBytesAllocated();
+ // Approximate heap size.
+ ATRACE_INT("Heap size (KB)", bytes_allocated_before_gc / KB);
DCHECK_LT(gc_type, collector::kGcTypeMax);
DCHECK_NE(gc_type, collector::kGcTypeNone);
@@ -2220,7 +2211,7 @@
// Enqueue cleared references.
// Grow the heap so that we know when to perform the next GC.
- GrowForUtilization(collector);
+ GrowForUtilization(collector, bytes_allocated_before_gc);
const size_t duration = GetCurrentGcIteration()->GetDurationNs();
const std::vector<uint64_t>& pause_times = GetCurrentGcIteration()->GetPauseTimes();
// Print the GC if it is an explicit GC (e.g. Runtime.gc()) or a slow GC
@@ -2930,25 +2921,24 @@
return foreground_heap_growth_multiplier_;
-void Heap::GrowForUtilization(collector::GarbageCollector* collector_ran) {
+void Heap::GrowForUtilization(collector::GarbageCollector* collector_ran,
+ uint64_t bytes_allocated_before_gc) {
// We know what our utilization is at this moment.
// This doesn't actually resize any memory. It just lets the heap grow more when necessary.
const uint64_t bytes_allocated = GetBytesAllocated();
- last_gc_size_ = bytes_allocated;
- last_gc_time_ns_ = NanoTime();
uint64_t target_size;
collector::GcType gc_type = collector_ran->GetGcType();
+ const double multiplier = HeapGrowthMultiplier(); // Use the multiplier to grow more for
+ // foreground.
+ const uint64_t adjusted_min_free = static_cast<uint64_t>(min_free_ * multiplier);
+ const uint64_t adjusted_max_free = static_cast<uint64_t>(max_free_ * multiplier);
if (gc_type != collector::kGcTypeSticky) {
// Grow the heap for non sticky GC.
- const float multiplier = HeapGrowthMultiplier(); // Use the multiplier to grow more for
- // foreground.
- intptr_t delta = bytes_allocated / GetTargetHeapUtilization() - bytes_allocated;
+ ssize_t delta = bytes_allocated / GetTargetHeapUtilization() - bytes_allocated;
CHECK_GE(delta, 0);
target_size = bytes_allocated + delta * multiplier;
- target_size = std::min(target_size,
- bytes_allocated + static_cast<uint64_t>(max_free_ * multiplier));
- target_size = std::max(target_size,
- bytes_allocated + static_cast<uint64_t>(min_free_ * multiplier));
+ target_size = std::min(target_size, bytes_allocated + adjusted_max_free);
+ target_size = std::max(target_size, bytes_allocated + adjusted_min_free);
native_need_to_run_finalization_ = true;
next_gc_type_ = collector::kGcTypeSticky;
} else {
@@ -2970,8 +2960,8 @@
next_gc_type_ = non_sticky_gc_type;
// If we have freed enough memory, shrink the heap back down.
- if (bytes_allocated + max_free_ < max_allowed_footprint_) {
- target_size = bytes_allocated + max_free_;
+ if (bytes_allocated + adjusted_max_free < max_allowed_footprint_) {
+ target_size = bytes_allocated + adjusted_max_free;
} else {
target_size = std::max(bytes_allocated, static_cast<uint64_t>(max_allowed_footprint_));
@@ -2979,11 +2969,18 @@
if (!ignore_max_footprint_) {
if (IsGcConcurrent()) {
+ const uint64_t freed_bytes = current_gc_iteration_.GetFreedBytes() +
+ current_gc_iteration_.GetFreedLargeObjectBytes();
+ // Bytes allocated will shrink by freed_bytes after the GC runs, so if we want to figure out
+ // how many bytes were allocated during the GC we need to add freed_bytes back on.
+ CHECK_GE(bytes_allocated + freed_bytes, bytes_allocated_before_gc);
+ const uint64_t bytes_allocated_during_gc = bytes_allocated + freed_bytes -
+ bytes_allocated_before_gc;
// Calculate when to perform the next ConcurrentGC.
// Calculate the estimated GC duration.
const double gc_duration_seconds = NsToMs(current_gc_iteration_.GetDurationNs()) / 1000.0;
// Estimate how many remaining bytes we will have when we need to start the next GC.
- size_t remaining_bytes = allocation_rate_ * gc_duration_seconds;
+ size_t remaining_bytes = bytes_allocated_during_gc * gc_duration_seconds;
remaining_bytes = std::min(remaining_bytes, kMaxConcurrentRemainingBytes);
remaining_bytes = std::max(remaining_bytes, kMinConcurrentRemainingBytes);
if (UNLIKELY(remaining_bytes > max_allowed_footprint_)) {
@@ -3278,17 +3275,21 @@
void Heap::WaitForConcurrentGCRequest(Thread* self) {
ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kBlocked);
MutexLock mu(self, *gc_request_lock_);
+ conc_gc_running_ = false;
while (!gc_request_pending_) {
gc_request_pending_ = false;
+ conc_gc_running_ = true;
void Heap::NotifyConcurrentGCRequest(Thread* self) {
ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kBlocked);
MutexLock mu(self, *gc_request_lock_);
- gc_request_pending_ = true;
- gc_request_cond_->Signal(self);
+ if (!conc_gc_running_) {
+ gc_request_pending_ = true;
+ gc_request_cond_->Signal(self);
+ }
} // namespace gc