ART: Swap-space in the compiler

Introduce a swap-space and corresponding allocator to transparently
switch native allocations to memory backed by a file.

Bug: 18596910

(cherry picked from commit 62746d8d9c4400e4764f162b22bfb1a32be287a9)

Change-Id: I131448f3907115054a592af73db86d2b9257ea33
diff --git a/compiler/utils/dedupe_set.h b/compiler/utils/dedupe_set.h
index 4c52174..b062a2a 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/dedupe_set.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/dedupe_set.h
@@ -17,50 +17,89 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <memory>
 #include <set>
 #include <string>
 #include "base/mutex.h"
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "base/stringprintf.h"
+#include "utils/swap_space.h"
 namespace art {
 // A set of Keys that support a HashFunc returning HashType. Used to find duplicates of Key in the
 // Add method. The data-structure is thread-safe through the use of internal locks, it also
 // supports the lock being sharded.
-template <typename Key, typename HashType, typename HashFunc, HashType kShard = 1>
+template <typename InKey, typename StoreKey, typename HashType, typename HashFunc,
+          HashType kShard = 1>
 class DedupeSet {
-  typedef std::pair<HashType, Key*> HashedKey;
+  typedef std::pair<HashType, const InKey*> HashedInKey;
+  struct HashedKey {
+    StoreKey* store_ptr;
+    union {
+      HashType store_hash;        // Valid if store_ptr != nullptr.
+      const HashedInKey* in_key;  // Valid if store_ptr == nullptr.
+    };
+  };
   class Comparator {
     bool operator()(const HashedKey& a, const HashedKey& b) const {
-      if (a.first != b.first) {
-        return a.first < b.first;
+      HashType a_hash = (a.store_ptr != nullptr) ? a.store_hash : a.in_key->first;
+      HashType b_hash = (b.store_ptr != nullptr) ? b.store_hash : b.in_key->first;
+      if (a_hash != b_hash) {
+        return a_hash < b_hash;
+      }
+      if (a.store_ptr != nullptr && b.store_ptr != nullptr) {
+        return std::lexicographical_compare(a.store_ptr->begin(), a.store_ptr->end(),
+                                            b.store_ptr->begin(), b.store_ptr->end());
+      } else if (a.store_ptr != nullptr && b.store_ptr == nullptr) {
+        return std::lexicographical_compare(a.store_ptr->begin(), a.store_ptr->end(),
+                                            b.in_key->second->begin(), b.in_key->second->end());
+      } else if (a.store_ptr == nullptr && b.store_ptr != nullptr) {
+        return std::lexicographical_compare(a.in_key->second->begin(), a.in_key->second->end(),
+                                            b.store_ptr->begin(), b.store_ptr->end());
       } else {
-        return *a.second < *b.second;
+        return std::lexicographical_compare(a.in_key->second->begin(), a.in_key->second->end(),
+                                            b.in_key->second->begin(), b.in_key->second->end());
-  Key* Add(Thread* self, const Key& key) {
+  StoreKey* Add(Thread* self, const InKey& key) {
+    uint64_t hash_start;
+    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+      hash_start = NanoTime();
+    }
     HashType raw_hash = HashFunc()(key);
+    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+      uint64_t hash_end = NanoTime();
+      hash_time_ += hash_end - hash_start;
+    }
     HashType shard_hash = raw_hash / kShard;
     HashType shard_bin = raw_hash % kShard;
-    HashedKey hashed_key(shard_hash, const_cast<Key*>(&key));
+    HashedInKey hashed_in_key(shard_hash, &key);
+    HashedKey hashed_key;
+    hashed_key.store_ptr = nullptr;
+    hashed_key.in_key = &hashed_in_key;
     MutexLock lock(self, *lock_[shard_bin]);
     auto it = keys_[shard_bin].find(hashed_key);
     if (it != keys_[shard_bin].end()) {
-      return it->second;
+      DCHECK(it->store_ptr != nullptr);
+      return it->store_ptr;
-    hashed_key.second = new Key(key);
+    hashed_key.store_ptr = CreateStoreKey(key);
+    hashed_key.store_hash = shard_hash;
-    return hashed_key.second;
+    return hashed_key.store_ptr;
-  explicit DedupeSet(const char* set_name) {
+  explicit DedupeSet(const char* set_name, SwapAllocator<void>& alloc)
+      : allocator_(alloc), hash_time_(0) {
     for (HashType i = 0; i < kShard; ++i) {
       std::ostringstream oss;
       oss << set_name << " lock " << i;
@@ -70,15 +109,59 @@
   ~DedupeSet() {
-    for (HashType i = 0; i < kShard; ++i) {
-      STLDeleteValues(&keys_[i]);
+    // Have to manually free all pointers.
+    for (auto& shard : keys_) {
+      for (const auto& hashed_key : shard) {
+        DCHECK(hashed_key.store_ptr != nullptr);
+        DeleteStoreKey(hashed_key.store_ptr);
+      }
+  std::string DumpStats() const {
+    size_t collision_sum = 0;
+    size_t collision_max = 0;
+    for (HashType shard = 0; shard < kShard; ++shard) {
+      HashType last_hash = 0;
+      size_t collision_cur_max = 0;
+      for (const HashedKey& key : keys_[shard]) {
+        DCHECK(key.store_ptr != nullptr);
+        if (key.store_hash == last_hash) {
+          collision_cur_max++;
+          if (collision_cur_max > 1) {
+            collision_sum++;
+            if (collision_cur_max > collision_max) {
+              collision_max = collision_cur_max;
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          collision_cur_max = 1;
+          last_hash = key.store_hash;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return StringPrintf("%zu collisions, %zu max bucket size, %" PRIu64 " ns hash time",
+                        collision_sum, collision_max, hash_time_);
+  }
+  StoreKey* CreateStoreKey(const InKey& key) {
+    StoreKey* ret = allocator_.allocate(1);
+    allocator_.construct(ret, key.begin(), key.end(), allocator_);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  void DeleteStoreKey(StoreKey* key) {
+    SwapAllocator<StoreKey> alloc(allocator_);
+    alloc.destroy(key);
+    alloc.deallocate(key, 1);
+  }
   std::string lock_name_[kShard];
   std::unique_ptr<Mutex> lock_[kShard];
   std::set<HashedKey, Comparator> keys_[kShard];
+  SwapAllocator<StoreKey> allocator_;
+  uint64_t hash_time_;