Enable profile data filtering in profman
Update profile merging to accept a set of apks (passes with --apk) which
will dictate what data should be processed.
When profman is invoked with a list of --apk files, only profile data
belonging to that apks will be in the output reference profile.
If no --dex-location is specified then the locations is inferred from
reding /proc/self/fd/apk_fd link.
Test: profile_assistant_test
Bug: 30934496
Change-Id: I44698c6db545ecf91454db1387c3d0e47fe5b9b3
diff --git a/profman/profile_assistant.cc b/profman/profile_assistant.cc
index ff02b5d..a00b1fa 100644
--- a/profman/profile_assistant.cc
+++ b/profman/profile_assistant.cc
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
ProfileAssistant::ProcessingResult ProfileAssistant::ProcessProfilesInternal(
const std::vector<ScopedFlock>& profile_files,
- const ScopedFlock& reference_profile_file) {
+ const ScopedFlock& reference_profile_file,
+ const ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
// Load the reference profile.
- if (!info.Load(reference_profile_file->Fd())) {
+ if (!info.Load(reference_profile_file->Fd(), /*merge_classes*/ true, filter_fn)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not load reference profile file";
return kErrorBadProfiles;
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@
// Merge all current profiles.
for (size_t i = 0; i < profile_files.size(); i++) {
ProfileCompilationInfo cur_info;
- if (!cur_info.Load(profile_files[i]->Fd())) {
+ if (!cur_info.Load(profile_files[i]->Fd(), /*merge_classes*/ true, filter_fn)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not load profile file at index " << i;
return kErrorBadProfiles;
@@ -122,7 +123,8 @@
ProfileAssistant::ProcessingResult ProfileAssistant::ProcessProfiles(
const std::vector<int>& profile_files_fd,
- int reference_profile_file_fd) {
+ int reference_profile_file_fd,
+ const ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn) {
DCHECK_GE(reference_profile_file_fd, 0);
std::string error;
@@ -143,12 +145,15 @@
return kErrorCannotLock;
- return ProcessProfilesInternal(profile_files.Get(), reference_profile_file);
+ return ProcessProfilesInternal(profile_files.Get(),
+ reference_profile_file,
+ filter_fn);
ProfileAssistant::ProcessingResult ProfileAssistant::ProcessProfiles(
const std::vector<std::string>& profile_files,
- const std::string& reference_profile_file) {
+ const std::string& reference_profile_file,
+ const ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn) {
std::string error;
ScopedFlockList profile_files_list(profile_files.size());
@@ -164,7 +169,9 @@
return kErrorCannotLock;
- return ProcessProfilesInternal(profile_files_list.Get(), locked_reference_profile_file);
+ return ProcessProfilesInternal(profile_files_list.Get(),
+ locked_reference_profile_file,
+ filter_fn);
} // namespace art
diff --git a/profman/profile_assistant.h b/profman/profile_assistant.h
index be703ab..ee55584 100644
--- a/profman/profile_assistant.h
+++ b/profman/profile_assistant.h
@@ -53,16 +53,21 @@
static ProcessingResult ProcessProfiles(
const std::vector<std::string>& profile_files,
- const std::string& reference_profile_file);
+ const std::string& reference_profile_file,
+ const ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn
+ = ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileFilterFnAcceptAll);
static ProcessingResult ProcessProfiles(
const std::vector<int>& profile_files_fd_,
- int reference_profile_file_fd);
+ int reference_profile_file_fd,
+ const ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn
+ = ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileFilterFnAcceptAll);
static ProcessingResult ProcessProfilesInternal(
const std::vector<ScopedFlock>& profile_files,
- const ScopedFlock& reference_profile_file);
+ const ScopedFlock& reference_profile_file,
+ const ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn);
diff --git a/profman/profile_assistant_test.cc b/profman/profile_assistant_test.cc
index c75f3e9..79310ac 100644
--- a/profman/profile_assistant_test.cc
+++ b/profman/profile_assistant_test.cc
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "android-base/strings.h"
#include "art_method-inl.h"
#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
#include "common_runtime_test.h"
@@ -51,6 +52,28 @@
uint32_t dex_location_checksum1 = checksum;
std::string dex_location2 = "location2" + id;
uint32_t dex_location_checksum2 = 10 * checksum;
+ SetupProfile(dex_location1,
+ dex_location_checksum1,
+ dex_location2,
+ dex_location_checksum2,
+ number_of_methods,
+ number_of_classes,
+ profile,
+ info,
+ start_method_index,
+ reverse_dex_write_order);
+ }
+ void SetupProfile(const std::string& dex_location1,
+ uint32_t dex_location_checksum1,
+ const std::string& dex_location2,
+ uint32_t dex_location_checksum2,
+ uint16_t number_of_methods,
+ uint16_t number_of_classes,
+ const ScratchFile& profile,
+ ProfileCompilationInfo* info,
+ uint16_t start_method_index = 0,
+ bool reverse_dex_write_order = false) {
for (uint16_t i = start_method_index; i < start_method_index + number_of_methods; i++) {
// reverse_dex_write_order controls the order in which the dex files will be added to
// the profile and thus written to disk.
@@ -1128,4 +1151,89 @@
+TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, MergeProfilesWithFilter) {
+ ScratchFile profile1;
+ ScratchFile profile2;
+ ScratchFile reference_profile;
+ std::vector<int> profile_fds({
+ GetFd(profile1),
+ GetFd(profile2)});
+ int reference_profile_fd = GetFd(reference_profile);
+ // Use a real dex file to generate profile test data.
+ // The file will be used during merging to filter unwanted data.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files = OpenTestDexFiles("ProfileTestMultiDex");
+ const DexFile& d1 = *dex_files[0];
+ const DexFile& d2 = *dex_files[1];
+ // The new profile info will contain the methods with indices 0-100.
+ const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation = 100;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
+ SetupProfile(d1.GetLocation(), d1.GetLocationChecksum(), "p1", 1,
+ kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile1, &info1);
+ ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
+ SetupProfile(d2.GetLocation(), d2.GetLocationChecksum(), "p2", 2,
+ kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation, 0, profile2, &info2);
+ // The reference profile info will contain the methods with indices 50-150.
+ const uint16_t kNumberOfMethodsAlreadyCompiled = 100;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo reference_info;
+ SetupProfile(d1.GetLocation(), d1.GetLocationChecksum(), "p1", 1,
+ kNumberOfMethodsAlreadyCompiled, 0, reference_profile,
+ &reference_info, kNumberOfMethodsToEnableCompilation / 2);
+ // Run profman and pass the dex file with --apk-fd.
+ android::base::unique_fd apk_fd(
+ open(GetTestDexFileName("ProfileTestMultiDex").c_str(), O_RDONLY));
+ ASSERT_GE(apk_fd.get(), 0);
+ std::string profman_cmd = GetProfmanCmd();
+ std::vector<std::string> argv_str;
+ argv_str.push_back(profman_cmd);
+ argv_str.push_back("--profile-file-fd=" + std::to_string(profile1.GetFd()));
+ argv_str.push_back("--profile-file-fd=" + std::to_string(profile2.GetFd()));
+ argv_str.push_back("--reference-profile-file-fd=" + std::to_string(reference_profile.GetFd()));
+ argv_str.push_back("--apk-fd=" + std::to_string(apk_fd.get()));
+ std::string error;
+ EXPECT_EQ(ExecAndReturnCode(argv_str, &error), 0) << error;
+ // Verify that we can load the result.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo result;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result.Load(reference_profile_fd));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(profile1.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(profile2.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+ // Verify that the result filtered out data not belonging to the dex file.
+ // This is equivalent to checking that the result is equal to the merging of
+ // all profiles while filtering out data not belonging to the dex file.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
+ [&d1, &d2](const std::string& dex_location, uint32_t checksum) -> bool {
+ return (dex_location == ProfileCompilationInfo::GetProfileDexFileKey(d1.GetLocation())
+ && checksum == d1.GetLocationChecksum())
+ || (dex_location == ProfileCompilationInfo::GetProfileDexFileKey(d2.GetLocation())
+ && checksum == d2.GetLocationChecksum());
+ };
+ ProfileCompilationInfo info1_filter;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo info2_filter;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo expected;
+ info2_filter.Load(profile1.GetFd(), /*merge_classes*/ true, filter_fn);
+ info2_filter.Load(profile2.GetFd(), /*merge_classes*/ true, filter_fn);
+ expected.Load(reference_profile.GetFd(), /*merge_classes*/ true, filter_fn);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info1_filter));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(expected.MergeWith(info2_filter));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(expected.Equals(result));
} // namespace art
diff --git a/profman/profman.cc b/profman/profman.cc
index ea6c382..387ce8d 100644
--- a/profman/profman.cc
+++ b/profman/profman.cc
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -297,6 +298,22 @@
+ struct ProfileFilterKey {
+ ProfileFilterKey(const std::string& dex_location, uint32_t checksum)
+ : dex_location_(dex_location), checksum_(checksum) {}
+ const std::string dex_location_;
+ uint32_t checksum_;
+ bool operator==(const ProfileFilterKey& other) const {
+ return checksum_ == other.checksum_ && dex_location_ == other.dex_location_;
+ }
+ bool operator<(const ProfileFilterKey& other) const {
+ return checksum_ == other.checksum_
+ ? dex_location_ < other.dex_location_
+ : checksum_ < other.checksum_;
+ }
+ };
ProfileAssistant::ProcessingResult ProcessProfiles() {
// Validate that at least one profile file was passed, as well as a reference profile.
if (profile_files_.empty() && profile_files_fd_.empty()) {
@@ -310,6 +327,27 @@
Usage("Options --profile-file-fd and --reference-profile-file-fd "
"should only be used together");
+ // Check if we have any apks which we should use to filter the profile data.
+ std::set<ProfileFilterKey> profile_filter_keys;
+ if (!GetProfileFilterKeyFromApks(&profile_filter_keys)) {
+ return ProfileAssistant::kErrorIO;
+ }
+ // Build the profile filter function. If the set of keys is empty it means we
+ // don't have any apks; as such we do not filter anything.
+ const ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn =
+ [profile_filter_keys](const std::string& dex_location, uint32_t checksum) {
+ if (profile_filter_keys.empty()) {
+ // No --apk was specified. Accept all dex files.
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ bool res = profile_filter_keys.find(
+ ProfileFilterKey(dex_location, checksum)) != profile_filter_keys.end();
+ return res;
+ }
+ };
ProfileAssistant::ProcessingResult result;
if (profile_files_.empty()) {
@@ -317,10 +355,13 @@
// so don't check the usage.
File file(reference_profile_file_fd_, false);
result = ProfileAssistant::ProcessProfiles(profile_files_fd_,
- reference_profile_file_fd_);
+ reference_profile_file_fd_,
+ filter_fn);
CloseAllFds(profile_files_fd_, "profile_files_fd_");
} else {
- result = ProfileAssistant::ProcessProfiles(profile_files_, reference_profile_file_);
+ result = ProfileAssistant::ProcessProfiles(profile_files_,
+ reference_profile_file_,
+ filter_fn);
return result;
@@ -329,18 +370,48 @@
return skip_apk_verification_;
- void OpenApkFilesFromLocations(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* dex_files) const {
+ bool GetProfileFilterKeyFromApks(std::set<ProfileFilterKey>* profile_filter_keys) {
+ auto process_fn = [profile_filter_keys](std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>&& dex_file) {
+ // Store the profile key of the location instead of the location itself.
+ // This will make the matching in the profile filter method much easier.
+ profile_filter_keys->emplace(ProfileCompilationInfo::GetProfileDexFileKey(
+ dex_file->GetLocation()), dex_file->GetLocationChecksum());
+ };
+ return OpenApkFilesFromLocations(process_fn);
+ }
+ bool OpenApkFilesFromLocations(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* dex_files) {
+ auto process_fn = [dex_files](std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>&& dex_file) {
+ dex_files->emplace_back(std::move(dex_file));
+ };
+ return OpenApkFilesFromLocations(process_fn);
+ }
+ bool OpenApkFilesFromLocations(
+ std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>&&)> process_fn) {
bool use_apk_fd_list = !apks_fd_.empty();
if (use_apk_fd_list) {
// Get the APKs from the collection of FDs.
- CHECK_EQ(dex_locations_.size(), apks_fd_.size());
+ if (dex_locations_.empty()) {
+ // Try to compute the dex locations from the file paths of the descriptions.
+ // This will make it easier to invoke profman with --apk-fd and without
+ // being force to pass --dex-location when the location would be the apk path.
+ if (!ComputeDexLocationsFromApkFds()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dex_locations_.size() != apks_fd_.size()) {
+ Usage("The number of apk-fds must match the number of dex-locations.");
+ }
+ }
} else if (!apk_files_.empty()) {
- // Get the APKs from the collection of filenames.
- CHECK_EQ(dex_locations_.size(), apk_files_.size());
+ if (dex_locations_.size() != apk_files_.size()) {
+ Usage("The number of apk-fds must match the number of dex-locations.");
+ }
} else {
// No APKs were specified.
- return;
+ return true;
static constexpr bool kVerifyChecksum = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_locations_.size(); ++i) {
@@ -355,8 +426,8 @@
&dex_files_for_location)) {
} else {
- LOG(WARNING) << "OpenZip failed for '" << dex_locations_[i] << "' " << error_msg;
- continue;
+ LOG(ERROR) << "OpenZip failed for '" << dex_locations_[i] << "' " << error_msg;
+ return false;
} else {
if (dex_file_loader.Open(apk_files_[i].c_str(),
@@ -366,14 +437,36 @@
&dex_files_for_location)) {
} else {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Open failed for '" << dex_locations_[i] << "' " << error_msg;
- continue;
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Open failed for '" << dex_locations_[i] << "' " << error_msg;
+ return false;
for (std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex_file : dex_files_for_location) {
- dex_files->emplace_back(std::move(dex_file));
+ process_fn(std::move(dex_file));
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Get the dex locations from the apk fds.
+ // The methods reads the links from /proc/self/fd/ to find the original apk paths
+ // and puts them in the dex_locations_ vector.
+ bool ComputeDexLocationsFromApkFds() {
+ // We can't use a char array of PATH_MAX size without exceeding the frame size.
+ // So we use a vector as the buffer for the path.
+ std::vector<char> buffer(PATH_MAX, 0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < apks_fd_.size(); ++i) {
+ std::string fd_path = "/proc/self/fd/" + std::to_string(apks_fd_[i]);
+ ssize_t len = readlink(fd_path.c_str(), buffer.data(), buffer.size() - 1);
+ if (len == -1) {
+ PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not open path from fd";
+ return false;
+ }
+ buffer[len] = '\0';
+ dex_locations_.push_back(buffer.data());
+ }
+ return true;
std::unique_ptr<const ProfileCompilationInfo> LoadProfile(const std::string& filename, int fd) {
@@ -416,8 +509,6 @@
static const char* kOrdinaryProfile = "=== profile ===";
static const char* kReferenceProfile = "=== reference profile ===";
- // Open apk/zip files and and read dex files.
- MemMap::Init(); // for ZipArchive::OpenFromFd
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
std::string dump;
@@ -553,8 +644,7 @@
reference_profile_file_.empty() && !FdIsValid(reference_profile_file_fd_)) {
Usage("No profile files or reference profile specified.");
- // Open apk/zip files and and read dex files.
- MemMap::Init(); // for ZipArchive::OpenFromFd
// Open the dex files to get the names for classes.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
@@ -948,8 +1038,6 @@
Usage("Profile must be specified with --reference-profile-file or "
- // for ZipArchive::OpenFromFd
- MemMap::Init();
// Open the profile output file if needed.
int fd = OpenReferenceProfile();
if (!FdIsValid(fd)) {
@@ -984,8 +1072,6 @@
int CreateBootProfile() {
- // Initialize memmap since it's required to open dex files.
- MemMap::Init();
// Open the profile output file.
const int reference_fd = OpenReferenceProfile();
if (!FdIsValid(reference_fd)) {
@@ -1065,8 +1151,6 @@
} else {
- // Initialize MemMap for ZipArchive::OpenFromFd.
- MemMap::Init();
// Open the dex files to look up classes and methods.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
@@ -1089,7 +1173,7 @@
return copy_and_update_profile_key_;
- bool CopyAndUpdateProfileKey() const {
+ bool CopyAndUpdateProfileKey() {
// Validate that at least one profile file was passed, as well as a reference profile.
if (!(profile_files_.size() == 1 ^ profile_files_fd_.size() == 1)) {
Usage("Only one profile file should be specified.");
@@ -1133,7 +1217,8 @@
static void CloseAllFds(const std::vector<int>& fds, const char* descriptor) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < fds.size(); i++) {
if (close(fds[i]) < 0) {
- PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to close descriptor for " << descriptor << " at index " << i;
+ PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to close descriptor for "
+ << descriptor << " at index " << i << ": " << fds[i];
@@ -1176,6 +1261,9 @@
// Parse arguments. Argument mistakes will lead to exit(EXIT_FAILURE) in UsageError.
profman.ParseArgs(argc, argv);
+ // Initialize MemMap for ZipArchive::OpenFromFd.
+ MemMap::Init();
if (profman.ShouldGenerateTestProfile()) {
return profman.GenerateTestProfile();