Fix typo in
Had METHOD_ENTRY instead of METHOD_EXIT in one of the event listings.
Test: m -j50 libtifast
adb push $OUT/system/lib64/ /data/local/tmp
adb shell setenforce 0
adb shell am start-activity \
--attach-agent /data/local/tmp/,MethodExit \
Examine logcat for MethodExit.
Change-Id: I3879da37da19743012643d13ae5b14c130611857
diff --git a/tools/ti-fast/ b/tools/ti-fast/
index 952fba8..428304e 100644
--- a/tools/ti-fast/
+++ b/tools/ti-fast/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
fun(SingleStep, EVENT(SINGLE_STEP), (jvmtiEnv*, JNIEnv*, jthread, jmethodID, jlocation)) \
fun(MethodEntry, EVENT(METHOD_ENTRY), (jvmtiEnv*, JNIEnv*, jthread, jmethodID)) \
- fun(MethodExit, EVENT(METHOD_ENTRY), (jvmtiEnv*, JNIEnv*, jthread, jmethodID, jboolean, jvalue)) \
+ fun(MethodExit, EVENT(METHOD_EXIT), (jvmtiEnv*, JNIEnv*, jthread, jmethodID, jboolean, jvalue)) \
fun(NativeMethodBind, EVENT(NATIVE_METHOD_BIND), (jvmtiEnv*, JNIEnv*, jthread, jmethodID, void*, void**)) \
fun(Exception, EVENT(EXCEPTION), (jvmtiEnv*, JNIEnv*, jthread, jmethodID, jlocation, jobject, jmethodID, jlocation)) \
fun(ExceptionCatch, EVENT(EXCEPTION_CATCH), (jvmtiEnv*, JNIEnv*, jthread, jmethodID, jlocation, jobject)) \