Move CodeGenerationData into its own header file.

To facilitate doing compiler experiments.

Change-Id: I48943e6bcedb9023abf90ce6e6ea9b94866309d1
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generation_data.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generation_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6b483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generation_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
+#include "dex/string_reference.h"
+#include "dex/type_reference.h"
+#include "handle.h"
+#include "mirror/class.h"
+#include "mirror/object.h"
+#include "mirror/string.h"
+#include "stack_map_stream.h"
+namespace art HIDDEN {
+class SlowPathCode;
+class CodeGenerationData : public DeletableArenaObject<kArenaAllocCodeGenerator> {
+ public:
+  static std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerationData> Create(ArenaStack* arena_stack,
+                                                    InstructionSet instruction_set) {
+    ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(arena_stack);
+    void* memory = allocator.Alloc<CodeGenerationData>(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator);
+    return std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerationData>(
+        ::new (memory) CodeGenerationData(std::move(allocator), instruction_set));
+  }
+  ScopedArenaAllocator* GetScopedAllocator() {
+    return &allocator_;
+  }
+  void AddSlowPath(SlowPathCode* slow_path) {
+    slow_paths_.emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<SlowPathCode>(slow_path));
+  }
+  ArrayRef<const std::unique_ptr<SlowPathCode>> GetSlowPaths() const {
+    return ArrayRef<const std::unique_ptr<SlowPathCode>>(slow_paths_);
+  }
+  StackMapStream* GetStackMapStream() { return &stack_map_stream_; }
+  void ReserveJitStringRoot(StringReference string_reference, Handle<mirror::String> string) {
+    jit_string_roots_.Overwrite(string_reference,
+                                reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(string.GetReference()));
+  }
+  uint64_t GetJitStringRootIndex(StringReference string_reference) const {
+    return jit_string_roots_.Get(string_reference);
+  }
+  size_t GetNumberOfJitStringRoots() const {
+    return jit_string_roots_.size();
+  }
+  void ReserveJitClassRoot(TypeReference type_reference, Handle<mirror::Class> klass) {
+    jit_class_roots_.Overwrite(type_reference, reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(klass.GetReference()));
+  }
+  uint64_t GetJitClassRootIndex(TypeReference type_reference) const {
+    return jit_class_roots_.Get(type_reference);
+  }
+  size_t GetNumberOfJitClassRoots() const {
+    return jit_class_roots_.size();
+  }
+  size_t GetNumberOfJitRoots() const {
+    return GetNumberOfJitStringRoots() + GetNumberOfJitClassRoots();
+  }
+  void EmitJitRoots(/*out*/std::vector<Handle<mirror::Object>>* roots)
+      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ private:
+  CodeGenerationData(ScopedArenaAllocator&& allocator, InstructionSet instruction_set)
+      : allocator_(std::move(allocator)),
+        stack_map_stream_(&allocator_, instruction_set),
+        slow_paths_(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
+        jit_string_roots_(StringReferenceValueComparator(),
+                          allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
+        jit_class_roots_(TypeReferenceValueComparator(),
+                         allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)) {
+    slow_paths_.reserve(kDefaultSlowPathsCapacity);
+  }
+  static constexpr size_t kDefaultSlowPathsCapacity = 8;
+  ScopedArenaAllocator allocator_;
+  StackMapStream stack_map_stream_;
+  ScopedArenaVector<std::unique_ptr<SlowPathCode>> slow_paths_;
+  // Maps a StringReference (dex_file, string_index) to the index in the literal table.
+  // Entries are initially added with a pointer in the handle zone, and `EmitJitRoots`
+  // will compute all the indices.
+  ScopedArenaSafeMap<StringReference, uint64_t, StringReferenceValueComparator> jit_string_roots_;
+  // Maps a ClassReference (dex_file, type_index) to the index in the literal table.
+  // Entries are initially added with a pointer in the handle zone, and `EmitJitRoots`
+  // will compute all the indices.
+  ScopedArenaSafeMap<TypeReference, uint64_t, TypeReferenceValueComparator> jit_class_roots_;
+}  // namespace art