Improve HLoadClass code generation.
For classes in the boot image, use either direct pointers
or PC-relative addresses. For other classes, use PC-relative
access to the dex cache arrays for AOT and direct address of
the type's dex cache slot for JIT.
For aosp_flounder-userdebug:
- 32-bit boot.oat: -252KiB (-0.3%)
- 64-bit boot.oat: -412KiB (-0.4%)
- 32-bit dalvik cache total: -392KiB (-0.4%)
- 64-bit dalvik-cache total: -2312KiB (-1.0%)
(contains more files than the 32-bit dalvik cache)
For aosp_flounder-userdebug forced to compile PIC:
- 32-bit boot.oat: -124KiB (-0.2%)
- 64-bit boot.oat: -420KiB (-0.5%)
- 32-bit dalvik cache total: -136KiB (-0.1%)
- 64-bit dalvik-cache total: -1136KiB (-0.5%)
(contains more files than the 32-bit dalvik cache)
Bug: 27950288
Change-Id: I4da991a4b7e53c63c92558b97923d18092acf139
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
index 82a54d2..81c1a7f 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
@@ -449,10 +449,15 @@
SlowPathCode* slow_path) = 0;
// Check if the desired_string_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
- // otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
virtual HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) = 0;
+ // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+ virtual HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) = 0;
// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
virtual HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
@@ -496,6 +501,20 @@
LabelType label;
+ // Type patch info used for recording locations of required linker patches and
+ // target types. The actual type address can be absolute or PC-relative.
+ // TODO: Consider merging with MethodPatchInfo and StringPatchInfo - all these
+ // classes contain the dex file, some index and the label.
+ template <typename LabelType>
+ struct TypePatchInfo {
+ TypePatchInfo(const DexFile& df, uint32_t index)
+ : dex_file(df), type_index(index), label() { }
+ const DexFile& dex_file;
+ uint32_t type_index;
+ LabelType label;
+ };
CodeGenerator(HGraph* graph,
size_t number_of_core_registers,
size_t number_of_fpu_registers,
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index eca9e2c..f5befa6 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -792,6 +792,9 @@
+ boot_image_type_patches_(TypeReferenceValueComparator(),
+ graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
+ pc_relative_type_patches_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)) {
// Always save the LR register to mimic Quick.
@@ -5077,13 +5080,71 @@
__ Pop(static_cast<Register>(reg));
+HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorARM::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) {
+ if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ // TODO: Implement for read barrier.
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ DCHECK(!GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress:
+ DCHECK(Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation());
+ // We disable pc-relative load when there is an irreducible loop, as the optimization
+ // is incompatible with it.
+ // TODO: Create as many ArmDexCacheArraysBase instructions as needed for methods
+ // with irreducible loops.
+ if (GetGraph()->HasIrreducibleLoops()) {
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod:
+ break;
+ }
+ return desired_class_load_kind;
void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
- InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
- CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
- cls,
- Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
- Location::RegisterLocation(R0),
- /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ if (cls->NeedsAccessCheck()) {
+ InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+ CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
+ cls,
+ Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
+ Location::RegisterLocation(R0),
+ /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ return;
+ }
+ LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = (cls->NeedsEnvironment() || kEmitCompilerReadBarrier)
+ ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
+ : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
+ LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(cls, call_kind);
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind load_kind = cls->GetLoadKind();
+ if (load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative) {
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
@@ -5100,37 +5161,97 @@
Location out_loc = locations->Out();
Register out = out_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
- Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
- if (cls->IsReferrersClass()) {
- DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
- DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
- cls, out_loc, current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value());
- } else {
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
- // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
- __ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord,
- out,
- current_method,
- ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kArmPointerSize).Int32Value());
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex()));
+ bool generate_null_check = false;
+ switch (cls->GetLoadKind()) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass: {
+ DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+ Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value());
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ __ LoadLiteral(out, codegen_->DeduplicateBootImageTypeLiteral(cls->GetDexFile(),
+ cls->GetTypeIndex()));
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ CodeGeneratorARM::PcRelativePatchInfo* labels =
+ codegen_->NewPcRelativeTypePatch(cls->GetDexFile(), cls->GetTypeIndex());
+ __ BindTrackedLabel(&labels->movw_label);
+ __ movw(out, /* placeholder */ 0u);
+ __ BindTrackedLabel(&labels->movt_label);
+ __ movt(out, /* placeholder */ 0u);
+ __ BindTrackedLabel(&labels->add_pc_label);
+ __ add(out, out, ShifterOperand(PC));
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ DCHECK_NE(cls->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ uint32_t address = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(cls->GetAddress());
+ __ LoadLiteral(out, codegen_->DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(address));
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress: {
+ DCHECK_NE(cls->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ uint32_t address = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(cls->GetAddress());
+ // 16-bit LDR immediate has a 5-bit offset multiplied by the size and that gives
+ // a 128B range. To try and reduce the number of literals if we load multiple types,
+ // simply split the dex cache address to a 128B aligned base loaded from a literal
+ // and the remaining offset embedded in the load.
+ static_assert(sizeof(GcRoot<mirror::Class>) == 4u, "Expected GC root to be 4 bytes.");
+ DCHECK_ALIGNED(cls->GetAddress(), 4u);
+ constexpr size_t offset_bits = /* encoded bits */ 5 + /* scale */ 2;
+ uint32_t base_address = address & ~MaxInt<uint32_t>(offset_bits);
+ uint32_t offset = address & MaxInt<uint32_t>(offset_bits);
+ __ LoadLiteral(out, codegen_->DeduplicateDexCacheAddressLiteral(base_address));
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *(base_address + offset)
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out, offset);
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative: {
+ Register base_reg = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ HArmDexCacheArraysBase* base = cls->InputAt(0)->AsArmDexCacheArraysBase();
+ int32_t offset = cls->GetDexCacheElementOffset() - base->GetElementOffset();
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *(dex_cache_arrays_base + offset)
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, base_reg, offset);
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod: {
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
+ // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
+ Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ __ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord,
+ out,
+ current_method,
+ ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kArmPointerSize).Int32Value());
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
+ size_t offset = CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex());
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out, offset);
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ }
+ }
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache() || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
- SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathARM(
- cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache()) {
- __ CompareAndBranchIfZero(out, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
- }
- if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
- } else {
- __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
- }
+ if (generate_null_check || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathARM(
+ cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ if (generate_null_check) {
+ __ CompareAndBranchIfZero(out, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ }
+ if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
+ } else {
+ __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
@@ -5262,6 +5383,7 @@
uint32_t base_address = address & ~MaxInt<uint32_t>(offset_bits);
uint32_t offset = address & MaxInt<uint32_t>(offset_bits);
__ LoadLiteral(out, codegen_->DeduplicateDexCacheAddressLiteral(base_address));
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *(base_address + offset)
GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, out, offset);
@@ -5269,6 +5391,7 @@
Register base_reg = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
HArmDexCacheArraysBase* base = load->InputAt(0)->AsArmDexCacheArraysBase();
int32_t offset = load->GetDexCacheElementOffset() - base->GetElementOffset();
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *(dex_cache_arrays_base + offset)
GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, base_reg, offset);
@@ -6452,6 +6575,11 @@
return NewPcRelativePatch(dex_file, string_index, &pc_relative_string_patches_);
+CodeGeneratorARM::PcRelativePatchInfo* CodeGeneratorARM::NewPcRelativeTypePatch(
+ const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_index) {
+ return NewPcRelativePatch(dex_file, type_index, &pc_relative_type_patches_);
CodeGeneratorARM::PcRelativePatchInfo* CodeGeneratorARM::NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(
const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t element_offset) {
return NewPcRelativePatch(dex_file, element_offset, &pc_relative_dex_cache_patches_);
@@ -6470,6 +6598,13 @@
[this]() { return __ NewLiteral<uint32_t>(/* placeholder */ 0u); });
+Literal* CodeGeneratorARM::DeduplicateBootImageTypeLiteral(const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t type_index) {
+ return boot_image_type_patches_.GetOrCreate(
+ TypeReference(&dex_file, type_index),
+ [this]() { return __ NewLiteral<uint32_t>(/* placeholder */ 0u); });
Literal* CodeGeneratorARM::DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(uint32_t address) {
bool needs_patch = GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludePatchInformation();
Uint32ToLiteralMap* map = needs_patch ? &boot_image_address_patches_ : &uint32_literals_;
@@ -6489,6 +6624,8 @@
/* MOVW+MOVT for each base */ 2u * pc_relative_dex_cache_patches_.size() +
boot_image_string_patches_.size() +
/* MOVW+MOVT for each base */ 2u * pc_relative_string_patches_.size() +
+ boot_image_type_patches_.size() +
+ /* MOVW+MOVT for each base */ 2u * pc_relative_type_patches_.size() +
for (const auto& entry : method_patches_) {
@@ -6564,6 +6701,35 @@
+ for (const auto& entry : boot_image_type_patches_) {
+ const TypeReference& target_type = entry.first;
+ Literal* literal = entry.second;
+ DCHECK(literal->GetLabel()->IsBound());
+ uint32_t literal_offset = literal->GetLabel()->Position();
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::TypePatch(literal_offset,
+ target_type.dex_file,
+ target_type.type_index));
+ }
+ for (const PcRelativePatchInfo& info : pc_relative_type_patches_) {
+ const DexFile& dex_file = info.target_dex_file;
+ uint32_t type_index = info.offset_or_index;
+ DCHECK(info.add_pc_label.IsBound());
+ uint32_t add_pc_offset = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(info.add_pc_label.Position());
+ // Add MOVW patch.
+ DCHECK(info.movw_label.IsBound());
+ uint32_t movw_offset = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(info.movw_label.Position());
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::RelativeTypePatch(movw_offset,
+ &dex_file,
+ add_pc_offset,
+ type_index));
+ // Add MOVT patch.
+ DCHECK(info.movt_label.IsBound());
+ uint32_t movt_offset = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(info.movt_label.Position());
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::RelativeTypePatch(movt_offset,
+ &dex_file,
+ add_pc_offset,
+ type_index));
+ }
for (const auto& entry : boot_image_address_patches_) {
Literal* literal = entry.second;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.h
index 0020f7b..4fce5af 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "parallel_move_resolver.h"
#include "utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h"
#include "utils/string_reference.h"
+#include "utils/type_reference.h"
namespace art {
namespace arm {
@@ -407,6 +408,11 @@
HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
+ // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
@@ -419,10 +425,10 @@
void MoveFromReturnRegister(Location trg, Primitive::Type type) OVERRIDE;
// The PcRelativePatchInfo is used for PC-relative addressing of dex cache arrays
- // and boot image strings. The only difference is the interpretation of the offset_or_index.
- // The PC-relative address is loaded with three instructions, MOVW+MOVT
- // to load the offset to base_reg and then ADD base_reg, PC. The offset is
- // calculated from the ADD's effective PC, i.e. PC+4 on Thumb2. Though we
+ // and boot image strings/types. The only difference is the interpretation of the
+ // offset_or_index. The PC-relative address is loaded with three instructions,
+ // MOVW+MOVT to load the offset to base_reg and then ADD base_reg, PC. The offset
+ // is calculated from the ADD's effective PC, i.e. PC+4 on Thumb2. Though we
// currently emit these 3 instructions together, instruction scheduling could
// split this sequence apart, so we keep separate labels for each of them.
struct PcRelativePatchInfo {
@@ -431,7 +437,7 @@
PcRelativePatchInfo(PcRelativePatchInfo&& other) = default;
const DexFile& target_dex_file;
- // Either the dex cache array element offset or the string index.
+ // Either the dex cache array element offset or the string/type index.
uint32_t offset_or_index;
Label movw_label;
Label movt_label;
@@ -439,9 +445,11 @@
PcRelativePatchInfo* NewPcRelativeStringPatch(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t string_index);
+ PcRelativePatchInfo* NewPcRelativeTypePatch(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_index);
PcRelativePatchInfo* NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t element_offset);
Literal* DeduplicateBootImageStringLiteral(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t string_index);
+ Literal* DeduplicateBootImageTypeLiteral(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_index);
Literal* DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(uint32_t address);
Literal* DeduplicateDexCacheAddressLiteral(uint32_t address);
@@ -536,6 +544,9 @@
using BootStringToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<StringReference,
+ using BootTypeToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<TypeReference,
+ Literal*,
+ TypeReferenceValueComparator>;
Literal* DeduplicateUint32Literal(uint32_t value, Uint32ToLiteralMap* map);
Literal* DeduplicateMethodLiteral(MethodReference target_method, MethodToLiteralMap* map);
@@ -568,6 +579,10 @@
BootStringToLiteralMap boot_image_string_patches_;
// PC-relative String patch info.
ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> pc_relative_string_patches_;
+ // Deduplication map for boot type literals for kBootImageLinkTimeAddress.
+ BootTypeToLiteralMap boot_image_type_patches_;
+ // PC-relative type patch info.
+ ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> pc_relative_type_patches_;
// Deduplication map for patchable boot image addresses.
Uint32ToLiteralMap boot_image_address_patches_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 5d3c8c5..f748898 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -920,6 +920,9 @@
+ boot_image_type_patches_(TypeReferenceValueComparator(),
+ graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
+ pc_relative_type_patches_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)) {
// Save the link register (containing the return address) to mimic Quick.
@@ -3725,6 +3728,12 @@
return NewPcRelativePatch(dex_file, string_index, adrp_label, &pc_relative_string_patches_);
+vixl::Label* CodeGeneratorARM64::NewPcRelativeTypePatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t type_index,
+ vixl::Label* adrp_label) {
+ return NewPcRelativePatch(dex_file, type_index, adrp_label, &pc_relative_type_patches_);
vixl::Label* CodeGeneratorARM64::NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t element_offset,
vixl::Label* adrp_label) {
@@ -3751,6 +3760,13 @@
[this]() { return __ CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint32_t>(/* placeholder */ 0u); });
+vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* CodeGeneratorARM64::DeduplicateBootImageTypeLiteral(
+ const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_index) {
+ return boot_image_type_patches_.GetOrCreate(
+ TypeReference(&dex_file, type_index),
+ [this]() { return __ CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint32_t>(/* placeholder */ 0u); });
vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* CodeGeneratorARM64::DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(uint64_t address) {
bool needs_patch = GetCompilerOptions().GetIncludePatchInformation();
Uint32ToLiteralMap* map = needs_patch ? &boot_image_address_patches_ : &uint32_literals_;
@@ -3770,6 +3786,8 @@
pc_relative_dex_cache_patches_.size() +
boot_image_string_patches_.size() +
pc_relative_string_patches_.size() +
+ boot_image_type_patches_.size() +
+ pc_relative_type_patches_.size() +
for (const auto& entry : method_patches_) {
@@ -3810,6 +3828,19 @@
+ for (const auto& entry : boot_image_type_patches_) {
+ const TypeReference& target_type = entry.first;
+ vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* literal = entry.second;
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::TypePatch(literal->offset(),
+ target_type.dex_file,
+ target_type.type_index));
+ }
+ for (const PcRelativePatchInfo& info : pc_relative_type_patches_) {
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::RelativeTypePatch(info.label.location(),
+ &info.target_dex_file,
+ info.pc_insn_label->location(),
+ info.offset_or_index));
+ }
for (const auto& entry : boot_image_address_patches_) {
vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* literal = entry.second;
@@ -3875,13 +3906,63 @@
codegen_->RecordPcInfo(invoke, invoke->GetDexPc());
+HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorARM64::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) {
+ if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ // TODO: Implement for read barrier.
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ DCHECK(!GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress:
+ DCHECK(Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod:
+ break;
+ }
+ return desired_class_load_kind;
void LocationsBuilderARM64::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
- InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
- CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
- cls,
- LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
- LocationFrom(vixl::x0),
- /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ if (cls->NeedsAccessCheck()) {
+ InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+ CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
+ cls,
+ LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
+ LocationFrom(vixl::x0),
+ /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ return;
+ }
+ LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = (cls->NeedsEnvironment() || kEmitCompilerReadBarrier)
+ ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
+ : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
+ LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(cls, call_kind);
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind load_kind = cls->GetLoadKind();
+ if (load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod) {
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM64::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
@@ -3897,35 +3978,111 @@
Location out_loc = cls->GetLocations()->Out();
Register out = OutputRegister(cls);
- Register current_method = InputRegisterAt(cls, 0);
- if (cls->IsReferrersClass()) {
- DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
- DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
- cls, out_loc, current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value());
- } else {
- MemberOffset resolved_types_offset = ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kArm64PointerSize);
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
- // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
- __ Ldr(out.X(), MemOperand(current_method, resolved_types_offset.Int32Value()));
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
- cls, out_loc, out.X(), CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex()));
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache() || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
- SlowPathCodeARM64* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathARM64(
- cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache()) {
- __ Cbz(out, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ bool generate_null_check = false;
+ switch (cls->GetLoadKind()) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass: {
+ DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+ Register current_method = InputRegisterAt(cls, 0);
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value());
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ __ Ldr(out, codegen_->DeduplicateBootImageTypeLiteral(cls->GetDexFile(),
+ cls->GetTypeIndex()));
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ // Add ADRP with its PC-relative type patch.
+ const DexFile& dex_file = cls->GetDexFile();
+ uint32_t type_index = cls->GetTypeIndex();
+ vixl::Label* adrp_label = codegen_->NewPcRelativeTypePatch(dex_file, type_index);
+ {
+ vixl::SingleEmissionCheckScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler());
+ __ Bind(adrp_label);
+ __ adrp(out.X(), /* offset placeholder */ 0);
- if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
- } else {
- __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+ // Add ADD with its PC-relative type patch.
+ vixl::Label* add_label = codegen_->NewPcRelativeTypePatch(dex_file, type_index, adrp_label);
+ {
+ vixl::SingleEmissionCheckScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler());
+ __ Bind(add_label);
+ __ add(out.X(), out.X(), Operand(/* offset placeholder */ 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ DCHECK(cls->GetAddress() != 0u && IsUint<32>(cls->GetAddress()));
+ __ Ldr(out.W(), codegen_->DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(cls->GetAddress()));
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress: {
+ DCHECK_NE(cls->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ // LDR immediate has a 12-bit offset multiplied by the size and for 32-bit loads
+ // that gives a 16KiB range. To try and reduce the number of literals if we load
+ // multiple types, simply split the dex cache address to a 16KiB aligned base
+ // loaded from a literal and the remaining offset embedded in the load.
+ static_assert(sizeof(GcRoot<mirror::Class>) == 4u, "Expected GC root to be 4 bytes.");
+ DCHECK_ALIGNED(cls->GetAddress(), 4u);
+ constexpr size_t offset_bits = /* encoded bits */ 12 + /* scale */ 2;
+ uint64_t base_address = cls->GetAddress() & ~MaxInt<uint64_t>(offset_bits);
+ uint32_t offset = cls->GetAddress() & MaxInt<uint64_t>(offset_bits);
+ __ Ldr(out.X(), codegen_->DeduplicateDexCacheAddressLiteral(base_address));
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *(base_address + offset)
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out.X(), offset);
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative: {
+ // Add ADRP with its PC-relative DexCache access patch.
+ const DexFile& dex_file = cls->GetDexFile();
+ uint32_t element_offset = cls->GetDexCacheElementOffset();
+ vixl::Label* adrp_label = codegen_->NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(dex_file, element_offset);
+ {
+ vixl::SingleEmissionCheckScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler());
+ __ Bind(adrp_label);
+ __ adrp(out.X(), /* offset placeholder */ 0);
+ }
+ // Add LDR with its PC-relative DexCache access patch.
+ vixl::Label* ldr_label =
+ codegen_->NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(dex_file, element_offset, adrp_label);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *(base_address + offset) /* PC-relative */
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out.X(), /* offset placeholder */ 0, ldr_label);
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod: {
+ MemberOffset resolved_types_offset =
+ ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kArm64PointerSize);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
+ // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
+ Register current_method = InputRegisterAt(cls, 0);
+ __ Ldr(out.X(), MemOperand(current_method, resolved_types_offset.Int32Value()));
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, out.X(), CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex()));
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (generate_null_check || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ SlowPathCodeARM64* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathARM64(
+ cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ if (generate_null_check) {
+ __ Cbz(out, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ }
+ if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
+ } else {
+ __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
@@ -4046,6 +4203,7 @@
uint64_t base_address = load->GetAddress() & ~MaxInt<uint64_t>(offset_bits);
uint32_t offset = load->GetAddress() & MaxInt<uint64_t>(offset_bits);
__ Ldr(out.X(), codegen_->DeduplicateDexCacheAddressLiteral(base_address));
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *(base_address + offset)
GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, out.X(), offset);
@@ -4062,6 +4220,7 @@
// Add LDR with its PC-relative DexCache access patch.
vixl::Label* ldr_label =
codegen_->NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(dex_file, element_offset, adrp_label);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *(base_address + offset) /* PC-relative */
GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, out.X(), /* offset placeholder */ 0, ldr_label);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
index 422963e..e6fd336 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "parallel_move_resolver.h"
#include "utils/arm64/assembler_arm64.h"
#include "utils/string_reference.h"
+#include "utils/type_reference.h"
#include "vixl/a64/disasm-a64.h"
#include "vixl/a64/macro-assembler-a64.h"
@@ -460,6 +461,11 @@
HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
+ // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
@@ -482,6 +488,14 @@
uint32_t string_index,
vixl::Label* adrp_label = nullptr);
+ // Add a new PC-relative type patch for an instruction and return the label
+ // to be bound before the instruction. The instruction will be either the
+ // ADRP (pass `adrp_label = null`) or the ADD (pass `adrp_label` pointing
+ // to the associated ADRP patch label).
+ vixl::Label* NewPcRelativeTypePatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t type_index,
+ vixl::Label* adrp_label = nullptr);
// Add a new PC-relative dex cache array patch for an instruction and return
// the label to be bound before the instruction. The instruction will be
// either the ADRP (pass `adrp_label = null`) or the LDR (pass `adrp_label`
@@ -492,6 +506,8 @@
vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* DeduplicateBootImageStringLiteral(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t string_index);
+ vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* DeduplicateBootImageTypeLiteral(const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t type_index);
vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(uint64_t address);
vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* DeduplicateDexCacheAddressLiteral(uint64_t address);
@@ -589,6 +605,9 @@
using BootStringToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<StringReference,
+ using BootTypeToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<TypeReference,
+ vixl::Literal<uint32_t>*,
+ TypeReferenceValueComparator>;
vixl::Literal<uint32_t>* DeduplicateUint32Literal(uint32_t value, Uint32ToLiteralMap* map);
vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* DeduplicateUint64Literal(uint64_t value);
@@ -598,13 +617,14 @@
vixl::Literal<uint64_t>* DeduplicateMethodCodeLiteral(MethodReference target_method);
// The PcRelativePatchInfo is used for PC-relative addressing of dex cache arrays
- // and boot image strings. The only difference is the interpretation of the offset_or_index.
+ // and boot image strings/types. The only difference is the interpretation of the
+ // offset_or_index.
struct PcRelativePatchInfo {
PcRelativePatchInfo(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t off_or_idx)
: target_dex_file(dex_file), offset_or_index(off_or_idx), label(), pc_insn_label() { }
const DexFile& target_dex_file;
- // Either the dex cache array element offset or the string index.
+ // Either the dex cache array element offset or the string/type index.
uint32_t offset_or_index;
vixl::Label label;
vixl::Label* pc_insn_label;
@@ -646,6 +666,10 @@
BootStringToLiteralMap boot_image_string_patches_;
// PC-relative String patch info.
ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> pc_relative_string_patches_;
+ // Deduplication map for boot type literals for kBootImageLinkTimeAddress.
+ BootTypeToLiteralMap boot_image_type_patches_;
+ // PC-relative type patch info.
+ ArenaDeque<PcRelativePatchInfo> pc_relative_type_patches_;
// Deduplication map for patchable boot image addresses.
Uint32ToLiteralMap boot_image_address_patches_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index d5bad28..b2cebc0 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -3769,6 +3769,13 @@
return HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorMIPS::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) {
+ DCHECK_NE(desired_class_load_kind, HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass);
+ // TODO: Implement other kinds.
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo CodeGeneratorMIPS::GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
const HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo& desired_dispatch_info,
MethodReference target_method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h
index 8c0bae6..6487f28 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h
@@ -349,6 +349,11 @@
HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
+ // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 539abf1..1a20f5c 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -3016,6 +3016,13 @@
return HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorMIPS64::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) {
+ DCHECK_NE(desired_class_load_kind, HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass);
+ // TODO: Implement other kinds.
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo CodeGeneratorMIPS64::GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
const HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo& desired_dispatch_info,
MethodReference target_method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.h
index 9785a2e..4b462cc 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.h
@@ -340,6 +340,11 @@
HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
+ // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index a21c295..a816d5f 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -804,6 +804,7 @@
+ type_patches_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
method_address_offset_(-1) {
@@ -4452,6 +4453,11 @@
__ Bind(&string_patches_.back().label);
+void CodeGeneratorX86::RecordTypePatch(HLoadClass* load_class) {
+ type_patches_.emplace_back(load_class->GetDexFile(), load_class->GetTypeIndex());
+ __ Bind(&type_patches_.back().label);
Label* CodeGeneratorX86::NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t element_offset) {
// Add the patch entry and bind its label at the end of the instruction.
@@ -4466,7 +4472,8 @@
relative_call_patches_.size() +
pc_relative_dex_cache_patches_.size() +
simple_patches_.size() +
- string_patches_.size();
+ string_patches_.size() +
+ type_patches_.size();
// The label points to the end of the "movl" insn but the literal offset for method
// patch needs to point to the embedded constant which occupies the last 4 bytes.
@@ -4502,6 +4509,13 @@
+ for (const TypePatchInfo<Label>& info : type_patches_) {
+ uint32_t literal_offset = info.label.Position() - kLabelPositionToLiteralOffsetAdjustment;
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::RelativeTypePatch(literal_offset,
+ &info.dex_file,
+ GetMethodAddressOffset(),
+ info.type_index));
+ }
} else {
for (const StringPatchInfo<Label>& info : string_patches_) {
uint32_t literal_offset = info.label.Position() - kLabelPositionToLiteralOffsetAdjustment;
@@ -4509,6 +4523,12 @@
+ for (const TypePatchInfo<Label>& info : type_patches_) {
+ uint32_t literal_offset = info.label.Position() - kLabelPositionToLiteralOffsetAdjustment;
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::TypePatch(literal_offset,
+ &info.dex_file,
+ info.type_index));
+ }
@@ -5873,13 +5893,72 @@
__ popl(static_cast<Register>(reg));
+HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorX86::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) {
+ if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ // TODO: Implement for read barrier.
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ DCHECK(!GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation()); // Note: boot image is also non-JIT.
+ // We disable pc-relative load when there is an irreducible loop, as the optimization
+ // is incompatible with it.
+ // TODO: Create as many X86ComputeBaseMethodAddress instructions as needed for methods
+ // with irreducible loops.
+ if (GetGraph()->HasIrreducibleLoops()) {
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress:
+ DCHECK(Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod:
+ break;
+ }
+ return desired_class_load_kind;
void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
- InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
- CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
- cls,
- Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
- Location::RegisterLocation(EAX),
- /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ if (cls->NeedsAccessCheck()) {
+ InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+ CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
+ cls,
+ Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
+ Location::RegisterLocation(EAX),
+ /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ return;
+ }
+ LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = (cls->NeedsEnvironment() || kEmitCompilerReadBarrier)
+ ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
+ : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
+ LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(cls, call_kind);
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind load_kind = cls->GetLoadKind();
+ if (load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative) {
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
@@ -5896,39 +5975,86 @@
Location out_loc = locations->Out();
Register out = out_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
- Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
- if (cls->IsReferrersClass()) {
- DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
- DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
- cls, out_loc, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
- } else {
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
- // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
- __ movl(out, Address(current_method,
- ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86PointerSize).Int32Value()));
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
- cls, out_loc, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex())));
+ bool generate_null_check = false;
+ switch (cls->GetLoadKind()) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass: {
+ DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+ Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ __ movl(out, Immediate(/* placeholder */ 0));
+ codegen_->RecordTypePatch(cls);
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ Register method_address = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ __ leal(out, Address(method_address, CodeGeneratorX86::kDummy32BitOffset));
+ codegen_->RecordTypePatch(cls);
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ DCHECK_NE(cls->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ uint32_t address = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(cls->GetAddress());
+ __ movl(out, Immediate(address));
+ codegen_->RecordSimplePatch();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress: {
+ DCHECK_NE(cls->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ uint32_t address = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(cls->GetAddress());
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *address
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, Address::Absolute(address));
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative: {
+ Register base_reg = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ uint32_t offset = cls->GetDexCacheElementOffset();
+ Label* fixup_label = codegen_->NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(cls->GetDexFile(), offset);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *(base + offset) /* PC-relative */
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, Address(base_reg, CodeGeneratorX86::kDummy32BitOffset), fixup_label);
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod: {
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
+ // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
+ Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ __ movl(out, Address(current_method,
+ ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86PointerSize).Int32Value()));
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex())));
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache() || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
- SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathX86(
- cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ if (generate_null_check || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathX86(
+ cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache()) {
- __ testl(out, out);
- __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
- }
+ if (generate_null_check) {
+ __ testl(out, out);
+ __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ }
- if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
- } else {
- __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
- }
+ if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
+ } else {
+ __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
@@ -6045,6 +6171,7 @@
case HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress: {
DCHECK_NE(load->GetAddress(), 0u);
uint32_t address = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(load->GetAddress());
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *address
GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, Address::Absolute(address));
@@ -6052,6 +6179,7 @@
Register base_reg = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
uint32_t offset = load->GetDexCacheElementOffset();
Label* fixup_label = codegen_->NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(load->GetDexFile(), offset);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *(base + offset) /* PC-relative */
load, out_loc, Address(base_reg, CodeGeneratorX86::kDummy32BitOffset), fixup_label);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
index 98dc8ca..fb402be 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
@@ -391,6 +391,11 @@
HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
+ // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
@@ -405,6 +410,7 @@
void RecordSimplePatch();
void RecordStringPatch(HLoadString* load_string);
+ void RecordTypePatch(HLoadClass* load_class);
Label* NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t element_offset);
void MoveFromReturnRegister(Location trg, Primitive::Type type) OVERRIDE;
@@ -594,6 +600,8 @@
ArenaDeque<Label> simple_patches_;
// String patch locations.
ArenaDeque<StringPatchInfo<Label>> string_patches_;
+ // Type patch locations.
+ ArenaDeque<TypePatchInfo<Label>> type_patches_;
// Offset to the start of the constant area in the assembled code.
// Used for fixups to the constant area.
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 135f0c4..ccfb181 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -894,6 +894,11 @@
__ Bind(&string_patches_.back().label);
+void CodeGeneratorX86_64::RecordTypePatch(HLoadClass* load_class) {
+ type_patches_.emplace_back(load_class->GetDexFile(), load_class->GetTypeIndex());
+ __ Bind(&type_patches_.back().label);
Label* CodeGeneratorX86_64::NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(const DexFile& dex_file,
uint32_t element_offset) {
// Add a patch entry and return the label.
@@ -908,7 +913,8 @@
relative_call_patches_.size() +
pc_relative_dex_cache_patches_.size() +
simple_patches_.size() +
- string_patches_.size();
+ string_patches_.size() +
+ type_patches_.size();
// The label points to the end of the "movl" insn but the literal offset for method
// patch needs to point to the embedded constant which occupies the last 4 bytes.
@@ -944,6 +950,14 @@
+ for (const TypePatchInfo<Label>& info : type_patches_) {
+ // These are always PC-relative, see GetSupportedLoadClassKind().
+ uint32_t literal_offset = info.label.Position() - kLabelPositionToLiteralOffsetAdjustment;
+ linker_patches->push_back(LinkerPatch::RelativeTypePatch(literal_offset,
+ &info.dex_file,
+ info.label.Position(),
+ info.type_index));
+ }
void CodeGeneratorX86_64::DumpCoreRegister(std::ostream& stream, int reg) const {
@@ -1023,6 +1037,7 @@
+ type_patches_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)),
fixups_to_jump_tables_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeGenerator)) {
@@ -5317,13 +5332,64 @@
// No need for memory fence, thanks to the x86-64 memory model.
+HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorX86_64::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) {
+ if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ // TODO: Implement for read barrier.
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (desired_class_load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ DCHECK(!GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ // We prefer the always-available RIP-relative address for the x86-64 boot image.
+ return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress:
+ DCHECK(Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(!Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation());
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod:
+ break;
+ }
+ return desired_class_load_kind;
void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
- InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
- CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
- cls,
- Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
- Location::RegisterLocation(RAX),
- /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ if (cls->NeedsAccessCheck()) {
+ InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+ CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(
+ cls,
+ Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
+ Location::RegisterLocation(RAX),
+ /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
+ return;
+ }
+ LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = (cls->NeedsEnvironment() || kEmitCompilerReadBarrier)
+ ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
+ : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
+ LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(cls, call_kind);
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind load_kind = cls->GetLoadKind();
+ if (load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod) {
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
@@ -5340,37 +5406,86 @@
Location out_loc = locations->Out();
CpuRegister out = out_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
- CpuRegister current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
- if (cls->IsReferrersClass()) {
- DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
- DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
- cls, out_loc, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
- } else {
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
- // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
- __ movq(out, Address(current_method,
- ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86_64PointerSize).Int32Value()));
- // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
- cls, out_loc, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex())));
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache() || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
- SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathX86_64(
- cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
- if (!cls->IsInDexCache()) {
- __ testl(out, out);
- __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
- }
- if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
- GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
+ bool generate_null_check = false;
+ switch (cls->GetLoadKind()) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass: {
+ DCHECK(!cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ DCHECK(!cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+ CpuRegister current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ __ leal(out, Address::Absolute(CodeGeneratorX86_64::kDummy32BitOffset, /* no_rip */ false));
+ codegen_->RecordTypePatch(cls);
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress: {
+ DCHECK(!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+ DCHECK_NE(cls->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ uint32_t address = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(cls->GetAddress());
+ __ movl(out, Immediate(address)); // Zero-extended.
+ codegen_->RecordSimplePatch();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress: {
+ DCHECK_NE(cls->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *address
+ if (IsUint<32>(cls->GetAddress())) {
+ Address address = Address::Absolute(cls->GetAddress(), /* no_rip */ true);
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, address);
} else {
- __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+ // TODO: Consider using opcode A1, i.e. movl eax, moff32 (with 64-bit address).
+ __ movq(out, Immediate(cls->GetAddress()));
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, Address(out, 0));
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative: {
+ uint32_t offset = cls->GetDexCacheElementOffset();
+ Label* fixup_label = codegen_->NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(cls->GetDexFile(), offset);
+ Address address = Address::Absolute(CodeGeneratorX86_64::kDummy32BitOffset,
+ /* no_rip */ false);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *address /* PC-relative */
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, address, fixup_label);
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod: {
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
+ // current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
+ CpuRegister current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+ __ movq(out,
+ Address(current_method,
+ ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86_64PointerSize).Int32Value()));
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
+ GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ cls, out_loc, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex())));
+ generate_null_check = !cls->IsInDexCache();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected load kind: " << cls->GetLoadKind();
+ }
+ if (generate_null_check || cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ DCHECK(cls->CanCallRuntime());
+ SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathX86_64(
+ cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
+ codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ if (generate_null_check) {
+ __ testl(out, out);
+ __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+ }
+ if (cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck()) {
+ GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, out);
+ } else {
+ __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
@@ -5461,6 +5576,7 @@
case HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress: {
DCHECK_NE(load->GetAddress(), 0u);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *address
if (IsUint<32>(load->GetAddress())) {
Address address = Address::Absolute(load->GetAddress(), /* no_rip */ true);
GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, address);
@@ -5476,6 +5592,7 @@
Label* fixup_label = codegen_->NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(load->GetDexFile(), offset);
Address address = Address::Absolute(CodeGeneratorX86_64::kDummy32BitOffset,
/* no_rip */ false);
+ // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *address /* PC-relative */
GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, address, fixup_label);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
index 7cf1245..cf4cc4c 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
@@ -388,6 +388,11 @@
HLoadString::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
+ // Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+ // otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind) OVERRIDE;
// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
@@ -400,6 +405,7 @@
void RecordSimplePatch();
void RecordStringPatch(HLoadString* load_string);
+ void RecordTypePatch(HLoadClass* load_class);
Label* NewPcRelativeDexCacheArrayPatch(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t element_offset);
void MoveFromReturnRegister(Location trg, Primitive::Type type) OVERRIDE;
@@ -569,6 +575,8 @@
ArenaDeque<Label> simple_patches_;
// String patch locations.
ArenaDeque<StringPatchInfo<Label>> string_patches_;
+ // Type patch locations.
+ ArenaDeque<TypePatchInfo<Label>> type_patches_;
// Fixups for jump tables need to be handled specially.
ArenaVector<JumpTableRIPFixup*> fixups_to_jump_tables_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e9072b9..14c318e 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -44,8 +44,23 @@
+ void VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* load_class) OVERRIDE {
+ // If this is a load with PC-relative access to the dex cache types array,
+ // we need to add the dex cache arrays base as the special input.
+ if (load_class->GetLoadKind() == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative) {
+ // Initialize base for target dex file if needed.
+ const DexFile& dex_file = load_class->GetDexFile();
+ HArmDexCacheArraysBase* base = GetOrCreateDexCacheArrayBase(dex_file);
+ // Update the element offset in base.
+ DexCacheArraysLayout layout(kArmPointerSize, &dex_file);
+ base->UpdateElementOffset(layout.TypeOffset(load_class->GetTypeIndex()));
+ // Add the special argument base to the load.
+ load_class->AddSpecialInput(base);
+ }
+ }
void VisitLoadString(HLoadString* load_string) OVERRIDE {
- // If this is a load with PC-relative access to the dex cache methods array,
+ // If this is a load with PC-relative access to the dex cache strings array,
// we need to add the dex cache arrays base as the special input.
if (load_string->GetLoadKind() == HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative) {
// Initialize base for target dex file if needed.
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 3084a4f..7d11948 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -372,6 +372,10 @@
void VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* load_class) OVERRIDE {
+ StartAttributeStream("load_kind") << load_class->GetLoadKind();
+ const char* descriptor = load_class->GetDexFile().GetTypeDescriptor(
+ load_class->GetDexFile().GetTypeId(load_class->GetTypeIndex()));
+ StartAttributeStream("class_name") << PrettyDescriptor(descriptor);
StartAttributeStream("gen_clinit_check") << std::boolalpha
<< load_class->MustGenerateClinitCheck() << std::noboolalpha;
StartAttributeStream("needs_access_check") << std::boolalpha
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 1c67bcc..afac5f9 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@
- compiler_driver_->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(outer_dex_cache, type_index));
+ /* is_in_dex_cache */ false);
HInstruction* cls = load_class;
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
/*needs_access_check*/ false,
- compiler_driver_->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(outer_dex_cache, storage_index));
+ /* is_in_dex_cache */ false);
clinit_check = new (arena_) HClinitCheck(load_class, dex_pc);
@@ -1377,15 +1377,13 @@
- bool is_in_cache =
- compiler_driver_->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(outer_dex_cache, storage_index);
HLoadClass* constant = new (arena_) HLoadClass(graph_->GetCurrentMethod(),
/*needs_access_check*/ false,
- is_in_cache);
+ /* is_in_dex_cache */ false);
HInstruction* cls = constant;
@@ -1654,7 +1652,7 @@
- compiler_driver_->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(dex_cache, type_index));
+ /* is_in_dex_cache */ false);
TypeCheckKind check_kind = ComputeTypeCheckKind(resolved_class);
@@ -2622,8 +2620,6 @@
Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexCache();
bool can_access = compiler_driver_->CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(
dex_compilation_unit_->GetDexMethodIndex(), dex_cache, type_index);
- bool is_in_dex_cache =
- compiler_driver_->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(dex_cache, type_index);
AppendInstruction(new (arena_) HLoadClass(
@@ -2631,7 +2627,7 @@
- is_in_dex_cache));
+ /* is_in_dex_cache */ false));
UpdateLocal(instruction.VRegA_21c(), current_block_->GetLastInstruction());
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 4b4e549..c2c212b 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -2430,8 +2430,69 @@
+bool HLoadClass::InstructionDataEquals(const HInstruction* other) const {
+ const HLoadClass* other_load_class = other->AsLoadClass();
+ // TODO: To allow GVN for HLoadClass from different dex files, we should compare the type
+ // names rather than type indexes. However, we shall also have to re-think the hash code.
+ if (type_index_ != other_load_class->type_index_ ||
+ GetPackedFields() != other_load_class->GetPackedFields()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ LoadKind load_kind = GetLoadKind();
+ if (HasAddress(load_kind)) {
+ return GetAddress() == other_load_class->GetAddress();
+ } else if (HasTypeReference(load_kind)) {
+ return IsSameDexFile(GetDexFile(), other_load_class->GetDexFile());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(HasDexCacheReference(load_kind)) << load_kind;
+ // If the type indexes and dex files are the same, dex cache element offsets
+ // must also be the same, so we don't need to compare them.
+ return IsSameDexFile(GetDexFile(), other_load_class->GetDexFile());
+ }
+void HLoadClass::SetLoadKindInternal(LoadKind load_kind) {
+ // Once sharpened, the load kind should not be changed again.
+ // Also, kReferrersClass should never be overwritten.
+ DCHECK_EQ(GetLoadKind(), LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod);
+ SetPackedField<LoadKindField>(load_kind);
+ if (load_kind != LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod) {
+ RemoveAsUserOfInput(0u);
+ SetRawInputAt(0u, nullptr);
+ }
+ if (!NeedsEnvironment()) {
+ RemoveEnvironment();
+ SetSideEffects(SideEffects::None());
+ }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, HLoadClass::LoadKind rhs) {
+ switch (rhs) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass:
+ return os << "ReferrersClass";
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ return os << "BootImageLinkTimeAddress";
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ return os << "BootImageLinkTimePcRelative";
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ return os << "BootImageAddress";
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress:
+ return os << "DexCacheAddress";
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative:
+ return os << "DexCachePcRelative";
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod:
+ return os << "DexCacheViaMethod";
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown HLoadClass::LoadKind: " << static_cast<int>(rhs);
+ }
bool HLoadString::InstructionDataEquals(const HInstruction* other) const {
const HLoadString* other_load_string = other->AsLoadString();
+ // TODO: To allow GVN for HLoadString from different dex files, we should compare the strings
+ // rather than their indexes. However, we shall also have to re-think the hash code.
if (string_index_ != other_load_string->string_index_ ||
GetPackedFields() != other_load_string->GetPackedFields()) {
return false;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 711a6c1..74a4aca 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -85,6 +85,16 @@
static constexpr uint32_t kNoDexPc = -1;
+inline bool IsSameDexFile(const DexFile& lhs, const DexFile& rhs) {
+ // For the purposes of the compiler, the dex files must actually be the same object
+ // if we want to safely treat them as the same. This is especially important for JIT
+ // as custom class loaders can open the same underlying file (or memory) multiple
+ // times and provide different class resolution but no two class loaders should ever
+ // use the same DexFile object - doing so is an unsupported hack that can lead to
+ // all sorts of weird failures.
+ return &lhs == &rhs;
enum IfCondition {
// All types.
kCondEQ, // ==
@@ -5329,8 +5339,44 @@
* Instruction to load a Class object.
-class HLoadClass FINAL : public HExpression<1> {
+class HLoadClass FINAL : public HInstruction {
+ // Determines how to load the Class.
+ enum class LoadKind {
+ // Use the Class* from the method's own ArtMethod*.
+ kReferrersClass,
+ // Use boot image Class* address that will be known at link time.
+ // Used for boot image classes referenced by boot image code in non-PIC mode.
+ kBootImageLinkTimeAddress,
+ // Use PC-relative boot image Class* address that will be known at link time.
+ // Used for boot image classes referenced by boot image code in PIC mode.
+ kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative,
+ // Use a known boot image Class* address, embedded in the code by the codegen.
+ // Used for boot image classes referenced by apps in AOT- and JIT-compiled code.
+ // Note: codegen needs to emit a linker patch if indicated by compiler options'
+ // GetIncludePatchInformation().
+ kBootImageAddress,
+ // Load from the resolved types array at an absolute address.
+ // Used for classes outside the boot image referenced by JIT-compiled code.
+ kDexCacheAddress,
+ // Load from resolved types array in the dex cache using a PC-relative load.
+ // Used for classes outside boot image when we know that we can access
+ // the dex cache arrays using a PC-relative load.
+ kDexCachePcRelative,
+ // Load from resolved types array accessed through the class loaded from
+ // the compiled method's own ArtMethod*. This is the default access type when
+ // all other types are unavailable.
+ kDexCacheViaMethod,
+ kLast = kDexCacheViaMethod
+ };
HLoadClass(HCurrentMethod* current_method,
uint16_t type_index,
const DexFile& dex_file,
@@ -5338,7 +5384,8 @@
uint32_t dex_pc,
bool needs_access_check,
bool is_in_dex_cache)
- : HExpression(Primitive::kPrimNot, SideEffectsForArchRuntimeCalls(), dex_pc),
+ : HInstruction(SideEffectsForArchRuntimeCalls(), dex_pc),
+ special_input_(HUserRecord<HInstruction*>(current_method)),
loaded_class_rti_(ReferenceTypeInfo::CreateInvalid()) {
@@ -5346,26 +5393,47 @@
// methods so we can't possibly end up in this situation.
DCHECK(!is_referrers_class || !needs_access_check);
- SetPackedFlag<kFlagIsReferrersClass>(is_referrers_class);
+ SetPackedField<LoadKindField>(
+ is_referrers_class ? LoadKind::kReferrersClass : LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod);
- SetRawInputAt(0, current_method);
+ }
+ void SetLoadKindWithAddress(LoadKind load_kind, uint64_t address) {
+ DCHECK(HasAddress(load_kind));
+ load_data_.address = address;
+ SetLoadKindInternal(load_kind);
+ }
+ void SetLoadKindWithTypeReference(LoadKind load_kind,
+ const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t type_index) {
+ DCHECK(HasTypeReference(load_kind));
+ DCHECK(IsSameDexFile(dex_file_, dex_file));
+ DCHECK_EQ(type_index_, type_index);
+ SetLoadKindInternal(load_kind);
+ }
+ void SetLoadKindWithDexCacheReference(LoadKind load_kind,
+ const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t element_index) {
+ DCHECK(HasDexCacheReference(load_kind));
+ DCHECK(IsSameDexFile(dex_file_, dex_file));
+ load_data_.dex_cache_element_index = element_index;
+ SetLoadKindInternal(load_kind);
+ }
+ LoadKind GetLoadKind() const {
+ return GetPackedField<LoadKindField>();
bool CanBeMoved() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
- bool InstructionDataEquals(const HInstruction* other) const OVERRIDE {
- // Note that we don't need to test for generate_clinit_check_.
- // Whether or not we need to generate the clinit check is processed in
- // prepare_for_register_allocator based on existing HInvokes and HClinitChecks.
- return other->AsLoadClass()->type_index_ == type_index_ &&
- other->AsLoadClass()->GetPackedFields() == GetPackedFields();
- }
+ bool InstructionDataEquals(const HInstruction* other) const;
size_t ComputeHashCode() const OVERRIDE { return type_index_; }
- uint16_t GetTypeIndex() const { return type_index_; }
bool CanBeNull() const OVERRIDE { return false; }
bool NeedsEnvironment() const OVERRIDE {
@@ -5400,7 +5468,15 @@
loaded_class_rti_ = rti;
- const DexFile& GetDexFile() { return dex_file_; }
+ uint32_t GetTypeIndex() const { return type_index_; }
+ const DexFile& GetDexFile() const { return dex_file_; }
+ uint32_t GetDexCacheElementOffset() const;
+ uint64_t GetAddress() const {
+ DCHECK(HasAddress(GetLoadKind()));
+ return load_data_.address;
+ }
bool NeedsDexCacheOfDeclaringClass() const OVERRIDE { return !IsReferrersClass(); }
@@ -5408,30 +5484,96 @@
return SideEffects::CanTriggerGC();
- bool IsReferrersClass() const { return GetPackedFlag<kFlagIsReferrersClass>(); }
+ bool IsReferrersClass() const { return GetLoadKind() == LoadKind::kReferrersClass; }
bool NeedsAccessCheck() const { return GetPackedFlag<kFlagNeedsAccessCheck>(); }
bool IsInDexCache() const { return GetPackedFlag<kFlagIsInDexCache>(); }
bool MustGenerateClinitCheck() const { return GetPackedFlag<kFlagGenerateClInitCheck>(); }
+ void MarkInDexCache() {
+ SetPackedFlag<kFlagIsInDexCache>(true);
+ DCHECK(!NeedsEnvironment());
+ RemoveEnvironment();
+ SetSideEffects(SideEffects::None());
+ }
+ void AddSpecialInput(HInstruction* special_input);
+ using HInstruction::GetInputRecords; // Keep the const version visible.
+ ArrayRef<HUserRecord<HInstruction*>> GetInputRecords() OVERRIDE FINAL {
+ return ArrayRef<HUserRecord<HInstruction*>>(
+ &special_input_, (special_input_.GetInstruction() != nullptr) ? 1u : 0u);
+ }
+ Primitive::Type GetType() const OVERRIDE {
+ return Primitive::kPrimNot;
+ }
- static constexpr size_t kFlagIsReferrersClass = kNumberOfExpressionPackedBits;
- static constexpr size_t kFlagNeedsAccessCheck = kFlagIsReferrersClass + 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kFlagNeedsAccessCheck = kNumberOfGenericPackedBits;
static constexpr size_t kFlagIsInDexCache = kFlagNeedsAccessCheck + 1;
// Whether this instruction must generate the initialization check.
// Used for code generation.
static constexpr size_t kFlagGenerateClInitCheck = kFlagIsInDexCache + 1;
- static constexpr size_t kNumberOfLoadClassPackedBits = kFlagGenerateClInitCheck + 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kFieldLoadKind = kFlagGenerateClInitCheck + 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kFieldLoadKindSize =
+ MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(LoadKind::kLast));
+ static constexpr size_t kNumberOfLoadClassPackedBits = kFieldLoadKind + kFieldLoadKindSize;
static_assert(kNumberOfLoadClassPackedBits < kMaxNumberOfPackedBits, "Too many packed fields.");
+ using LoadKindField = BitField<LoadKind, kFieldLoadKind, kFieldLoadKindSize>;
+ static bool HasTypeReference(LoadKind load_kind) {
+ return load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress ||
+ load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
+ load_kind == LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod ||
+ load_kind == LoadKind::kReferrersClass;
+ }
+ static bool HasAddress(LoadKind load_kind) {
+ return load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageAddress || load_kind == LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress;
+ }
+ static bool HasDexCacheReference(LoadKind load_kind) {
+ return load_kind == LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative;
+ }
+ void SetLoadKindInternal(LoadKind load_kind);
+ // The special input is the HCurrentMethod for kDexCacheViaMethod or kReferrersClass.
+ // For other load kinds it's empty or possibly some architecture-specific instruction
+ // for PC-relative loads, i.e. kDexCachePcRelative or kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative.
+ HUserRecord<HInstruction*> special_input_;
const uint16_t type_index_;
const DexFile& dex_file_;
+ union {
+ uint32_t dex_cache_element_index; // Only for dex cache reference.
+ uint64_t address; // Up to 64-bit, needed for kDexCacheAddress on 64-bit targets.
+ } load_data_;
ReferenceTypeInfo loaded_class_rti_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, HLoadClass::LoadKind rhs);
+// Note: defined outside class to see operator<<(., HLoadClass::LoadKind).
+inline uint32_t HLoadClass::GetDexCacheElementOffset() const {
+ DCHECK(HasDexCacheReference(GetLoadKind())) << GetLoadKind();
+ return load_data_.dex_cache_element_index;
+// Note: defined outside class to see operator<<(., HLoadClass::LoadKind).
+inline void HLoadClass::AddSpecialInput(HInstruction* special_input) {
+ // The special input is used for PC-relative loads on some architectures.
+ DCHECK(GetLoadKind() == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
+ GetLoadKind() == LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative) << GetLoadKind();
+ DCHECK(special_input_.GetInstruction() == nullptr);
+ special_input_ = HUserRecord<HInstruction*>(special_input);
+ special_input->AddUseAt(this, 0);
class HLoadString FINAL : public HInstruction {
@@ -5599,6 +5741,9 @@
void SetLoadKindInternal(LoadKind load_kind);
+ // The special input is the HCurrentMethod for kDexCacheViaMethod.
+ // For other load kinds it's empty or possibly some architecture-specific instruction
+ // for PC-relative loads, i.e. kDexCachePcRelative or kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative.
HUserRecord<HInstruction*> special_input_;
// String index serves also as the hash code and it's also needed for slow-paths,
@@ -6572,16 +6717,6 @@
-inline bool IsSameDexFile(const DexFile& lhs, const DexFile& rhs) {
- // For the purposes of the compiler, the dex files must actually be the same object
- // if we want to safely treat them as the same. This is especially important for JIT
- // as custom class loaders can open the same underlying file (or memory) multiple
- // times and provide different class resolution but no two class loaders should ever
- // use the same DexFile object - doing so is an unsupported hack that can lead to
- // all sorts of weird failures.
- return &lhs == &rhs;
#define INSTRUCTION_TYPE_CHECK(type, super) \
inline bool HInstruction::Is##type() const { return GetKind() == k##type; } \
inline const H##type* HInstruction::As##type() const { \
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index cb2fc0a..93116f8 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -80,6 +80,15 @@
+ void VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* load_class) OVERRIDE {
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind load_kind = load_class->GetLoadKind();
+ if (load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
+ load_kind == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative) {
+ InitializePCRelativeBasePointer();
+ load_class->AddSpecialInput(base_);
+ }
+ }
void VisitLoadString(HLoadString* load_string) OVERRIDE {
HLoadString::LoadKind load_kind = load_string->GetLoadKind();
if (load_kind == HLoadString::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 08bd35f..97f34e6 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -40,13 +40,14 @@
HInstruction* instruction = it.Current();
if (instruction->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect()) {
+ } else if (instruction->IsLoadClass()) {
+ ProcessLoadClass(instruction->AsLoadClass());
} else if (instruction->IsLoadString()) {
// TODO: Move the sharpening of invoke-virtual/-interface/-super from HGraphBuilder
// here. Rewrite it to avoid the CompilerDriver's reliance on verifier data
// because we know the type better when inlining.
- // TODO: HLoadClass - select better load kind if available.
@@ -153,6 +154,123 @@
+void HSharpening::ProcessLoadClass(HLoadClass* load_class) {
+ if (load_class->NeedsAccessCheck()) {
+ // We need to call the runtime anyway, so we simply get the class as that call's return value.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (load_class->GetLoadKind() == HLoadClass::LoadKind::kReferrersClass) {
+ // Loading from the ArtMethod* is the most efficient retrieval.
+ // TODO: This may not actually be true for all architectures and
+ // locations of target classes. The additional register pressure
+ // for using the ArtMethod* should be considered.
+ return;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(load_class->GetLoadKind(), HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod);
+ DCHECK(!load_class->IsInDexCache()) << "HLoadClass should not be optimized before sharpening.";
+ const DexFile& dex_file = load_class->GetDexFile();
+ uint32_t type_index = load_class->GetTypeIndex();
+ bool is_in_dex_cache = false;
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_load_kind;
+ uint64_t address = 0u; // Class or dex cache element address.
+ {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ StackHandleScope<1> hs(soa.Self());
+ Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+ ClassLinker* class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();
+ Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = IsSameDexFile(dex_file, *compilation_unit_.GetDexFile())
+ ? compilation_unit_.GetDexCache()
+ : hs.NewHandle(class_linker->FindDexCache(soa.Self(), dex_file));
+ mirror::Class* klass = dex_cache->GetResolvedType(type_index);
+ if (compiler_driver_->IsBootImage()) {
+ // Compiling boot image. Check if the class is a boot image class.
+ DCHECK(!runtime->UseJitCompilation());
+ if (!compiler_driver_->GetSupportBootImageFixup()) {
+ // MIPS/MIPS64 or compiler_driver_test. Do not sharpen.
+ desired_load_kind = HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ } else {
+ if (klass != nullptr &&
+ compiler_driver_->IsImageClass(
+ dex_file.StringDataByIdx(dex_file.GetTypeId(type_index).descriptor_idx_))) {
+ is_in_dex_cache = true;
+ desired_load_kind = codegen_->GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic()
+ ? HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative
+ : HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress;
+ } else {
+ // Not a boot image class. We must go through the dex cache.
+ DCHECK(ContainsElement(compiler_driver_->GetDexFilesForOatFile(), &dex_file));
+ desired_load_kind = HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (runtime->UseJitCompilation()) {
+ // TODO: Make sure we don't set the "compile PIC" flag for JIT as that's bogus.
+ // DCHECK(!codegen_->GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic());
+ is_in_dex_cache = (klass != nullptr);
+ if (klass != nullptr && runtime->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(klass)) {
+ // TODO: Use direct pointers for all non-moving spaces, not just boot image. Bug: 29530787
+ desired_load_kind = HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress;
+ address = reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(klass);
+ } else {
+ // Note: If the class is not in the dex cache or isn't initialized, the
+ // instruction needs environment and will not be inlined across dex files.
+ // Within a dex file, the slow-path helper loads the correct class and
+ // inlined frames are used correctly for OOM stack trace.
+ // TODO: Write a test for this. Bug: 29416588
+ desired_load_kind = HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress;
+ void* dex_cache_element_address = &dex_cache->GetResolvedTypes()[type_index];
+ address = reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(dex_cache_element_address);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // AOT app compilation. Check if the class is in the boot image.
+ if ((klass != nullptr) &&
+ runtime->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(klass) &&
+ !codegen_->GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic()) {
+ desired_load_kind = HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress;
+ address = reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(klass);
+ } else {
+ // Not JIT and either the klass is not in boot image or we are compiling in PIC mode.
+ // Use PC-relative load from the dex cache if the dex file belongs
+ // to the oat file that we're currently compiling.
+ desired_load_kind =
+ ContainsElement(compiler_driver_->GetDexFilesForOatFile(), &load_class->GetDexFile())
+ ? HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative
+ : HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_in_dex_cache) {
+ load_class->MarkInDexCache();
+ }
+ HLoadClass::LoadKind load_kind = codegen_->GetSupportedLoadClassKind(desired_load_kind);
+ switch (load_kind) {
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod:
+ load_class->SetLoadKindWithTypeReference(load_kind, dex_file, type_index);
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress:
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress:
+ DCHECK_NE(address, 0u);
+ load_class->SetLoadKindWithAddress(load_kind, address);
+ break;
+ case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative: {
+ size_t pointer_size = InstructionSetPointerSize(codegen_->GetInstructionSet());
+ DexCacheArraysLayout layout(pointer_size, &dex_file);
+ size_t element_index = layout.TypeOffset(type_index);
+ load_class->SetLoadKindWithDexCacheReference(load_kind, dex_file, element_index);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected load kind: " << load_kind;
+ }
void HSharpening::ProcessLoadString(HLoadString* load_string) {
DCHECK_EQ(load_string->GetLoadKind(), HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod);
@@ -193,13 +311,14 @@
mirror::String* string = dex_cache->GetResolvedString(string_index);
is_in_dex_cache = (string != nullptr);
if (string != nullptr && runtime->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(string)) {
+ // TODO: Use direct pointers for all non-moving spaces, not just boot image. Bug: 29530787
desired_load_kind = HLoadString::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress;
address = reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(string);
} else {
// Note: If the string is not in the dex cache, the instruction needs environment
// and will not be inlined across dex files. Within a dex file, the slow-path helper
// loads the correct string and inlined frames are used correctly for OOM stack trace.
- // TODO: Write a test for this.
+ // TODO: Write a test for this. Bug: 29416588
desired_load_kind = HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress;
void* dex_cache_element_address = &dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_index];
address = reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(dex_cache_element_address);
@@ -207,20 +326,18 @@
} else {
// AOT app compilation. Try to lookup the string without allocating if not found.
mirror::String* string = class_linker->LookupString(dex_file, string_index, dex_cache);
- if (string != nullptr && runtime->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(string)) {
- if (codegen_->GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic()) {
- // Use PC-relative load from the dex cache if the dex file belongs
- // to the oat file that we're currently compiling.
- desired_load_kind = ContainsElement(compiler_driver_->GetDexFilesForOatFile(), &dex_file)
- ? HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative
- : HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
- } else {
- desired_load_kind = HLoadString::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress;
- address = reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(string);
- }
+ if (string != nullptr &&
+ runtime->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(string) &&
+ !codegen_->GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilePic()) {
+ desired_load_kind = HLoadString::LoadKind::kBootImageAddress;
+ address = reinterpret_cast64<uint64_t>(string);
} else {
- // Not JIT and the string is not in boot image.
- desired_load_kind = HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative;
+ // Not JIT and either the string is not in boot image or we are compiling in PIC mode.
+ // Use PC-relative load from the dex cache if the dex file belongs
+ // to the oat file that we're currently compiling.
+ desired_load_kind = ContainsElement(compiler_driver_->GetDexFilesForOatFile(), &dex_file)
+ ? HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative
+ : HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/sharpening.h b/compiler/optimizing/sharpening.h
index 24152f6..d35ae66 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/sharpening.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/sharpening.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
void ProcessInvokeStaticOrDirect(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke);
+ void ProcessLoadClass(HLoadClass* load_class);
void ProcessLoadString(HLoadString* load_string);
CodeGenerator* codegen_;