Remove skipped blocks reuse mechanism

We had a fairly elaborate mechanism for dealing with the case in
which two threads raced to copy an object. They would both copy,
and we would then put the copied object from the loser into
a special data structure, whose contents we could reuse for
allocation if we otherwise ran out of memory. It was tricky
to correctly account for this space.

This replaces that code with a simpler heuristic mechanism to avoid
copying the same large object twice. If we do copy an object twice, we
just drop it on the floor. I believe this better handles the one
case in which it really matters: A large object that all threads need
and thus immediately start copying after a flip.

It is hard to convince oneself that any of this matters. In my two
experiments booting and running AOSP for a little with logging,
I saw one race each time, with an average object size of 20 bytes.

Bug: 132625279
Test: Boot AOSP with logging twice.
Change-Id: Ie0e7dbd8f68c9f4e13ec418c26ff460d3977e10d
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/ b/runtime/gc/collector/
index 81bc445..7605af5 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@
-      skipped_blocks_lock_("concurrent copying bytes blocks lock", kMarkSweepMarkStackLock),
@@ -378,6 +377,8 @@
               << reinterpret_cast<void*>(region_space_->Limit());
+  // currently_marking_ mght still contain an obsolete value.
+, std::memory_order_relaxed);
   rb_mark_bit_stack_full_ = false;
   mark_from_read_barrier_measurements_ = measure_read_barrier_slow_path_;
   if (measure_read_barrier_slow_path_) {
@@ -3249,65 +3250,6 @@
-// Reuse the memory blocks that were copy of objects that were lost in race.
-mirror::Object* ConcurrentCopying::AllocateInSkippedBlock(Thread* const self, size_t alloc_size) {
-  // Try to reuse the blocks that were unused due to CAS failures.
-  CHECK_ALIGNED(alloc_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
-  size_t min_object_size = RoundUp(sizeof(mirror::Object), space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
-  size_t byte_size;
-  uint8_t* addr;
-  {
-    MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
-    auto it = skipped_blocks_map_.lower_bound(alloc_size);
-    if (it == skipped_blocks_map_.end()) {
-      // Not found.
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    byte_size = it->first;
-    CHECK_GE(byte_size, alloc_size);
-    if (byte_size > alloc_size && byte_size - alloc_size < min_object_size) {
-      // If remainder would be too small for a dummy object, retry with a larger request size.
-      it = skipped_blocks_map_.lower_bound(alloc_size + min_object_size);
-      if (it == skipped_blocks_map_.end()) {
-        // Not found.
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-      CHECK_ALIGNED(it->first - alloc_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
-      CHECK_GE(it->first - alloc_size, min_object_size)
-          << "byte_size=" << byte_size << " it->first=" << it->first << " alloc_size=" << alloc_size;
-    }
-    // Found a block.
-    CHECK(it != skipped_blocks_map_.end());
-    byte_size = it->first;
-    addr = it->second;
-    CHECK_GE(byte_size, alloc_size);
-    CHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr)));
-    CHECK_ALIGNED(byte_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
-    if (kVerboseMode) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Reusing skipped bytes : " << reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr) << ", " << byte_size;
-    }
-    skipped_blocks_map_.erase(it);
-  }
-  memset(addr, 0, byte_size);
-  if (byte_size > alloc_size) {
-    // Return the remainder to the map.
-    CHECK_ALIGNED(byte_size - alloc_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
-    CHECK_GE(byte_size - alloc_size, min_object_size);
-    // FillWithDummyObject may mark an object, avoid holding skipped_blocks_lock_ to prevent lock
-    // violation and possible deadlock. The deadlock case is a recursive case:
-    // FillWithDummyObject -> Mark(IntArray.class) -> Copy -> AllocateInSkippedBlock.
-    FillWithDummyObject(self,
-                        reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr + alloc_size),
-                        byte_size - alloc_size);
-    CHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr + alloc_size)));
-    {
-      MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
-      skipped_blocks_map_.insert(std::make_pair(byte_size - alloc_size, addr + alloc_size));
-    }
-  }
-  return reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr);
 mirror::Object* ConcurrentCopying::Copy(Thread* const self,
                                         mirror::Object* from_ref,
                                         mirror::Object* holder,
@@ -3325,6 +3267,27 @@
   // Note that from_ref is a from space ref so the SizeOf() call will access the from-space meta
   // objects, but it's ok and necessary.
   size_t obj_size = from_ref->SizeOf<kDefaultVerifyFlags>();
+  mirror::Object* old_currently_copying = nullptr;
+  if (obj_size >= kCurrentlyCopyingMin) {
+    old_currently_copying =, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+    if (old_currently_copying == from_ref) {
+      VLOG(gc) << "GC: Waiting for another thread to copy, size = " << obj_size;
+      // Somebody is already working on the copy. Just wait.
+      LockWord old_lock_word(LockWord::Default());
+      do {
+        if (UNLIKELY(obj_size >= 1'000'000)) {
+          // The copy will take on the order of a millisecond or longer.
+          usleep(1'000);
+        } else {
+          sched_yield();
+        }
+        old_lock_word = from_ref->GetLockWord(false);
+      } while (old_lock_word.GetState() != LockWord::kForwardingAddress);
+      mirror::Object* to_ref = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(old_lock_word.ForwardingAddress());
+      DCHECK(to_ref != nullptr);
+      return to_ref;
+    }
+  }
   size_t region_space_alloc_size = (obj_size <= space::RegionSpace::kRegionSize)
       ? RoundUp(obj_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment)
       : RoundUp(obj_size, space::RegionSpace::kRegionSize);
@@ -3332,44 +3295,27 @@
   size_t non_moving_space_bytes_allocated = 0U;
   size_t bytes_allocated = 0U;
   size_t dummy;
-  bool fall_back_to_non_moving = false;
+  bool fell_back_to_non_moving = false;
   mirror::Object* to_ref = region_space_->AllocNonvirtual</*kForEvac=*/ true>(
       region_space_alloc_size, &region_space_bytes_allocated, nullptr, &dummy);
   bytes_allocated = region_space_bytes_allocated;
   if (LIKELY(to_ref != nullptr)) {
     DCHECK_EQ(region_space_alloc_size, region_space_bytes_allocated);
   } else {
-    // Failed to allocate in the region space. Try the skipped blocks.
-    to_ref = AllocateInSkippedBlock(self, region_space_alloc_size);
-    if (to_ref != nullptr) {
-      // Succeeded to allocate in a skipped block.
-      if (heap_->use_tlab_) {
-        // This is necessary for the tlab case as it's not accounted in the space.
-        region_space_->RecordAlloc(to_ref);
-      }
-      bytes_allocated = region_space_alloc_size;
-      heap_->num_bytes_allocated_.fetch_sub(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-      to_space_bytes_skipped_.fetch_sub(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-      to_space_objects_skipped_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-    } else {
-      // Fall back to the non-moving space.
-      fall_back_to_non_moving = true;
-      if (kVerboseMode) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Out of memory in the to-space. Fall back to non-moving. skipped_bytes="
-                  << to_space_bytes_skipped_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)
-                  << " skipped_objects="
-                  << to_space_objects_skipped_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-      }
-      to_ref = heap_->non_moving_space_->Alloc(self, obj_size,
-                                               &non_moving_space_bytes_allocated, nullptr, &dummy);
-      if (UNLIKELY(to_ref == nullptr)) {
-        LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "Fall-back non-moving space allocation failed for a "
-                                 << obj_size << " byte object in region type "
-                                 << region_space_->GetRegionType(from_ref);
-        LOG(FATAL) << "Object address=" << from_ref << " type=" << from_ref->PrettyTypeOf();
-      }
-      bytes_allocated = non_moving_space_bytes_allocated;
+    // Fall back to the non-moving space.
+    fell_back_to_non_moving = true;
+    if (kVerboseMode) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Out of memory in the to-space. Fell back to non-moving.";
+    to_ref = heap_->non_moving_space_->Alloc(self, obj_size,
+                                             &non_moving_space_bytes_allocated, nullptr, &dummy);
+    if (UNLIKELY(to_ref == nullptr)) {
+      LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "Fall-back non-moving space allocation failed for a "
+                               << obj_size << " byte object in region type "
+                               << region_space_->GetRegionType(from_ref);
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Object address=" << from_ref << " type=" << from_ref->PrettyTypeOf();
+    }
+    bytes_allocated = non_moving_space_bytes_allocated;
   DCHECK(to_ref != nullptr);
@@ -3396,26 +3342,22 @@
       // the forwarding pointer first. Make the lost copy (to_ref)
       // look like a valid but dead (dummy) object and keep it for
       // future reuse.
-      FillWithDummyObject(self, to_ref, bytes_allocated);
-      if (!fall_back_to_non_moving) {
+      VLOG(gc) << "GC: Lost copying race, size = " << obj_size;
+      if (fell_back_to_non_moving) {
+        DCHECK(heap_->non_moving_space_->HasAddress(to_ref));
+        DCHECK_EQ(bytes_allocated, non_moving_space_bytes_allocated);
+        // Free the non-moving-space chunk.
+        heap_->non_moving_space_->Free(self, to_ref);
+      } else {
         if (bytes_allocated > space::RegionSpace::kRegionSize) {
           // Free the large alloc.
           region_space_->FreeLarge</*kForEvac=*/ true>(to_ref, bytes_allocated);
         } else {
-          // Record the lost copy for later reuse.
+          // Make it look legitimate, record the object allocation, and then drop the object.
+          FillWithDummyObject(self, to_ref, bytes_allocated);
           heap_->num_bytes_allocated_.fetch_add(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-          to_space_bytes_skipped_.fetch_add(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-          to_space_objects_skipped_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-          MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
-          skipped_blocks_map_.insert(std::make_pair(bytes_allocated,
-                                                    reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(to_ref)));
-      } else {
-        DCHECK(heap_->non_moving_space_->HasAddress(to_ref));
-        DCHECK_EQ(bytes_allocated, non_moving_space_bytes_allocated);
-        // Free the non-moving-space chunk.
-        heap_->non_moving_space_->Free(self, to_ref);
       // Get the winner's forward ptr.
@@ -3437,7 +3379,10 @@
     // Do a fence to prevent the field CAS in ConcurrentCopying::Process from possibly reordering
-    // before the object copy.
+    // before the object copy. This serves the same purpose as the constructor fence in a new
+    // object allocation. Another thread can get a pointer to this object either via the
+    // forwarding address or via the returned to_ref. But it must read the to_space data via an
+    // address dependency on one of those. Thus it cannot see old values in the copied object.
     LockWord new_lock_word = LockWord::FromForwardingAddress(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(to_ref));
@@ -3449,6 +3394,12 @@
     if (LIKELY(success)) {
       // The CAS succeeded.
+      if (obj_size >= kCurrentlyCopyingMin) {
+        // If someone else has since over-written currently_copying_, leave it alone.  Otherwise
+        // restore the old one. If the old one was already copied, the forwarding address will
+        // already be there, and nobody will care. If not, then it's useful to put it back.
+        currently_copying_.CompareAndSetStrongRelaxed(from_ref, old_currently_copying);
+      }
       DCHECK(thread_running_gc_ != nullptr);
       if (LIKELY(self == thread_running_gc_)) {
         objects_moved_gc_thread_ += 1;
@@ -3458,9 +3409,7 @@
         bytes_moved_.fetch_add(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-      if (LIKELY(!fall_back_to_non_moving)) {
-        DCHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(to_ref));
-      } else {
+      if (UNLIKELY(fell_back_to_non_moving)) {
         DCHECK_EQ(bytes_allocated, non_moving_space_bytes_allocated);
         if (!use_generational_cc_ || !young_gen_) {
@@ -3471,6 +3420,8 @@
           // Mark it in the mark bitmap.
+      } else {
+        DCHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(to_ref));
       if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
         DCHECK(to_ref->GetReadBarrierState() == ReadBarrier::GrayState());
@@ -3637,10 +3588,6 @@
-    MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
-    skipped_blocks_map_.clear();
-  }
-  {
     ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::mutator_lock_);
       WriterMutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
index 2e5752b..1bea029 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
@@ -75,18 +75,16 @@
   void RunPhases() override
-               !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_,
-               !skipped_blocks_lock_);
+               !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);
   void InitializePhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
       REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void MarkingPhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
   void CopyingPhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void ReclaimPhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   void FinishPhase() REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_,
-                              !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_,
-                              !skipped_blocks_lock_);
+                              !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);
   void CaptureRssAtPeak() REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   void BindBitmaps() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
@@ -127,10 +125,10 @@
                                      mirror::Object* holder = nullptr,
                                      MemberOffset offset = MemberOffset(0))
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* MarkFromReadBarrier(mirror::Object* from_ref)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   bool IsMarking() const {
     return is_marking_;
@@ -158,12 +156,19 @@
   void PushOntoMarkStack(Thread* const self, mirror::Object* obj)
+  // Return a pointer to the unique to-space copy of from_ref.
+  // Ensures that copied data is visible to another thread that sees either the return
+  // value or the forwarding pointer. The memory allocated to the copy is not yet
+  // included in Heap::num_bytes_allocated_; it is instead tracked by the
+  // {bytes,objects}_moved_... counters.
   mirror::Object* Copy(Thread* const self,
                        mirror::Object* from_ref,
                        mirror::Object* holder,
                        MemberOffset offset)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   // Scan the reference fields of object `to_ref`.
   template <bool kNoUnEvac>
   void Scan(mirror::Object* to_ref) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
@@ -179,19 +184,19 @@
   template <bool kNoUnEvac>
   void Process(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_ , !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_ , !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void VisitRoots(mirror::Object*** roots, size_t count, const RootInfo& info) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   template<bool kGrayImmuneObject>
   void MarkRoot(Thread* const self, mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void VisitRoots(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>** roots,
                   size_t count,
                   const RootInfo& info) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void VerifyNoFromSpaceReferences() REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   accounting::ObjectStack* GetAllocationStack();
   accounting::ObjectStack* GetLiveStack();
@@ -228,11 +233,11 @@
   void ProcessReferences(Thread* self) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   mirror::Object* MarkObject(mirror::Object* from_ref) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void MarkHeapReference(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>* from_ref,
                          bool do_atomic_update) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   bool IsMarkedInUnevacFromSpace(mirror::Object* from_ref)
   bool IsMarkedInNonMovingSpace(mirror::Object* from_ref)
@@ -255,10 +260,10 @@
   void MarkZygoteLargeObjects()
   void FillWithDummyObject(Thread* const self, mirror::Object* dummy_obj, size_t byte_size)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
   mirror::Object* AllocateInSkippedBlock(Thread* const self, size_t alloc_size)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
   void CheckEmptyMarkStack() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   void IssueEmptyCheckpoint() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -292,12 +297,12 @@
                                 mirror::Object* holder = nullptr,
                                 MemberOffset offset = MemberOffset(0))
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* MarkUnevacFromSpaceRegion(Thread* const self,
       mirror::Object* from_ref,
       accounting::SpaceBitmap<kObjectAlignment>* bitmap)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   template<bool kGrayImmuneObject>
   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* MarkImmuneSpace(Thread* const self,
                                                 mirror::Object* from_ref)
@@ -307,7 +312,7 @@
   mirror::Object* MarkFromReadBarrierWithMeasurements(Thread* const self,
                                                       mirror::Object* from_ref)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void DumpPerformanceInfo(std::ostream& os) override REQUIRES(!rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);
   // Set the read barrier mark entrypoints to non-null.
   void ActivateReadBarrierEntrypoints();
@@ -415,17 +420,14 @@
   // reclaimed_bytes_ratio = reclaimed_bytes/num_allocated_bytes per GC cycle
   float reclaimed_bytes_ratio_sum_;
-  // The skipped blocks are memory blocks/chucks that were copies of
-  // objects that were unused due to lost races (cas failures) at
-  // object copy/forward pointer install. They may be reused.
-  // Skipped blocks are always in region space. Their size is included directly
-  // in num_bytes_allocated_, i.e. they are treated as allocated, but may be directly
-  // used without going through a GC cycle like other objects. They are reused only
-  // if we run out of region space. TODO: Revisit this design.
-  Mutex skipped_blocks_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
-  std::multimap<size_t, uint8_t*> skipped_blocks_map_ GUARDED_BY(skipped_blocks_lock_);
-  Atomic<size_t> to_space_bytes_skipped_;
-  Atomic<size_t> to_space_objects_skipped_;
+  // A largish from-space object that we're currently copying (or nullptr). A thread that sets
+  // this to p promises that eiher p's forwarding address is set, or a thread is actively working
+  // on ensuring that. Otherwise it's a hint; it may be cleared or set to a different value while
+  // the object is still being copied.
+  Atomic<mirror::Object*> currently_copying_;
+  // The minimum object size in bytes for which we publicise copying in currently_copying_.
+  static constexpr size_t kCurrentlyCopyingMin = 20'000;
   // If measure_read_barrier_slow_path_ is true, we count how long is spent in MarkFromReadBarrier
   // and also log.