Enable filtering of profile data on load
This is useful for filtering profile data that does not belong to certain
apks when taking profile snapshots.
Bug: 30934496
Test: profile_compilation_info_test
Change-Id: I2100031756ef3a20eb4cbab08ddbebb067489410
diff --git a/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.cc b/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.cc
index 4bf2895..de4d02e 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.cc
+++ b/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.cc
@@ -775,8 +775,14 @@
for (; dex_classes_size > 0; dex_classes_size--) {
uint16_t type_index;
READ_UINT(uint16_t, buffer, type_index, error);
- dex_pc_data->AddClass(dex_profile_index_remap.Get(dex_profile_index),
- dex::TypeIndex(type_index));
+ auto it = dex_profile_index_remap.find(dex_profile_index);
+ if (it == dex_profile_index_remap.end()) {
+ // If we don't have an index that's because the dex file was filtered out when loading.
+ // Set missing types on the dex pc data.
+ dex_pc_data->SetIsMissingTypes();
+ } else {
+ dex_pc_data->AddClass(it->second, dex::TypeIndex(type_index));
+ }
@@ -1036,10 +1042,11 @@
// TODO(calin): Fix this API. ProfileCompilationInfo::Load should be static and
// return a unique pointer to a ProfileCompilationInfo upon success.
-bool ProfileCompilationInfo::Load(int fd, bool merge_classes) {
+bool ProfileCompilationInfo::Load(
+ int fd, bool merge_classes, const ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn) {
std::string error;
- ProfileLoadStatus status = LoadInternal(fd, &error, merge_classes);
+ ProfileLoadStatus status = LoadInternal(fd, &error, merge_classes, filter_fn);
if (status == kProfileLoadSuccess) {
return true;
@@ -1245,7 +1252,10 @@
// TODO(calin): fail fast if the dex checksums don't match.
ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadStatus ProfileCompilationInfo::LoadInternal(
- int32_t fd, std::string* error, bool merge_classes) {
+ int32_t fd,
+ std::string* error,
+ bool merge_classes,
+ const ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn) {
ScopedTrace trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
DCHECK_GE(fd, 0);
@@ -1327,20 +1337,29 @@
SafeMap<uint8_t, uint8_t> dex_profile_index_remap;
- if (!RemapProfileIndex(profile_line_headers, &dex_profile_index_remap)) {
+ if (!RemapProfileIndex(profile_line_headers, filter_fn, &dex_profile_index_remap)) {
return kProfileLoadBadData;
for (uint8_t k = 0; k < number_of_dex_files; k++) {
- // Now read the actual profile line.
- status = ReadProfileLine(uncompressed_data,
- number_of_dex_files,
- profile_line_headers[k],
- dex_profile_index_remap,
- merge_classes,
- error);
- if (status != kProfileLoadSuccess) {
- return status;
+ if (!filter_fn(profile_line_headers[k].dex_location, profile_line_headers[k].checksum)) {
+ // We have to skip the line. Advanced the current pointer of the buffer.
+ size_t profile_line_size =
+ profile_line_headers[k].class_set_size +
+ profile_line_headers[k].method_region_size_bytes +
+ DexFileData::ComputeBitmapStorage(profile_line_headers[k].num_method_ids);
+ uncompressed_data.Advance(profile_line_size);
+ } else {
+ // Now read the actual profile line.
+ status = ReadProfileLine(uncompressed_data,
+ number_of_dex_files,
+ profile_line_headers[k],
+ dex_profile_index_remap,
+ merge_classes,
+ error);
+ if (status != kProfileLoadSuccess) {
+ return status;
+ }
@@ -1355,12 +1374,16 @@
bool ProfileCompilationInfo::RemapProfileIndex(
const std::vector<ProfileLineHeader>& profile_line_headers,
+ const ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn,
/*out*/SafeMap<uint8_t, uint8_t>* dex_profile_index_remap) {
// First verify that all checksums match. This will avoid adding garbage to
// the current profile info.
// Note that the number of elements should be very small, so this should not
// be a performance issue.
for (const ProfileLineHeader other_profile_line_header : profile_line_headers) {
+ if (!filter_fn(other_profile_line_header.dex_location, other_profile_line_header.checksum)) {
+ continue;
+ }
// verify_checksum is false because we want to differentiate between a missing dex data and
// a mismatched checksum.
const DexFileData* dex_data = FindDexData(other_profile_line_header.dex_location,
@@ -1374,6 +1397,9 @@
// All checksums match. Import the data.
uint32_t num_dex_files = static_cast<uint32_t>(profile_line_headers.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_dex_files; i++) {
+ if (!filter_fn(profile_line_headers[i].dex_location, profile_line_headers[i].checksum)) {
+ continue;
+ }
const DexFileData* dex_data = GetOrAddDexFileData(profile_line_headers[i].dex_location,
@@ -2054,4 +2080,10 @@
return true;
+bool ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileFilterFnAcceptAll(
+ const std::string& dex_location ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ uint32_t checksum ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+ return true;
} // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.h b/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.h
index 350ce9e..1973f3f 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.h
+++ b/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info.h
@@ -306,7 +306,19 @@
// Load or Merge profile information from the given file descriptor.
// If the current profile is non-empty the load will fail.
// If merge_classes is set to false, classes will not be merged/loaded.
- bool Load(int fd, bool merge_classes = true);
+ // If filter_fn is present, it will be used to filter out profile data belonging
+ // to dex file which do not comply with the filter
+ // (i.e. for which filter_fn(dex_location, dex_checksum) is false).
+ using ProfileLoadFilterFn = std::function<bool(const std::string&, uint32_t)>;
+ // Profile filter method which accepts all dex locations.
+ // This is convenient to use when we need to accept all locations without repeating the same
+ // lambda.
+ static bool ProfileFilterFnAcceptAll(const std::string& dex_location, uint32_t checksum);
+ bool Load(
+ int fd,
+ bool merge_classes = true,
+ const ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn = ProfileFilterFnAcceptAll);
// Verify integrity of the profile file with the provided dex files.
// If there exists a DexData object which maps to a dex_file, then it verifies that:
@@ -459,14 +471,21 @@
class_set(std::less<dex::TypeIndex>(), allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocProfile)),
bitmap_storage(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocProfile)) {
- const size_t num_bits = num_method_ids * kBitmapIndexCount;
- bitmap_storage.resize(RoundUp(num_bits, kBitsPerByte) / kBitsPerByte);
+ bitmap_storage.resize(ComputeBitmapStorage(num_method_ids));
if (!bitmap_storage.empty()) {
method_bitmap =
- BitMemoryRegion(MemoryRegion(&bitmap_storage[0], bitmap_storage.size()), 0, num_bits);
+ BitMemoryRegion(MemoryRegion(
+ &bitmap_storage[0], bitmap_storage.size()), 0, ComputeBitmapBits(num_method_ids));
+ static size_t ComputeBitmapBits(uint32_t num_method_ids) {
+ return num_method_ids * kBitmapIndexCount;
+ }
+ static size_t ComputeBitmapStorage(uint32_t num_method_ids) {
+ return RoundUp(ComputeBitmapBits(num_method_ids), kBitsPerByte) / kBitsPerByte;
+ }
bool operator==(const DexFileData& other) const {
return checksum == other.checksum && method_map == other.method_map;
@@ -689,10 +708,12 @@
/*out*/ std::unique_ptr<ProfileSource>* source,
/*out*/ std::string* error);
- // Entry point for profile loding functionality.
- ProfileLoadStatus LoadInternal(int32_t fd,
- std::string* error,
- bool merge_classes = true);
+ // Entry point for profile loading functionality.
+ ProfileLoadStatus LoadInternal(
+ int32_t fd,
+ std::string* error,
+ bool merge_classes = true,
+ const ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn = ProfileFilterFnAcceptAll);
// Read the profile header from the given fd and store the number of profile
// lines into number_of_dex_files.
@@ -736,6 +757,7 @@
// The method generates mapping of profile indices while merging a new profile
// data into current data. It returns true, if the mapping was successful.
bool RemapProfileIndex(const std::vector<ProfileLineHeader>& profile_line_headers,
+ const ProfileLoadFilterFn& filter_fn,
/*out*/SafeMap<uint8_t, uint8_t>* dex_profile_index_remap);
// Read the inline cache encoding from line_bufer into inline_cache.
diff --git a/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info_test.cc b/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info_test.cc
index b4265d1..4ac11ee 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info_test.cc
+++ b/runtime/jit/profile_compilation_info_test.cc
@@ -314,6 +314,10 @@
+ bool IsEmpty(const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
+ return info.IsEmpty();
+ }
// Cannot sizeof the actual arrays so hard code the values here.
// They should not change anyway.
static constexpr int kProfileMagicSize = 4;
@@ -1124,4 +1128,169 @@
+TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FilteredLoading) {
+ ScratchFile profile;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo pmi = GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo();
+ // Add methods with inline caches.
+ for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
+ // Add a method which is part of the same dex file as one of the class from the inline caches.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location2", /* checksum */ 2, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ // Add a method which is outside the set of dex files.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location4", /* checksum */ 4, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(saved_info.Save(GetFd(profile)));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
+ // Check that we get back what we saved.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+ // Filter out dex locations. Keep only dex_location1 and dex_location2.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
+ [](const std::string& dex_location, uint32_t checksum) -> bool {
+ return (dex_location == "dex_location1" && checksum == 1)
+ || (dex_location == "dex_location3" && checksum == 3);
+ };
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Load(GetFd(profile), true, filter_fn));
+ // Verify that we filtered out locations during load.
+ // Dex location 2 and 4 should have been filtered out
+ for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(nullptr == loaded_info.GetMethod("dex_location2", /* checksum */ 2, method_idx));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(nullptr == loaded_info.GetMethod("dex_location4", /* checksum */ 4, method_idx));
+ }
+ // Dex location 1 should have all all the inline caches referencing dex location 2 set to
+ // missing types.
+ for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
+ // The methods for dex location 1 should be in the profile data.
+ std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> loaded_pmi1 =
+ loaded_info.GetMethod("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, /* method_idx */ method_idx);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_pmi1 != nullptr);
+ // Verify the inline cache.
+ // Everything should be as constructed by GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo with the exception
+ // of the inline caches referring types from dex_location2.
+ // These should be set to IsMissingType.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap* ic_map = CreateInlineCacheMap();
+ // Monomorphic types should remain the same as dex_location1 was kept.
+ for (uint16_t dex_pc = 0; dex_pc < 11; dex_pc++) {
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(allocator_.get());
+ dex_pc_data.AddClass(0, dex::TypeIndex(0));
+ ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
+ }
+ // Polymorphic inline cache should have been transformed to IsMissingType due to
+ // the removal of dex_location2.
+ for (uint16_t dex_pc = 11; dex_pc < 22; dex_pc++) {
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(allocator_.get());
+ dex_pc_data.SetIsMissingTypes();
+ ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
+ }
+ // Megamorphic are not affected by removal of dex files.
+ for (uint16_t dex_pc = 22; dex_pc < 33; dex_pc++) {
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(allocator_.get());
+ dex_pc_data.SetIsMegamorphic();
+ ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
+ }
+ // Missing types are not affected be removal of dex files.
+ for (uint16_t dex_pc = 33; dex_pc < 44; dex_pc++) {
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData dex_pc_data(allocator_.get());
+ dex_pc_data.SetIsMissingTypes();
+ ic_map->Put(dex_pc, dex_pc_data);
+ }
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo expected_pmi(ic_map);
+ // The dex references should not have dex_location2 in the list.
+ expected_pmi.dex_references.emplace_back("dex_location1", /* checksum */1, kMaxMethodIds);
+ expected_pmi.dex_references.emplace_back("dex_location3", /* checksum */3, kMaxMethodIds);
+ // Now check that we get back what we expect.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(*loaded_pmi1 == expected_pmi);
+ }
+TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FilteredLoadingRemoveAll) {
+ ScratchFile profile;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo pmi = GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo();
+ // Add methods with inline caches.
+ for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
+ // Add a method which is part of the same dex file as one of the class from the inline caches.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location2", /* checksum */ 2, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ // Add a method which is outside the set of dex files.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location4", /* checksum */ 4, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(saved_info.Save(GetFd(profile)));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
+ // Check that we get back what we saved.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+ // Remove all elements.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
+ [](const std::string&, uint32_t) -> bool { return false; };
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Load(GetFd(profile), true, filter_fn));
+ // Verify that we filtered out everything.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(IsEmpty(loaded_info));
+TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FilteredLoadingKeepAll) {
+ ScratchFile profile;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo pmi = GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo();
+ // Add methods with inline caches.
+ for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
+ // Add a method which is part of the same dex file as one of the
+ // class from the inline caches.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ // Add a method which is outside the set of dex files.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod("dex_location4", /* checksum */ 4, method_idx, pmi, &saved_info));
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(saved_info.Save(GetFd(profile)));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
+ // Check that we get back what we saved.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+ // Keep all elements.
+ ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
+ [](const std::string&, uint32_t) -> bool { return true; };
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Load(GetFd(profile), true, filter_fn));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Equals(saved_info));
+ for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
+ std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> loaded_pmi1 =
+ loaded_info.GetMethod("dex_location1", /* checksum */ 1, method_idx);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_pmi1 != nullptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(*loaded_pmi1 == pmi);
+ }
+ for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
+ std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> loaded_pmi2 =
+ loaded_info.GetMethod("dex_location4", /* checksum */ 4, method_idx);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_pmi2 != nullptr);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(*loaded_pmi2 == pmi);
+ }
} // namespace art