ART: Refactor SsaBuilder for more precise typing info
This patch refactors the SsaBuilder to do the following:
1) All phis are constructed live and marked dead if not used or proved
to be conflicting.
2) Primitive type propagation, now not a separate pass, identifies
conflicting types and marks corresponding phis dead.
3) When compiling --debuggable, DeadPhiHandling used to revive phis
which had only environmental uses but did not attempt to resolve
conflicts. This pass was removed as obsolete and is now superseded
by primitive type propagation (identifying conflicting phis) and
SsaDeadPhiEliminiation (keeping phis live if debuggable + env use).
4) Resolving conflicts requires correct primitive type information
on all instructions. This was not the case for ArrayGet instructions
which can have ambiguous types in the bytecode. To this end,
SsaBuilder now runs reference type propagation and types ArrayGets
from the type of the input array.
5) With RTP being run inside the SsaBuilder, it is not necessary to
run it as a separate optimization pass. Optimizations can now assume
that all instructions of type kPrimNot have reference type info after
SsaBuilder (with the exception of NullConstant).
6) Graph now contains a reference type to be assigned to NullConstant.
All reference type instructions therefore have RTI, as now enforced
by the SsaChecker.
Bug: 24252151
Bug: 24252100
Bug: 22538329
Bug: 25786318
Change-Id: I7a3aee1ff66c82d64b4846611c547af17e91d260
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 9e6cfbe..9e869e1 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -17,214 +17,11 @@
#include "ssa_builder.h"
#include "nodes.h"
-#include "primitive_type_propagation.h"
+#include "reference_type_propagation.h"
#include "ssa_phi_elimination.h"
namespace art {
-// Returns whether this is a loop header phi which was eagerly created but later
-// found inconsistent due to the vreg being undefined in one of its predecessors.
-// Such phi is marked dead and should be ignored until its removal in SsaPhiElimination.
-static bool IsUndefinedLoopHeaderPhi(HPhi* phi) {
- return phi->IsLoopHeaderPhi() && phi->InputCount() != phi->GetBlock()->GetPredecessors().size();
- * A debuggable application may require to reviving phis, to ensure their
- * associated DEX register is available to a debugger. This class implements
- * the logic for statement (c) of the SsaBuilder (see ssa_builder.h). It
- * also makes sure that phis with incompatible input types are not revived
- * (statement (b) of the SsaBuilder).
- *
- * This phase must be run after detecting dead phis through the
- * DeadPhiElimination phase, and before deleting the dead phis.
- */
-class DeadPhiHandling : public ValueObject {
- public:
- explicit DeadPhiHandling(HGraph* graph)
- : graph_(graph), worklist_(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocSsaBuilder)) {
- worklist_.reserve(kDefaultWorklistSize);
- }
- void Run();
- private:
- void VisitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock* block);
- void ProcessWorklist();
- void AddToWorklist(HPhi* phi);
- void AddDependentInstructionsToWorklist(HPhi* phi);
- bool UpdateType(HPhi* phi);
- HGraph* const graph_;
- ArenaVector<HPhi*> worklist_;
- static constexpr size_t kDefaultWorklistSize = 8;
-static bool HasConflictingEquivalent(HPhi* phi) {
- if (phi->GetNext() == nullptr) {
- return false;
- }
- HPhi* next = phi->GetNext()->AsPhi();
- if (next->GetRegNumber() == phi->GetRegNumber()) {
- if (next->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimVoid) {
- // We only get a void type for an equivalent phi we processed and found out
- // it was conflicting.
- return true;
- } else {
- // Go to the next phi, in case it is also an equivalent.
- return HasConflictingEquivalent(next);
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool DeadPhiHandling::UpdateType(HPhi* phi) {
- if (phi->IsDead()) {
- // Phi was rendered dead while waiting in the worklist because it was replaced
- // with an equivalent.
- return false;
- }
- Primitive::Type existing = phi->GetType();
- bool conflict = false;
- Primitive::Type new_type = existing;
- for (size_t i = 0, e = phi->InputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
- HInstruction* input = phi->InputAt(i);
- if (input->IsPhi() && input->AsPhi()->IsDead()) {
- // We are doing a reverse post order visit of the graph, reviving
- // phis that have environment uses and updating their types. If an
- // input is a phi, and it is dead (because its input types are
- // conflicting), this phi must be marked dead as well.
- conflict = true;
- break;
- }
- Primitive::Type input_type = HPhi::ToPhiType(input->GetType());
- // The only acceptable transitions are:
- // - From void to typed: first time we update the type of this phi.
- // - From int to reference (or reference to int): the phi has to change
- // to reference type. If the integer input cannot be converted to a
- // reference input, the phi will remain dead.
- if (new_type == Primitive::kPrimVoid) {
- new_type = input_type;
- } else if (new_type == Primitive::kPrimNot && input_type == Primitive::kPrimInt) {
- if (input->IsPhi() && HasConflictingEquivalent(input->AsPhi())) {
- // If we already asked for an equivalent of the input phi, but that equivalent
- // ended up conflicting, make this phi conflicting too.
- conflict = true;
- break;
- }
- HInstruction* equivalent = SsaBuilder::GetReferenceTypeEquivalent(input);
- if (equivalent == nullptr) {
- conflict = true;
- break;
- }
- phi->ReplaceInput(equivalent, i);
- if (equivalent->IsPhi()) {
- DCHECK_EQ(equivalent->GetType(), Primitive::kPrimNot);
- // We created a new phi, but that phi has the same inputs as the old phi. We
- // add it to the worklist to ensure its inputs can also be converted to reference.
- // If not, it will remain dead, and the algorithm will make the current phi dead
- // as well.
- equivalent->AsPhi()->SetLive();
- AddToWorklist(equivalent->AsPhi());
- }
- } else if (new_type == Primitive::kPrimInt && input_type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
- new_type = Primitive::kPrimNot;
- // Start over, we may request reference equivalents for the inputs of the phi.
- i = -1;
- } else if (new_type != input_type) {
- conflict = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (conflict) {
- phi->SetType(Primitive::kPrimVoid);
- phi->SetDead();
- return true;
- } else if (existing == new_type) {
- return false;
- }
- DCHECK(phi->IsLive());
- phi->SetType(new_type);
- // There might exist a `new_type` equivalent of `phi` already. In that case,
- // we replace the equivalent with the, now live, `phi`.
- HPhi* equivalent = phi->GetNextEquivalentPhiWithSameType();
- if (equivalent != nullptr) {
- // There cannot be more than two equivalents with the same type.
- DCHECK(equivalent->GetNextEquivalentPhiWithSameType() == nullptr);
- // If doing fix-point iteration, the equivalent might be in `worklist_`.
- // Setting it dead will make UpdateType skip it.
- equivalent->SetDead();
- equivalent->ReplaceWith(phi);
- }
- return true;
-void DeadPhiHandling::VisitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock* block) {
- for (HInstructionIterator it(block->GetPhis()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
- HPhi* phi = it.Current()->AsPhi();
- if (IsUndefinedLoopHeaderPhi(phi)) {
- DCHECK(phi->IsDead());
- continue;
- }
- if (phi->IsDead() && phi->HasEnvironmentUses()) {
- phi->SetLive();
- if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
- // Loop phis must have a type to guarantee convergence of the algorithm.
- DCHECK_NE(phi->GetType(), Primitive::kPrimVoid);
- AddToWorklist(phi);
- } else {
- // Because we are doing a reverse post order visit, all inputs of
- // this phi have been visited and therefore had their (initial) type set.
- UpdateType(phi);
- }
- }
- }
-void DeadPhiHandling::ProcessWorklist() {
- while (!worklist_.empty()) {
- HPhi* instruction = worklist_.back();
- worklist_.pop_back();
- // Note that the same equivalent phi can be added multiple times in the work list, if
- // used by multiple phis. The first call to `UpdateType` will know whether the phi is
- // dead or live.
- if (instruction->IsLive() && UpdateType(instruction)) {
- AddDependentInstructionsToWorklist(instruction);
- }
- }
-void DeadPhiHandling::AddToWorklist(HPhi* instruction) {
- DCHECK(instruction->IsLive());
- worklist_.push_back(instruction);
-void DeadPhiHandling::AddDependentInstructionsToWorklist(HPhi* instruction) {
- for (HUseIterator<HInstruction*> it(instruction->GetUses()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
- HPhi* phi = it.Current()->GetUser()->AsPhi();
- if (phi != nullptr && !phi->IsDead()) {
- AddToWorklist(phi);
- }
- }
-void DeadPhiHandling::Run() {
- for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*graph_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
- VisitBasicBlock(it.Current());
- }
- ProcessWorklist();
void SsaBuilder::SetLoopHeaderPhiInputs() {
for (size_t i = loop_headers_.size(); i > 0; --i) {
HBasicBlock* block = loop_headers_[i - 1];
@@ -285,10 +82,11 @@
HPhi* phi = it.Current()->AsPhi();
HPhi* next = phi->GetNextEquivalentPhiWithSameType();
if (next != nullptr) {
- // Make sure we do not replace a live phi with a dead phi. A live phi has been
- // handled by the type propagation phase, unlike a dead phi.
+ // Make sure we do not replace a live phi with a dead phi. A live phi
+ // has been handled by the type propagation phase, unlike a dead phi.
if (next->IsLive()) {
+ phi->SetDead();
} else {
@@ -300,64 +98,7 @@
-void SsaBuilder::BuildSsa() {
- // 1) Visit in reverse post order. We need to have all predecessors of a block visited
- // (with the exception of loops) in order to create the right environment for that
- // block. For loops, we create phis whose inputs will be set in 2).
- for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
- VisitBasicBlock(it.Current());
- }
- // 2) Set inputs of loop phis.
- SetLoopHeaderPhiInputs();
- // 3) Mark dead phis. This will mark phis that are only used by environments:
- // at the DEX level, the type of these phis does not need to be consistent, but
- // our code generator will complain if the inputs of a phi do not have the same
- // type. The marking allows the type propagation to know which phis it needs
- // to handle. We mark but do not eliminate: the elimination will be done in
- // step 9).
- SsaDeadPhiElimination dead_phis_for_type_propagation(GetGraph());
- dead_phis_for_type_propagation.MarkDeadPhis();
- // 4) Propagate types of phis. At this point, phis are typed void in the general
- // case, or float/double/reference when we created an equivalent phi. So we
- // need to propagate the types across phis to give them a correct type.
- PrimitiveTypePropagation type_propagation(GetGraph());
- type_propagation.Run();
- // 5) When creating equivalent phis we copy the inputs of the original phi which
- // may be improperly typed. This was fixed during the type propagation in 4) but
- // as a result we may end up with two equivalent phis with the same type for
- // the same dex register. This pass cleans them up.
- EquivalentPhisCleanup();
- // 6) Mark dead phis again. Step 4) may have introduced new phis.
- // Step 5) might enable the death of new phis.
- SsaDeadPhiElimination dead_phis(GetGraph());
- dead_phis.MarkDeadPhis();
- // 7) Now that the graph is correctly typed, we can get rid of redundant phis.
- // Note that we cannot do this phase before type propagation, otherwise
- // we could get rid of phi equivalents, whose presence is a requirement for the
- // type propagation phase. Note that this is to satisfy statement (a) of the
- // SsaBuilder (see ssa_builder.h).
- SsaRedundantPhiElimination redundant_phi(GetGraph());
- redundant_phi.Run();
- // 8) Fix the type for null constants which are part of an equality comparison.
- // We need to do this after redundant phi elimination, to ensure the only cases
- // that we can see are reference comparison against 0. The redundant phi
- // elimination ensures we do not see a phi taking two 0 constants in a HEqual
- // or HNotEqual.
- FixNullConstantType();
- // 9) Make sure environments use the right phi "equivalent": a phi marked dead
- // can have a phi equivalent that is not dead. We must therefore update
- // all environment uses of the dead phi to use its equivalent. Note that there
- // can be multiple phis for the same Dex register that are live (for example
- // when merging constants), in which case it is OK for the environments
- // to just reference one.
+void SsaBuilder::FixEnvironmentPhis() {
for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HBasicBlock* block = it.Current();
for (HInstructionIterator it_phis(block->GetPhis()); !it_phis.Done(); it_phis.Advance()) {
@@ -378,24 +119,345 @@
- // 10) Deal with phis to guarantee liveness of phis in case of a debuggable
- // application. This is for satisfying statement (c) of the SsaBuilder
- // (see ssa_builder.h).
- if (GetGraph()->IsDebuggable()) {
- DeadPhiHandling dead_phi_handler(GetGraph());
- dead_phi_handler.Run();
+static void AddDependentInstructionsToWorklist(HInstruction* instruction,
+ ArenaVector<HPhi*>* worklist) {
+ // If `instruction` is a dead phi, type conflict was just identified. All its
+ // live phi users, and transitively users of those users, therefore need to be
+ // marked dead/conflicting too, so we add them to the worklist. Otherwise we
+ // add users whose type does not match and needs to be updated.
+ bool add_all_live_phis = instruction->IsPhi() && instruction->AsPhi()->IsDead();
+ for (HUseIterator<HInstruction*> it(instruction->GetUses()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ HInstruction* user = it.Current()->GetUser();
+ if (user->IsPhi() && user->AsPhi()->IsLive()) {
+ if (add_all_live_phis || user->GetType() != instruction->GetType()) {
+ worklist->push_back(user->AsPhi());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Find a candidate primitive type for `phi` by merging the type of its inputs.
+// Return false if conflict is identified.
+static bool TypePhiFromInputs(HPhi* phi) {
+ Primitive::Type common_type = phi->GetType();
+ for (HInputIterator it(phi); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ HInstruction* input = it.Current();
+ if (input->IsPhi() && input->AsPhi()->IsDead()) {
+ // Phis are constructed live so if an input is a dead phi, it must have
+ // been made dead due to type conflict. Mark this phi conflicting too.
+ return false;
+ }
+ Primitive::Type input_type = HPhi::ToPhiType(input->GetType());
+ if (common_type == input_type) {
+ // No change in type.
+ } else if (Primitive::ComponentSize(common_type) != Primitive::ComponentSize(input_type)) {
+ // Types are of different sizes, e.g. int vs. long. Must be a conflict.
+ return false;
+ } else if (Primitive::IsIntegralType(common_type)) {
+ // Previous inputs were integral, this one is not but is of the same size.
+ // This does not imply conflict since some bytecode instruction types are
+ // ambiguous. TypeInputsOfPhi will either type them or detect a conflict.
+ DCHECK(Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(input_type) || input_type == Primitive::kPrimNot);
+ common_type = input_type;
+ } else if (Primitive::IsIntegralType(input_type)) {
+ // Input is integral, common type is not. Same as in the previous case, if
+ // there is a conflict, it will be detected during TypeInputsOfPhi.
+ DCHECK(Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(common_type) || common_type == Primitive::kPrimNot);
+ } else {
+ // Combining float and reference types. Clearly a conflict.
+ DCHECK((common_type == Primitive::kPrimFloat && input_type == Primitive::kPrimNot) ||
+ (common_type == Primitive::kPrimNot && input_type == Primitive::kPrimFloat));
+ return false;
+ }
- // 11) Now that the right phis are used for the environments, and we
- // have potentially revive dead phis in case of a debuggable application,
- // we can eliminate phis we do not need. Regardless of the debuggable status,
- // this phase is necessary for statement (b) of the SsaBuilder (see ssa_builder.h),
- // as well as for the code generation, which does not deal with phis of conflicting
- // input types.
- dead_phis.EliminateDeadPhis();
+ // We have found a candidate type for the phi. Set it and return true. We may
+ // still discover conflict whilst typing the individual inputs in TypeInputsOfPhi.
+ phi->SetType(common_type);
+ return true;
- // 12) Clear locals.
+// Replace inputs of `phi` to match its type. Return false if conflict is identified.
+bool SsaBuilder::TypeInputsOfPhi(HPhi* phi, ArenaVector<HPhi*>* worklist) {
+ Primitive::Type common_type = phi->GetType();
+ if (common_type == Primitive::kPrimVoid || Primitive::IsIntegralType(common_type)) {
+ // Phi either contains only other untyped phis (common_type == kPrimVoid),
+ // or `common_type` is integral and we do not need to retype ambiguous inputs
+ // because they are always constructed with the integral type candidate.
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = phi->InputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
+ HInstruction* input = phi->InputAt(i);
+ if (common_type == Primitive::kPrimVoid) {
+ DCHECK(input->IsPhi() && input->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimVoid);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK((input->IsPhi() && input->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimVoid) ||
+ HPhi::ToPhiType(input->GetType()) == common_type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Inputs did not need to be replaced, hence no conflict. Report success.
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(common_type == Primitive::kPrimNot || Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(common_type));
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = phi->InputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
+ HInstruction* input = phi->InputAt(i);
+ if (input->GetType() != common_type) {
+ // Input type does not match phi's type. Try to retype the input or
+ // generate a suitably typed equivalent.
+ HInstruction* equivalent = (common_type == Primitive::kPrimNot)
+ ? GetReferenceTypeEquivalent(input)
+ : GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalent(input, common_type);
+ if (equivalent == nullptr) {
+ // Input could not be typed. Report conflict.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Make sure the input did not change its type and we do not need to
+ // update its users.
+ DCHECK_NE(input, equivalent);
+ phi->ReplaceInput(equivalent, i);
+ if (equivalent->IsPhi()) {
+ worklist->push_back(equivalent->AsPhi());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // All inputs either matched the type of the phi or we successfully replaced
+ // them with a suitable equivalent. Report success.
+ return true;
+ }
+// Attempt to set the primitive type of `phi` to match its inputs. Return whether
+// it was changed by the algorithm or not.
+bool SsaBuilder::UpdatePrimitiveType(HPhi* phi, ArenaVector<HPhi*>* worklist) {
+ DCHECK(phi->IsLive());
+ Primitive::Type original_type = phi->GetType();
+ // Try to type the phi in two stages:
+ // (1) find a candidate type for the phi by merging types of all its inputs,
+ // (2) try to type the phi's inputs to that candidate type.
+ // Either of these stages may detect a type conflict and fail, in which case
+ // we immediately abort.
+ if (!TypePhiFromInputs(phi) || !TypeInputsOfPhi(phi, worklist)) {
+ // Conflict detected. Mark the phi dead and return true because it changed.
+ phi->SetDead();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Return true if the type of the phi has changed.
+ return phi->GetType() != original_type;
+void SsaBuilder::RunPrimitiveTypePropagation() {
+ ArenaVector<HPhi*> worklist(GetGraph()->GetArena()->Adapter());
+ for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ HBasicBlock* block = it.Current();
+ if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
+ for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(block->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
+ HPhi* phi = phi_it.Current()->AsPhi();
+ if (phi->IsLive()) {
+ worklist.push_back(phi);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(block->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
+ // Eagerly compute the type of the phi, for quicker convergence. Note
+ // that we don't need to add users to the worklist because we are
+ // doing a reverse post-order visit, therefore either the phi users are
+ // non-loop phi and will be visited later in the visit, or are loop-phis,
+ // and they are already in the work list.
+ HPhi* phi = phi_it.Current()->AsPhi();
+ if (phi->IsLive()) {
+ UpdatePrimitiveType(phi, &worklist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ProcessPrimitiveTypePropagationWorklist(&worklist);
+ EquivalentPhisCleanup();
+void SsaBuilder::ProcessPrimitiveTypePropagationWorklist(ArenaVector<HPhi*>* worklist) {
+ // Process worklist
+ while (!worklist->empty()) {
+ HPhi* phi = worklist->back();
+ worklist->pop_back();
+ // The phi could have been made dead as a result of conflicts while in the
+ // worklist. If it is now dead, there is no point in updating its type.
+ if (phi->IsLive() && UpdatePrimitiveType(phi, worklist)) {
+ AddDependentInstructionsToWorklist(phi, worklist);
+ }
+ }
+static HArrayGet* FindFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(HArrayGet* aget) {
+ Primitive::Type type = aget->GetType();
+ DCHECK(Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(type));
+ HArrayGet* next = aget->GetNext()->AsArrayGet();
+ return (next != nullptr && next->IsEquivalentOf(aget)) ? next : nullptr;
+static HArrayGet* CreateFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(HArrayGet* aget) {
+ Primitive::Type type = aget->GetType();
+ DCHECK(Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(type));
+ DCHECK(FindFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(aget) == nullptr);
+ HArrayGet* equivalent = new (aget->GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetArena()) HArrayGet(
+ aget->GetArray(),
+ aget->GetIndex(),
+ type == Primitive::kPrimInt ? Primitive::kPrimFloat : Primitive::kPrimDouble,
+ aget->GetDexPc());
+ aget->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionAfter(equivalent, aget);
+ return equivalent;
+// Returns true if the array input of `aget` is either of type int[] or long[].
+// Should only be called on ArrayGets with ambiguous type (int/float, long/double)
+// on arrays which were typed to an array class by RTP.
+static bool IsArrayGetOnIntegralArray(HArrayGet* aget) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ ReferenceTypeInfo array_type = aget->GetArray()->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
+ DCHECK(array_type.IsPrimitiveArrayClass());
+ ReferenceTypeInfo::TypeHandle array_type_handle = array_type.GetTypeHandle();
+ bool is_integral_type;
+ if (Primitive::Is64BitType(aget->GetType())) {
+ is_integral_type = array_type_handle->GetComponentType()->IsPrimitiveLong();
+ DCHECK(is_integral_type || array_type_handle->GetComponentType()->IsPrimitiveDouble());
+ } else {
+ is_integral_type = array_type_handle->GetComponentType()->IsPrimitiveInt();
+ DCHECK(is_integral_type || array_type_handle->GetComponentType()->IsPrimitiveFloat());
+ }
+ return is_integral_type;
+bool SsaBuilder::FixAmbiguousArrayGets() {
+ if (ambiguous_agets_.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The wrong ArrayGet equivalent may still have Phi uses coming from ArraySet
+ // uses (because they are untyped) and environment uses (if --debuggable).
+ // After resolving all ambiguous ArrayGets, we will re-run primitive type
+ // propagation on the Phis which need to be updated.
+ ArenaVector<HPhi*> worklist(GetGraph()->GetArena()->Adapter());
+ {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ for (HArrayGet* aget_int : ambiguous_agets_) {
+ if (!aget_int->GetArray()->GetReferenceTypeInfo().IsPrimitiveArrayClass()) {
+ // RTP did not type the input array. Bail.
+ return false;
+ }
+ HArrayGet* aget_float = FindFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(aget_int);
+ if (IsArrayGetOnIntegralArray(aget_int)) {
+ if (aget_float != nullptr) {
+ // There is a float/double equivalent. We must replace it and re-run
+ // primitive type propagation on all dependent instructions.
+ aget_float->ReplaceWith(aget_int);
+ aget_float->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(aget_float);
+ AddDependentInstructionsToWorklist(aget_int, &worklist);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (aget_float == nullptr) {
+ // This is a float/double ArrayGet but there were no typed uses which
+ // would create the typed equivalent. Create it now.
+ aget_float = CreateFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(aget_int);
+ }
+ // Replace the original int/long instruction. Note that it may have phi
+ // uses, environment uses, as well as real uses (from untyped ArraySets).
+ // We need to re-run primitive type propagation on its dependent instructions.
+ aget_int->ReplaceWith(aget_float);
+ aget_int->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(aget_int);
+ AddDependentInstructionsToWorklist(aget_float, &worklist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set a flag stating that types of ArrayGets have been resolved. This is used
+ // by GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet to report conflict.
+ agets_fixed_ = true;
+ if (!worklist.empty()) {
+ ProcessPrimitiveTypePropagationWorklist(&worklist);
+ EquivalentPhisCleanup();
+ }
+ return true;
+BuildSsaResult SsaBuilder::BuildSsa() {
+ // 1) Visit in reverse post order. We need to have all predecessors of a block
+ // visited (with the exception of loops) in order to create the right environment
+ // for that block. For loops, we create phis whose inputs will be set in 2).
+ for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*GetGraph()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ VisitBasicBlock(it.Current());
+ }
+ // 2) Set inputs of loop header phis.
+ SetLoopHeaderPhiInputs();
+ // 3) Propagate types of phis. At this point, phis are typed void in the general
+ // case, or float/double/reference if we created an equivalent phi. So we need
+ // to propagate the types across phis to give them a correct type. If a type
+ // conflict is detected in this stage, the phi is marked dead.
+ RunPrimitiveTypePropagation();
+ // 4) Now that the correct primitive types have been assigned, we can get rid
+ // of redundant phis. Note that we cannot do this phase before type propagation,
+ // otherwise we could get rid of phi equivalents, whose presence is a requirement
+ // for the type propagation phase. Note that this is to satisfy statement (a)
+ // of the SsaBuilder (see ssa_builder.h).
+ SsaRedundantPhiElimination(GetGraph()).Run();
+ // 5) Fix the type for null constants which are part of an equality comparison.
+ // We need to do this after redundant phi elimination, to ensure the only cases
+ // that we can see are reference comparison against 0. The redundant phi
+ // elimination ensures we do not see a phi taking two 0 constants in a HEqual
+ // or HNotEqual.
+ FixNullConstantType();
+ // 6) Compute type of reference type instructions. The pass assumes that
+ // NullConstant has been fixed up.
+ ReferenceTypePropagation(GetGraph(), handles_).Run();
+ // 7) Step 1) duplicated ArrayGet instructions with ambiguous type (int/float
+ // or long/double). Now that RTP computed the type of the array input, the
+ // ambiguity can be resolved and the correct equivalent kept.
+ if (!FixAmbiguousArrayGets()) {
+ return kBuildSsaFailAmbiguousArrayGet;
+ }
+ // 8) Mark dead phis. This will mark phis which are not used by instructions
+ // or other live phis. If compiling as debuggable code, phis will also be kept
+ // live if they have an environment use.
+ SsaDeadPhiElimination dead_phi_elimimation(GetGraph());
+ dead_phi_elimimation.MarkDeadPhis();
+ // 9) Make sure environments use the right phi equivalent: a phi marked dead
+ // can have a phi equivalent that is not dead. In that case we have to replace
+ // it with the live equivalent because deoptimization and try/catch rely on
+ // environments containing values of all live vregs at that point. Note that
+ // there can be multiple phis for the same Dex register that are live
+ // (for example when merging constants), in which case it is okay for the
+ // environments to just reference one.
+ FixEnvironmentPhis();
+ // 10) Now that the right phis are used for the environments, we can eliminate
+ // phis we do not need. Regardless of the debuggable status, this phase is
+ /// necessary for statement (b) of the SsaBuilder (see ssa_builder.h), as well
+ // as for the code generation, which does not deal with phis of conflicting
+ // input types.
+ dead_phi_elimimation.EliminateDeadPhis();
+ // 11) Clear locals.
for (HInstructionIterator it(GetGraph()->GetEntryBlock()->GetInstructions());
it.Advance()) {
@@ -404,6 +466,8 @@
+ return kBuildSsaSuccess;
ArenaVector<HInstruction*>* SsaBuilder::GetLocalsFor(HBasicBlock* block) {
@@ -591,6 +655,8 @@
* phi with a floating point / reference type.
HPhi* SsaBuilder::GetFloatDoubleOrReferenceEquivalentOfPhi(HPhi* phi, Primitive::Type type) {
+ DCHECK(phi->IsLive()) << "Cannot get equivalent of a dead phi since it would create a live one.";
// We place the floating point /reference phi next to this phi.
HInstruction* next = phi->GetNext();
if (next != nullptr
@@ -606,35 +672,50 @@
ArenaAllocator* allocator = phi->GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetArena();
HPhi* new_phi = new (allocator) HPhi(allocator, phi->GetRegNumber(), phi->InputCount(), type);
for (size_t i = 0, e = phi->InputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
- // Copy the inputs. Note that the graph may not be correctly typed by doing this copy,
- // but the type propagation phase will fix it.
+ // Copy the inputs. Note that the graph may not be correctly typed
+ // by doing this copy, but the type propagation phase will fix it.
new_phi->SetRawInputAt(i, phi->InputAt(i));
phi->GetBlock()->InsertPhiAfter(new_phi, phi);
+ DCHECK(new_phi->IsLive());
return new_phi;
} else {
+ // An existing equivalent was found. If it is dead, conflict was previously
+ // identified and we return nullptr instead.
HPhi* next_phi = next->AsPhi();
DCHECK_EQ(next_phi->GetType(), type);
- if (next_phi->IsDead()) {
- // TODO(dbrazdil): Remove this SetLive (we should not need to revive phis)
- // once we stop running MarkDeadPhis before PrimitiveTypePropagation. This
- // cannot revive undefined loop header phis because they cannot have uses.
- DCHECK(!IsUndefinedLoopHeaderPhi(next_phi));
- next_phi->SetLive();
- }
- return next_phi;
+ return next_phi->IsLive() ? next_phi : nullptr;
-HInstruction* SsaBuilder::GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalent(HInstruction* user,
- HInstruction* value,
- Primitive::Type type) {
+HArrayGet* SsaBuilder::GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(HArrayGet* aget) {
+ DCHECK(Primitive::IsIntegralType(aget->GetType()));
+ if (!Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(aget->GetType())) {
+ // Cannot type boolean, char, byte, short to float/double.
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ DCHECK(ContainsElement(ambiguous_agets_, aget));
+ if (agets_fixed_) {
+ // This used to be an ambiguous ArrayGet but its type has been resolved to
+ // int/long. Requesting a float/double equivalent should lead to a conflict.
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ DCHECK(IsArrayGetOnIntegralArray(aget));
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ } else {
+ // This is an ambiguous ArrayGet which has not been resolved yet. Return an
+ // equivalent float/double instruction to use until it is resolved.
+ HArrayGet* equivalent = FindFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(aget);
+ return (equivalent == nullptr) ? CreateFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(aget) : equivalent;
+ }
+HInstruction* SsaBuilder::GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalent(HInstruction* value, Primitive::Type type) {
if (value->IsArrayGet()) {
- // The verifier has checked that values in arrays cannot be used for both
- // floating point and non-floating point operations. It is therefore safe to just
- // change the type of the operation.
- value->AsArrayGet()->SetType(type);
- return value;
+ return GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalentOfArrayGet(value->AsArrayGet());
} else if (value->IsLongConstant()) {
return GetDoubleEquivalent(value->AsLongConstant());
} else if (value->IsIntConstant()) {
@@ -642,12 +723,7 @@
} else if (value->IsPhi()) {
return GetFloatDoubleOrReferenceEquivalentOfPhi(value->AsPhi(), type);
} else {
- // For other instructions, we assume the verifier has checked that the dex format is correctly
- // typed and the value in a dex register will not be used for both floating point and
- // non-floating point operations. So the only reason an instruction would want a floating
- // point equivalent is for an unused phi that will be removed by the dead phi elimination phase.
- DCHECK(user->IsPhi()) << "is actually " << user->DebugName() << " (" << user->GetId() << ")";
- return value;
+ return nullptr;
@@ -662,15 +738,17 @@
void SsaBuilder::VisitLoadLocal(HLoadLocal* load) {
+ Primitive::Type load_type = load->GetType();
HInstruction* value = (*current_locals_)[load->GetLocal()->GetRegNumber()];
// If the operation requests a specific type, we make sure its input is of that type.
- if (load->GetType() != value->GetType()) {
- if (load->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimFloat || load->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimDouble) {
- value = GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalent(load, value, load->GetType());
- } else if (load->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
+ if (load_type != value->GetType()) {
+ if (load_type == Primitive::kPrimFloat || load_type == Primitive::kPrimDouble) {
+ value = GetFloatOrDoubleEquivalent(value, load_type);
+ } else if (load_type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
value = GetReferenceTypeEquivalent(value);
@@ -760,4 +838,13 @@
+void SsaBuilder::VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* aget) {
+ Primitive::Type type = aget->GetType();
+ DCHECK(!Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type));
+ if (Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(type)) {
+ ambiguous_agets_.push_back(aget);
+ }
+ VisitInstruction(aget);
} // namespace art