Increase JIT initial size for test 595-profile-saving

Added -Xjitinitialsize:32M to prevent failure creating the profiling

It was seen that failing to create the profiling info caused the test
to fail at least once.

Bug: 63635729
Test: test/run-test --host 595-profile-saving

Change-Id: I826833929d601f522c34e58fc0038a5c1b449954
diff --git a/test/595-profile-saving/run b/test/595-profile-saving/run
index 055035b..851be09 100644
--- a/test/595-profile-saving/run
+++ b/test/595-profile-saving/run
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
 # and to make sure the test is not compiled  when loaded (by PathClassLoader)
 # -Xjitsaveprofilinginfo to enable profile saving
 # -Xusejit:false to disable jit and only test profiles.
+# -Xjitinitialsize:32M to prevent profiling info creation failure.
 exec ${RUN} \
   -Xcompiler-option --compiler-filter=quicken \
   --runtime-option '-Xcompiler-option --compiler-filter=quicken' \
+  --runtime-option -Xjitinitialsize:32M \
   --runtime-option -Xjitsaveprofilinginfo \
   --runtime-option -Xusejit:false \
   --runtime-option -Xps-profile-boot-class-path \