Inline field and method resolution.
According to profiling results, field and method resolutions are hot points
during interpreter execution. This CL attempts to speed up these resolutions.
Forces aggressive inlining of FindFieldFromCode and FindMethodFromCode. This
allows to reduce the overhead of access check code when the interpreter runs
without these checks. Templatize these functions to optimize inlining and their
Also spread the use of C++11 "nullptr" in place of "NULL" in field access and
invoke helpers.
Change-Id: Ic1a69834d8975b2cddcddaae32f08a7de146a951
diff --git a/runtime/entrypoints/entrypoint_utils.h b/runtime/entrypoints/entrypoint_utils.h
index c32a661..2008604 100644
--- a/runtime/entrypoints/entrypoint_utils.h
+++ b/runtime/entrypoints/entrypoint_utils.h
@@ -178,11 +178,235 @@
-// Slow field find that can initialize classes and may throw exceptions.
-extern mirror::ArtField* FindFieldFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const mirror::ArtMethod* referrer,
- Thread* self, FindFieldType type, size_t expected_size,
- bool access_check)
- SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+template<FindFieldType type, bool access_check>
+static inline mirror::ArtField* FindFieldFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const mirror::ArtMethod* referrer,
+ Thread* self, size_t expected_size) {
+ bool is_primitive;
+ bool is_set;
+ bool is_static;
+ switch (type) {
+ case InstanceObjectRead: is_primitive = false; is_set = false; is_static = false; break;
+ case InstanceObjectWrite: is_primitive = false; is_set = true; is_static = false; break;
+ case InstancePrimitiveRead: is_primitive = true; is_set = false; is_static = false; break;
+ case InstancePrimitiveWrite: is_primitive = true; is_set = true; is_static = false; break;
+ case StaticObjectRead: is_primitive = false; is_set = false; is_static = true; break;
+ case StaticObjectWrite: is_primitive = false; is_set = true; is_static = true; break;
+ case StaticPrimitiveRead: is_primitive = true; is_set = false; is_static = true; break;
+ case StaticPrimitiveWrite: // Keep GCC happy by having a default handler, fall-through.
+ default: is_primitive = true; is_set = true; is_static = true; break;
+ }
+ ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+ mirror::ArtField* resolved_field = class_linker->ResolveField(field_idx, referrer, is_static);
+ if (UNLIKELY(resolved_field == nullptr)) {
+ DCHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()); // Throw exception and unwind.
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ }
+ mirror::Class* fields_class = resolved_field->GetDeclaringClass();
+ if (access_check) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(resolved_field->IsStatic() != is_static)) {
+ ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeErrorField(resolved_field, is_static, referrer);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ mirror::Class* referring_class = referrer->GetDeclaringClass();
+ if (UNLIKELY(!referring_class->CanAccess(fields_class) ||
+ !referring_class->CanAccessMember(fields_class,
+ resolved_field->GetAccessFlags()))) {
+ // The referring class can't access the resolved field, this may occur as a result of a
+ // protected field being made public by a sub-class. Resort to the dex file to determine
+ // the correct class for the access check.
+ const DexFile& dex_file = *referring_class->GetDexCache()->GetDexFile();
+ fields_class = class_linker->ResolveType(dex_file,
+ dex_file.GetFieldId(field_idx).class_idx_,
+ referring_class);
+ if (UNLIKELY(!referring_class->CanAccess(fields_class))) {
+ ThrowIllegalAccessErrorClass(referring_class, fields_class);
+ return nullptr; // failure
+ } else if (UNLIKELY(!referring_class->CanAccessMember(fields_class,
+ resolved_field->GetAccessFlags()))) {
+ ThrowIllegalAccessErrorField(referring_class, resolved_field);
+ return nullptr; // failure
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNLIKELY(is_set && resolved_field->IsFinal() && (fields_class != referring_class))) {
+ ThrowIllegalAccessErrorFinalField(referrer, resolved_field);
+ return nullptr; // failure
+ } else {
+ FieldHelper fh(resolved_field);
+ if (UNLIKELY(fh.IsPrimitiveType() != is_primitive ||
+ fh.FieldSize() != expected_size)) {
+ ThrowLocation throw_location = self->GetCurrentLocationForThrow();
+ DCHECK(throw_location.GetMethod() == referrer);
+ self->ThrowNewExceptionF(throw_location, "Ljava/lang/NoSuchFieldError;",
+ "Attempted read of %zd-bit %s on field '%s'",
+ expected_size * (32 / sizeof(int32_t)),
+ is_primitive ? "primitive" : "non-primitive",
+ PrettyField(resolved_field, true).c_str());
+ return nullptr; // failure
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_static) {
+ // instance fields must be being accessed on an initialized class
+ return resolved_field;
+ } else {
+ // If the class is initialized we're done.
+ if (LIKELY(fields_class->IsInitialized())) {
+ return resolved_field;
+ } else if (LIKELY(class_linker->EnsureInitialized(fields_class, true, true))) {
+ // Otherwise let's ensure the class is initialized before resolving the field.
+ return resolved_field;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()); // Throw exception and unwind
+ return nullptr; // failure
+ }
+ }
+// Explicit template declarations of FindFieldFromCode for all field access types.
+#define EXPLICIT_FIND_FIELD_FROM_CODE_TEMPLATE_DECL(_type, _access_check) \
+template SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) ALWAYS_INLINE \
+static mirror::ArtField* FindFieldFromCode<_type, _access_check>(uint32_t field_idx, \
+ const mirror::ArtMethod* referrer, \
+ Thread* self, size_t expected_size) \
+template<InvokeType type, bool access_check>
+static inline mirror::ArtMethod* FindMethodFromCode(uint32_t method_idx, mirror::Object* this_object,
+ mirror::ArtMethod* referrer, Thread* self) {
+ ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+ mirror::ArtMethod* resolved_method = class_linker->ResolveMethod(method_idx, referrer, type);
+ if (UNLIKELY(resolved_method == nullptr)) {
+ DCHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()); // Throw exception and unwind.
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ } else if (UNLIKELY(this_object == nullptr && type != kStatic)) {
+ // Maintain interpreter-like semantics where NullPointerException is thrown
+ // after potential NoSuchMethodError from class linker.
+ ThrowLocation throw_location = self->GetCurrentLocationForThrow();
+ DCHECK(referrer == throw_location.GetMethod());
+ ThrowNullPointerExceptionForMethodAccess(throw_location, method_idx, type);
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ } else if (access_check) {
+ // Incompatible class change should have been handled in resolve method.
+ if (UNLIKELY(resolved_method->CheckIncompatibleClassChange(type))) {
+ ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeError(type, resolved_method->GetInvokeType(), resolved_method,
+ referrer);
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ }
+ mirror::Class* methods_class = resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass();
+ mirror::Class* referring_class = referrer->GetDeclaringClass();
+ if (UNLIKELY(!referring_class->CanAccess(methods_class) ||
+ !referring_class->CanAccessMember(methods_class,
+ resolved_method->GetAccessFlags()))) {
+ // The referring class can't access the resolved method, this may occur as a result of a
+ // protected method being made public by implementing an interface that re-declares the
+ // method public. Resort to the dex file to determine the correct class for the access check
+ const DexFile& dex_file = *referring_class->GetDexCache()->GetDexFile();
+ ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+ methods_class = class_linker->ResolveType(dex_file,
+ dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx).class_idx_,
+ referring_class);
+ if (UNLIKELY(!referring_class->CanAccess(methods_class))) {
+ ThrowIllegalAccessErrorClassForMethodDispatch(referring_class, methods_class,
+ referrer, resolved_method, type);
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ } else if (UNLIKELY(!referring_class->CanAccessMember(methods_class,
+ resolved_method->GetAccessFlags()))) {
+ ThrowIllegalAccessErrorMethod(referring_class, resolved_method);
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case kStatic:
+ case kDirect:
+ return resolved_method;
+ case kVirtual: {
+ mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::ArtMethod>* vtable = this_object->GetClass()->GetVTable();
+ uint16_t vtable_index = resolved_method->GetMethodIndex();
+ if (access_check &&
+ (vtable == nullptr || vtable_index >= static_cast<uint32_t>(vtable->GetLength()))) {
+ // Behavior to agree with that of the verifier.
+ MethodHelper mh(resolved_method);
+ ThrowNoSuchMethodError(type, resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass(), mh.GetName(),
+ mh.GetSignature());
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ }
+ DCHECK(vtable != nullptr);
+ return vtable->GetWithoutChecks(vtable_index);
+ }
+ case kSuper: {
+ mirror::Class* super_class = referrer->GetDeclaringClass()->GetSuperClass();
+ uint16_t vtable_index = resolved_method->GetMethodIndex();
+ mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::ArtMethod>* vtable;
+ if (access_check) {
+ // Check existence of super class.
+ vtable = (super_class != nullptr) ? super_class->GetVTable() : nullptr;
+ if (vtable == nullptr || vtable_index >= static_cast<uint32_t>(vtable->GetLength())) {
+ // Behavior to agree with that of the verifier.
+ MethodHelper mh(resolved_method);
+ ThrowNoSuchMethodError(type, resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass(), mh.GetName(),
+ mh.GetSignature());
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Super class must exist.
+ DCHECK(super_class != nullptr);
+ vtable = super_class->GetVTable();
+ }
+ DCHECK(vtable != nullptr);
+ return vtable->GetWithoutChecks(vtable_index);
+ }
+ case kInterface: {
+ mirror::ArtMethod* interface_method =
+ this_object->GetClass()->FindVirtualMethodForInterface(resolved_method);
+ if (UNLIKELY(interface_method == nullptr)) {
+ ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeErrorClassForInterfaceDispatch(resolved_method, this_object,
+ referrer);
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ } else {
+ return interface_method;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown invoke type " << type;
+ return nullptr; // Failure.
+ }
+// Explicit template declarations of FindMethodFromCode for all invoke types.
+#define EXPLICIT_FIND_METHOD_FROM_CODE_TEMPLATE_DECL(_type, _access_check) \
+ template SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) ALWAYS_INLINE \
+ static mirror::ArtMethod* FindMethodFromCode<_type, _access_check>(uint32_t method_idx, \
+ mirror::Object* this_object, \
+ mirror::ArtMethod* referrer, \
+ Thread* self)
// Fast path field resolution that can't initialize classes or throw exceptions.
static inline mirror::ArtField* FindFieldFast(uint32_t field_idx,
@@ -282,11 +506,6 @@
-extern mirror::ArtMethod* FindMethodFromCode(uint32_t method_idx, mirror::Object* this_object,
- mirror::ArtMethod* referrer,
- Thread* self, bool access_check, InvokeType type)
- SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
static inline mirror::Class* ResolveVerifyAndClinit(uint32_t type_idx,
const mirror::ArtMethod* referrer,
Thread* self, bool can_run_clinit,