Improve Thumb2 bitwise operations.

Allow embedding constants in AND, ORR, EOR. Add ORN to
assembler, use BIC and ORN for AND and ORR when needed.

Change-Id: I24d69ecc7ce6992b9c5eb7a313ff47a942de9661
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm.h b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm.h
index 967b191..bb77113 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm.h
@@ -470,6 +470,13 @@
     orr(rd, rn, so, cond, kCcSet);
+  virtual void orn(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
+                   Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) = 0;
+  virtual void orns(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) {
+    orn(rd, rn, so, cond, kCcSet);
+  }
   virtual void mov(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so,
                    Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) = 0;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/ b/compiler/utils/arm/
index f7772ae..c6af283 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/
@@ -130,6 +130,15 @@
+void Arm32Assembler::orn(Register rd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                         Register rn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                         const ShifterOperand& so ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                         Condition cond ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                         SetCc set_cc ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  LOG(FATAL) << "orn is not supported on ARM32";
 void Arm32Assembler::mov(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so,
                          Condition cond, SetCc set_cc) {
   EmitType01(cond, so.type(), MOV, set_cc, R0, rd, so);
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm32.h b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm32.h
index 3407369..d346096 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm32.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_arm32.h
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@
   virtual void orr(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
                    Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
+  virtual void orn(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
+                   Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
   virtual void mov(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so,
                    Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/ b/compiler/utils/arm/
index 0f6c4f5..b8c5fd2 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/
@@ -410,6 +410,7 @@
     case MOV:
       // TODO: Support less than or equal to 12bits.
       return ArmAssembler::ModifiedImmediate(immediate) != kInvalidModifiedImmediate;
     case MVN:
       return ArmAssembler::ModifiedImmediate(immediate) != kInvalidModifiedImmediate;
@@ -492,6 +493,12 @@
+void Thumb2Assembler::orn(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
+                          Condition cond, SetCc set_cc) {
+  EmitDataProcessing(cond, ORN, set_cc, rn, rd, so);
 void Thumb2Assembler::mov(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so,
                           Condition cond, SetCc set_cc) {
   EmitDataProcessing(cond, MOV, set_cc, R0, rd, so);
@@ -1105,6 +1112,7 @@
       rn_is_valid = false;      // There is no Rn for these instructions.
     case TEQ:
+    case ORN:
       return true;
     case ADD:
     case SUB:
@@ -1222,6 +1230,7 @@
     case MOV: thumb_opcode =  2U /* 0b0010 */; rn = PC; break;
     case BIC: thumb_opcode =  1U /* 0b0001 */; break;
     case MVN: thumb_opcode =  3U /* 0b0011 */; rn = PC; break;
+    case ORN: thumb_opcode =  3U /* 0b0011 */; break;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h
index a1a8927..584a387 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/assembler_thumb2.h
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
   virtual void orr(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
                    Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
+  virtual void orn(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
+                   Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
   virtual void mov(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so,
                    Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/arm/constants_arm.h b/compiler/utils/arm/constants_arm.h
index 6b4daed..2060064 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/arm/constants_arm.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/arm/constants_arm.h
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@
   MOV = 13,  // Move
   BIC = 14,  // Bit Clear
   MVN = 15,  // Move Not
-  kMaxOperand = 16
+  ORN = 16,  // Logical OR NOT.
+  kMaxOperand = 17
 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Opcode& rhs);
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ b/compiler/utils/
index b2a354b..2ae8841 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/
+++ b/compiler/utils/
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
   __ sub(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(R2), AL, kCcKeep);
   __ and_(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(R2), AL, kCcKeep);
   __ orr(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(R2), AL, kCcKeep);
+  __ orn(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(R2), AL, kCcKeep);
   __ eor(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(R2), AL, kCcKeep);
   __ bic(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(R2), AL, kCcKeep);
   __ adc(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(R2), AL, kCcKeep);
@@ -371,6 +372,7 @@
   __ sub(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x55));
   __ and_(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x55));
   __ orr(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x55));
+  __ orn(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x55));
   __ eor(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x55));
   __ bic(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x55));
   __ adc(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x55));
@@ -403,6 +405,7 @@
   __ sub(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x550055));
   __ and_(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x550055));
   __ orr(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x550055));
+  __ orn(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x550055));
   __ eor(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x550055));
   __ bic(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x550055));
   __ adc(R0, R1, ShifterOperand(0x550055));
diff --git a/compiler/utils/ b/compiler/utils/
index 82ad642..b79c2e4 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/
+++ b/compiler/utils/
@@ -23,109 +23,110 @@
   "   8:	eba1 0002 	sub.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
   "   c:	ea01 0002 	and.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
   "  10:	ea41 0002 	orr.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  14:	ea81 0002 	eor.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  18:	ea21 0002 	bic.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  1c:	eb41 0002 	adc.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  20:	eb61 0002 	sbc.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  24:	ebc1 0002 	rsb	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  28:	ea90 0f01 	teq	r0, r1\n",
-  "  2c:	0008      	movs	r0, r1\n",
-  "  2e:	4608      	mov	r0, r1\n",
-  "  30:	43c8      	mvns	r0, r1\n",
-  "  32:	4408      	add	r0, r1\n",
-  "  34:	1888      	adds	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  36:	1a88      	subs	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  38:	4148      	adcs	r0, r1\n",
-  "  3a:	4188      	sbcs	r0, r1\n",
-  "  3c:	4008      	ands	r0, r1\n",
-  "  3e:	4308      	orrs	r0, r1\n",
-  "  40:	4048      	eors	r0, r1\n",
-  "  42:	4388      	bics	r0, r1\n",
-  "  44:	4208      	tst	r0, r1\n",
-  "  46:	4288      	cmp	r0, r1\n",
-  "  48:	42c8      	cmn	r0, r1\n",
-  "  4a:	4641		mov	r1, r8\n",
-  "  4c:	4681		mov	r9, r0\n",
-  "  4e:	46c8		mov	r8, r9\n",
-  "  50:	4441		add	r1, r8\n",
-  "  52:	4481		add	r9, r0\n",
-  "  54:	44c8		add	r8, r9\n",
-  "  56:	4548		cmp	r0, r9\n",
-  "  58:	4588		cmp	r8, r1\n",
-  "  5a:	45c1		cmp	r9, r8\n",
-  "  5c:	4248   	   	negs	r0, r1\n",
-  "  5e:	4240   	   	negs	r0, r0\n",
-  "  60:	ea5f 0008  	movs.w	r0, r8\n",
-  "  64:	ea7f 0008  	mvns.w	r0, r8\n",
-  "  68:	eb01 0008 	add.w	r0, r1, r8\n",
-  "  6c:	eb11 0008 	adds.w	r0, r1, r8\n",
-  "  70:	ebb1 0008 	subs.w	r0, r1, r8\n",
-  "  74:	eb50 0008 	adcs.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
-  "  78:	eb70 0008 	sbcs.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
-  "  7c:	ea10 0008 	ands.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
-  "  80:	ea50 0008 	orrs.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
-  "  84:	ea90 0008 	eors.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
-  "  88:	ea30 0008 	bics.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
-  "  8c:	ea10 0f08 	tst.w	r0, r8\n",
-  "  90:	eb10 0f08 	cmn.w	r0, r8\n",
-  "  94:	f1d8 0000 	rsbs	r0, r8, #0\n",
-  "  98:	f1d8 0800 	rsbs	r8, r8, #0\n",
-  "  9c:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  9e:	ea7f 0001  	mvnseq.w	r0, r1\n",
-  "  a2:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  a4:	eb11 0002 	addseq.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  a8:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  aa:	ebb1 0002 	subseq.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  ae:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  b0:	eb50 0001 	adcseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
-  "  b4:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  b6:	eb70 0001 	sbcseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
-  "  ba:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  bc:	ea10 0001 	andseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
-  "  c0:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  c2:	ea50 0001 	orrseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
-  "  c6:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  c8:	ea90 0001 	eorseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
-  "  cc:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  ce:	ea30 0001 	bicseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
-  "  d2:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  d4:	43c8      	mvneq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  14:	ea61 0002 	orn	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  18:	ea81 0002 	eor.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  1c:	ea21 0002 	bic.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  20:	eb41 0002 	adc.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  24:	eb61 0002 	sbc.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  28:	ebc1 0002 	rsb	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  2c:	ea90 0f01 	teq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  30:	0008      	movs	r0, r1\n",
+  "  32:	4608      	mov	r0, r1\n",
+  "  34:	43c8      	mvns	r0, r1\n",
+  "  36:	4408      	add	r0, r1\n",
+  "  38:	1888      	adds	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  3a:	1a88      	subs	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  3c:	4148      	adcs	r0, r1\n",
+  "  3e:	4188      	sbcs	r0, r1\n",
+  "  40:	4008      	ands	r0, r1\n",
+  "  42:	4308      	orrs	r0, r1\n",
+  "  44:	4048      	eors	r0, r1\n",
+  "  46:	4388      	bics	r0, r1\n",
+  "  48:	4208      	tst	r0, r1\n",
+  "  4a:	4288      	cmp	r0, r1\n",
+  "  4c:	42c8      	cmn	r0, r1\n",
+  "  4e:	4641		mov	r1, r8\n",
+  "  50:	4681		mov	r9, r0\n",
+  "  52:	46c8		mov	r8, r9\n",
+  "  54:	4441		add	r1, r8\n",
+  "  56:	4481		add	r9, r0\n",
+  "  58:	44c8		add	r8, r9\n",
+  "  5a:	4548		cmp	r0, r9\n",
+  "  5c:	4588		cmp	r8, r1\n",
+  "  5e:	45c1		cmp	r9, r8\n",
+  "  60:	4248   	   	negs	r0, r1\n",
+  "  62:	4240   	   	negs	r0, r0\n",
+  "  64:	ea5f 0008  	movs.w	r0, r8\n",
+  "  68:	ea7f 0008  	mvns.w	r0, r8\n",
+  "  6c:	eb01 0008 	add.w	r0, r1, r8\n",
+  "  70:	eb11 0008 	adds.w	r0, r1, r8\n",
+  "  74:	ebb1 0008 	subs.w	r0, r1, r8\n",
+  "  78:	eb50 0008 	adcs.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
+  "  7c:	eb70 0008 	sbcs.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
+  "  80:	ea10 0008 	ands.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
+  "  84:	ea50 0008 	orrs.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
+  "  88:	ea90 0008 	eors.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
+  "  8c:	ea30 0008 	bics.w	r0, r0, r8\n",
+  "  90:	ea10 0f08 	tst.w	r0, r8\n",
+  "  94:	eb10 0f08 	cmn.w	r0, r8\n",
+  "  98:	f1d8 0000 	rsbs	r0, r8, #0\n",
+  "  9c:	f1d8 0800 	rsbs	r8, r8, #0\n",
+  "  a0:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  a2:	ea7f 0001  	mvnseq.w	r0, r1\n",
+  "  a6:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  a8:	eb11 0002 	addseq.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  ac:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  ae:	ebb1 0002 	subseq.w	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  b2:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  b4:	eb50 0001 	adcseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
+  "  b8:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  ba:	eb70 0001 	sbcseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
+  "  be:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  c0:	ea10 0001 	andseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
+  "  c4:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  c6:	ea50 0001 	orrseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
+  "  ca:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  cc:	ea90 0001 	eorseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
+  "  d0:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  d2:	ea30 0001 	bicseq.w	r0, r0, r1\n",
   "  d6:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  d8:	1888      	addeq	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  d8:	43c8      	mvneq	r0, r1\n",
   "  da:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  dc:	1a88      	subeq	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  "  dc:	1888      	addeq	r0, r1, r2\n",
   "  de:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  e0:	4148      	adceq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  e0:	1a88      	subeq	r0, r1, r2\n",
   "  e2:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  e4:	4188      	sbceq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  e4:	4148      	adceq	r0, r1\n",
   "  e6:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  e8:	4008      	andeq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  e8:	4188      	sbceq	r0, r1\n",
   "  ea:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  ec:	4308      	orreq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  ec:	4008      	andeq	r0, r1\n",
   "  ee:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  f0:	4048      	eoreq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  f0:	4308      	orreq	r0, r1\n",
   "  f2:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
-  "  f4:	4388      	biceq	r0, r1\n",
-  "  f6:	4608      	mov	r0, r1\n",
-  "  f8:	43c8      	mvns	r0, r1\n",
-  "  fa:	4408      	add	r0, r1\n",
-  "  fc:	1888      	adds	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  "  fe:	1a88      	subs	r0, r1, r2\n",
-  " 100:	4148      	adcs	r0, r1\n",
-  " 102:	4188      	sbcs	r0, r1\n",
-  " 104:	4008      	ands	r0, r1\n",
-  " 106:	4308      	orrs	r0, r1\n",
-  " 108:	4048      	eors	r0, r1\n",
-  " 10a:	4388      	bics	r0, r1\n",
-  " 10c:	4641		mov	r1, r8\n",
-  " 10e:	4681		mov	r9, r0\n",
-  " 110:	46c8		mov	r8, r9\n",
-  " 112:	4441		add	r1, r8\n",
-  " 114:	4481		add	r9, r0\n",
-  " 116:	44c8		add	r8, r9\n",
-  " 118:	4248   	   	negs	r0, r1\n",
-  " 11a:	4240   	   	negs	r0, r0\n",
-  " 11c:	eb01 0c00 	add.w	ip, r1, r0\n",
+  "  f4:	4048      	eoreq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  f6:	bf08       	it	eq\n",
+  "  f8:	4388      	biceq	r0, r1\n",
+  "  fa:	4608      	mov	r0, r1\n",
+  "  fc:	43c8      	mvns	r0, r1\n",
+  "  fe:	4408      	add	r0, r1\n",
+  " 100:	1888      	adds	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  " 102:	1a88      	subs	r0, r1, r2\n",
+  " 104:	4148      	adcs	r0, r1\n",
+  " 106:	4188      	sbcs	r0, r1\n",
+  " 108:	4008      	ands	r0, r1\n",
+  " 10a:	4308      	orrs	r0, r1\n",
+  " 10c:	4048      	eors	r0, r1\n",
+  " 10e:	4388      	bics	r0, r1\n",
+  " 110:	4641		mov	r1, r8\n",
+  " 112:	4681		mov	r9, r0\n",
+  " 114:	46c8		mov	r8, r9\n",
+  " 116:	4441		add	r1, r8\n",
+  " 118:	4481		add	r9, r0\n",
+  " 11a:	44c8		add	r8, r9\n",
+  " 11c:	4248   	   	negs	r0, r1\n",
+  " 11e:	4240   	   	negs	r0, r0\n",
+  " 120:	eb01 0c00 	add.w	ip, r1, r0\n",
 const char* DataProcessingImmediateResults[] = {
@@ -135,21 +136,22 @@
   "   a:	f2a1 0055 	subw	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
   "   e:	f001 0055 	and.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
   "  12:	f041 0055 	orr.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  16:	f081 0055 	eor.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  1a:	f021 0055 	bic.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  1e:	f141 0055 	adc.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  22:	f161 0055 	sbc.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  26:	f1c1 0055 	rsb	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  2a:	f010 0f55 	tst.w	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  2e:	f090 0f55 	teq	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  32:	2855      	cmp	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  34:	f110 0f55 	cmn.w	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  38:	1d48      	adds	r0, r1, #5\n",
-  "  3a:	1f48      	subs	r0, r1, #5\n",
-  "  3c:	2055      	movs	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  3e:	f07f 0055 	mvns.w	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
-  "  42:	1d48      	adds  r0, r1, #5\n",
-  "  44:	1f48      	subs  r0, r1, #5\n",
+  "  16:	f061 0055 	orn	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  1a:	f081 0055 	eor.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  1e:	f021 0055 	bic.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  22:	f141 0055 	adc.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  26:	f161 0055 	sbc.w	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  2a:	f1c1 0055 	rsb	r0, r1, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  2e:	f010 0f55 	tst.w	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  32:	f090 0f55 	teq	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  36:	2855      	cmp	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  38:	f110 0f55 	cmn.w	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  3c:	1d48      	adds	r0, r1, #5\n",
+  "  3e:	1f48      	subs	r0, r1, #5\n",
+  "  40:	2055      	movs	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  42:	f07f 0055 	mvns.w	r0, #85	; 0x55\n",
+  "  46:	1d48      	adds	r0, r1, #5\n",
+  "  48:	1f48      	subs	r0, r1, #5\n",
 const char* DataProcessingModifiedImmediateResults[] = {
@@ -159,15 +161,16 @@
   "   c:	f1a1 1055 	sub.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
   "  10:	f001 1055 	and.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
   "  14:	f041 1055 	orr.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  18:	f081 1055 	eor.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  1c:	f021 1055 	bic.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  20:	f141 1055 	adc.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  24:	f161 1055 	sbc.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  28:	f1c1 1055 	rsb	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  2c:	f010 1f55 	tst.w	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  30:	f090 1f55 	teq	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  34:	f1b0 1f55 	cmp.w	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
-  "  38:	f110 1f55 	cmn.w	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  18:	f061 1055 	orn	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  1c:	f081 1055 	eor.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  20:	f021 1055 	bic.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  24:	f141 1055 	adc.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  28:	f161 1055 	sbc.w	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  2c:	f1c1 1055 	rsb	r0, r1, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  30:	f010 1f55 	tst.w	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  34:	f090 1f55 	teq	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  38:	f1b0 1f55 	cmp.w	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
+  "  3c:	f110 1f55 	cmn.w	r0, #5570645	; 0x550055\n",
 const char* DataProcessingModifiedImmediatesResults[] = {