Keep list of dex files for oat file in CompilerDriver.
Use this list to improve invoke-static/-direct dispatch for
intra-oat calls.
Also fix a latent ArmBaseRelativePatcher::ReserveSpaceEnd()
bug exposed by a buggy early version of this CL: when we
have unresolved patches at the end of all code, we need to
emit a final thunk. Though the OatWriter will try to patch
the unresolved call to a trampoline at the beginning of the
oat file, that trampoline may be too far and the relative
patcher doesn't know about it anyway, so it needs to assume
that a thunk is needed.
This reduces the overall size of oat files present in dalvik
cache on Nexus 9 after first boot by over 1MiB, AOSP ToT,
aosp_flounder-userdebug build.
Change-Id: I98604b70cb17377eed057c1c23971865cf344e43
diff --git a/compiler/linker/arm64/ b/compiler/linker/arm64/
index 2a426b5..0bfef5e 100644
--- a/compiler/linker/arm64/
+++ b/compiler/linker/arm64/
@@ -386,6 +386,39 @@
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(1u), ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
+TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallTrampolineTooFar) {
+ constexpr uint32_t missing_method_index = 1024u;
+ auto last_method_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(1u, kBlPlus0);
+ constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_last_method = 1u * 4u; // After NOPs.
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> last_method_code(last_method_raw_code);
+ ASSERT_EQ(bl_offset_in_last_method + 4u, last_method_code.size());
+ LinkerPatch last_method_patches[] = {
+ LinkerPatch::RelativeCodePatch(bl_offset_in_last_method, nullptr, missing_method_index),
+ };
+ constexpr uint32_t just_over_max_negative_disp = 128 * MB + 4;
+ uint32_t last_method_idx = Create2MethodsWithGap(
+ kNopCode, ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(), last_method_code,
+ ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(last_method_patches),
+ just_over_max_negative_disp - bl_offset_in_last_method);
+ uint32_t method1_offset = GetMethodOffset(1u);
+ uint32_t last_method_offset = GetMethodOffset(last_method_idx);
+ ASSERT_EQ(method1_offset,
+ last_method_offset + bl_offset_in_last_method - just_over_max_negative_disp);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(method_offset_map_.FindMethodOffset(MethodRef(missing_method_index)).first);
+ // Check linked code.
+ uint32_t thunk_offset =
+ CompiledCode::AlignCode(last_method_offset + last_method_code.size(), kArm64);
+ uint32_t diff = thunk_offset - (last_method_offset + bl_offset_in_last_method);
+ ASSERT_EQ(diff & 3u, 0u);
+ ASSERT_LT(diff, 128 * MB);
+ auto expected_code = GenNopsAndBl(1u, kBlPlus0 | (diff >> 2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckLinkedMethod(MethodRef(last_method_idx),
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_code)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckThunk(thunk_offset));
TEST_F(Arm64RelativePatcherTestDefault, CallOtherAlmostTooFarAfter) {
auto method1_raw_code = GenNopsAndBl(1u, kBlPlus0);
constexpr uint32_t bl_offset_in_method1 = 1u * 4u; // After NOPs.