Induction variable range analysis.
Rationale: by computing an upper bound on the trip count of each
loop after induction var analysis has completed, a
simple range analysis yields lower and upper bounds on
all induced expressions in a loop; this analysis
plugs directly into BCE (follow-up CL).
Change-Id: I46a3fe48721ca372547199b39a3498c47992597d
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 300ffbe..3f5a6e7 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
+ // Determine the loop's trip count.
+ VisitControl(loop);
void HInductionVarAnalysis::VisitNode(HLoopInformation* loop, HInstruction* instruction) {
@@ -346,7 +349,7 @@
HInductionVarAnalysis::InductionInfo* HInductionVarAnalysis::TransferShl(InductionInfo* a,
InductionInfo* b,
- Primitive::Type t) {
+ Primitive::Type type) {
// Transfer over a shift left: treat shift by restricted constant as equivalent multiplication.
int64_t value = -1;
if (a != nullptr && IsIntAndGet(b, &value)) {
@@ -355,10 +358,9 @@
// The restriction on the shift factor avoids generating a negative constant
// (viz. 1 << 31 and 1L << 63 set the sign bit). The code assumes that generalization
// for shift factors outside [0,32) and [0,64) ranges is done by earlier simplification.
- if (t == Primitive::kPrimInt && 0 <= value && value < 31) {
- return TransferMul(a, CreateInvariantFetch(graph_->GetIntConstant(1 << value)));
- } else if (t == Primitive::kPrimLong && 0 <= value && value < 63) {
- return TransferMul(a, CreateInvariantFetch(graph_->GetLongConstant(1L << value)));
+ if ((type == Primitive::kPrimInt && 0 <= value && value < 31) ||
+ (type == Primitive::kPrimLong && 0 <= value && value < 63)) {
+ return TransferMul(a, CreateConstant(1 << value, type));
return nullptr;
@@ -458,6 +460,111 @@
return nullptr;
+void HInductionVarAnalysis::VisitControl(HLoopInformation* loop) {
+ HInstruction* control = loop->GetHeader()->GetLastInstruction();
+ if (control->IsIf()) {
+ HIf* ifs = control->AsIf();
+ HBasicBlock* if_true = ifs->IfTrueSuccessor();
+ HBasicBlock* if_false = ifs->IfFalseSuccessor();
+ HInstruction* if_expr = ifs->InputAt(0);
+ // Determine if loop has following structure in header.
+ // loop-header: ....
+ // if (condition) goto X
+ if (if_expr->IsCondition()) {
+ HCondition* condition = if_expr->AsCondition();
+ InductionInfo* a = LookupInfo(loop, condition->InputAt(0));
+ InductionInfo* b = LookupInfo(loop, condition->InputAt(1));
+ Primitive::Type type = condition->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+ // Determine if the loop control uses integral arithmetic and an if-exit (X outside) or an
+ // if-iterate (X inside), always expressed as if-iterate when passing into VisitCondition().
+ if (type != Primitive::kPrimInt && type != Primitive::kPrimLong) {
+ // Loop control is not 32/64-bit integral.
+ } else if (a == nullptr || b == nullptr) {
+ // Loop control is not a sequence.
+ } else if (if_true->GetLoopInformation() != loop && if_false->GetLoopInformation() == loop) {
+ VisitCondition(loop, a, b, type, condition->GetOppositeCondition());
+ } else if (if_true->GetLoopInformation() == loop && if_false->GetLoopInformation() != loop) {
+ VisitCondition(loop, a, b, type, condition->GetCondition());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void HInductionVarAnalysis::VisitCondition(HLoopInformation* loop,
+ InductionInfo* a,
+ InductionInfo* b,
+ Primitive::Type type,
+ IfCondition cmp) {
+ if (a->induction_class == kInvariant && b->induction_class == kLinear) {
+ // Swap conditions (e.g. U > i is same as i < U).
+ switch (cmp) {
+ case kCondLT: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondGT); break;
+ case kCondLE: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondGE); break;
+ case kCondGT: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondLT); break;
+ case kCondGE: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondLE); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ } else if (a->induction_class == kLinear && b->induction_class == kInvariant) {
+ // Normalize a linear loop control with a constant, nonzero stride:
+ // stride > 0, either i < U or i <= U
+ // stride < 0, either i > U or i >= U
+ InductionInfo* stride = a->op_a;
+ InductionInfo* lo_val = a->op_b;
+ InductionInfo* hi_val = b;
+ int64_t value = -1;
+ if (IsIntAndGet(stride, &value)) {
+ if ((value > 0 && (cmp == kCondLT || cmp == kCondLE)) ||
+ (value < 0 && (cmp == kCondGT || cmp == kCondGE))) {
+ bool is_strict = cmp == kCondLT || cmp == kCondGT;
+ VisitTripCount(loop, lo_val, hi_val, stride, value, type, is_strict);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void HInductionVarAnalysis::VisitTripCount(HLoopInformation* loop,
+ InductionInfo* lo_val,
+ InductionInfo* hi_val,
+ InductionInfo* stride,
+ int32_t stride_value,
+ Primitive::Type type,
+ bool is_strict) {
+ // Any loop of the general form:
+ //
+ // for (i = L; i <= U; i += S) // S > 0
+ // or for (i = L; i >= U; i += S) // S < 0
+ // .. i ..
+ //
+ // can be normalized into:
+ //
+ // for (n = 0; n < TC; n++) // where TC = (U + S - L) / S
+ // .. L + S * n ..
+ //
+ // NOTE: The TC (trip-count) expression is only valid if the top-test path is taken at
+ // least once. Otherwise TC is 0. Also, the expression assumes the loop does not
+ // have any early-exits. Otherwise, TC is an upper bound.
+ //
+ bool cancels = is_strict && abs(stride_value) == 1; // compensation cancels conversion?
+ if (!cancels) {
+ // Convert exclusive integral inequality into inclusive integral inequality,
+ // viz. condition i < U is i <= U - 1 and condition i > U is i >= U + 1.
+ if (is_strict) {
+ const InductionOp op = stride_value > 0 ? kSub : kAdd;
+ hi_val = CreateInvariantOp(op, hi_val, CreateConstant(1, type));
+ }
+ // Compensate for stride.
+ hi_val = CreateInvariantOp(kAdd, hi_val, stride);
+ }
+ // Assign the trip-count expression to the loop control. Clients that use the information
+ // should be aware that due to the L <= U assumption, the expression is only valid in the
+ // loop-body proper, and not yet in the loop-header. If the loop has any early exits, the
+ // trip-count forms a conservative upper bound on the number of loop iterations.
+ InductionInfo* trip_count =
+ CreateInvariantOp(kDiv, CreateInvariantOp(kSub, hi_val, lo_val), stride);
+ AssignInfo(loop, loop->GetHeader()->GetLastInstruction(), trip_count);
void HInductionVarAnalysis::AssignInfo(HLoopInformation* loop,
HInstruction* instruction,
InductionInfo* info) {
@@ -487,6 +594,15 @@
return nullptr;
+HInductionVarAnalysis::InductionInfo* HInductionVarAnalysis::CreateConstant(int64_t value,
+ Primitive::Type type) {
+ if (type == Primitive::kPrimInt) {
+ return CreateInvariantFetch(graph_->GetIntConstant(value));
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(type, Primitive::kPrimLong);
+ return CreateInvariantFetch(graph_->GetLongConstant(value));
HInductionVarAnalysis::InductionInfo* HInductionVarAnalysis::CreateSimplifiedInvariant(
InductionOp op,
InductionInfo* a,
@@ -504,30 +620,44 @@
} else if (op == kMul) {
return a;
- } else if (value == 1 && op == kMul) {
- // Simplify 1 * b = b.
- return b;
+ } else if (op == kMul) {
+ // Simplify 1 * b = b, -1 * b = -b
+ if (value == 1) {
+ return b;
+ } else if (value == -1) {
+ op = kNeg;
+ a = nullptr;
+ }
if (IsIntAndGet(b, &value)) {
if (value == 0) {
- // Simplify a + 0 = a, a - 0 = a, a * 0 = 0, - 0 = 0.
+ // Simplify a + 0 = a, a - 0 = a, a * 0 = 0, -0 = 0.
if (op == kAdd || op == kSub) {
return a;
} else if (op == kMul || op == kNeg) {
return b;
- } else if (value == 1 && (op == kMul || op == kDiv)) {
- // Simplify a * 1 = a, a / 1 = a.
- return a;
+ } else if (op == kMul || op == kDiv) {
+ // Simplify a * 1 = a, a / 1 = a, a * -1 = -a, a / -1 = -a
+ if (value == 1) {
+ return a;
+ } else if (value == -1) {
+ op = kNeg;
+ b = a;
+ a = nullptr;
+ }
} else if (b->operation == kNeg) {
- // Simplify a + (-b) = a - b, a - (-b) = a + b, - (-b) = b.
- switch (op) {
- case kAdd: op = kSub; b = b->op_b; break;
- case kSub: op = kAdd; b = b->op_b; break;
- case kNeg: return b->op_b;
- default: break;
+ // Simplify a + (-b) = a - b, a - (-b) = a + b, -(-b) = b.
+ if (op == kAdd) {
+ op = kSub;
+ b = b->op_b;
+ } else if (op == kSub) {
+ op = kAdd;
+ b = b->op_b;
+ } else if (op == kNeg) {
+ return b->op_b;
return new (graph_->GetArena()) InductionInfo(kInvariant, op, a, b, nullptr);