optimizing: constructor fence redundancy elimination - remove dmb after LSE
Part one of a few upcoming CLs to optimize constructor fences.
This improves load-store-elimination; all singleton objects that are not
returned will have their associated constructor fence removed.
If the allocation is removed, so is the fence. Even if allocation is not
removed, fences can sometimes be removed.
This change is enabled by tracking the "this" object associated with the
constructor fence as an input. Fence inputs are considered weak; they do not keep
the "this" object alive; if the instructions for "this" are all deleted,
the fence can also be deleted.
Bug: 36656456
Test: art/test.py --host && art/test.py --target
Change-Id: I05659ab07e20d6e2ecd4be051b722726776f4ab1
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.cc b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.cc
index ca953a1..f250c1a 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.cc
@@ -528,6 +528,15 @@
return cached_current_method_;
+const char* HGraph::GetMethodName() const {
+ const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file_.GetMethodId(method_idx_);
+ return dex_file_.GetMethodName(method_id);
+std::string HGraph::PrettyMethod(bool with_signature) const {
+ return dex_file_.PrettyMethod(method_idx_, with_signature);
HConstant* HGraph::GetConstant(Primitive::Type type, int64_t value, uint32_t dex_pc) {
switch (type) {
case Primitive::Type::kPrimBoolean:
@@ -1150,6 +1159,81 @@
+void HVariableInputSizeInstruction::RemoveAllInputs() {
+ RemoveAsUserOfAllInputs();
+ DCHECK(!HasNonEnvironmentUses());
+ inputs_.clear();
+ DCHECK_EQ(0u, InputCount());
+void HConstructorFence::RemoveConstructorFences(HInstruction* instruction) {
+ DCHECK(instruction->GetBlock() != nullptr);
+ // Removing constructor fences only makes sense for instructions with an object return type.
+ DCHECK_EQ(Primitive::kPrimNot, instruction->GetType());
+ // Efficient implementation that simultaneously (in one pass):
+ // * Scans the uses list for all constructor fences.
+ // * Deletes that constructor fence from the uses list of `instruction`.
+ // * Deletes `instruction` from the constructor fence's inputs.
+ // * Deletes the constructor fence if it now has 0 inputs.
+ const HUseList<HInstruction*>& uses = instruction->GetUses();
+ // Warning: Although this is "const", we might mutate the list when calling RemoveInputAt.
+ for (auto it = uses.begin(), end = uses.end(); it != end; ) {
+ const HUseListNode<HInstruction*>& use_node = *it;
+ HInstruction* const use_instruction = use_node.GetUser();
+ // Advance the iterator immediately once we fetch the use_node.
+ // Warning: If the input is removed, the current iterator becomes invalid.
+ ++it;
+ if (use_instruction->IsConstructorFence()) {
+ HConstructorFence* ctor_fence = use_instruction->AsConstructorFence();
+ size_t input_index = use_node.GetIndex();
+ // Process the candidate instruction for removal
+ // from the graph.
+ // Constructor fence instructions are never
+ // used by other instructions.
+ //
+ // If we wanted to make this more generic, it
+ // could be a runtime if statement.
+ DCHECK(!ctor_fence->HasUses());
+ // A constructor fence's return type is "kPrimVoid"
+ // and therefore it can't have any environment uses.
+ DCHECK(!ctor_fence->HasEnvironmentUses());
+ // Remove the inputs first, otherwise removing the instruction
+ // will try to remove its uses while we are already removing uses
+ // and this operation will fail.
+ DCHECK_EQ(instruction, ctor_fence->InputAt(input_index));
+ // Removing the input will also remove the `use_node`.
+ // (Do not look at `use_node` after this, it will be a dangling reference).
+ ctor_fence->RemoveInputAt(input_index);
+ // Once all inputs are removed, the fence is considered dead and
+ // is removed.
+ if (ctor_fence->InputCount() == 0u) {
+ ctor_fence->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(ctor_fence);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ // Post-condition checks:
+ // * None of the uses of `instruction` are a constructor fence.
+ // * The `instruction` itself did not get removed from a block.
+ for (const HUseListNode<HInstruction*>& use_node : instruction->GetUses()) {
+ CHECK(!use_node.GetUser()->IsConstructorFence());
+ }
+ CHECK(instruction->GetBlock() != nullptr);
+ }
#define DEFINE_ACCEPT(name, super) \
void H##name::Accept(HGraphVisitor* visitor) { \
visitor->Visit##name(this); \