Copy miranda methods before suspend point

This fixes a bug where moving GC could happen at vtable CopyOf and
result miranda methods having stale pointers since they are not part
of the class roots at this point.

Also some minor cleanup.

Bug: 21564728
Change-Id: Ife520db6973782e40edcb2074c17274b799af738
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 3ce646f..4266c4a 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -4806,11 +4806,11 @@
           ArtMethod* interface_method = interface->GetVirtualMethod(j, image_pointer_size_);
           uint32_t imt_index = interface_method->GetDexMethodIndex() % mirror::Class::kImtSize;
-          auto*& imt_ref = out_imt[imt_index];
-          if (imt_ref == unimplemented_method) {
-            imt_ref = method;
-          } else if (imt_ref != conflict_method) {
-            imt_ref = conflict_method;
+          auto** imt_ref = &out_imt[imt_index];
+          if (*imt_ref == unimplemented_method) {
+            *imt_ref = method;
+          } else if (*imt_ref != conflict_method) {
+            *imt_ref = conflict_method;
@@ -4965,45 +4965,54 @@
+    StrideIterator<ArtMethod> out(
+        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(virtuals) + old_method_count * method_size, method_size);
+    // Copy the mirada methods before making a copy of the vtable so that moving GC doesn't miss
+    // any roots. This is necessary since these miranda methods wont get their roots visited from
+    // the class table root visiting until they are copied to the new virtuals array.
+    const size_t old_vtable_count = vtable->GetLength();
+    const size_t new_vtable_count = old_vtable_count + miranda_methods.size();
+    size_t method_idx = old_vtable_count;
+    for (auto* mir_method : miranda_methods) {
+      ArtMethod* out_method = &*out;
+      // Leave the declaring class alone as type indices are relative to it
+      out_method->CopyFrom(mir_method, image_pointer_size_);
+      out_method->SetAccessFlags(out_method->GetAccessFlags() | kAccMiranda);
+      out_method->SetMethodIndex(0xFFFF & method_idx);
+      move_table.emplace(mir_method, out_method);
+      ++out;
+      ++method_idx;
+    }
+    DCHECK_EQ(new_vtable_count, method_idx);
     UpdateClassVirtualMethods(klass.Get(), virtuals, new_method_count);
     // Done copying methods, they are all reachable from the class now, so we can end the no thread
     // suspension assert.
-    size_t old_vtable_count = vtable->GetLength();
-    const size_t new_vtable_count = old_vtable_count + miranda_methods.size();
     vtable.Assign(down_cast<mirror::PointerArray*>(vtable->CopyOf(self, new_vtable_count)));
     if (UNLIKELY(vtable.Get() == nullptr)) {
       return false;
-    StrideIterator<ArtMethod> out(
-        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(virtuals) + old_method_count * method_size, method_size);
-    for (auto* mir_method : miranda_methods) {
-      ArtMethod* out_method = &*out;
-      out->CopyFrom(mir_method, image_pointer_size_);
-      // Leave the declaring class alone as type indices are relative to it
-      out_method->SetAccessFlags(out_method->GetAccessFlags() | kAccMiranda);
-      out_method->SetMethodIndex(0xFFFF & old_vtable_count);
-      vtable->SetElementPtrSize(old_vtable_count, out_method, image_pointer_size_);
-      move_table.emplace(mir_method, out_method);
-      ++out;
-      ++old_vtable_count;
-    }
     // Update old vtable methods.
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < old_vtable_count - miranda_methods.size(); ++i) {
-      auto* m = vtable->GetElementPtrSize<ArtMethod*>(i, image_pointer_size_);
+    for (method_idx = 0; method_idx < old_vtable_count; ++method_idx) {
+      auto* m = vtable->GetElementPtrSize<ArtMethod*>(method_idx, image_pointer_size_);
       DCHECK(m != nullptr) << PrettyClass(klass.Get());
       auto it = move_table.find(m);
       if (it != move_table.end()) {
         auto* new_m = it->second;
         DCHECK(new_m != nullptr) << PrettyClass(klass.Get());
-        vtable->SetElementPtrSize(i, new_m, image_pointer_size_);
+        vtable->SetElementPtrSize(method_idx, new_m, image_pointer_size_);
+    // Update miranda methods.
+    out = StrideIterator<ArtMethod>(
+        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(virtuals) + old_method_count * method_size, method_size);
+    for (; method_idx < new_vtable_count; ++method_idx) {
+      vtable->SetElementPtrSize(method_idx, &*out, image_pointer_size_);
+      ++out;
+    }
-    CHECK_EQ(old_vtable_count, new_vtable_count);
     // Go fix up all the stale miranda pointers.
     for (size_t i = 0; i < ifcount; ++i) {
       for (size_t j = 0, count = iftable->GetMethodArrayCount(i); j < count; ++j) {