ART: Compress LengthPrefixedArray on 32-bit targets.

Previously, the LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod> on 32-bit
targets contained a 64-bit length field followed by the
ArtMethod elements with size only a multiple of 4, not 8.
Consequently, an odd-length array broke the alignment for
the following array which would have the 64-bit length
placed at an unaligned address.

To fix that, we make the length field 32-bit and explicitly
pass the alignment information to the LengthPrefixedArray.
This also makes the 32-bit boot image a bit smaller.
On Nexus 5, AOSP, ToT, the field section is 11528B smaller
and the method section is 21036B smaller. 64-bit targets
should see the same savings for the field section but no
difference for the methods section.

Change-Id: I3e03e7b94129025c8a1c117c27645a34dec516d2
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a03ff75..c4fe2cb 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@
   DCHECK(object != nullptr);
   DCHECK_NE(image_objects_offset_begin_, 0u);
-  size_t previous_bin_sizes = bin_slot_previous_sizes_[bin_slot.GetBin()];
-  size_t new_offset = image_objects_offset_begin_ + previous_bin_sizes + bin_slot.GetIndex();
+  size_t bin_slot_offset = bin_slot_offsets_[bin_slot.GetBin()];
+  size_t new_offset = bin_slot_offset + bin_slot.GetIndex();
   DCHECK_ALIGNED(new_offset, kObjectAlignment);
   SetImageOffset(object, new_offset);
@@ -866,8 +866,10 @@
         bool any_dirty = false;
         size_t count = 0;
+        const size_t method_alignment = ArtMethod::ObjectAlignment(target_ptr_size_);
         const size_t method_size = ArtMethod::ObjectSize(target_ptr_size_);
-        auto iteration_range = MakeIterationRangeFromLengthPrefixedArray(array, method_size);
+        auto iteration_range =
+            MakeIterationRangeFromLengthPrefixedArray(array, method_size, method_alignment);
         for (auto& m : iteration_range) {
           any_dirty = any_dirty || WillMethodBeDirty(&m);
@@ -876,7 +878,9 @@
         Bin bin_type = BinTypeForNativeRelocationType(type);
         // Forward the entire array at once, but header first.
-        const size_t header_size = LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>::ComputeSize(0, method_size);
+        const size_t header_size = LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>::ComputeSize(0,
+                                                                               method_size,
+                                                                               method_alignment);
         auto it = native_object_relocations_.find(array);
         CHECK(it == native_object_relocations_.end()) << "Method array " << array
             << " already forwarded";
@@ -972,9 +976,10 @@
   size_t& offset = bin_slot_sizes_[BinTypeForNativeRelocationType(image_method_type)];
                                      NativeObjectRelocation { offset, image_method_type });
+  size_t method_alignment = ArtMethod::ObjectAlignment(target_ptr_size_);
   const size_t array_size = LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>::ComputeSize(
-      0, ArtMethod::ObjectSize(target_ptr_size_));
-  CHECK_ALIGNED(array_size, 8u);
+      0, ArtMethod::ObjectSize(target_ptr_size_), method_alignment);
+  CHECK_ALIGNED_PARAM(array_size, method_alignment);
   offset += array_size;
   for (auto* m : image_methods_) {
     CHECK(m != nullptr);
@@ -982,13 +987,21 @@
     AssignMethodOffset(m, kNativeObjectRelocationTypeArtMethodClean);
-  // Calculate cumulative bin slot sizes.
-  size_t previous_sizes = 0u;
+  // Calculate bin slot offsets.
+  size_t bin_offset = image_objects_offset_begin_;
   for (size_t i = 0; i != kBinSize; ++i) {
-    bin_slot_previous_sizes_[i] = previous_sizes;
-    previous_sizes += bin_slot_sizes_[i];
+    bin_slot_offsets_[i] = bin_offset;
+    bin_offset += bin_slot_sizes_[i];
+    if (i == kBinArtField) {
+      static_assert(kBinArtField + 1 == kBinArtMethodClean, "Methods follow fields.");
+      static_assert(alignof(ArtField) == 4u, "ArtField alignment is 4.");
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(bin_offset, 4u);
+      DCHECK(method_alignment == 4u || method_alignment == 8u);
+      bin_offset = RoundUp(bin_offset, method_alignment);
+    }
-  DCHECK_EQ(previous_sizes, GetBinSizeSum());
+  // NOTE: There may be additional padding between the bin slots and the intern table.
   DCHECK_EQ(image_end_, GetBinSizeSum(kBinMirrorCount) + image_objects_offset_begin_);
   // Transform each object's bin slot into an offset which will be used to do the final copy.
@@ -1002,7 +1015,7 @@
   for (auto& pair : native_object_relocations_) {
     NativeObjectRelocation& relocation = pair.second;
     Bin bin_type = BinTypeForNativeRelocationType(relocation.type);
-    relocation.offset += image_objects_offset_begin_ + bin_slot_previous_sizes_[bin_type];
+    relocation.offset += bin_slot_offsets_[bin_type];
   // Calculate how big the intern table will be after being serialized.
@@ -1029,15 +1042,15 @@
   // Add field section.
   auto* field_section = &sections[ImageHeader::kSectionArtFields];
   *field_section = ImageSection(cur_pos, bin_slot_sizes_[kBinArtField]);
-  CHECK_EQ(image_objects_offset_begin_ + bin_slot_previous_sizes_[kBinArtField],
-           field_section->Offset());
+  CHECK_EQ(bin_slot_offsets_[kBinArtField], field_section->Offset());
   cur_pos = field_section->End();
+  // Round up to the alignment the required by the method section.
+  cur_pos = RoundUp(cur_pos, ArtMethod::ObjectAlignment(target_ptr_size_));
   // Add method section.
   auto* methods_section = &sections[ImageHeader::kSectionArtMethods];
   *methods_section = ImageSection(cur_pos, bin_slot_sizes_[kBinArtMethodClean] +
-  CHECK_EQ(image_objects_offset_begin_ + bin_slot_previous_sizes_[kBinArtMethodClean],
-           methods_section->Offset());
+  CHECK_EQ(bin_slot_offsets_[kBinArtMethodClean], methods_section->Offset());
   cur_pos = methods_section->End();
   // Round up to the alignment the string table expects. See HashSet::WriteToMemory.
   cur_pos = RoundUp(cur_pos, sizeof(uint64_t));
@@ -1135,7 +1148,10 @@
       case kNativeObjectRelocationTypeArtMethodArrayClean:
       case kNativeObjectRelocationTypeArtMethodArrayDirty: {
-        memcpy(dest, pair.first, LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>::ComputeSize(0));
+        memcpy(dest, pair.first, LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>::ComputeSize(
+            0,
+            ArtMethod::ObjectSize(target_ptr_size_),
+            ArtMethod::ObjectAlignment(target_ptr_size_)));
diff --git a/compiler/image_writer.h b/compiler/image_writer.h
index f4e10cc..c8aa82d 100644
--- a/compiler/image_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/image_writer.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
         quick_imt_conflict_trampoline_offset_(0), quick_resolution_trampoline_offset_(0),
         quick_to_interpreter_bridge_offset_(0), compile_pic_(compile_pic),
-        bin_slot_sizes_(), bin_slot_previous_sizes_(), bin_slot_count_(),
+        bin_slot_sizes_(), bin_slot_offsets_(), bin_slot_count_(),
         intern_table_bytes_(0u), image_method_array_(ImageHeader::kImageMethodsCount),
         dirty_methods_(0u), clean_methods_(0u) {
     CHECK_NE(image_begin, 0U);
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
   // Bin slot tracking for dirty object packing
   size_t bin_slot_sizes_[kBinSize];  // Number of bytes in a bin
-  size_t bin_slot_previous_sizes_[kBinSize];  // Number of bytes in previous bins.
+  size_t bin_slot_offsets_[kBinSize];  // Number of bytes in previous bins.
   size_t bin_slot_count_[kBinSize];  // Number of objects in a bin
   // Cached size of the intern table for when we allocate memory.