Recognize countable "break" loops

A particular break loop is generated by e.g. Kotlin
(or it can be expressed in Java as well) if the upper
(or lower) bound is inclusive, but a comparison test
would be too dangerous. The ART compiler often has
better range analysis (e.g. after inlining) to convert
such constructs back to countable loops, which are
more amenable to optimizations. For instance, we get
more than 200% improvement on the KotlinMicroLoops
benchmark, while close to 70 loops are recognized
in the Kotlin support library itself.

Bug: 67601686

Test: test-art-host test-art-target
Change-Id: I67e5c832df57e096efe2cf43a8579d9c10ca33e6
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index ad29ba5..d270c6a 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -93,6 +93,136 @@
+ * Returns true if loop is guarded by "a cmp b" on entry.
+ */
+static bool IsGuardedBy(HLoopInformation* loop,
+                        IfCondition cmp,
+                        HInstruction* a,
+                        HInstruction* b) {
+  // Chase back through straightline code to the first potential
+  // block that has a control dependence.
+  // guard:   if (x) bypass
+  //              |
+  // entry: straightline code
+  //              |
+  //           preheader
+  //              |
+  //            header
+  HBasicBlock* guard = loop->GetPreHeader();
+  HBasicBlock* entry = loop->GetHeader();
+  while (guard->GetPredecessors().size() == 1 &&
+         guard->GetSuccessors().size() == 1) {
+    entry = guard;
+    guard = guard->GetSinglePredecessor();
+  }
+  // Find guard.
+  HInstruction* control = guard->GetLastInstruction();
+  if (!control->IsIf()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  HIf* ifs = control->AsIf();
+  HInstruction* if_expr = ifs->InputAt(0);
+  if (if_expr->IsCondition()) {
+    IfCondition other_cmp = ifs->IfTrueSuccessor() == entry
+        ? if_expr->AsCondition()->GetCondition()
+        : if_expr->AsCondition()->GetOppositeCondition();
+    if (if_expr->InputAt(0) == a && if_expr->InputAt(1) == b) {
+      return cmp == other_cmp;
+    } else if (if_expr->InputAt(1) == a && if_expr->InputAt(0) == b) {
+      switch (cmp) {
+        case kCondLT: return other_cmp == kCondGT;
+        case kCondLE: return other_cmp == kCondGE;
+        case kCondGT: return other_cmp == kCondLT;
+        case kCondGE: return other_cmp == kCondLE;
+        default: LOG(FATAL) << "unexpected cmp: " << cmp;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+/* Finds first loop header phi use. */
+HInstruction* FindFirstLoopHeaderPhiUse(HLoopInformation* loop, HInstruction* instruction) {
+  for (const HUseListNode<HInstruction*>& use : instruction->GetUses()) {
+    if (use.GetUser()->GetBlock() == loop->GetHeader() &&
+        use.GetUser()->IsPhi() &&
+        use.GetUser()->InputAt(1) == instruction) {
+      return use.GetUser();
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+ * Relinks the Phi structure after break-loop rewriting.
+ */
+bool FixOutsideUse(HLoopInformation* loop,
+                   HInstruction* instruction,
+                   HInstruction* replacement,
+                   bool rewrite) {
+  // Deal with regular uses.
+  const HUseList<HInstruction*>& uses = instruction->GetUses();
+  for (auto it = uses.begin(), end = uses.end(); it != end; ) {
+    HInstruction* user = it->GetUser();
+    size_t index = it->GetIndex();
+    ++it;  // increment prior to potential removal
+    if (user->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation() != loop) {
+      if (replacement == nullptr) {
+        return false;
+      } else if (rewrite) {
+        user->ReplaceInput(replacement, index);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Deal with environment uses.
+  const HUseList<HEnvironment*>& env_uses = instruction->GetEnvUses();
+  for (auto it = env_uses.begin(), end = env_uses.end(); it != end;) {
+    HEnvironment* user = it->GetUser();
+    size_t index = it->GetIndex();
+    ++it;  // increment prior to potential removal
+    if (user->GetHolder()->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation() != loop) {
+      if (replacement == nullptr) {
+        return false;
+      } else if (rewrite) {
+        user->RemoveAsUserOfInput(index);
+        user->SetRawEnvAt(index, replacement);
+        replacement->AddEnvUseAt(user, index);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+ * Test and rewrite the loop body of a break-loop. Returns true on success.
+ */
+bool RewriteBreakLoopBody(HLoopInformation* loop,
+                          HBasicBlock* body,
+                          HInstruction* cond,
+                          HInstruction* index,
+                          HInstruction* upper,
+                          bool rewrite) {
+  // Deal with Phis. Outside use prohibited, except for index (which gets exit value).
+  for (HInstructionIterator it(loop->GetHeader()->GetPhis()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+    HInstruction* exit_value = it.Current() == index ? upper : nullptr;
+    if (!FixOutsideUse(loop, it.Current(), exit_value, rewrite)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Deal with other statements in header.
+  for (HInstruction* m = cond->GetPrevious(), *p = nullptr; m && !m->IsSuspendCheck(); m = p) {
+    p = m->GetPrevious();
+    if (rewrite) {
+      m->MoveBefore(body->GetFirstInstruction(), false);
+    }
+    if (!FixOutsideUse(loop, m, FindFirstLoopHeaderPhiUse(loop, m), rewrite)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
 // Class methods.
@@ -754,6 +884,10 @@
   return nullptr;
+// Loop trip count analysis methods.
 void HInductionVarAnalysis::VisitControl(HLoopInformation* loop) {
   HInstruction* control = loop->GetHeader()->GetLastInstruction();
   if (control->IsIf()) {
@@ -774,15 +908,16 @@
       if (a == nullptr || b == nullptr) {
         return;  // Loop control is not a sequence.
       } else if (if_true->GetLoopInformation() != loop && if_false->GetLoopInformation() == loop) {
-        VisitCondition(loop, a, b, type, condition->GetOppositeCondition());
+        VisitCondition(loop, if_false, a, b, type, condition->GetOppositeCondition());
       } else if (if_true->GetLoopInformation() == loop && if_false->GetLoopInformation() != loop) {
-        VisitCondition(loop, a, b, type, condition->GetCondition());
+        VisitCondition(loop, if_true, a, b, type, condition->GetCondition());
 void HInductionVarAnalysis::VisitCondition(HLoopInformation* loop,
+                                           HBasicBlock* body,
                                            InductionInfo* a,
                                            InductionInfo* b,
                                            DataType::Type type,
@@ -790,11 +925,11 @@
   if (a->induction_class == kInvariant && b->induction_class == kLinear) {
     // Swap condition if induction is at right-hand-side (e.g. U > i is same as i < U).
     switch (cmp) {
-      case kCondLT: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondGT); break;
-      case kCondLE: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondGE); break;
-      case kCondGT: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondLT); break;
-      case kCondGE: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondLE); break;
-      case kCondNE: VisitCondition(loop, b, a, type, kCondNE); break;
+      case kCondLT: VisitCondition(loop, body, b, a, type, kCondGT); break;
+      case kCondLE: VisitCondition(loop, body, b, a, type, kCondGE); break;
+      case kCondGT: VisitCondition(loop, body, b, a, type, kCondLT); break;
+      case kCondGE: VisitCondition(loop, body, b, a, type, kCondLE); break;
+      case kCondNE: VisitCondition(loop, body, b, a, type, kCondNE); break;
       default: break;
   } else if (a->induction_class == kLinear && b->induction_class == kInvariant) {
@@ -802,24 +937,30 @@
     InductionInfo* lower_expr = a->op_b;
     InductionInfo* upper_expr = b;
     InductionInfo* stride_expr = a->op_a;
-    // Constant stride?
+    // Test for constant stride and integral condition.
     int64_t stride_value = 0;
     if (!IsExact(stride_expr, &stride_value)) {
-      return;
+      return;  // unknown stride
+    } else if (type != DataType::Type::kInt32 && type != DataType::Type::kInt64) {
+      return;  // not integral
-    // Rewrite condition i != U into strict end condition i < U or i > U if this end condition
-    // is reached exactly (tested by verifying if the loop has a unit stride and the non-strict
-    // condition would be always taken).
+    // Since loops with a i != U condition will not be normalized by the method below, first
+    // try to rewrite a break-loop with terminating condition i != U into an equivalent loop
+    // with non-strict end condition i <= U or i >= U if such a rewriting is possible and safe.
+    if (cmp == kCondNE && RewriteBreakLoop(loop, body, stride_value, type)) {
+      cmp = stride_value > 0 ? kCondLE : kCondGE;
+    }
+    // If this rewriting failed, try to rewrite condition i != U into strict end condition i < U
+    // or i > U if this end condition is reached exactly (tested by verifying if the loop has a
+    // unit stride and the non-strict condition would be always taken).
     if (cmp == kCondNE && ((stride_value == +1 && IsTaken(lower_expr, upper_expr, kCondLE)) ||
                            (stride_value == -1 && IsTaken(lower_expr, upper_expr, kCondGE)))) {
       cmp = stride_value > 0 ? kCondLT : kCondGT;
-    // Only accept integral condition. A mismatch between the type of condition and the induction
-    // is only allowed if the, necessarily narrower, induction range fits the narrower control.
-    if (type != DataType::Type::kInt32 && type != DataType::Type::kInt64) {
-      return;  // not integral
-    } else if (type != a->type &&
-               !FitsNarrowerControl(lower_expr, upper_expr, stride_value, a->type, cmp)) {
+    // A mismatch between the type of condition and the induction is only allowed if the,
+    // necessarily narrower, induction range fits the narrower control.
+    if (type != a->type &&
+        !FitsNarrowerControl(lower_expr, upper_expr, stride_value, a->type, cmp)) {
       return;  // mismatched type
     // Normalize a linear loop control with a nonzero stride:
@@ -984,6 +1125,69 @@
          IsAtMost(upper_expr, &value)  && value <= max;
+bool HInductionVarAnalysis::RewriteBreakLoop(HLoopInformation* loop,
+                                             HBasicBlock* body,
+                                             int64_t stride_value,
+                                             DataType::Type type) {
+  // Only accept unit stride.
+  if (std::abs(stride_value) != 1) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Simple terminating i != U condition, used nowhere else.
+  HIf* ifs = loop->GetHeader()->GetLastInstruction()->AsIf();
+  HInstruction* cond = ifs->InputAt(0);
+  if (ifs->GetPrevious() != cond || !cond->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  int c = LookupInfo(loop, cond->InputAt(0))->induction_class == kLinear ? 0 : 1;
+  HInstruction* index = cond->InputAt(c);
+  HInstruction* upper = cond->InputAt(1 - c);
+  // Safe to rewrite into i <= U?
+  IfCondition cmp = stride_value > 0 ? kCondLE : kCondGE;
+  if (!index->IsPhi() || !IsFinite(LookupInfo(loop, upper), stride_value, type, cmp)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Body consists of update to index i only, used nowhere else.
+  if (body->GetSuccessors().size() != 1 ||
+      body->GetSingleSuccessor() != loop->GetHeader() ||
+      !body->GetPhis().IsEmpty() ||
+      body->GetInstructions().IsEmpty() ||
+      body->GetFirstInstruction() != index->InputAt(1) ||
+      !body->GetFirstInstruction()->HasOnlyOneNonEnvironmentUse() ||
+      !body->GetFirstInstruction()->GetNext()->IsGoto()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Always taken or guarded by enclosing condition.
+  if (!IsTaken(LookupInfo(loop, index)->op_b, LookupInfo(loop, upper), cmp) &&
+      !IsGuardedBy(loop, cmp, index->InputAt(0), upper)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Test if break-loop body can be written, and do so on success.
+  if (RewriteBreakLoopBody(loop, body, cond, index, upper, /*rewrite*/ false)) {
+    RewriteBreakLoopBody(loop, body, cond, index, upper, /*rewrite*/ true);
+  } else {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Rewrite condition in HIR.
+  if (ifs->IfTrueSuccessor() != body) {
+    cmp = (cmp == kCondLE) ? kCondGT : kCondLT;
+  }
+  HInstruction* rep = nullptr;
+  switch (cmp) {
+    case kCondLT: rep = new (graph_->GetAllocator()) HLessThan(index, upper); break;
+    case kCondGT: rep = new (graph_->GetAllocator()) HGreaterThan(index, upper); break;
+    case kCondLE: rep = new (graph_->GetAllocator()) HLessThanOrEqual(index, upper); break;
+    case kCondGE: rep = new (graph_->GetAllocator()) HGreaterThanOrEqual(index, upper); break;
+    default: LOG(FATAL) << cmp; UNREACHABLE();
+  }
+  loop->GetHeader()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(cond, rep);
+  return true;
+// Helper methods.
 void HInductionVarAnalysis::AssignInfo(HLoopInformation* loop,
                                        HInstruction* instruction,
                                        InductionInfo* info) {