ART: Introduce individual HInstruction cloning.
Introduce API for HInstruction cloning, support it for a few
instructions. add a gtest.
Test:, test-art-target, test-art-host.
Change-Id: I8b6299be5d04a26390d9ef13a20ce82ee5ae4afe
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34dd81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "graph_checker.h"
+#include "nodes.h"
+#include "optimizing_unit_test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace art {
+// This class provides methods and helpers for testing various cloning and copying routines:
+// individual instruction cloning and cloning of the more coarse-grain structures.
+class ClonerTest : public OptimizingUnitTest {
+ public:
+ ClonerTest()
+ : graph_(CreateGraph()), entry_block_(nullptr), exit_block_(nullptr), parameter_(nullptr) {}
+ void CreateBasicLoopControlFlow(/* out */ HBasicBlock** header_p,
+ /* out */ HBasicBlock** body_p) {
+ entry_block_ = new (GetAllocator()) HBasicBlock(graph_);
+ graph_->AddBlock(entry_block_);
+ graph_->SetEntryBlock(entry_block_);
+ HBasicBlock* loop_preheader = new (GetAllocator()) HBasicBlock(graph_);
+ HBasicBlock* loop_header = new (GetAllocator()) HBasicBlock(graph_);
+ HBasicBlock* loop_body = new (GetAllocator()) HBasicBlock(graph_);
+ HBasicBlock* loop_exit = new (GetAllocator()) HBasicBlock(graph_);
+ graph_->AddBlock(loop_preheader);
+ graph_->AddBlock(loop_header);
+ graph_->AddBlock(loop_body);
+ graph_->AddBlock(loop_exit);
+ exit_block_ = new (GetAllocator()) HBasicBlock(graph_);
+ graph_->AddBlock(exit_block_);
+ graph_->SetExitBlock(exit_block_);
+ entry_block_->AddSuccessor(loop_preheader);
+ loop_preheader->AddSuccessor(loop_header);
+ // Loop exit first to have a proper exit condition/target for HIf.
+ loop_header->AddSuccessor(loop_exit);
+ loop_header->AddSuccessor(loop_body);
+ loop_body->AddSuccessor(loop_header);
+ loop_exit->AddSuccessor(exit_block_);
+ *header_p = loop_header;
+ *body_p = loop_body;
+ parameter_ = new (GetAllocator()) HParameterValue(graph_->GetDexFile(),
+ dex::TypeIndex(0),
+ 0,
+ DataType::Type::kInt32);
+ entry_block_->AddInstruction(parameter_);
+ loop_exit->AddInstruction(new (GetAllocator()) HReturnVoid());
+ exit_block_->AddInstruction(new (GetAllocator()) HExit());
+ }
+ void CreateBasicLoopDataFlow(HBasicBlock* loop_header, HBasicBlock* loop_body) {
+ uint32_t dex_pc = 0;
+ // Entry block.
+ HIntConstant* const_0 = graph_->GetIntConstant(0);
+ HIntConstant* const_1 = graph_->GetIntConstant(1);
+ HIntConstant* const_128 = graph_->GetIntConstant(128);
+ // Header block.
+ HPhi* phi = new (GetAllocator()) HPhi(GetAllocator(), 0, 0, DataType::Type::kInt32);
+ HInstruction* suspend_check = new (GetAllocator()) HSuspendCheck();
+ loop_header->AddPhi(phi);
+ loop_header->AddInstruction(suspend_check);
+ loop_header->AddInstruction(new (GetAllocator()) HGreaterThanOrEqual(phi, const_128));
+ loop_header->AddInstruction(new (GetAllocator()) HIf(parameter_));
+ // Loop body block.
+ HInstruction* null_check = new (GetAllocator()) HNullCheck(parameter_, dex_pc);
+ HInstruction* array_length = new (GetAllocator()) HArrayLength(null_check, dex_pc);
+ HInstruction* bounds_check = new (GetAllocator()) HBoundsCheck(phi, array_length, dex_pc);
+ HInstruction* array_get =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HArrayGet(null_check, bounds_check, DataType::Type::kInt32, dex_pc);
+ HInstruction* add = new (GetAllocator()) HAdd(DataType::Type::kInt32, array_get, const_1);
+ HInstruction* array_set =
+ new (GetAllocator()) HArraySet(null_check, bounds_check, add, DataType::Type::kInt32, dex_pc);
+ HInstruction* induction_inc = new (GetAllocator()) HAdd(DataType::Type::kInt32, phi, const_1);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(null_check);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(array_length);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(bounds_check);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(array_get);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(add);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(array_set);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(induction_inc);
+ loop_body->AddInstruction(new (GetAllocator()) HGoto());
+ phi->AddInput(const_0);
+ phi->AddInput(induction_inc);
+ graph_->SetHasBoundsChecks(true);
+ // Adjust HEnvironment for each instruction which require that.
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*> current_locals({phi, const_128, parameter_},
+ GetAllocator()->Adapter(kArenaAllocInstruction));
+ HEnvironment* env = ManuallyBuildEnvFor(suspend_check, ¤t_locals);
+ null_check->CopyEnvironmentFrom(env);
+ bounds_check->CopyEnvironmentFrom(env);
+ }
+ HEnvironment* ManuallyBuildEnvFor(HInstruction* instruction,
+ ArenaVector<HInstruction*>* current_locals) {
+ HEnvironment* environment = new (GetAllocator()) HEnvironment(
+ (GetAllocator()),
+ current_locals->size(),
+ graph_->GetArtMethod(),
+ instruction->GetDexPc(),
+ instruction);
+ environment->CopyFrom(ArrayRef<HInstruction* const>(*current_locals));
+ instruction->SetRawEnvironment(environment);
+ return environment;
+ }
+ bool CheckGraph() {
+ GraphChecker checker(graph_);
+ checker.Run();
+ if (!checker.IsValid()) {
+ for (const std::string& error : checker.GetErrors()) {
+ std::cout << error << std::endl;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ HGraph* graph_;
+ HBasicBlock* entry_block_;
+ HBasicBlock* exit_block_;
+ HInstruction* parameter_;
+TEST_F(ClonerTest, IndividualInstrCloner) {
+ HBasicBlock* header = nullptr;
+ HBasicBlock* loop_body = nullptr;
+ CreateBasicLoopControlFlow(&header, &loop_body);
+ CreateBasicLoopDataFlow(header, loop_body);
+ graph_->BuildDominatorTree();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckGraph());
+ HSuspendCheck* old_suspend_check = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetSuspendCheck();
+ CloneAndReplaceInstructionVisitor visitor(graph_);
+ // Do instruction cloning and replacement twice with different visiting order.
+ visitor.VisitInsertionOrder();
+ size_t instr_replaced_by_clones_count = visitor.GetInstrReplacedByClonesCount();
+ EXPECT_EQ(instr_replaced_by_clones_count, 12u);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckGraph());
+ visitor.VisitReversePostOrder();
+ instr_replaced_by_clones_count = visitor.GetInstrReplacedByClonesCount();
+ EXPECT_EQ(instr_replaced_by_clones_count, 24u);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CheckGraph());
+ HSuspendCheck* new_suspend_check = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetSuspendCheck();
+ EXPECT_NE(new_suspend_check, old_suspend_check);
+ EXPECT_NE(new_suspend_check, nullptr);
+} // namespace art