Testrunner: Print information about the total tests run

Bug: 35985100
Test: manual
Change-Id: I879637e8c06ca401cd2a9c10111b4408300a7fcd
diff --git a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
index f77e9ad..b814e14 100755
--- a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
+++ b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
@@ -643,12 +643,25 @@
     console_width = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])
     eraser_text = '\r' + ' ' * console_width + '\r'
+  # Prints information about the total tests run.
+  # E.g., "2/38 (5%) tests passed".
+  passed_test_count = total_test_count - len(skipped_tests) - len(failed_tests)
+  passed_test_information = ('%d/%d (%d%%) %s passed.\n') % (
+      passed_test_count,
+      total_test_count,
+      (passed_test_count*100)/total_test_count,
+      'tests' if passed_test_count > 1 else 'test')
+  print_text(passed_test_information)
+  # Prints the list of skipped tests, if any.
   if skipped_tests:
     print_text(COLOR_SKIP + 'SKIPPED TESTS' + COLOR_NORMAL + '\n')
     for test in skipped_tests:
       print_text(test + '\n')
+  # Prints the list of failed tests, if any.
   if failed_tests:
     print_text(COLOR_ERROR + 'FAILED TESTS' + COLOR_NORMAL + '\n')
     for test in failed_tests: