Optimizing: Improve const-string code generation.
For strings in the boot image, use either direct pointers
or pc-relative addresses. For other strings, use PC-relative
access to the dex cache arrays for AOT and direct address of
the string's dex cache slot for JIT.
For aosp_flounder-userdebug:
- 32-bit boot.oat: -692KiB (-0.9%)
- 64-bit boot.oat: -948KiB (-1.1%)
- 32-bit dalvik cache total: -900KiB (-0.9%)
- 64-bit dalvik cache total: -3672KiB (-1.5%)
(contains more files than the 32-bit dalvik cache)
For aosp_flounder-userdebug forced to compile PIC:
- 32-bit boot.oat: -380KiB (-0.5%)
- 64-bit boot.oat: -928KiB (-1.0%)
- 32-bit dalvik cache total: -468KiB (-0.4%)
- 64-bit dalvik cache total: -1928KiB (-0.8%)
(contains more files than the 32-bit dalvik cache)
Bug: 26884697
Change-Id: Iec7266ce67e6fedc107be78fab2e742a8dab2696
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index e9a42cb..ba42421 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -1995,6 +1995,8 @@
environment_ = environment;
+ void RemoveEnvironment();
// Set the environment of this instruction, copying it from `environment`. While
// copying, the uses lists are being updated.
void CopyEnvironmentFrom(HEnvironment* environment) {
@@ -5557,32 +5559,117 @@
class HLoadString : public HExpression<1> {
+ // Determines how to load the String.
+ enum class LoadKind {
+ // Use boot image String* address that will be known at link time.
+ // Used for boot image strings referenced by boot image code in non-PIC mode.
+ kBootImageLinkTimeAddress,
+ // Use PC-relative boot image String* address that will be known at link time.
+ // Used for boot image strings referenced by boot image code in PIC mode.
+ kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative,
+ // Use a known boot image String* address, embedded in the code by the codegen.
+ // Used for boot image strings referenced by apps in AOT- and JIT-compiled code.
+ // Note: codegen needs to emit a linker patch if indicated by compiler options'
+ // GetIncludePatchInformation().
+ kBootImageAddress,
+ // Load from the resolved strings array at an absolute address.
+ // Used for strings outside the boot image referenced by JIT-compiled code.
+ kDexCacheAddress,
+ // Load from resolved strings array in the dex cache using a PC-relative load.
+ // Used for strings outside boot image when we know that we can access
+ // the dex cache arrays using a PC-relative load.
+ kDexCachePcRelative,
+ // Load from resolved strings array accessed through the class loaded from
+ // the compiled method's own ArtMethod*. This is the default access type when
+ // all other types are unavailable.
+ kDexCacheViaMethod,
+ kLast = kDexCacheViaMethod
+ };
HLoadString(HCurrentMethod* current_method,
uint32_t string_index,
- uint32_t dex_pc,
- bool is_in_dex_cache)
+ const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t dex_pc)
: HExpression(Primitive::kPrimNot, SideEffectsForArchRuntimeCalls(), dex_pc),
string_index_(string_index) {
- SetPackedFlag<kFlagIsInDexCache>(is_in_dex_cache);
+ SetPackedFlag<kFlagIsInDexCache>(false);
+ SetPackedField<LoadKindField>(LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod);
+ load_data_.ref.dex_file = &dex_file;
SetRawInputAt(0, current_method);
+ void SetLoadKindWithAddress(LoadKind load_kind, uint64_t address) {
+ DCHECK(HasAddress(load_kind));
+ load_data_.address = address;
+ SetLoadKindInternal(load_kind);
+ }
+ void SetLoadKindWithStringReference(LoadKind load_kind,
+ const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t string_index) {
+ DCHECK(HasStringReference(load_kind));
+ load_data_.ref.dex_file = &dex_file;
+ string_index_ = string_index;
+ SetLoadKindInternal(load_kind);
+ }
+ void SetLoadKindWithDexCacheReference(LoadKind load_kind,
+ const DexFile& dex_file,
+ uint32_t element_index) {
+ DCHECK(HasDexCacheReference(load_kind));
+ load_data_.ref.dex_file = &dex_file;
+ load_data_.ref.dex_cache_element_index = element_index;
+ SetLoadKindInternal(load_kind);
+ }
+ LoadKind GetLoadKind() const {
+ return GetPackedField<LoadKindField>();
+ }
+ const DexFile& GetDexFile() const;
+ uint32_t GetStringIndex() const {
+ DCHECK(HasStringReference(GetLoadKind()) || /* For slow paths. */ !IsInDexCache());
+ return string_index_;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetDexCacheElementOffset() const;
+ uint64_t GetAddress() const {
+ DCHECK(HasAddress(GetLoadKind()));
+ return load_data_.address;
+ }
bool CanBeMoved() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
- bool InstructionDataEquals(HInstruction* other) const OVERRIDE {
- return other->AsLoadString()->string_index_ == string_index_;
- }
+ bool InstructionDataEquals(HInstruction* other) const OVERRIDE;
size_t ComputeHashCode() const OVERRIDE { return string_index_; }
- uint32_t GetStringIndex() const { return string_index_; }
+ // Will call the runtime if we need to load the string through
+ // the dex cache and the string is not guaranteed to be there yet.
+ bool NeedsEnvironment() const OVERRIDE {
+ LoadKind load_kind = GetLoadKind();
+ if (load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress ||
+ load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
+ load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageAddress) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !IsInDexCache();
+ }
- // Will call the runtime if the string is not already in the dex cache.
- bool NeedsEnvironment() const OVERRIDE { return !IsInDexCache(); }
+ bool NeedsDexCacheOfDeclaringClass() const OVERRIDE {
+ return GetLoadKind() == LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ }
- bool NeedsDexCacheOfDeclaringClass() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
bool CanBeNull() const OVERRIDE { return false; }
- bool CanThrow() const OVERRIDE { return !IsInDexCache(); }
+ bool CanThrow() const OVERRIDE { return NeedsEnvironment(); }
static SideEffects SideEffectsForArchRuntimeCalls() {
return SideEffects::CanTriggerGC();
@@ -5590,17 +5677,83 @@
bool IsInDexCache() const { return GetPackedFlag<kFlagIsInDexCache>(); }
+ void MarkInDexCache() {
+ SetPackedFlag<kFlagIsInDexCache>(true);
+ DCHECK(!NeedsEnvironment());
+ RemoveEnvironment();
+ }
+ size_t InputCount() const OVERRIDE {
+ return (InputAt(0) != nullptr) ? 1u : 0u;
+ }
+ void AddSpecialInput(HInstruction* special_input);
static constexpr size_t kFlagIsInDexCache = kNumberOfExpressionPackedBits;
- static constexpr size_t kNumberOfLoadStringPackedBits = kFlagIsInDexCache + 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kFieldLoadKind = kFlagIsInDexCache + 1;
+ static constexpr size_t kFieldLoadKindSize =
+ MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(LoadKind::kLast));
+ static constexpr size_t kNumberOfLoadStringPackedBits = kFieldLoadKind + kFieldLoadKindSize;
static_assert(kNumberOfLoadStringPackedBits <= kMaxNumberOfPackedBits, "Too many packed fields.");
+ using LoadKindField = BitField<LoadKind, kFieldLoadKind, kFieldLoadKindSize>;
- const uint32_t string_index_;
+ static bool HasStringReference(LoadKind load_kind) {
+ return load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimeAddress ||
+ load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
+ load_kind == LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+ }
+ static bool HasAddress(LoadKind load_kind) {
+ return load_kind == LoadKind::kBootImageAddress || load_kind == LoadKind::kDexCacheAddress;
+ }
+ static bool HasDexCacheReference(LoadKind load_kind) {
+ return load_kind == LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative;
+ }
+ void SetLoadKindInternal(LoadKind load_kind);
+ // String index serves also as the hash code and it's also needed for slow-paths,
+ // so it must not be overwritten with other load data.
+ uint32_t string_index_;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ const DexFile* dex_file; // For string reference and dex cache reference.
+ uint32_t dex_cache_element_index; // Only for dex cache reference.
+ } ref;
+ uint64_t address; // Up to 64-bit, needed for kDexCacheAddress on 64-bit targets.
+ } load_data_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, HLoadString::LoadKind rhs);
+// Note: defined outside class to see operator<<(., HLoadString::LoadKind).
+inline const DexFile& HLoadString::GetDexFile() const {
+ DCHECK(HasStringReference(GetLoadKind()) || HasDexCacheReference(GetLoadKind()))
+ << GetLoadKind();
+ return *load_data_.ref.dex_file;
+// Note: defined outside class to see operator<<(., HLoadString::LoadKind).
+inline uint32_t HLoadString::GetDexCacheElementOffset() const {
+ DCHECK(HasDexCacheReference(GetLoadKind())) << GetLoadKind();
+ return load_data_.ref.dex_cache_element_index;
+// Note: defined outside class to see operator<<(., HLoadString::LoadKind).
+inline void HLoadString::AddSpecialInput(HInstruction* special_input) {
+ // The special input is used for PC-relative loads on some architectures.
+ DCHECK(GetLoadKind() == LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative ||
+ GetLoadKind() == LoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative) << GetLoadKind();
+ DCHECK(InputAt(0) == nullptr);
+ SetRawInputAt(0u, special_input);
+ special_input->AddUseAt(this, 0);
* Performs an initialization check on its Class object input.