Revert^2 "Compile link-time thunks in codegen."
The linker crash (the reason for revert) is flaky and maybe
we shall not see it with this CL now that unrelated source
code has changed.
Test: Rely on TreeHugger
Bug: 36141117
Bug: 77581732
This reverts commit 5806a9ec99b5494b511e84c74f494f0b3a8ebec5.
Change-Id: I3a4a058847dff601681ba391abf45833424fa06d
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index c2ae764..231017f 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -449,6 +449,18 @@
// No linker patches by default.
+bool CodeGenerator::NeedsThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const {
+ // Code generators that create patches requiring thunk compilation should override this function.
+ return false;
+void CodeGenerator::EmitThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ /*out*/ ArenaVector<uint8_t>* code ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+ // Code generators that create patches requiring thunk compilation should override this function.
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected call to EmitThunkCode().";
void CodeGenerator::InitializeCodeGeneration(size_t number_of_spill_slots,
size_t maximum_safepoint_spill_size,
size_t number_of_out_slots,
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
index e1f680f..62caceb 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "arch/instruction_set_features.h"
#include "base/arena_containers.h"
#include "base/arena_object.h"
+#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/bit_field.h"
#include "base/bit_utils.h"
#include "base/enums.h"
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@
virtual ~CodeAllocator() {}
virtual uint8_t* Allocate(size_t size) = 0;
+ virtual ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetMemory() const = 0;
@@ -210,6 +212,10 @@
virtual void Initialize() = 0;
virtual void Finalize(CodeAllocator* allocator);
virtual void EmitLinkerPatches(ArenaVector<linker::LinkerPatch>* linker_patches);
+ virtual bool NeedsThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch) const;
+ virtual void EmitThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch,
+ /*out*/ ArenaVector<uint8_t>* code,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name);
virtual void GenerateFrameEntry() = 0;
virtual void GenerateFrameExit() = 0;
virtual void Bind(HBasicBlock* block) = 0;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 273346a..31887d9 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include "heap_poisoning.h"
#include "intrinsics.h"
#include "intrinsics_arm64.h"
-#include "linker/arm64/relative_patcher_arm64.h"
#include "linker/linker_patch.h"
#include "lock_word.h"
#include "mirror/array-inl.h"
@@ -1425,6 +1424,62 @@
__ FinalizeCode();
+ // Verify Baker read barrier linker patches.
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> code = allocator->GetMemory();
+ for (const BakerReadBarrierPatchInfo& info : baker_read_barrier_patches_) {
+ DCHECK(info.label.IsBound());
+ uint32_t literal_offset = info.label.GetLocation();
+ DCHECK_ALIGNED(literal_offset, 4u);
+ auto GetInsn = [&code](uint32_t offset) {
+ DCHECK_ALIGNED(offset, 4u);
+ return
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(code[offset + 0]) << 0) +
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(code[offset + 1]) << 8) +
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(code[offset + 2]) << 16)+
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(code[offset + 3]) << 24);
+ };
+ const uint32_t encoded_data = info.custom_data;
+ BakerReadBarrierKind kind = BakerReadBarrierKindField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ // Check that the next instruction matches the expected LDR.
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kField: {
+ DCHECK_GE(code.size() - literal_offset, 8u);
+ uint32_t next_insn = GetInsn(literal_offset + 4u);
+ // LDR (immediate) with correct base_reg.
+ CheckValidReg(next_insn & 0x1fu); // Check destination register.
+ const uint32_t base_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(next_insn & 0xffc003e0u, 0xb9400000u | (base_reg << 5));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray: {
+ DCHECK_GE(code.size() - literal_offset, 8u);
+ uint32_t next_insn = GetInsn(literal_offset + 4u);
+ // LDR (register) with the correct base_reg, size=10 (32-bit), option=011 (extend = LSL),
+ // and S=1 (shift amount = 2 for 32-bit version), i.e. LDR Wt, [Xn, Xm, LSL #2].
+ CheckValidReg(next_insn & 0x1fu); // Check destination register.
+ const uint32_t base_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(next_insn & 0xffe0ffe0u, 0xb8607800u | (base_reg << 5));
+ CheckValidReg((next_insn >> 16) & 0x1f); // Check index register
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot: {
+ DCHECK_GE(literal_offset, 4u);
+ uint32_t prev_insn = GetInsn(literal_offset - 4u);
+ // LDR (immediate) with correct root_reg.
+ const uint32_t root_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(prev_insn & 0xffc0001fu, 0xb9400000u | root_reg);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected kind: " << static_cast<uint32_t>(kind);
+ }
+ }
+ }
void ParallelMoveResolverARM64::PrepareForEmitNativeCode() {
@@ -4814,6 +4869,44 @@
DCHECK_EQ(size, linker_patches->size());
+bool CodeGeneratorARM64::NeedsThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch) const {
+ return patch.GetType() == linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kBakerReadBarrierBranch ||
+ patch.GetType() == linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kCallRelative;
+void CodeGeneratorARM64::EmitThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch,
+ /*out*/ ArenaVector<uint8_t>* code,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name) {
+ Arm64Assembler assembler(GetGraph()->GetAllocator());
+ switch (patch.GetType()) {
+ case linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kCallRelative: {
+ // The thunk just uses the entry point in the ArtMethod. This works even for calls
+ // to the generic JNI and interpreter trampolines.
+ Offset offset(ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(
+ kArm64PointerSize).Int32Value());
+ assembler.JumpTo(ManagedRegister(arm64::X0), offset, ManagedRegister(arm64::IP0));
+ if (GetCompilerOptions().GenerateAnyDebugInfo()) {
+ *debug_name = "MethodCallThunk";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kBakerReadBarrierBranch: {
+ DCHECK_EQ(patch.GetBakerCustomValue2(), 0u);
+ CompileBakerReadBarrierThunk(assembler, patch.GetBakerCustomValue1(), debug_name);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected patch type " << patch.GetType();
+ }
+ // Ensure we emit the literal pool if any.
+ assembler.FinalizeCode();
+ code->resize(assembler.CodeSize());
+ MemoryRegion code_region(code->data(), code->size());
+ assembler.FinalizeInstructions(code_region);
vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* CodeGeneratorARM64::DeduplicateUint32Literal(uint32_t value) {
return uint32_literals_.GetOrCreate(
@@ -4954,12 +5047,12 @@
// /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
Register current_method = InputRegisterAt(cls, 0);
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
- out_loc,
- current_method,
- ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value(),
- /* fixup_label */ nullptr,
- read_barrier_option);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
+ out_loc,
+ current_method,
+ ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value(),
+ /* fixup_label */ nullptr,
+ read_barrier_option);
case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative: {
@@ -5006,12 +5099,12 @@
vixl::aarch64::Label* ldr_label =
codegen_->NewBssEntryTypePatch(dex_file, type_index, adrp_label);
// /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *(base_address + offset) /* PC-relative */
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
- out_loc,
- temp,
- /* offset placeholder */ 0u,
- ldr_label,
- read_barrier_option);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
+ out_loc,
+ temp,
+ /* offset placeholder */ 0u,
+ ldr_label,
+ read_barrier_option);
generate_null_check = true;
@@ -5019,12 +5112,12 @@
__ Ldr(out, codegen_->DeduplicateJitClassLiteral(cls->GetDexFile(),
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
- out_loc,
- out.X(),
- /* offset */ 0,
- /* fixup_label */ nullptr,
- read_barrier_option);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
+ out_loc,
+ out.X(),
+ /* offset */ 0,
+ /* fixup_label */ nullptr,
+ read_barrier_option);
case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kRuntimeCall:
@@ -5167,12 +5260,12 @@
vixl::aarch64::Label* ldr_label =
codegen_->NewStringBssEntryPatch(dex_file, string_index, adrp_label);
// /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *(base_address + offset) /* PC-relative */
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load,
- out_loc,
- temp,
- /* offset placeholder */ 0u,
- ldr_label,
- kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load,
+ out_loc,
+ temp,
+ /* offset placeholder */ 0u,
+ ldr_label,
+ kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
SlowPathCodeARM64* slow_path =
new (codegen_->GetScopedAllocator()) LoadStringSlowPathARM64(load);
@@ -5185,12 +5278,12 @@
__ Ldr(out, codegen_->DeduplicateJitStringLiteral(load->GetDexFile(),
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load,
- out_loc,
- out.X(),
- /* offset */ 0,
- /* fixup_label */ nullptr,
- kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load,
+ out_loc,
+ out.X(),
+ /* offset */ 0,
+ /* fixup_label */ nullptr,
+ kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
@@ -6139,7 +6232,7 @@
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM64::GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+void CodeGeneratorARM64::GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
HInstruction* instruction,
Location root,
Register obj,
@@ -6173,9 +6266,8 @@
temps.Exclude(ip0, ip1);
- uint32_t custom_data =
- linker::Arm64RelativePatcher::EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(root_reg.GetCode());
- vixl::aarch64::Label* cbnz_label = codegen_->NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
+ uint32_t custom_data = EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(root_reg.GetCode());
+ vixl::aarch64::Label* cbnz_label = NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
EmissionCheckScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(), 3 * vixl::aarch64::kInstructionSize);
vixl::aarch64::Label return_address;
@@ -6204,14 +6296,14 @@
// Slow path marking the GC root `root`. The entrypoint will
// be loaded by the slow path code.
SlowPathCodeARM64* slow_path =
- new (codegen_->GetScopedAllocator()) ReadBarrierMarkSlowPathARM64(instruction, root);
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ new (GetScopedAllocator()) ReadBarrierMarkSlowPathARM64(instruction, root);
+ AddSlowPath(slow_path);
// /* GcRoot<mirror::Object> */ root = *(obj + offset)
if (fixup_label == nullptr) {
__ Ldr(root_reg, MemOperand(obj, offset));
} else {
- codegen_->EmitLdrOffsetPlaceholder(fixup_label, root_reg, obj);
+ EmitLdrOffsetPlaceholder(fixup_label, root_reg, obj);
sizeof(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(GcRoot<mirror::Object>),
@@ -6231,10 +6323,10 @@
if (fixup_label == nullptr) {
__ Add(root_reg.X(), obj.X(), offset);
} else {
- codegen_->EmitAddPlaceholder(fixup_label, root_reg.X(), obj.X());
+ EmitAddPlaceholder(fixup_label, root_reg.X(), obj.X());
// /* mirror::Object* */ root = root->Read()
- codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRootSlow(instruction, root, root);
+ GenerateReadBarrierForRootSlow(instruction, root, root);
} else {
// Plain GC root load with no read barrier.
@@ -6242,12 +6334,12 @@
if (fixup_label == nullptr) {
__ Ldr(root_reg, MemOperand(obj, offset));
} else {
- codegen_->EmitLdrOffsetPlaceholder(fixup_label, root_reg, obj.X());
+ EmitLdrOffsetPlaceholder(fixup_label, root_reg, obj.X());
// Note that GC roots are not affected by heap poisoning, thus we
// do not have to unpoison `root_reg` here.
- codegen_->MaybeGenerateMarkingRegisterCheck(/* code */ __LINE__);
+ MaybeGenerateMarkingRegisterCheck(/* code */ __LINE__);
void CodeGeneratorARM64::GenerateFieldLoadWithBakerReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
@@ -6296,9 +6388,7 @@
temps.Exclude(ip0, ip1);
- uint32_t custom_data = linker::Arm64RelativePatcher::EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(
- base.GetCode(),
- obj.GetCode());
+ uint32_t custom_data = EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(base.GetCode(), obj.GetCode());
vixl::aarch64::Label* cbnz_label = NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
@@ -6383,8 +6473,7 @@
temps.Exclude(ip0, ip1);
- uint32_t custom_data =
- linker::Arm64RelativePatcher::EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(temp.GetCode());
+ uint32_t custom_data = EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(temp.GetCode());
vixl::aarch64::Label* cbnz_label = NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
__ Add(temp.X(), obj.X(), Operand(data_offset));
@@ -6744,5 +6833,176 @@
#undef __
+#define __ assembler.GetVIXLAssembler()->
+static void EmitGrayCheckAndFastPath(arm64::Arm64Assembler& assembler,
+ vixl::aarch64::Register base_reg,
+ vixl::aarch64::MemOperand& lock_word,
+ vixl::aarch64::Label* slow_path) {
+ // Load the lock word containing the rb_state.
+ __ Ldr(ip0.W(), lock_word);
+ // Given the numeric representation, it's enough to check the low bit of the rb_state.
+ static_assert(ReadBarrier::WhiteState() == 0, "Expecting white to have value 0");
+ static_assert(ReadBarrier::GrayState() == 1, "Expecting gray to have value 1");
+ __ Tbnz(ip0.W(), LockWord::kReadBarrierStateShift, slow_path);
+ static_assert(
+ "Field and array LDR offsets must be the same to reuse the same code.");
+ // Adjust the return address back to the LDR (1 instruction; 2 for heap poisoning).
+ static_assert(BAKER_MARK_INTROSPECTION_FIELD_LDR_OFFSET == (kPoisonHeapReferences ? -8 : -4),
+ "Field LDR must be 1 instruction (4B) before the return address label; "
+ " 2 instructions (8B) for heap poisoning.");
+ // Introduce a dependency on the lock_word including rb_state,
+ // to prevent load-load reordering, and without using
+ // a memory barrier (which would be more expensive).
+ __ Add(base_reg, base_reg, Operand(ip0, LSR, 32));
+ __ Br(lr); // And return back to the function.
+ // Note: The fake dependency is unnecessary for the slow path.
+// Load the read barrier introspection entrypoint in register `entrypoint`.
+static void LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(arm64::Arm64Assembler& assembler,
+ vixl::aarch64::Register entrypoint) {
+ // entrypoint = Thread::Current()->pReadBarrierMarkReg16, i.e. pReadBarrierMarkIntrospection.
+ DCHECK_EQ(ip0.GetCode(), 16u);
+ const int32_t entry_point_offset =
+ Thread::ReadBarrierMarkEntryPointsOffset<kArm64PointerSize>(ip0.GetCode());
+ __ Ldr(entrypoint, MemOperand(tr, entry_point_offset));
+void CodeGeneratorARM64::CompileBakerReadBarrierThunk(Arm64Assembler& assembler,
+ uint32_t encoded_data,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name) {
+ BakerReadBarrierKind kind = BakerReadBarrierKindField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kField: {
+ // Check if the holder is gray and, if not, add fake dependency to the base register
+ // and return to the LDR instruction to load the reference. Otherwise, use introspection
+ // to load the reference and call the entrypoint (in IP1) that performs further checks
+ // on the reference and marks it if needed.
+ auto base_reg =
+ Register::GetXRegFromCode(BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg.GetCode());
+ auto holder_reg =
+ Register::GetXRegFromCode(BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(holder_reg.GetCode());
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(assembler.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ temps.Exclude(ip0, ip1);
+ // If base_reg differs from holder_reg, the offset was too large and we must have
+ // emitted an explicit null check before the load. Otherwise, we need to null-check
+ // the holder as we do not necessarily do that check before going to the thunk.
+ vixl::aarch64::Label throw_npe;
+ if (holder_reg.Is(base_reg)) {
+ __ Cbz(holder_reg.W(), &throw_npe);
+ }
+ vixl::aarch64::Label slow_path;
+ MemOperand lock_word(holder_reg, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().Int32Value());
+ EmitGrayCheckAndFastPath(assembler, base_reg, lock_word, &slow_path);
+ __ Bind(&slow_path);
+ __ Ldr(ip0.W(), ldr_address); // Load the LDR (immediate) unsigned offset.
+ LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(assembler, ip1);
+ __ Ubfx(ip0.W(), ip0.W(), 10, 12); // Extract the offset.
+ __ Ldr(ip0.W(), MemOperand(base_reg, ip0, LSL, 2)); // Load the reference.
+ // Do not unpoison. With heap poisoning enabled, the entrypoint expects a poisoned reference.
+ __ Br(ip1); // Jump to the entrypoint.
+ if (holder_reg.Is(base_reg)) {
+ // Add null check slow path. The stack map is at the address pointed to by LR.
+ __ Bind(&throw_npe);
+ int32_t offset = GetThreadOffset<kArm64PointerSize>(kQuickThrowNullPointer).Int32Value();
+ __ Ldr(ip0, MemOperand(/* Thread* */ vixl::aarch64::x19, offset));
+ __ Br(ip0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray: {
+ auto base_reg =
+ Register::GetXRegFromCode(BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg.GetCode());
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(assembler.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ temps.Exclude(ip0, ip1);
+ vixl::aarch64::Label slow_path;
+ int32_t data_offset =
+ mirror::Array::DataOffset(Primitive::ComponentSize(Primitive::kPrimNot)).Int32Value();
+ MemOperand lock_word(base_reg, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().Int32Value() - data_offset);
+ DCHECK_LT(lock_word.GetOffset(), 0);
+ EmitGrayCheckAndFastPath(assembler, base_reg, lock_word, &slow_path);
+ __ Bind(&slow_path);
+ __ Ldr(ip0.W(), ldr_address); // Load the LDR (register) unsigned offset.
+ LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(assembler, ip1);
+ __ Ubfx(ip0, ip0, 16, 6); // Extract the index register, plus 32 (bit 21 is set).
+ __ Bfi(ip1, ip0, 3, 6); // Insert ip0 to the entrypoint address to create
+ // a switch case target based on the index register.
+ __ Mov(ip0, base_reg); // Move the base register to ip0.
+ __ Br(ip1); // Jump to the entrypoint's array switch case.
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot: {
+ // Check if the reference needs to be marked and if so (i.e. not null, not marked yet
+ // and it does not have a forwarding address), call the correct introspection entrypoint;
+ // otherwise return the reference (or the extracted forwarding address).
+ // There is no gray bit check for GC roots.
+ auto root_reg =
+ Register::GetWRegFromCode(BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(root_reg.GetCode());
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(assembler.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ temps.Exclude(ip0, ip1);
+ vixl::aarch64::Label return_label, not_marked, forwarding_address;
+ __ Cbz(root_reg, &return_label);
+ MemOperand lock_word(root_reg.X(), mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().Int32Value());
+ __ Ldr(ip0.W(), lock_word);
+ __ Tbz(ip0.W(), LockWord::kMarkBitStateShift, ¬_marked);
+ __ Bind(&return_label);
+ __ Br(lr);
+ __ Bind(¬_marked);
+ __ Tst(ip0.W(), Operand(ip0.W(), LSL, 1));
+ __ B(&forwarding_address, mi);
+ LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(assembler, ip1);
+ // Adjust the art_quick_read_barrier_mark_introspection address in IP1 to
+ // art_quick_read_barrier_mark_introspection_gc_roots.
+ __ Mov(ip0.W(), root_reg);
+ __ Br(ip1);
+ __ Bind(&forwarding_address);
+ __ Lsl(root_reg, ip0.W(), LockWord::kForwardingAddressShift);
+ __ Br(lr);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected kind: " << static_cast<uint32_t>(kind);
+ }
+ if (GetCompilerOptions().GenerateAnyDebugInfo()) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "BakerReadBarrierThunk";
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kField:
+ oss << "Field_r" << BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data)
+ << "_r" << BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ break;
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray:
+ oss << "Array_r" << BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ break;
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot:
+ oss << "GcRoot_r" << BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ break;
+ }
+ *debug_name = oss.str();
+ }
+#undef __
} // namespace arm64
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
index 6a52eec..aa343b1 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm64.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "arch/arm64/quick_method_frame_info_arm64.h"
+#include "base/bit_field.h"
#include "code_generator.h"
#include "common_arm64.h"
#include "dex/dex_file_types.h"
@@ -36,6 +37,11 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
namespace art {
+namespace linker {
+class Arm64RelativePatcherTest;
+} // namespace linker
namespace arm64 {
class CodeGeneratorARM64;
@@ -309,17 +315,6 @@
uint32_t offset,
Location maybe_temp,
ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
- // Generate a GC root reference load:
- //
- // root <- *(obj + offset)
- //
- // while honoring read barriers based on read_barrier_option.
- void GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
- Location root,
- vixl::aarch64::Register obj,
- uint32_t offset,
- vixl::aarch64::Label* fixup_label,
- ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
// Generate a floating-point comparison.
void GenerateFcmp(HInstruction* instruction);
@@ -641,9 +636,24 @@
vixl::aarch64::Register base);
void EmitLinkerPatches(ArenaVector<linker::LinkerPatch>* linker_patches) OVERRIDE;
+ bool NeedsThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch) const OVERRIDE;
+ void EmitThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch,
+ /*out*/ ArenaVector<uint8_t>* code,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name) OVERRIDE;
void EmitJitRootPatches(uint8_t* code, const uint8_t* roots_data) OVERRIDE;
+ // Generate a GC root reference load:
+ //
+ // root <- *(obj + offset)
+ //
+ // while honoring read barriers based on read_barrier_option.
+ void GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
+ Location root,
+ vixl::aarch64::Register obj,
+ uint32_t offset,
+ vixl::aarch64::Label* fixup_label,
+ ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
// Fast path implementation of ReadBarrier::Barrier for a heap
// reference field load when Baker's read barriers are used.
void GenerateFieldLoadWithBakerReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
@@ -778,6 +788,62 @@
void GenerateExplicitNullCheck(HNullCheck* instruction) OVERRIDE;
+ // Encoding of thunk type and data for link-time generated thunks for Baker read barriers.
+ enum class BakerReadBarrierKind : uint8_t {
+ kField, // Field get or array get with constant offset (i.e. constant index).
+ kArray, // Array get with index in register.
+ kGcRoot, // GC root load.
+ kLast = kGcRoot
+ };
+ static constexpr uint32_t kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg = /* sp/zr is invalid */ 31u;
+ static constexpr size_t kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind =
+ MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(BakerReadBarrierKind::kLast));
+ static constexpr size_t kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister =
+ MinimumBitsToStore(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg);
+ using BakerReadBarrierKindField =
+ BitField<BakerReadBarrierKind, 0, kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind>;
+ using BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField =
+ BitField<uint32_t, kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind, kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister>;
+ using BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField =
+ BitField<uint32_t,
+ kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind + kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister,
+ kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister>;
+ static void CheckValidReg(uint32_t reg) {
+ DCHECK(reg < vixl::aarch64::lr.GetCode() &&
+ reg != vixl::aarch64::ip0.GetCode() &&
+ reg != vixl::aarch64::ip1.GetCode()) << reg;
+ }
+ static inline uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(uint32_t base_reg, uint32_t holder_reg) {
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg);
+ CheckValidReg(holder_reg);
+ return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kField) |
+ BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(base_reg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(holder_reg);
+ }
+ static inline uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(uint32_t base_reg) {
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg);
+ return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray) |
+ BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(base_reg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg);
+ }
+ static inline uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(uint32_t root_reg) {
+ CheckValidReg(root_reg);
+ return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot) |
+ BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(root_reg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg);
+ }
+ void CompileBakerReadBarrierThunk(Arm64Assembler& assembler,
+ uint32_t encoded_data,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name);
using Uint64ToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<uint64_t, vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint64_t>*>;
using Uint32ToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<uint32_t, vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>*>;
using StringToLiteralMap = ArenaSafeMap<StringReference,
@@ -854,6 +920,7 @@
// Patches for class literals in JIT compiled code.
TypeToLiteralMap jit_class_patches_;
+ friend class linker::Arm64RelativePatcherTest;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index b38a006..15d9526 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -94,9 +94,6 @@
constexpr bool kBakerReadBarrierLinkTimeThunksEnableForArrays = true;
constexpr bool kBakerReadBarrierLinkTimeThunksEnableForGcRoots = true;
-// The reserved entrypoint register for link-time generated thunks.
-const vixl32::Register kBakerCcEntrypointRegister = r4;
// Using a base helps identify when we hit Marking Register check breakpoints.
constexpr int kMarkingRegisterCheckBreakCodeBaseCode = 0x10;
@@ -116,8 +113,6 @@
- DCHECK_EQ(kBakerCcEntrypointRegister.GetCode(),
- linker::Thumb2RelativePatcher::kBakerCcEntrypointRegister);
DCHECK_NE(instruction->GetLocations()->GetTempCount(), 0u);
instruction->GetLocations()->GetTempCount() - 1u)).Is(kBakerCcEntrypointRegister));
@@ -2422,6 +2417,80 @@
+ // Verify Baker read barrier linker patches.
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> code = allocator->GetMemory();
+ for (const BakerReadBarrierPatchInfo& info : baker_read_barrier_patches_) {
+ DCHECK(info.label.IsBound());
+ uint32_t literal_offset = info.label.GetLocation();
+ DCHECK_ALIGNED(literal_offset, 2u);
+ auto GetInsn16 = [&code](uint32_t offset) {
+ DCHECK_ALIGNED(offset, 2u);
+ return (static_cast<uint32_t>(code[offset + 0]) << 0) +
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(code[offset + 1]) << 8);
+ };
+ auto GetInsn32 = [=](uint32_t offset) {
+ return (GetInsn16(offset) << 16) + (GetInsn16(offset + 2u) << 0);
+ };
+ uint32_t encoded_data = info.custom_data;
+ BakerReadBarrierKind kind = BakerReadBarrierKindField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ // Check that the next instruction matches the expected LDR.
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kField: {
+ BakerReadBarrierWidth width = BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ if (width == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide) {
+ DCHECK_GE(code.size() - literal_offset, 8u);
+ uint32_t next_insn = GetInsn32(literal_offset + 4u);
+ // LDR (immediate), encoding T3, with correct base_reg.
+ CheckValidReg((next_insn >> 12) & 0xfu); // Check destination register.
+ const uint32_t base_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(next_insn & 0xffff0000u, 0xf8d00000u | (base_reg << 16));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_GE(code.size() - literal_offset, 6u);
+ uint32_t next_insn = GetInsn16(literal_offset + 4u);
+ // LDR (immediate), encoding T1, with correct base_reg.
+ CheckValidReg(next_insn & 0x7u); // Check destination register.
+ const uint32_t base_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(next_insn & 0xf838u, 0x6800u | (base_reg << 3));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray: {
+ DCHECK_GE(code.size() - literal_offset, 8u);
+ uint32_t next_insn = GetInsn32(literal_offset + 4u);
+ // LDR (register) with correct base_reg, S=1 and option=011 (LDR Wt, [Xn, Xm, LSL #2]).
+ CheckValidReg((next_insn >> 12) & 0xfu); // Check destination register.
+ const uint32_t base_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(next_insn & 0xffff0ff0u, 0xf8500020u | (base_reg << 16));
+ CheckValidReg(next_insn & 0xf); // Check index register
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot: {
+ BakerReadBarrierWidth width = BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ if (width == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide) {
+ DCHECK_GE(literal_offset, 4u);
+ uint32_t prev_insn = GetInsn32(literal_offset - 4u);
+ // LDR (immediate), encoding T3, with correct root_reg.
+ const uint32_t root_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(prev_insn & 0xfff0f000u, 0xf8d00000u | (root_reg << 12));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_GE(literal_offset, 2u);
+ uint32_t prev_insn = GetInsn16(literal_offset - 2u);
+ // LDR (immediate), encoding T1, with correct root_reg.
+ const uint32_t root_reg = BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ CHECK_EQ(prev_insn & 0xf807u, 0x6800u | root_reg);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected kind: " << static_cast<uint32_t>(kind);
+ }
+ }
+ }
void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::SetupBlockedRegisters() const {
@@ -7413,11 +7482,11 @@
// /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
vixl32::Register current_method = InputRegisterAt(cls, 0);
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
- out_loc,
- current_method,
- ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value(),
- read_barrier_option);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls,
+ out_loc,
+ current_method,
+ ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value(),
+ read_barrier_option);
case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kBootImageLinkTimePcRelative: {
@@ -7448,7 +7517,7 @@
CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::PcRelativePatchInfo* labels =
codegen_->NewTypeBssEntryPatch(cls->GetDexFile(), cls->GetTypeIndex());
codegen_->EmitMovwMovtPlaceholder(labels, out);
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, read_barrier_option);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, read_barrier_option);
generate_null_check = true;
@@ -7457,7 +7526,7 @@
// /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = *out
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, read_barrier_option);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(cls, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, read_barrier_option);
case HLoadClass::LoadKind::kRuntimeCall:
@@ -7665,7 +7734,8 @@
CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::PcRelativePatchInfo* labels =
codegen_->NewStringBssEntryPatch(load->GetDexFile(), load->GetStringIndex());
codegen_->EmitMovwMovtPlaceholder(labels, out);
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ load, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
LoadStringSlowPathARMVIXL* slow_path =
new (codegen_->GetScopedAllocator()) LoadStringSlowPathARMVIXL(load);
@@ -7679,7 +7749,8 @@
// /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = *out
- GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(load, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
+ codegen_->GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+ load, out_loc, out, /* offset */ 0, kCompilerReadBarrierOption);
@@ -8730,7 +8801,7 @@
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
+void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(
HInstruction* instruction,
Location root,
vixl32::Register obj,
@@ -8761,9 +8832,8 @@
UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
ExcludeIPAndBakerCcEntrypointRegister(&temps, instruction);
bool narrow = CanEmitNarrowLdr(root_reg, obj, offset);
- uint32_t custom_data = linker::Thumb2RelativePatcher::EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(
- root_reg.GetCode(), narrow);
- vixl32::Label* bne_label = codegen_->NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
+ uint32_t custom_data = EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(root_reg.GetCode(), narrow);
+ vixl32::Label* bne_label = NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
vixl::EmissionCheckScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(), 4 * vixl32::kMaxInstructionSizeInBytes);
vixl32::Label return_address;
@@ -8774,7 +8844,7 @@
DCHECK_LT(offset, kReferenceLoadMinFarOffset);
ptrdiff_t old_offset = GetVIXLAssembler()->GetBuffer()->GetCursorOffset();
__ ldr(EncodingSize(narrow ? Narrow : Wide), root_reg, MemOperand(obj, offset));
- EmitPlaceholderBne(codegen_, bne_label);
+ EmitPlaceholderBne(this, bne_label);
__ Bind(&return_address);
DCHECK_EQ(old_offset - GetVIXLAssembler()->GetBuffer()->GetCursorOffset(),
@@ -8794,8 +8864,8 @@
// Slow path marking the GC root `root`. The entrypoint will
// be loaded by the slow path code.
SlowPathCodeARMVIXL* slow_path =
- new (codegen_->GetScopedAllocator()) ReadBarrierMarkSlowPathARMVIXL(instruction, root);
- codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+ new (GetScopedAllocator()) ReadBarrierMarkSlowPathARMVIXL(instruction, root);
+ AddSlowPath(slow_path);
// /* GcRoot<mirror::Object> */ root = *(obj + offset)
GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, root_reg, obj, offset);
@@ -8816,7 +8886,7 @@
// /* GcRoot<mirror::Object>* */ root = obj + offset
__ Add(root_reg, obj, offset);
// /* mirror::Object* */ root = root->Read()
- codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRootSlow(instruction, root, root);
+ GenerateReadBarrierForRootSlow(instruction, root, root);
} else {
// Plain GC root load with no read barrier.
@@ -8825,7 +8895,7 @@
// Note that GC roots are not affected by heap poisoning, thus we
// do not have to unpoison `root_reg` here.
- codegen_->MaybeGenerateMarkingRegisterCheck(/* code */ 18);
+ MaybeGenerateMarkingRegisterCheck(/* code */ 18);
void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::MaybeAddBakerCcEntrypointTempForFields(LocationSummary* locations) {
@@ -8886,8 +8956,7 @@
UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
ExcludeIPAndBakerCcEntrypointRegister(&temps, instruction);
- uint32_t custom_data = linker::Thumb2RelativePatcher::EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(
- base.GetCode(), obj.GetCode(), narrow);
+ uint32_t custom_data = EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(base.GetCode(), obj.GetCode(), narrow);
vixl32::Label* bne_label = NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
@@ -8973,8 +9042,7 @@
UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
ExcludeIPAndBakerCcEntrypointRegister(&temps, instruction);
- uint32_t custom_data =
- linker::Thumb2RelativePatcher::EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(data_reg.GetCode());
+ uint32_t custom_data = EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(data_reg.GetCode());
vixl32::Label* bne_label = NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(custom_data);
__ Add(data_reg, obj, Operand(data_offset));
@@ -9111,7 +9179,7 @@
void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateRawReferenceLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
Location ref,
- vixl::aarch32::Register obj,
+ vixl32::Register obj,
uint32_t offset,
Location index,
ScaleFactor scale_factor,
@@ -9451,7 +9519,7 @@
return &patches->back();
-vixl::aarch32::Label* CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(uint32_t custom_data) {
+vixl32::Label* CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::NewBakerReadBarrierPatch(uint32_t custom_data) {
return &baker_read_barrier_patches_.back().label;
@@ -9548,6 +9616,45 @@
DCHECK_EQ(size, linker_patches->size());
+bool CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::NeedsThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch) const {
+ return patch.GetType() == linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kBakerReadBarrierBranch ||
+ patch.GetType() == linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kCallRelative;
+void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::EmitThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch,
+ /*out*/ ArenaVector<uint8_t>* code,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name) {
+ arm::ArmVIXLAssembler assembler(GetGraph()->GetAllocator());
+ switch (patch.GetType()) {
+ case linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kCallRelative:
+ // The thunk just uses the entry point in the ArtMethod. This works even for calls
+ // to the generic JNI and interpreter trampolines.
+ assembler.LoadFromOffset(
+ arm::kLoadWord,
+ vixl32::pc,
+ vixl32::r0,
+ ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(kArmPointerSize).Int32Value());
+ assembler.GetVIXLAssembler()->Bkpt(0);
+ if (GetCompilerOptions().GenerateAnyDebugInfo()) {
+ *debug_name = "MethodCallThunk";
+ }
+ break;
+ case linker::LinkerPatch::Type::kBakerReadBarrierBranch:
+ DCHECK_EQ(patch.GetBakerCustomValue2(), 0u);
+ CompileBakerReadBarrierThunk(assembler, patch.GetBakerCustomValue1(), debug_name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected patch type " << patch.GetType();
+ }
+ // Ensure we emit the literal pool if any.
+ assembler.FinalizeCode();
+ code->resize(assembler.CodeSize());
+ MemoryRegion code_region(code->data(), code->size());
+ assembler.FinalizeInstructions(code_region);
VIXLUInt32Literal* CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::DeduplicateUint32Literal(
uint32_t value,
Uint32ToLiteralMap* map) {
@@ -9792,5 +9899,210 @@
#undef TODO_VIXL32
+#define __ assembler.GetVIXLAssembler()->
+static void EmitGrayCheckAndFastPath(ArmVIXLAssembler& assembler,
+ vixl32::Register base_reg,
+ vixl32::MemOperand& lock_word,
+ vixl32::Label* slow_path,
+ int32_t raw_ldr_offset) {
+ // Load the lock word containing the rb_state.
+ __ Ldr(ip, lock_word);
+ // Given the numeric representation, it's enough to check the low bit of the rb_state.
+ static_assert(ReadBarrier::WhiteState() == 0, "Expecting white to have value 0");
+ static_assert(ReadBarrier::GrayState() == 1, "Expecting gray to have value 1");
+ __ Tst(ip, Operand(LockWord::kReadBarrierStateMaskShifted));
+ __ B(ne, slow_path, /* is_far_target */ false);
+ __ Add(lr, lr, raw_ldr_offset);
+ // Introduce a dependency on the lock_word including rb_state,
+ // to prevent load-load reordering, and without using
+ // a memory barrier (which would be more expensive).
+ __ Add(base_reg, base_reg, Operand(ip, LSR, 32));
+ __ Bx(lr); // And return back to the function.
+ // Note: The fake dependency is unnecessary for the slow path.
+// Load the read barrier introspection entrypoint in register `entrypoint`
+static void LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(ArmVIXLAssembler& assembler,
+ vixl32::Register entrypoint) {
+ // The register where the read barrier introspection entrypoint is loaded
+ // is fixed: `Thumb2RelativePatcher::kBakerCcEntrypointRegister` (R4).
+ DCHECK(entrypoint.Is(kBakerCcEntrypointRegister));
+ // entrypoint = Thread::Current()->pReadBarrierMarkReg12, i.e. pReadBarrierMarkIntrospection.
+ DCHECK_EQ(ip.GetCode(), 12u);
+ const int32_t entry_point_offset =
+ Thread::ReadBarrierMarkEntryPointsOffset<kArmPointerSize>(ip.GetCode());
+ __ Ldr(entrypoint, MemOperand(tr, entry_point_offset));
+void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::CompileBakerReadBarrierThunk(ArmVIXLAssembler& assembler,
+ uint32_t encoded_data,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name) {
+ BakerReadBarrierKind kind = BakerReadBarrierKindField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kField: {
+ // Check if the holder is gray and, if not, add fake dependency to the base register
+ // and return to the LDR instruction to load the reference. Otherwise, use introspection
+ // to load the reference and call the entrypoint (in kBakerCcEntrypointRegister)
+ // that performs further checks on the reference and marks it if needed.
+ vixl32::Register base_reg(BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg.GetCode());
+ vixl32::Register holder_reg(BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(holder_reg.GetCode());
+ BakerReadBarrierWidth width = BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(assembler.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ temps.Exclude(ip);
+ // If base_reg differs from holder_reg, the offset was too large and we must have
+ // emitted an explicit null check before the load. Otherwise, we need to null-check
+ // the holder as we do not necessarily do that check before going to the thunk.
+ vixl32::Label throw_npe;
+ if (holder_reg.Is(base_reg)) {
+ __ CompareAndBranchIfZero(holder_reg, &throw_npe, /* is_far_target */ false);
+ }
+ vixl32::Label slow_path;
+ MemOperand lock_word(holder_reg, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().Int32Value());
+ const int32_t raw_ldr_offset = (width == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide)
+ EmitGrayCheckAndFastPath(assembler, base_reg, lock_word, &slow_path, raw_ldr_offset);
+ __ Bind(&slow_path);
+ const int32_t ldr_offset = /* Thumb state adjustment (LR contains Thumb state). */ -1 +
+ raw_ldr_offset;
+ vixl32::Register ep_reg(kBakerCcEntrypointRegister);
+ LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(assembler, ep_reg);
+ if (width == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide) {
+ MemOperand ldr_half_address(lr, ldr_offset + 2);
+ __ Ldrh(ip, ldr_half_address); // Load the LDR immediate half-word with "Rt | imm12".
+ __ Ubfx(ip, ip, 0, 12); // Extract the offset imm12.
+ __ Ldr(ip, MemOperand(base_reg, ip)); // Load the reference.
+ } else {
+ MemOperand ldr_address(lr, ldr_offset);
+ __ Ldrh(ip, ldr_address); // Load the LDR immediate, encoding T1.
+ __ Add(ep_reg, // Adjust the entrypoint address to the entrypoint
+ ep_reg, // for narrow LDR.
+ __ Ubfx(ip, ip, 6, 5); // Extract the imm5, i.e. offset / 4.
+ __ Ldr(ip, MemOperand(base_reg, ip, LSL, 2)); // Load the reference.
+ }
+ // Do not unpoison. With heap poisoning enabled, the entrypoint expects a poisoned reference.
+ __ Bx(ep_reg); // Jump to the entrypoint.
+ if (holder_reg.Is(base_reg)) {
+ // Add null check slow path. The stack map is at the address pointed to by LR.
+ __ Bind(&throw_npe);
+ int32_t offset = GetThreadOffset<kArmPointerSize>(kQuickThrowNullPointer).Int32Value();
+ __ Ldr(ip, MemOperand(/* Thread* */ vixl32::r9, offset));
+ __ Bx(ip);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray: {
+ vixl32::Register base_reg(BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg.GetCode());
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ DCHECK(BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data) == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide);
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(assembler.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ temps.Exclude(ip);
+ vixl32::Label slow_path;
+ int32_t data_offset =
+ mirror::Array::DataOffset(Primitive::ComponentSize(Primitive::kPrimNot)).Int32Value();
+ MemOperand lock_word(base_reg, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().Int32Value() - data_offset);
+ DCHECK_LT(lock_word.GetOffsetImmediate(), 0);
+ const int32_t raw_ldr_offset = BAKER_MARK_INTROSPECTION_ARRAY_LDR_OFFSET;
+ EmitGrayCheckAndFastPath(assembler, base_reg, lock_word, &slow_path, raw_ldr_offset);
+ __ Bind(&slow_path);
+ const int32_t ldr_offset = /* Thumb state adjustment (LR contains Thumb state). */ -1 +
+ raw_ldr_offset;
+ MemOperand ldr_address(lr, ldr_offset + 2);
+ __ Ldrb(ip, ldr_address); // Load the LDR (register) byte with "00 | imm2 | Rm",
+ // i.e. Rm+32 because the scale in imm2 is 2.
+ vixl32::Register ep_reg(kBakerCcEntrypointRegister);
+ LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(assembler, ep_reg);
+ __ Bfi(ep_reg, ip, 3, 6); // Insert ip to the entrypoint address to create
+ // a switch case target based on the index register.
+ __ Mov(ip, base_reg); // Move the base register to ip0.
+ __ Bx(ep_reg); // Jump to the entrypoint's array switch case.
+ break;
+ }
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot: {
+ // Check if the reference needs to be marked and if so (i.e. not null, not marked yet
+ // and it does not have a forwarding address), call the correct introspection entrypoint;
+ // otherwise return the reference (or the extracted forwarding address).
+ // There is no gray bit check for GC roots.
+ vixl32::Register root_reg(BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ CheckValidReg(root_reg.GetCode());
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ BakerReadBarrierWidth width = BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ UseScratchRegisterScope temps(assembler.GetVIXLAssembler());
+ temps.Exclude(ip);
+ vixl32::Label return_label, not_marked, forwarding_address;
+ __ CompareAndBranchIfZero(root_reg, &return_label, /* is_far_target */ false);
+ MemOperand lock_word(root_reg, mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().Int32Value());
+ __ Ldr(ip, lock_word);
+ __ Tst(ip, LockWord::kMarkBitStateMaskShifted);
+ __ B(eq, ¬_marked);
+ __ Bind(&return_label);
+ __ Bx(lr);
+ __ Bind(¬_marked);
+ static_assert(LockWord::kStateShift == 30 && LockWord::kStateForwardingAddress == 3,
+ "To use 'CMP ip, #modified-immediate; BHS', we need the lock word state in "
+ " the highest bits and the 'forwarding address' state to have all bits set");
+ __ Cmp(ip, Operand(0xc0000000));
+ __ B(hs, &forwarding_address);
+ vixl32::Register ep_reg(kBakerCcEntrypointRegister);
+ LoadReadBarrierMarkIntrospectionEntrypoint(assembler, ep_reg);
+ // Adjust the art_quick_read_barrier_mark_introspection address in kBakerCcEntrypointRegister
+ // to art_quick_read_barrier_mark_introspection_gc_roots.
+ int32_t entrypoint_offset = (width == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide)
+ __ Add(ep_reg, ep_reg, Operand(entrypoint_offset));
+ __ Mov(ip, root_reg);
+ __ Bx(ep_reg);
+ __ Bind(&forwarding_address);
+ __ Lsl(root_reg, ip, LockWord::kForwardingAddressShift);
+ __ Bx(lr);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected kind: " << static_cast<uint32_t>(kind);
+ }
+ if (GetCompilerOptions().GenerateAnyDebugInfo()) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "BakerReadBarrierThunk";
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kField:
+ oss << "Field";
+ if (BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data) == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide) {
+ oss << "Wide";
+ }
+ oss << "_r" << BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data)
+ << "_r" << BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ break;
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray:
+ oss << "Array_r" << BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ DCHECK(BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data) == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide);
+ break;
+ case BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot:
+ oss << "GcRoot";
+ if (BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Decode(encoded_data) == BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide) {
+ oss << "Wide";
+ }
+ oss << "_r" << BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Decode(encoded_data);
+ DCHECK_EQ(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg,
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Decode(encoded_data));
+ break;
+ }
+ *debug_name = oss.str();
+ }
+#undef __
} // namespace arm
} // namespace art
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm_vixl.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm_vixl.h
index 2114ea1..6b9919a 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm_vixl.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm_vixl.h
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
namespace art {
+namespace linker {
+class Thumb2RelativePatcherTest;
+} // namespace linker
namespace arm {
// This constant is used as an approximate margin when emission of veneer and literal pools
@@ -108,6 +113,9 @@
static const size_t kRuntimeParameterFpuRegistersLengthVIXL =
+// The reserved entrypoint register for link-time generated thunks.
+const vixl::aarch32::Register kBakerCcEntrypointRegister = vixl32::r4;
class LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL;
class CodeGeneratorARMVIXL;
@@ -388,16 +396,6 @@
uint32_t offset,
Location maybe_temp,
ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
- // Generate a GC root reference load:
- //
- // root <- *(obj + offset)
- //
- // while honoring read barriers based on read_barrier_option.
- void GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
- Location root,
- vixl::aarch32::Register obj,
- uint32_t offset,
- ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
void GenerateTestAndBranch(HInstruction* instruction,
size_t condition_input_index,
vixl::aarch32::Label* true_target,
@@ -606,6 +604,10 @@
Handle<mirror::Class> handle);
void EmitLinkerPatches(ArenaVector<linker::LinkerPatch>* linker_patches) OVERRIDE;
+ bool NeedsThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch) const OVERRIDE;
+ void EmitThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& patch,
+ /*out*/ ArenaVector<uint8_t>* code,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name) OVERRIDE;
void EmitJitRootPatches(uint8_t* code, const uint8_t* roots_data) OVERRIDE;
@@ -613,6 +615,16 @@
// is added only for AOT compilation if link-time generated thunks for fields are enabled.
void MaybeAddBakerCcEntrypointTempForFields(LocationSummary* locations);
+ // Generate a GC root reference load:
+ //
+ // root <- *(obj + offset)
+ //
+ // while honoring read barriers based on read_barrier_option.
+ void GenerateGcRootFieldLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
+ Location root,
+ vixl::aarch32::Register obj,
+ uint32_t offset,
+ ReadBarrierOption read_barrier_option);
// Fast path implementation of ReadBarrier::Barrier for a heap
// reference field load when Baker's read barriers are used.
void GenerateFieldLoadWithBakerReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
@@ -767,6 +779,83 @@
vixl::aarch32::Register temp = vixl32::Register());
+ // Encoding of thunk type and data for link-time generated thunks for Baker read barriers.
+ enum class BakerReadBarrierKind : uint8_t {
+ kField, // Field get or array get with constant offset (i.e. constant index).
+ kArray, // Array get with index in register.
+ kGcRoot, // GC root load.
+ kLast = kGcRoot
+ };
+ enum class BakerReadBarrierWidth : uint8_t {
+ kWide, // 32-bit LDR (and 32-bit NEG if heap poisoning is enabled).
+ kNarrow, // 16-bit LDR (and 16-bit NEG if heap poisoning is enabled).
+ kLast = kNarrow
+ };
+ static constexpr uint32_t kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg = /* pc is invalid */ 15u;
+ static constexpr size_t kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind =
+ MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(BakerReadBarrierKind::kLast));
+ static constexpr size_t kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister =
+ MinimumBitsToStore(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg);
+ using BakerReadBarrierKindField =
+ BitField<BakerReadBarrierKind, 0, kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind>;
+ using BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField =
+ BitField<uint32_t, kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind, kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister>;
+ using BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField =
+ BitField<uint32_t,
+ kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind + kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister,
+ kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister>;
+ static constexpr size_t kBitsForBakerReadBarrierWidth =
+ MinimumBitsToStore(static_cast<size_t>(BakerReadBarrierWidth::kLast));
+ using BakerReadBarrierWidthField =
+ BitField<BakerReadBarrierWidth,
+ kBitsForBakerReadBarrierKind + 2 * kBakerReadBarrierBitsForRegister,
+ kBitsForBakerReadBarrierWidth>;
+ static void CheckValidReg(uint32_t reg) {
+ DCHECK(reg < vixl::aarch32::ip.GetCode() && reg != kBakerCcEntrypointRegister.GetCode()) << reg;
+ }
+ static uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierFieldData(uint32_t base_reg,
+ uint32_t holder_reg,
+ bool narrow) {
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg);
+ CheckValidReg(holder_reg);
+ DCHECK(!narrow || base_reg < 8u) << base_reg;
+ BakerReadBarrierWidth width =
+ narrow ? BakerReadBarrierWidth::kNarrow : BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide;
+ return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kField) |
+ BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(base_reg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(holder_reg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Encode(width);
+ }
+ static uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierArrayData(uint32_t base_reg) {
+ CheckValidReg(base_reg);
+ return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kArray) |
+ BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(base_reg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide);
+ }
+ static uint32_t EncodeBakerReadBarrierGcRootData(uint32_t root_reg, bool narrow) {
+ CheckValidReg(root_reg);
+ DCHECK(!narrow || root_reg < 8u) << root_reg;
+ BakerReadBarrierWidth width =
+ narrow ? BakerReadBarrierWidth::kNarrow : BakerReadBarrierWidth::kWide;
+ return BakerReadBarrierKindField::Encode(BakerReadBarrierKind::kGcRoot) |
+ BakerReadBarrierFirstRegField::Encode(root_reg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierSecondRegField::Encode(kBakerReadBarrierInvalidEncodedReg) |
+ BakerReadBarrierWidthField::Encode(width);
+ }
+ void CompileBakerReadBarrierThunk(ArmVIXLAssembler& assembler,
+ uint32_t encoded_data,
+ /*out*/ std::string* debug_name);
vixl::aarch32::Register GetInvokeStaticOrDirectExtraParameter(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke,
vixl::aarch32::Register temp);
@@ -829,6 +918,7 @@
// Patches for class literals in JIT compiled code.
TypeToLiteralMap jit_class_patches_;
+ friend class linker::Thumb2RelativePatcherTest;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/codegen_test_utils.h b/compiler/optimizing/codegen_test_utils.h
index c41c290..792cfb5 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/codegen_test_utils.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/codegen_test_utils.h
@@ -195,7 +195,9 @@
size_t GetSize() const { return size_; }
- uint8_t* GetMemory() const { return memory_.get(); }
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetMemory() const OVERRIDE {
+ return ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(memory_.get(), size_);
+ }
size_t size_;
@@ -269,8 +271,8 @@
InstructionSet target_isa = codegen.GetInstructionSet();
typedef Expected (*fptr)();
- CommonCompilerTest::MakeExecutable(allocator.GetMemory(), allocator.GetSize());
- fptr f = reinterpret_cast<fptr>(allocator.GetMemory());
+ CommonCompilerTest::MakeExecutable(allocator.GetMemory().data(), allocator.GetMemory().size());
+ fptr f = reinterpret_cast<fptr>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(allocator.GetMemory().data()));
if (target_isa == InstructionSet::kThumb2) {
// For thumb we need the bottom bit set.
f = reinterpret_cast<fptr>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(f) + 1);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index d20b681..2e189fd 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -105,15 +105,15 @@
const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_asm,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& expected_cfi) {
// Get the outputs.
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& actual_asm = code_allocator_.GetMemory();
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> actual_asm = code_allocator_.GetMemory();
Assembler* opt_asm = code_gen_->GetAssembler();
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& actual_cfi = *(opt_asm->cfi().data());
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> actual_cfi(*(opt_asm->cfi().data()));
if (kGenerateExpected) {
GenerateExpected(stdout, isa, isa_str, actual_asm, actual_cfi);
} else {
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_asm, actual_asm);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_cfi, actual_cfi);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_asm), actual_asm);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(expected_cfi), actual_cfi);
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
- const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetMemory() { return memory_; }
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetMemory() const OVERRIDE { return ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(memory_); }
std::vector<uint8_t> memory_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e42dfc1..7916582 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -75,22 +75,18 @@
class CodeVectorAllocator FINAL : public CodeAllocator {
explicit CodeVectorAllocator(ArenaAllocator* allocator)
- : memory_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeBuffer)),
- size_(0) {}
+ : memory_(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocCodeBuffer)) {}
virtual uint8_t* Allocate(size_t size) {
- size_ = size;
return &memory_[0];
- size_t GetSize() const { return size_; }
- const ArenaVector<uint8_t>& GetMemory() const { return memory_; }
+ ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetMemory() const OVERRIDE { return ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(memory_); }
uint8_t* GetData() { return; }
ArenaVector<uint8_t> memory_;
- size_t size_;
@@ -719,7 +715,7 @@
CompiledMethod* compiled_method = CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethod(
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(code_allocator->GetMemory()),
+ code_allocator->GetMemory(),
// Follow Quick's behavior and set the frame size to zero if it is
// considered "empty" (see the definition of
// art::CodeGenerator::HasEmptyFrame).
@@ -731,6 +727,16 @@
ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(*codegen->GetAssembler()->cfi().data()),
ArrayRef<const linker::LinkerPatch>(linker_patches));
+ CompiledMethodStorage* storage = GetCompilerDriver()->GetCompiledMethodStorage();
+ for (const linker::LinkerPatch& patch : linker_patches) {
+ if (codegen->NeedsThunkCode(patch) && storage->GetThunkCode(patch).empty()) {
+ ArenaVector<uint8_t> code(allocator->Adapter());
+ std::string debug_name;
+ codegen->EmitThunkCode(patch, &code, &debug_name);
+ storage->SetThunkCode(patch, ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(code), debug_name);
+ }
+ }
return compiled_method;
@@ -1339,7 +1345,7 @@
- code_allocator.GetSize(),
+ code_allocator.GetMemory().size(),
@@ -1369,7 +1375,7 @@
info.is_optimized = true;
info.is_code_address_text_relative = false;
info.code_address = code_address;
- info.code_size = code_allocator.GetSize();
+ info.code_size = code_allocator.GetMemory().size();
info.frame_size_in_bytes = method_header->GetFrameSizeInBytes();
info.code_info = stack_map_size == 0 ? nullptr : stack_map_data;
info.cfi = ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(*codegen->GetAssembler()->cfi().data());
@@ -1378,7 +1384,7 @@
Runtime::Current()->GetJit()->AddMemoryUsage(method, allocator.BytesUsed());
if (jit_logger != nullptr) {
- jit_logger->WriteLog(code, code_allocator.GetSize(), method);
+ jit_logger->WriteLog(code, code_allocator.GetMemory().size(), method);
if (kArenaAllocatorCountAllocations) {