Revert^2 "Compile link-time thunks in codegen."

The linker crash (the reason for revert) is flaky and maybe
we shall not see it with this CL now that unrelated source
code has changed.

Test: Rely on TreeHugger
Bug: 36141117
Bug: 77581732

This reverts commit 5806a9ec99b5494b511e84c74f494f0b3a8ebec5.

Change-Id: I3a4a058847dff601681ba391abf45833424fa06d
diff --git a/compiler/driver/compiled_method_storage.h b/compiler/driver/compiled_method_storage.h
index 249f06c..1634fac 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/compiled_method_storage.h
+++ b/compiler/driver/compiled_method_storage.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include <iosfwd>
+#include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include "base/array_ref.h"
@@ -67,7 +68,29 @@
       const ArrayRef<const linker::LinkerPatch>& linker_patches);
   void ReleaseLinkerPatches(const LengthPrefixedArray<linker::LinkerPatch>* linker_patches);
+  // Returns the code associated with the given patch.
+  // If the code has not been set, returns empty data.
+  // If `debug_name` is not null, stores the associated debug name in `*debug_name`.
+  ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& linker_patch,
+                                       /*out*/ std::string* debug_name = nullptr);
+  // Sets the code and debug name associated with the given patch.
+  void SetThunkCode(const linker::LinkerPatch& linker_patch,
+                    ArrayRef<const uint8_t> code,
+                    const std::string& debug_name);
+  class ThunkMapKey;
+  class ThunkMapValue;
+  using ThunkMapValueType = std::pair<const ThunkMapKey, ThunkMapValue>;
+  using ThunkMap = std::map<ThunkMapKey,
+                            ThunkMapValue,
+                            std::less<ThunkMapKey>,
+                            SwapAllocator<ThunkMapValueType>>;
+  static_assert(std::is_same<ThunkMapValueType, ThunkMap::value_type>::value, "Value type check.");
+  static ThunkMapKey GetThunkMapKey(const linker::LinkerPatch& linker_patch);
   template <typename T, typename DedupeSetType>
   const LengthPrefixedArray<T>* AllocateOrDeduplicateArray(const ArrayRef<const T>& data,
                                                            DedupeSetType* dedupe_set);
@@ -102,6 +125,9 @@
   ArrayDedupeSet<uint8_t> dedupe_cfi_info_;
   ArrayDedupeSet<linker::LinkerPatch> dedupe_linker_patches_;
+  Mutex thunk_map_lock_;
+  ThunkMap thunk_map_ GUARDED_BY(thunk_map_lock_);