Remove unused code for patching oat files.

patchoat is now only used for patching images. It no longer needs to
support patching of non-PIC oat files. This change removes code from
patchoat that was specific to patching of non-PIC oat files.

Bug: 33192586
Test: m test-art-host
Test: device boots
Change-Id: I8918a708e441493a21f25d537ed0b74748bb9641
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index 5bdfbc7..392f044 100644
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@
 ART_GTEST_dex2oat_environment_tests_HOST_DEPS := \
   $(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_64) \
   $(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_32) \
-  $(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_no-pic_64) \
-  $(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_no-pic_32) \
+  $(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_multi_64) \
+  $(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_multi_32) \
 ART_GTEST_dex2oat_environment_tests_TARGET_DEPS := \
   $(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_64) \
   $(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_32) \
-  $(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_no-pic_64) \
-  $(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_no-pic_32) \
+  $(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_multi_64) \
+  $(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_optimizing_pic_multi_32) \
 ART_GTEST_oat_file_assistant_test_HOST_DEPS := \
diff --git a/patchoat/ b/patchoat/
index 7ae13a5..2bf7495 100644
--- a/patchoat/
+++ b/patchoat/
@@ -54,48 +54,6 @@
 namespace art {
-static bool LocationToFilename(const std::string& location, InstructionSet isa,
-                               std::string* filename) {
-  bool has_system = false;
-  bool has_cache = false;
-  // image_location = /system/framework/
-  // system_image_filename = /system/framework/<image_isa>/
-  std::string system_filename(GetSystemImageFilename(location.c_str(), isa));
-  if (OS::FileExists(system_filename.c_str())) {
-    has_system = true;
-  }
-  bool have_android_data = false;
-  bool dalvik_cache_exists = false;
-  bool is_global_cache = false;
-  std::string dalvik_cache;
-  GetDalvikCache(GetInstructionSetString(isa), false, &dalvik_cache,
-                 &have_android_data, &dalvik_cache_exists, &is_global_cache);
-  std::string cache_filename;
-  if (have_android_data && dalvik_cache_exists) {
-    // Always set output location even if it does not exist,
-    // so that the caller knows where to create the image.
-    //
-    // image_location = /system/framework/
-    // *image_filename = /data/dalvik-cache/<image_isa>/
-    std::string error_msg;
-    if (GetDalvikCacheFilename(location.c_str(), dalvik_cache.c_str(),
-                               &cache_filename, &error_msg)) {
-      has_cache = true;
-    }
-  }
-  if (has_system) {
-    *filename = system_filename;
-    return true;
-  } else if (has_cache) {
-    *filename = cache_filename;
-    return true;
-  } else {
-    return false;
-  }
 static const OatHeader* GetOatHeader(const ElfFile* elf_file) {
   uint64_t off = 0;
   if (!elf_file->GetSectionOffsetAndSize(".rodata", &off, nullptr)) {
@@ -106,28 +64,10 @@
   return oat_header;
-// This function takes an elf file and reads the current patch delta value
-// encoded in its oat header value
-static bool ReadOatPatchDelta(const ElfFile* elf_file, off_t* delta, std::string* error_msg) {
-  const OatHeader* oat_header = GetOatHeader(elf_file);
-  if (oat_header == nullptr) {
-    *error_msg = "Unable to get oat header from elf file.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (!oat_header->IsValid()) {
-    *error_msg = "Elf file has an invalid oat header";
-    return false;
-  }
-  *delta = oat_header->GetImagePatchDelta();
-  return true;
-static File* CreateOrOpen(const char* name, bool* created) {
+static File* CreateOrOpen(const char* name) {
   if (OS::FileExists(name)) {
-    *created = false;
     return OS::OpenFileReadWrite(name);
   } else {
-    *created = true;
     std::unique_ptr<File> f(OS::CreateEmptyFile(name));
     if (f.get() != nullptr) {
       if (fchmod(f->Fd(), 0644) != 0) {
@@ -206,12 +146,11 @@
   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
-  t.NewTiming("Image and oat Patching setup");
+  t.NewTiming("Image Patching setup");
   std::vector<gc::space::ImageSpace*> spaces = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetBootImageSpaces();
   std::map<gc::space::ImageSpace*, std::unique_ptr<File>> space_to_file_map;
   std::map<gc::space::ImageSpace*, std::unique_ptr<MemMap>> space_to_memmap_map;
   std::map<gc::space::ImageSpace*, PatchOat> space_to_patchoat_map;
-  std::map<gc::space::ImageSpace*, bool> space_to_skip_patching_map;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < spaces.size(); ++i) {
     gc::space::ImageSpace* space = spaces[i];
@@ -255,8 +194,7 @@
     space_to_memmap_map.emplace(space, std::move(image));
-  // Do a first pass over the image spaces. Symlink PIC oat and vdex files, and
-  // prepare PatchOat instances for the rest.
+  // Symlink PIC oat and vdex files and patch the image spaces in memory.
   for (size_t i = 0; i < spaces.size(); ++i) {
     gc::space::ImageSpace* space = spaces[i];
     std::string input_image_filename = space->GetImageFilename();
@@ -277,14 +215,17 @@
       return false;
-    bool skip_patching_oat = false;
     MaybePic is_oat_pic = IsOatPic(elf.get());
     if (is_oat_pic >= ERROR_FIRST) {
       // Error logged by IsOatPic
       return false;
-    } else if (is_oat_pic == PIC) {
-      // Do not need to do ELF-file patching. Create a symlink and skip the ELF patching.
+    } else if (is_oat_pic == NOT_PIC) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << input_oat_file->GetPath() << " is not PIC";
+      return false;
+    } else {
+      CHECK(is_oat_pic == PIC);
+      // Create a symlink.
       std::string converted_image_filename = space->GetImageLocation();
       std::replace(converted_image_filename.begin() + 1, converted_image_filename.end(), '/', '@');
       std::string output_image_filename = output_directory +
@@ -296,23 +237,16 @@
       if (!ReplaceOatFileWithSymlink(input_oat_file->GetPath(),
-                                     output_oat_filename,
-                                     false,
-                                     true) ||
+                                     output_oat_filename) ||
           !SymlinkFile(input_vdex_filename, output_vdex_filename)) {
         // Errors already logged by above call.
         return false;
-      // Don't patch the OAT, since we just symlinked it. Image still needs patching.
-      skip_patching_oat = true;
-    } else {
-      CHECK(is_oat_pic == NOT_PIC);
     PatchOat& p = space_to_patchoat_map.emplace(space,
-                                                    elf.release(),
@@ -320,36 +254,24 @@
-    t.NewTiming("Patching files");
-    if (!skip_patching_oat && !p.PatchElf()) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to patch oat file " << input_oat_file->GetPath();
-      return false;
-    }
+    t.NewTiming("Patching image");
     if (!p.PatchImage(i == 0)) {
       LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to patch image file " << input_image_filename;
       return false;
-    space_to_skip_patching_map.emplace(space, skip_patching_oat);
-  // Do a second pass over the image spaces. Patch image files, non-PIC oat files
-  // and symlink their corresponding vdex files.
+  // Write the patched image spaces.
   for (size_t i = 0; i < spaces.size(); ++i) {
     gc::space::ImageSpace* space = spaces[i];
-    std::string input_image_filename = space->GetImageFilename();
-    std::string input_vdex_filename =
-        ImageHeader::GetVdexLocationFromImageLocation(input_image_filename);
-    t.NewTiming("Writing files");
+    t.NewTiming("Writing image");
     std::string converted_image_filename = space->GetImageLocation();
     std::replace(converted_image_filename.begin() + 1, converted_image_filename.end(), '/', '@');
     std::string output_image_filename = output_directory +
         (android::base::StartsWith(converted_image_filename, "/") ? "" : "/") +
-    bool new_oat_out;
-    std::unique_ptr<File>
-        output_image_file(CreateOrOpen(output_image_filename.c_str(), &new_oat_out));
+    std::unique_ptr<File> output_image_file(CreateOrOpen(output_image_filename.c_str()));
     if (output_image_file.get() == nullptr) {
       LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open output image file at " << output_image_filename;
       return false;
@@ -362,48 +284,10 @@
     if (!success) {
       return false;
-    bool skip_patching_oat = space_to_skip_patching_map.find(space)->second;
-    if (!skip_patching_oat) {
-      std::string output_vdex_filename =
-          ImageHeader::GetVdexLocationFromImageLocation(output_image_filename);
-      std::string output_oat_filename =
-          ImageHeader::GetOatLocationFromImageLocation(output_image_filename);
-      std::unique_ptr<File>
-          output_oat_file(CreateOrOpen(output_oat_filename.c_str(), &new_oat_out));
-      if (output_oat_file.get() == nullptr) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open output oat file at " << output_oat_filename;
-        return false;
-      }
-      success = p.WriteElf(output_oat_file.get());
-      success = FinishFile(output_oat_file.get(), success);
-      if (success) {
-        success = SymlinkFile(input_vdex_filename, output_vdex_filename);
-      }
-      if (!success) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
   return true;
-bool PatchOat::WriteElf(File* out) {
-  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("Writing Elf File", timings_);
-  CHECK(oat_file_.get() != nullptr);
-  CHECK(out != nullptr);
-  size_t expect = oat_file_->Size();
-  if (out->WriteFully(reinterpret_cast<char*>(oat_file_->Begin()), expect) &&
-      out->SetLength(expect) == 0) {
-    return true;
-  } else {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Writing to oat file " << out->GetPath() << " failed.";
-    return false;
-  }
 bool PatchOat::WriteImage(File* out) {
   TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("Writing image File", timings_);
   std::string error_msg;
@@ -466,22 +350,7 @@
 bool PatchOat::ReplaceOatFileWithSymlink(const std::string& input_oat_filename,
-                                         const std::string& output_oat_filename,
-                                         bool output_oat_opened_from_fd,
-                                         bool new_oat_out) {
-  // Need a file when we are PIC, since we symlink over it. Refusing to symlink into FD.
-  if (output_oat_opened_from_fd) {
-    // TODO: installd uses --output-oat-fd. Should we change class linking logic for PIC?
-    LOG(ERROR) << "No output oat filename specified, needs filename for when we are PIC";
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Image was PIC. Create symlink where the oat is supposed to go.
-  if (!new_oat_out) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Oat file " << output_oat_filename << " already exists, refusing to overwrite";
-    return false;
-  }
+                                         const std::string& output_oat_filename) {
   // Delete the original file, since we won't need it.
@@ -799,133 +668,6 @@
       object->GetDataPtrSize(pointer_size)), pointer_size);
-bool PatchOat::Patch(File* input_oat, off_t delta, File* output_oat, TimingLogger* timings,
-                     bool output_oat_opened_from_fd, bool new_oat_out) {
-  CHECK(input_oat != nullptr);
-  CHECK(output_oat != nullptr);
-  CHECK_GE(input_oat->Fd(), 0);
-  CHECK_GE(output_oat->Fd(), 0);
-  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("Setup Oat File Patching", timings);
-  std::string error_msg;
-  std::unique_ptr<ElfFile> elf(ElfFile::Open(input_oat,
-                                             PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, &error_msg));
-  if (elf.get() == nullptr) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "unable to open oat file " << input_oat->GetPath() << " : " << error_msg;
-    return false;
-  }
-  MaybePic is_oat_pic = IsOatPic(elf.get());
-  if (is_oat_pic >= ERROR_FIRST) {
-    // Error logged by IsOatPic
-    return false;
-  } else if (is_oat_pic == PIC) {
-    // Do not need to do ELF-file patching. Create a symlink and skip the rest.
-    // Any errors will be logged by the function call.
-    return ReplaceOatFileWithSymlink(input_oat->GetPath(),
-                                     output_oat->GetPath(),
-                                     output_oat_opened_from_fd,
-                                     new_oat_out);
-  } else {
-    CHECK(is_oat_pic == NOT_PIC);
-  }
-  PatchOat p(elf.release(), delta, timings);
-  t.NewTiming("Patch Oat file");
-  if (!p.PatchElf()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  t.NewTiming("Writing oat file");
-  if (!p.WriteElf(output_oat)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-template <typename ElfFileImpl>
-bool PatchOat::PatchOatHeader(ElfFileImpl* oat_file) {
-  auto rodata_sec = oat_file->FindSectionByName(".rodata");
-  if (rodata_sec == nullptr) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  OatHeader* oat_header = reinterpret_cast<OatHeader*>(oat_file->Begin() + rodata_sec->sh_offset);
-  if (!oat_header->IsValid()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Elf file " << oat_file->GetFilePath() << " has an invalid oat header";
-    return false;
-  }
-  oat_header->RelocateOat(delta_);
-  return true;
-bool PatchOat::PatchElf() {
-  if (oat_file_->Is64Bit()) {
-    return PatchElf<ElfFileImpl64>(oat_file_->GetImpl64());
-  } else {
-    return PatchElf<ElfFileImpl32>(oat_file_->GetImpl32());
-  }
-template <typename ElfFileImpl>
-bool PatchOat::PatchElf(ElfFileImpl* oat_file) {
-  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("Fixup Elf Text Section", timings_);
-  // Fix up absolute references to locations within the boot image.
-  if (!oat_file->ApplyOatPatchesTo(".text", delta_)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Update the OatHeader fields referencing the boot image.
-  if (!PatchOatHeader<ElfFileImpl>(oat_file)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool need_boot_oat_fixup = true;
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oat_file->GetProgramHeaderNum(); ++i) {
-    auto hdr = oat_file->GetProgramHeader(i);
-    if (hdr->p_type == PT_LOAD && hdr->p_vaddr == 0u) {
-      need_boot_oat_fixup = false;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!need_boot_oat_fixup) {
-    // This is an app oat file that can be loaded at an arbitrary address in memory.
-    // Boot image references were patched above and there's nothing else to do.
-    return true;
-  }
-  // This is a boot oat file that's loaded at a particular address and we need
-  // to patch all absolute addresses, starting with ELF program headers.
-  t.NewTiming("Fixup Elf Headers");
-  // Fixup Phdr's
-  oat_file->FixupProgramHeaders(delta_);
-  t.NewTiming("Fixup Section Headers");
-  // Fixup Shdr's
-  oat_file->FixupSectionHeaders(delta_);
-  t.NewTiming("Fixup Dynamics");
-  oat_file->FixupDynamic(delta_);
-  t.NewTiming("Fixup Elf Symbols");
-  // Fixup dynsym
-  if (!oat_file->FixupSymbols(delta_, true)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Fixup symtab
-  if (!oat_file->FixupSymbols(delta_, false)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  t.NewTiming("Fixup Debug Sections");
-  if (!oat_file->FixupDebugSections(delta_)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
 static int orig_argc;
 static char** orig_argv;
@@ -960,32 +702,10 @@
   UsageError("Usage: patchoat [options]...");
   UsageError("  --instruction-set=<isa>: Specifies the instruction set the patched code is");
-  UsageError("      compiled for. Required if you use --input-oat-location");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --input-oat-file=<file.oat>: Specifies the exact filename of the oat file to be");
-  UsageError("      patched.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --input-oat-fd=<file-descriptor>: Specifies the file-descriptor of the oat file");
-  UsageError("      to be patched.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --input-vdex-fd=<file-descriptor>: Specifies the file-descriptor of the vdex file");
-  UsageError("      associated with the oat file.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --input-oat-location=<file.oat>: Specifies the 'location' to read the patched");
-  UsageError("      oat file from. If used one must also supply the --instruction-set");
+  UsageError("      compiled for (required).");
   UsageError("  --input-image-location=<>: Specifies the 'location' of the image file to");
-  UsageError("      be patched. If --instruction-set is not given it will use the instruction set");
-  UsageError("      extracted from the --input-oat-file.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --output-oat-file=<file.oat>: Specifies the exact file to write the patched oat");
-  UsageError("      file to.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --output-oat-fd=<file-descriptor>: Specifies the file-descriptor to write the");
-  UsageError("      patched oat file to.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --output-vdex-fd=<file-descriptor>: Specifies the file-descriptor to copy the");
-  UsageError("      the vdex file associated with the patch oat file to.");
+  UsageError("      be patched.");
   UsageError("  --output-image-file=<>: Specifies the exact file to write the patched");
   UsageError("      image file to.");
@@ -993,15 +713,6 @@
   UsageError("  --base-offset-delta=<delta>: Specify the amount to change the old base-offset by.");
   UsageError("      This value may be negative.");
-  UsageError("  --patched-image-location=<>: Relocate the oat file to be the same as the");
-  UsageError("      image at the given location. If used one must also specify the");
-  UsageError("      --instruction-set flag. It will search for this image in the same way that");
-  UsageError("      is done when loading one.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --lock-output: Obtain a flock on output oat file before starting.");
-  UsageError("");
-  UsageError("  --no-lock-output: Do not attempt to obtain a flock on output oat file.");
-  UsageError("");
   UsageError("  --dump-timings: dump out patch timing information");
   UsageError("  --no-dump-timings: do not dump out patch timing information");
@@ -1010,34 +721,6 @@
-static bool ReadBaseDelta(const char* name, off_t* delta, std::string* error_msg) {
-  CHECK(name != nullptr);
-  CHECK(delta != nullptr);
-  std::unique_ptr<File> file;
-  if (OS::FileExists(name)) {
-    file.reset(OS::OpenFileForReading(name));
-    if (file.get() == nullptr) {
-      *error_msg = "Failed to open file %s for reading";
-      return false;
-    }
-  } else {
-    *error_msg = "File %s does not exist";
-    return false;
-  }
-  CHECK(file.get() != nullptr);
-  ImageHeader hdr;
-  if (sizeof(hdr) != file->Read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&hdr), sizeof(hdr), 0)) {
-    *error_msg = "Failed to read file %s";
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (!hdr.IsValid()) {
-    *error_msg = "%s does not contain a valid image header.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  *delta = hdr.GetPatchDelta();
-  return true;
 static int patchoat_image(TimingLogger& timings,
                           InstructionSet isa,
                           const std::string& input_image_location,
@@ -1076,293 +759,6 @@
   return ret ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
-static int patchoat_oat(TimingLogger& timings,
-                        InstructionSet isa,
-                        const std::string& patched_image_location,
-                        off_t base_delta,
-                        bool base_delta_set,
-                        int input_oat_fd,
-                        int input_vdex_fd,
-                        const std::string& input_oat_location,
-                        std::string input_oat_filename,
-                        bool have_input_oat,
-                        int output_oat_fd,
-                        int output_vdex_fd,
-                        std::string output_oat_filename,
-                        bool have_output_oat,
-                        bool lock_output,
-                        bool debug) {
-  {
-    // Only 1 of these may be set.
-    uint32_t cnt = 0;
-    cnt += (base_delta_set) ? 1 : 0;
-    cnt += (!patched_image_location.empty()) ? 1 : 0;
-    if (cnt > 1) {
-      Usage("Only one of --base-offset-delta or --patched-image-location may be used.");
-    } else if (cnt == 0) {
-      Usage("Must specify --base-offset-delta or --patched-image-location.");
-    }
-  }
-  if (!have_input_oat || !have_output_oat) {
-    Usage("Both input and output oat must be supplied to patch an app odex.");
-  }
-  if (!input_oat_location.empty()) {
-    if (!LocationToFilename(input_oat_location, isa, &input_oat_filename)) {
-      Usage("Unable to find filename for input oat location %s", input_oat_location.c_str());
-    }
-    if (debug) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Using input-oat-file " << input_oat_filename;
-    }
-  }
-  if ((input_oat_fd == -1) != (input_vdex_fd == -1)) {
-    Usage("Either both input oat and vdex have to be passed as file descriptors or none of them");
-  } else if ((output_oat_fd == -1) != (output_vdex_fd == -1)) {
-    Usage("Either both output oat and vdex have to be passed as file descriptors or none of them");
-  }
-  bool match_delta = false;
-  if (!patched_image_location.empty()) {
-    std::string system_filename;
-    bool has_system = false;
-    std::string cache_filename;
-    bool has_cache = false;
-    bool has_android_data_unused = false;
-    bool is_global_cache = false;
-    if (!gc::space::ImageSpace::FindImageFilename(patched_image_location.c_str(), isa,
-                                                  &system_filename, &has_system, &cache_filename,
-                                                  &has_android_data_unused, &has_cache,
-                                                  &is_global_cache)) {
-      Usage("Unable to determine image file for location %s", patched_image_location.c_str());
-    }
-    std::string patched_image_filename;
-    if (has_cache) {
-      patched_image_filename = cache_filename;
-    } else if (has_system) {
-      LOG(WARNING) << "Only image file found was in /system for image location "
-          << patched_image_location;
-      patched_image_filename = system_filename;
-    } else {
-      Usage("Unable to determine image file for location %s", patched_image_location.c_str());
-    }
-    if (debug) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Using patched-image-file " << patched_image_filename;
-    }
-    base_delta_set = true;
-    match_delta = true;
-    std::string error_msg;
-    if (!ReadBaseDelta(patched_image_filename.c_str(), &base_delta, &error_msg)) {
-      Usage(error_msg.c_str(), patched_image_filename.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  if (!IsAligned<kPageSize>(base_delta)) {
-    Usage("Base offset/delta must be alligned to a pagesize (0x%08x) boundary.", kPageSize);
-  }
-  // We can symlink VDEX only if we have both input and output specified as filenames.
-  // Store that piece of information before we possibly create bogus filenames for
-  // files passed as file descriptors.
-  bool symlink_vdex = !input_oat_filename.empty() && !output_oat_filename.empty();
-  // Infer names of VDEX files.
-  std::string input_vdex_filename;
-  std::string output_vdex_filename;
-  if (!input_oat_filename.empty()) {
-    input_vdex_filename = ReplaceFileExtension(input_oat_filename, "vdex");
-  }
-  if (!output_oat_filename.empty()) {
-    output_vdex_filename = ReplaceFileExtension(output_oat_filename, "vdex");
-  }
-  // Do we need to cleanup output files if we fail?
-  bool new_oat_out = false;
-  bool new_vdex_out = false;
-  std::unique_ptr<File> input_oat;
-  std::unique_ptr<File> output_oat;
-  if (input_oat_fd != -1) {
-    if (input_oat_filename.empty()) {
-      input_oat_filename = "input-oat-file";
-    }
-    input_oat.reset(new File(input_oat_fd, input_oat_filename, false));
-    if (input_oat_fd == output_oat_fd) {
-      input_oat.get()->DisableAutoClose();
-    }
-    if (input_oat == nullptr) {
-      // Unlikely, but ensure exhaustive logging in non-0 exit code case
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open input oat file by its FD" << input_oat_fd;
-      return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-  } else {
-    CHECK(!input_oat_filename.empty());
-    input_oat.reset(OS::OpenFileForReading(input_oat_filename.c_str()));
-    if (input_oat == nullptr) {
-      int err = errno;
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open input oat file " << input_oat_filename
-          << ": " << strerror(err) << "(" << err << ")";
-      return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  std::string error_msg;
-  std::unique_ptr<ElfFile> elf(ElfFile::Open(input_oat.get(), PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, &error_msg));
-  if (elf.get() == nullptr) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "unable to open oat file " << input_oat->GetPath() << " : " << error_msg;
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (!elf->HasSection(".text.oat_patches")) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "missing oat patch section in input oat file " << input_oat->GetPath();
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (output_oat_fd != -1) {
-    if (output_oat_filename.empty()) {
-      output_oat_filename = "output-oat-file";
-    }
-    output_oat.reset(new File(output_oat_fd, output_oat_filename, true));
-    if (output_oat == nullptr) {
-      // Unlikely, but ensure exhaustive logging in non-0 exit code case
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open output oat file by its FD" << output_oat_fd;
-    }
-  } else {
-    CHECK(!output_oat_filename.empty());
-    output_oat.reset(CreateOrOpen(output_oat_filename.c_str(), &new_oat_out));
-    if (output_oat == nullptr) {
-      int err = errno;
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open output oat file " << output_oat_filename
-          << ": " << strerror(err) << "(" << err << ")";
-    }
-  }
-  // Open VDEX files if we are not symlinking them.
-  std::unique_ptr<File> input_vdex;
-  std::unique_ptr<File> output_vdex;
-  if (symlink_vdex) {
-    new_vdex_out = !OS::FileExists(output_vdex_filename.c_str());
-  } else {
-    if (input_vdex_fd != -1) {
-      input_vdex.reset(new File(input_vdex_fd, input_vdex_filename, true));
-      if (input_vdex == nullptr) {
-        // Unlikely, but ensure exhaustive logging in non-0 exit code case
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open input vdex file by its FD" << input_vdex_fd;
-      }
-    } else {
-      input_vdex.reset(OS::OpenFileForReading(input_vdex_filename.c_str()));
-      if (input_vdex == nullptr) {
-        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open input vdex file " << input_vdex_filename;
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-      }
-    }
-    if (output_vdex_fd != -1) {
-      output_vdex.reset(new File(output_vdex_fd, output_vdex_filename, true));
-      if (output_vdex == nullptr) {
-        // Unlikely, but ensure exhaustive logging in non-0 exit code case
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open output vdex file by its FD" << output_vdex_fd;
-      }
-    } else {
-      output_vdex.reset(CreateOrOpen(output_vdex_filename.c_str(), &new_vdex_out));
-      if (output_vdex == nullptr) {
-        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open output vdex file " << output_vdex_filename;
-        return EXIT_FAILURE;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // TODO: get rid of this.
-  auto cleanup = [&output_oat_filename, &output_vdex_filename, &new_oat_out, &new_vdex_out]
-                 (bool success) {
-    if (!success) {
-      if (new_oat_out) {
-        CHECK(!output_oat_filename.empty());
-        unlink(output_oat_filename.c_str());
-      }
-      if (new_vdex_out) {
-        CHECK(!output_vdex_filename.empty());
-        unlink(output_vdex_filename.c_str());
-      }
-    }
-    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Cleaning up.. success? " << success;
-    }
-  };
-  if (output_oat.get() == nullptr) {
-    cleanup(false);
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (match_delta) {
-    // Figure out what the current delta is so we can match it to the desired delta.
-    off_t current_delta = 0;
-    if (!ReadOatPatchDelta(elf.get(), &current_delta, &error_msg)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get current delta: " << error_msg;
-      cleanup(false);
-      return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-    // Before this line base_delta is the desired final delta. We need it to be the actual amount to
-    // change everything by. We subtract the current delta from it to make it this.
-    base_delta -= current_delta;
-    if (!IsAligned<kPageSize>(base_delta)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Given image file was relocated by an illegal delta";
-      cleanup(false);
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (debug) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "moving offset by " << base_delta
-        << " (0x" << std::hex << base_delta << ") bytes or "
-        << std::dec << (base_delta/kPageSize) << " pages.";
-  }
-  ScopedFlock output_oat_lock;
-  if (lock_output) {
-    if (!output_oat_lock.Init(output_oat.get(), &error_msg)) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to lock output oat " << output_oat->GetPath() << ": " << error_msg;
-      cleanup(false);
-      return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  TimingLogger::ScopedTiming pt("patch oat", &timings);
-  bool ret = PatchOat::Patch(input_oat.get(), base_delta, output_oat.get(), &timings,
-                             output_oat_fd >= 0,  // was it opened from FD?
-                             new_oat_out);
-  ret = FinishFile(output_oat.get(), ret);
-  if (ret) {
-    if (symlink_vdex) {
-      ret = SymlinkFile(input_vdex_filename, output_vdex_filename);
-    } else {
-      ret = unix_file::CopyFile(*input_vdex.get(), output_vdex.get());
-    }
-  }
-  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Exiting with return ... " << ret;
-  }
-  cleanup(ret);
-  return ret ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
-static int ParseFd(const StringPiece& option, const char* cmdline_arg) {
-  int fd;
-  const char* fd_str = option.substr(strlen(cmdline_arg)).data();
-  if (!ParseInt(fd_str, &fd)) {
-    Usage("Failed to parse %d argument '%s' as an integer", cmdline_arg, fd_str);
-  }
-  if (fd < 0) {
-    Usage("%s pass a negative value %d", cmdline_arg, fd);
-  }
-  return fd;
 static int patchoat(int argc, char **argv) {
   InitLogging(argv, Runtime::Aborter);
@@ -1384,23 +780,11 @@
   // cmd line args
   bool isa_set = false;
   InstructionSet isa = kNone;
-  std::string input_oat_filename;
-  std::string input_oat_location;
-  int input_oat_fd = -1;
-  int input_vdex_fd = -1;
-  bool have_input_oat = false;
   std::string input_image_location;
-  std::string output_oat_filename;
-  int output_oat_fd = -1;
-  int output_vdex_fd = -1;
-  bool have_output_oat = false;
   std::string output_image_filename;
   off_t base_delta = 0;
   bool base_delta_set = false;
-  std::string patched_image_filename;
-  std::string patched_image_location;
   bool dump_timings = kIsDebugBuild;
-  bool lock_output = true;
   for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
     const StringPiece option(argv[i]);
@@ -1415,42 +799,8 @@
       if (isa == kNone) {
         Usage("Unknown or invalid instruction set %s", isa_str);
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--input-oat-location=")) {
-      if (have_input_oat) {
-        Usage("Only one of --input-oat-file, --input-oat-location and --input-oat-fd may be used.");
-      }
-      have_input_oat = true;
-      input_oat_location = option.substr(strlen("--input-oat-location=")).data();
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--input-oat-file=")) {
-      if (have_input_oat) {
-        Usage("Only one of --input-oat-file, --input-oat-location and --input-oat-fd may be used.");
-      }
-      have_input_oat = true;
-      input_oat_filename = option.substr(strlen("--input-oat-file=")).data();
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--input-oat-fd=")) {
-      if (have_input_oat) {
-        Usage("Only one of --input-oat-file, --input-oat-location and --input-oat-fd may be used.");
-      }
-      have_input_oat = true;
-      input_oat_fd = ParseFd(option, "--input-oat-fd=");
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--input-vdex-fd=")) {
-      input_vdex_fd = ParseFd(option, "--input-vdex-fd=");
     } else if (option.starts_with("--input-image-location=")) {
       input_image_location = option.substr(strlen("--input-image-location=")).data();
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--output-oat-file=")) {
-      if (have_output_oat) {
-        Usage("Only one of --output-oat-file, and --output-oat-fd may be used.");
-      }
-      have_output_oat = true;
-      output_oat_filename = option.substr(strlen("--output-oat-file=")).data();
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--output-oat-fd=")) {
-      if (have_output_oat) {
-        Usage("Only one of --output-oat-file, --output-oat-fd may be used.");
-      }
-      have_output_oat = true;
-      output_oat_fd = ParseFd(option, "--output-oat-fd=");
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--output-vdex-fd=")) {
-      output_vdex_fd = ParseFd(option, "--output-vdex-fd=");
     } else if (option.starts_with("--output-image-file=")) {
       output_image_filename = option.substr(strlen("--output-image-file=")).data();
     } else if (option.starts_with("--base-offset-delta=")) {
@@ -1459,12 +809,6 @@
       if (!ParseInt(base_delta_str, &base_delta)) {
         Usage("Failed to parse --base-offset-delta argument '%s' as an off_t", base_delta_str);
-    } else if (option.starts_with("--patched-image-location=")) {
-      patched_image_location = option.substr(strlen("--patched-image-location=")).data();
-    } else if (option == "--lock-output") {
-      lock_output = true;
-    } else if (option == "--no-lock-output") {
-      lock_output = false;
     } else if (option == "--dump-timings") {
       dump_timings = true;
     } else if (option == "--no-dump-timings") {
@@ -1479,33 +823,13 @@
     Usage("Instruction set must be set.");
-  int ret;
-  if (!input_image_location.empty()) {
-    ret = patchoat_image(timings,
-                         isa,
-                         input_image_location,
-                         output_image_filename,
-                         base_delta,
-                         base_delta_set,
-                         debug);
-  } else {
-    ret = patchoat_oat(timings,
-                       isa,
-                       patched_image_location,
-                       base_delta,
-                       base_delta_set,
-                       input_oat_fd,
-                       input_vdex_fd,
-                       input_oat_location,
-                       input_oat_filename,
-                       have_input_oat,
-                       output_oat_fd,
-                       output_vdex_fd,
-                       output_oat_filename,
-                       have_output_oat,
-                       lock_output,
-                       debug);
-  }
+  int ret = patchoat_image(timings,
+                           isa,
+                           input_image_location,
+                           output_image_filename,
+                           base_delta,
+                           base_delta_set,
+                           debug);
   if (dump_timings) {
diff --git a/patchoat/patchoat.h b/patchoat/patchoat.h
index a519631..e15a6bc 100644
--- a/patchoat/patchoat.h
+++ b/patchoat/patchoat.h
@@ -44,17 +44,7 @@
 class PatchOat {
-  // Patch only the oat file
-  static bool Patch(File* oat_in, off_t delta, File* oat_out, TimingLogger* timings,
-                    bool output_oat_opened_from_fd,  // Was this using --oatput-oat-fd ?
-                    bool new_oat_out);               // Output oat was a new file created by us?
-  // Patch only the image (art file)
-  static bool Patch(const std::string& art_location, off_t delta, File* art_out, InstructionSet isa,
-                    TimingLogger* timings);
-  // Patch both the image and the oat file
-  static bool Patch(const std::string& art_location,
+  static bool Patch(const std::string& image_location,
                     off_t delta,
                     const std::string& output_directory,
                     InstructionSet isa,
@@ -64,18 +54,11 @@
   PatchOat(PatchOat&&) = default;
-  // Takes ownership only of the ElfFile. All other pointers are only borrowed.
-  PatchOat(ElfFile* oat_file, off_t delta, TimingLogger* timings)
-      : oat_file_(oat_file), image_(nullptr), bitmap_(nullptr), heap_(nullptr), delta_(delta),
-        isa_(kNone), space_map_(nullptr), timings_(timings) {}
-  PatchOat(InstructionSet isa, MemMap* image, gc::accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* bitmap,
-           MemMap* heap, off_t delta, TimingLogger* timings)
-      : image_(image), bitmap_(bitmap), heap_(heap),
-        delta_(delta), isa_(isa), space_map_(nullptr), timings_(timings) {}
-  PatchOat(InstructionSet isa, ElfFile* oat_file, MemMap* image,
+  // All pointers are only borrowed.
+  PatchOat(InstructionSet isa, MemMap* image,
            gc::accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* bitmap, MemMap* heap, off_t delta,
            std::map<gc::space::ImageSpace*, std::unique_ptr<MemMap>>* map, TimingLogger* timings)
-      : oat_file_(oat_file), image_(image), bitmap_(bitmap), heap_(heap),
+      : image_(image), bitmap_(bitmap), heap_(heap),
         delta_(delta), isa_(isa), space_map_(map), timings_(timings) {}
   // Was the .art image at image_path made with --compile-pic ?
@@ -94,9 +77,7 @@
   // Attempt to replace the file with a symlink
   // Returns false if it fails
   static bool ReplaceOatFileWithSymlink(const std::string& input_oat_filename,
-                                        const std::string& output_oat_filename,
-                                        bool output_oat_opened_from_fd,
-                                        bool new_oat_out);  // Output oat was newly created?
+                                        const std::string& output_oat_filename);
   static void BitmapCallback(mirror::Object* obj, void* arg)
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
@@ -108,13 +89,6 @@
   void FixupMethod(ArtMethod* object, ArtMethod* copy)
-  // Patches oat in place, modifying the oat_file given to the constructor.
-  bool PatchElf();
-  template <typename ElfFileImpl>
-  bool PatchElf(ElfFileImpl* oat_file);
-  template <typename ElfFileImpl>
-  bool PatchOatHeader(ElfFileImpl* oat_file);
   bool PatchImage(bool primary_image) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   void PatchArtFields(const ImageHeader* image_header) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   void PatchArtMethods(const ImageHeader* image_header) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -128,7 +102,6 @@
   void PatchDexFileArrays(mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>* img_roots)
-  bool WriteElf(File* out);
   bool WriteImage(File* out);
   template <typename T>
@@ -175,19 +148,6 @@
     return reinterpret_cast<T*>(ret);
-  template <typename T>
-  T RelocatedAddressOfIntPointer(T obj) const {
-    if (obj == 0) {
-      return obj;
-    }
-    T ret = obj + delta_;
-    // Trim off high bits in case negative relocation with 64 bit patchoat.
-    if (Is32BitISA()) {
-      ret = static_cast<T>(static_cast<uint32_t>(ret));
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
   bool Is32BitISA() const {
     return InstructionSetPointerSize(isa_) == PointerSize::k32;
@@ -213,8 +173,6 @@
     mirror::Object* const copy_;
-  // The elf file we are patching.
-  std::unique_ptr<ElfFile> oat_file_;
   // A mmap of the image we are patching. This is modified.
   const MemMap* const image_;
   // The bitmap over the image within the heap we are patching. This is not modified.
diff --git a/runtime/dex2oat_environment_test.h b/runtime/dex2oat_environment_test.h
index b0c4597..8b1b5a3 100644
--- a/runtime/dex2oat_environment_test.h
+++ b/runtime/dex2oat_environment_test.h
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
   // image at GetImageLocation(). This is used for testing mismatched
   // image checksums in the oat_file_assistant_tests.
   std::string GetImageLocation2() const {
-    return GetImageDirectory() + "/";
+    return GetImageDirectory() + "/";
   std::string GetDexSrc1() const {