Faster instance-of for final classes.

If a class is final and not and array we can generate a 1/0 based on class
Use a method's declaring class if it matches the instance-of class (common in
Java equals methods).
Don't do a class pointer comparison in the case of an abstract or interface
class, just go straight into the slow-path.
Fix performance bug where peep-hole verifier pass didn't merge into the
fall-through line if the next instruction wasn't interesting.

Change-Id: Idb47ec6acebfd25a344ed74adaacba02fafc7df2
diff --git a/src/compiler/dex/quick/ b/src/compiler/dex/quick/
index 055b67c..0091a80 100644
--- a/src/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/src/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -883,23 +883,81 @@
   CallRuntimeHelperRegLocation(ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pDeliverException), rl_src, true);
-void Mir2Lir::GenInstanceof(uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest,
-                            RegLocation rl_src)
+// For final classes there are no sub-classes to check and so we can answer the instance-of
+// question with simple comparisons.
+void Mir2Lir::GenInstanceofFinal(bool use_declaring_class, uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest,
+                                 RegLocation rl_src) {
+  RegLocation object = LoadValue(rl_src, kCoreReg);
+  RegLocation rl_result = EvalLoc(rl_dest, kCoreReg, true);
+  int result_reg = rl_result.low_reg;
+  if (result_reg == object.low_reg) {
+    result_reg = AllocTypedTemp(false, kCoreReg);
+  }
+  LoadConstant(result_reg, 0);     // assume false
+  LIR* null_branchover = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, object.low_reg, 0, NULL);
+  int check_class = AllocTypedTemp(false, kCoreReg);
+  int object_class = AllocTypedTemp(false, kCoreReg);
+  LoadCurrMethodDirect(check_class);
+  if (use_declaring_class) {
+    LoadWordDisp(check_class, mirror::AbstractMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value(),
+                 check_class);
+    LoadWordDisp(object.low_reg,  mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(), object_class);
+  } else {
+    LoadWordDisp(check_class, mirror::AbstractMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset().Int32Value(),
+                 check_class);
+    LoadWordDisp(object.low_reg,  mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(), object_class);
+    int32_t offset_of_type =
+      mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(mirror::Class*)).Int32Value() +
+      (sizeof(mirror::Class*) * type_idx);
+    LoadWordDisp(check_class, offset_of_type, check_class);
+  }
+  LIR* ne_branchover = NULL;
+  if (cu_->instruction_set == kThumb2) {
+    OpRegReg(kOpCmp, check_class, object_class);  // Same?
+    OpIT(kCondEq, "");   // if-convert the test
+    LoadConstant(result_reg, 1);     // .eq case - load true
+  } else {
+    ne_branchover = OpCmpBranch(kCondNe, check_class, object_class, NULL);
+    LoadConstant(result_reg, 1);     // eq case - load true
+  }
+  LIR* target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
+  null_branchover->target = target;
+  if (ne_branchover != NULL) {
+    ne_branchover->target = target;
+  }
+  FreeTemp(object_class);
+  FreeTemp(check_class);
+  if (IsTemp(result_reg)) {
+    OpRegCopy(rl_result.low_reg, result_reg);
+    FreeTemp(result_reg);
+  }
+  StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
+void Mir2Lir::GenInstanceofCallingHelper(bool needs_access_check, bool type_known_final,
+                                         bool type_known_abstract, bool use_declaring_class,
+                                         bool can_assume_type_is_in_dex_cache,
+                                         uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest,
+                                         RegLocation rl_src) {
   // May generate a call - use explicit registers
   LoadCurrMethodDirect(TargetReg(kArg1));  // kArg1 <= current Method*
   int class_reg = TargetReg(kArg2);  // kArg2 will hold the Class*
-  if (!cu_->compiler_driver->CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(cu_->method_idx,
-                                                   *cu_->dex_file,
-                                                   type_idx)) {
+  if (needs_access_check) {
     // Check we have access to type_idx and if not throw IllegalAccessError,
     // returns Class* in kArg0
                          type_idx, true);
     OpRegCopy(class_reg, TargetReg(kRet0));  // Align usage with fast path
     LoadValueDirectFixed(rl_src, TargetReg(kArg0));  // kArg0 <= ref
+  } else if (use_declaring_class) {
+    LoadValueDirectFixed(rl_src, TargetReg(kArg0));  // kArg0 <= ref
+    LoadWordDisp(TargetReg(kArg1),
+                 mirror::AbstractMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value(), class_reg);
   } else {
     // Load dex cache entry into class_reg (kArg2)
     LoadValueDirectFixed(rl_src, TargetReg(kArg0));  // kArg0 <= ref
@@ -909,8 +967,7 @@
         mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(mirror::Class*)).Int32Value() + (sizeof(mirror::Class*)
         * type_idx);
     LoadWordDisp(class_reg, offset_of_type, class_reg);
-    if (!cu_->compiler_driver->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(
-        *cu_->dex_file, type_idx)) {
+    if (!can_assume_type_is_in_dex_cache) {
       // Need to test presence of type in dex cache at runtime
       LIR* hop_branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondNe, class_reg, 0, NULL);
       // Not resolved
@@ -926,47 +983,88 @@
   /* kArg0 is ref, kArg2 is class. If ref==null, use directly as bool result */
   RegLocation rl_result = GetReturn(false);
   if (cu_->instruction_set == kMips) {
-    LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 0);  // store false result for if branch is taken
+    // On MIPS rArg0 != rl_result, place false in result if branch is taken.
+    LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 0);
   LIR* branch1 = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, TargetReg(kArg0), 0, NULL);
   /* load object->klass_ */
   DCHECK_EQ(mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(), 0);
   LoadWordDisp(TargetReg(kArg0),  mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(), TargetReg(kArg1));
   /* kArg0 is ref, kArg1 is ref->klass_, kArg2 is class */
   LIR* branchover = NULL;
-  if (cu_->instruction_set == kThumb2) {
-    /* Uses conditional nullification */
-    int r_tgt = LoadHelper(ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInstanceofNonTrivialFromCode));
-    OpRegReg(kOpCmp, TargetReg(kArg1), TargetReg(kArg2));  // Same?
-    OpIT(kCondEq, "EE");   // if-convert the test
-    LoadConstant(TargetReg(kArg0), 1);     // .eq case - load true
-    OpRegCopy(TargetReg(kArg0), TargetReg(kArg2));    // .ne case - arg0 <= class
-    OpReg(kOpBlx, r_tgt);    // .ne case: helper(class, ref->class)
-    FreeTemp(r_tgt);
+  if (type_known_final) {
+    // rl_result == ref == null == 0.
+    if (cu_->instruction_set == kThumb2) {
+      OpRegReg(kOpCmp, TargetReg(kArg1), TargetReg(kArg2));  // Same?
+      OpIT(kCondEq, "E");   // if-convert the test
+      LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 1);     // .eq case - load true
+      LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 0);     // .ne case - load false
+    } else {
+      LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 0);     // ne case - load false
+      branchover = OpCmpBranch(kCondNe, TargetReg(kArg1), TargetReg(kArg2), NULL);
+      LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 1);     // eq case - load true
+    }
   } else {
-    /* Uses branchovers */
-    LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 1);     // assume true
-    branchover = OpCmpBranch(kCondEq, TargetReg(kArg1), TargetReg(kArg2), NULL);
-    if (cu_->instruction_set != kX86) {
+    if (cu_->instruction_set == kThumb2) {
       int r_tgt = LoadHelper(ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInstanceofNonTrivialFromCode));
+      if (!type_known_abstract) {
+      /* Uses conditional nullification */
+        OpRegReg(kOpCmp, TargetReg(kArg1), TargetReg(kArg2));  // Same?
+        OpIT(kCondEq, "EE");   // if-convert the test
+        LoadConstant(TargetReg(kArg0), 1);     // .eq case - load true
+      }
       OpRegCopy(TargetReg(kArg0), TargetReg(kArg2));    // .ne case - arg0 <= class
       OpReg(kOpBlx, r_tgt);    // .ne case: helper(class, ref->class)
     } else {
-      OpRegCopy(TargetReg(kArg0), TargetReg(kArg2));
-      OpThreadMem(kOpBlx, ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInstanceofNonTrivialFromCode));
+      if (!type_known_abstract) {
+        /* Uses branchovers */
+        LoadConstant(rl_result.low_reg, 1);     // assume true
+        branchover = OpCmpBranch(kCondEq, TargetReg(kArg1), TargetReg(kArg2), NULL);
+      }
+      if (cu_->instruction_set != kX86) {
+        int r_tgt = LoadHelper(ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInstanceofNonTrivialFromCode));
+        OpRegCopy(TargetReg(kArg0), TargetReg(kArg2));    // .ne case - arg0 <= class
+        OpReg(kOpBlx, r_tgt);    // .ne case: helper(class, ref->class)
+        FreeTemp(r_tgt);
+      } else {
+        OpRegCopy(TargetReg(kArg0), TargetReg(kArg2));
+        OpThreadMem(kOpBlx, ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInstanceofNonTrivialFromCode));
+      }
+  // TODO: only clobber when type isn't final?
   /* branch targets here */
   LIR* target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
   StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
   branch1->target = target;
-  if (cu_->instruction_set != kThumb2) {
+  if (branchover != NULL) {
     branchover->target = target;
+void Mir2Lir::GenInstanceof(uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest, RegLocation rl_src) {
+  bool type_known_final, type_known_abstract, use_declaring_class;
+  bool needs_access_check = !cu_->compiler_driver->CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(cu_->method_idx,
+                                                                              *cu_->dex_file,
+                                                                              type_idx,
+                                                                              &type_known_final,
+                                                                              &type_known_abstract,
+                                                                              &use_declaring_class);
+  bool can_assume_type_is_in_dex_cache = !needs_access_check &&
+      cu_->compiler_driver->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(*cu_->dex_file, type_idx);
+  if ((use_declaring_class || can_assume_type_is_in_dex_cache) && type_known_final) {
+    GenInstanceofFinal(use_declaring_class, type_idx, rl_dest, rl_src);
+  } else {
+    GenInstanceofCallingHelper(needs_access_check, type_known_final, type_known_abstract,
+                               use_declaring_class, can_assume_type_is_in_dex_cache,
+                               type_idx, rl_dest, rl_src);
+  }
 void Mir2Lir::GenCheckCast(uint32_t insn_idx, uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_src)
   DexCompilationUnit* cu = mir_graph_->GetCurrentDexCompilationUnit();
diff --git a/src/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h b/src/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
index 1df78cf..9eb4524 100644
--- a/src/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
+++ b/src/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
@@ -699,6 +699,14 @@
+    void GenInstanceofFinal(bool use_declaring_class, uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest,
+                            RegLocation rl_src);
+    void GenInstanceofCallingHelper(bool needs_access_check, bool type_known_final,
+                                    bool type_known_abstract, bool use_declaring_class,
+                                    bool can_assume_type_is_in_dex_cache,
+                                    uint32_t type_idx, RegLocation rl_dest,
+                                    RegLocation rl_src);
     void ClobberBody(RegisterInfo* p);
     void ResetDefBody(RegisterInfo* p) {
       p->def_start = NULL;
diff --git a/src/compiler/driver/ b/src/compiler/driver/
index 3dddc75..1b8f87d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/driver/
+++ b/src/compiler/driver/
@@ -577,7 +577,18 @@
 bool CompilerDriver::CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexFile& dex_file,
-                                                uint32_t type_idx) {
+                                                uint32_t type_idx,
+                                                bool* type_known_final, bool* type_known_abstract,
+                                                bool* equals_referrers_class) {
+  if (type_known_final != NULL) {
+    *type_known_final = false;
+  }
+  if (type_known_abstract != NULL) {
+    *type_known_abstract = false;
+  }
+  if (equals_referrers_class != NULL) {
+    *equals_referrers_class = false;
+  }
   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
   mirror::DexCache* dex_cache = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->FindDexCache(dex_file);
   // Get type from dex cache assuming it was populated by the verifier
@@ -587,6 +598,9 @@
     return false;  // Unknown class needs access checks.
   const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file.GetMethodId(referrer_idx);
+  if (equals_referrers_class != NULL) {
+    *equals_referrers_class = (method_id.class_idx_ == type_idx);
+  }
   mirror::Class* referrer_class = dex_cache->GetResolvedType(method_id.class_idx_);
   if (referrer_class == NULL) {
@@ -597,6 +611,12 @@
   bool result = referrer_class->CanAccess(resolved_class);
   if (result) {
+    if (type_known_final != NULL) {
+      *type_known_final = resolved_class->IsFinal() && !resolved_class->IsArrayClass();
+    }
+    if (type_known_abstract != NULL) {
+      *type_known_abstract = resolved_class->IsAbstract();
+    }
   } else {
diff --git a/src/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h b/src/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
index 1b5bd0d..9fd3c81 100644
--- a/src/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
+++ b/src/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
@@ -138,7 +138,9 @@
   // Are runtime access checks necessary in the compiled code?
   bool CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexFile& dex_file,
-                                  uint32_t type_idx)
+                                  uint32_t type_idx, bool* type_known_final = NULL,
+                                  bool* type_known_abstract = NULL,
+                                  bool* equals_referrers_class = NULL)
   // Are runtime access and instantiable checks necessary in the code?
diff --git a/src/verifier/ b/src/verifier/
index 2798ab3..5eec58b 100644
--- a/src/verifier/
+++ b/src/verifier/
@@ -1253,6 +1253,11 @@
     if (dead_start >= 0) {
       LogVerifyInfo() << "dead code " << reinterpret_cast<void*>(dead_start) << "-" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(insn_idx - 1);
+    // To dump the state of the verify after a method, do something like:
+    // if (PrettyMethod(dex_method_idx_, *dex_file_) ==
+    //     "boolean java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object)") {
+    //   LOG(INFO) << info_messages_.str();
+    // }
   return true;
@@ -2528,12 +2533,12 @@
       if (!CheckNotMoveException(code_item_->insns_, next_insn_idx)) {
         return false;
+      if (NULL != fallthrough_line.get()) {
+        // Make workline consistent with fallthrough computed from peephole optimization.
+        work_line_->CopyFromLine(fallthrough_line.get());
+      }
       RegisterLine* next_line = reg_table_.GetLine(next_insn_idx);
       if (next_line != NULL) {
-        if (NULL != fallthrough_line.get()) {
-          // Make workline consistent with fallthrough computed from peephole optimization.
-          work_line_->CopyFromLine(fallthrough_line.get());
-        }
         // Merge registers into what we have for the next instruction,
         // and set the "changed" flag if needed.
         if (!UpdateRegisters(next_insn_idx, work_line_.get())) {