Fully remove DumpKernelStack.

As explained in the previous commit touching this code, these days only
root can get the kernel stack trace anyway.

Test: treehugger
Change-Id: I9924951afa1f8511720c479598c3bd74f5a55c66
diff --git a/runtime/native_stack_dump.cc b/runtime/native_stack_dump.cc
index b360f86..0c9e726 100644
--- a/runtime/native_stack_dump.cc
+++ b/runtime/native_stack_dump.cc
@@ -411,45 +411,6 @@
-void DumpKernelStack(std::ostream& os, pid_t tid, const char* prefix, bool include_count) {
-  if (tid == GetTid()) {
-    // There's no point showing that we're reading our stack out of /proc!
-    return;
-  }
-  std::string kernel_stack_filename(StringPrintf("/proc/self/task/%d/stack", tid));
-  std::string kernel_stack;
-  if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(kernel_stack_filename, &kernel_stack)) {
-    // Not being able to read is actually the normal case on Android, so just
-    // silently ignore the failure.
-    return;
-  }
-  std::vector<std::string> kernel_stack_frames;
-  Split(kernel_stack, '\n', &kernel_stack_frames);
-  if (kernel_stack_frames.empty()) {
-    os << prefix << "(" << kernel_stack_filename << " is empty)\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  // We skip the last stack frame because it's always equivalent to "[<ffffffff>] 0xffffffff",
-  // which looking at the source appears to be the kernel's way of saying "that's all, folks!".
-  kernel_stack_frames.pop_back();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < kernel_stack_frames.size(); ++i) {
-    // Turn "[<ffffffff8109156d>] futex_wait_queue_me+0xcd/0x110"
-    // into "futex_wait_queue_me+0xcd/0x110".
-    const char* text = kernel_stack_frames[i].c_str();
-    const char* close_bracket = strchr(text, ']');
-    if (close_bracket != nullptr) {
-      text = close_bracket + 2;
-    }
-    os << prefix;
-    if (include_count) {
-      os << StringPrintf("#%02zd ", i);
-    }
-    os << text << std::endl;
-  }
 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
 void DumpNativeStack(std::ostream& os ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
@@ -461,12 +422,6 @@
                      bool skip_frames ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-void DumpKernelStack(std::ostream& os ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                     pid_t tid ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                     const char* prefix ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                     bool include_count ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
 #error "Unsupported architecture for native stack dumps."
diff --git a/runtime/native_stack_dump.h b/runtime/native_stack_dump.h
index ad4bfab..4d4b36b 100644
--- a/runtime/native_stack_dump.h
+++ b/runtime/native_stack_dump.h
@@ -39,12 +39,6 @@
                      bool skip_frames = true)
-// Dumps the kernel stack for thread 'tid' to 'os'. Note that this is only available on linux-x86.
-void DumpKernelStack(std::ostream& os,
-                     pid_t tid,
-                     const char* prefix = "",
-                     bool include_count = true);
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.cc b/runtime/runtime.cc
index b651851..766782d 100644
--- a/runtime/runtime.cc
+++ b/runtime/runtime.cc
@@ -521,7 +521,6 @@
     if (self == nullptr) {
       os << "(Aborting thread was not attached to runtime!)\n";
-      DumpKernelStack(os, GetTid(), "  kernel: ", false);
       DumpNativeStack(os, GetTid(), nullptr, "  native: ", nullptr);
     } else {
       os << "Aborting thread:\n";
diff --git a/runtime/thread.cc b/runtime/thread.cc
index 820bcb5..7adcb11 100644
--- a/runtime/thread.cc
+++ b/runtime/thread.cc
@@ -2173,7 +2173,6 @@
   if (safe_to_dump || force_dump_stack) {
     // If we're currently in native code, dump that stack before dumping the managed stack.
     if (dump_native_stack && (dump_for_abort || force_dump_stack || ShouldShowNativeStack(this))) {
-      DumpKernelStack(os, GetTid(), "  kernel: ", false);
       ArtMethod* method =
                            /*check_suspended=*/ !force_dump_stack,
diff --git a/runtime/thread_list.cc b/runtime/thread_list.cc
index 2fe239a..28bc184 100644
--- a/runtime/thread_list.cc
+++ b/runtime/thread_list.cc
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
   // TODO: No thread safety analysis as DumpState with a null thread won't access fields, should
   // refactor DumpState to avoid skipping analysis.
   Thread::DumpState(os, nullptr, tid);
-  DumpKernelStack(os, tid, "  kernel: ", false);
   if (dump_native_stack) {
     DumpNativeStack(os, tid, nullptr, "  native: ");