Revert "Add MessageQueue for cross-thread communication"

This reverts commit de60ef3f91af06a3b8ef24f4bab5c547dc65e10d.

Reason for revert: bot failures - http://b/174652565

Change-Id: I23dc6d275ce04a8cd78c92728a8d33f66979e481
diff --git a/runtime/Android.bp b/runtime/Android.bp
index 3b04177..30473d9 100644
--- a/runtime/Android.bp
+++ b/runtime/Android.bp
@@ -651,7 +651,6 @@
-        "base/",
diff --git a/runtime/base/message_queue.h b/runtime/base/message_queue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c02b2a..0000000
--- a/runtime/base/message_queue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <deque>
-#include <optional>
-#include <variant>
-#include "base/time_utils.h"
-#include "mutex.h"
-#include "thread.h"
-namespace art {
-struct TimeoutExpiredMessage {};
-// MessageQueue is an unbounded multiple producer, multiple consumer (MPMC) queue that can be
-// specialized to send messages between threads. The queue is parameterized by a set of types that
-// serve as the message types. Note that messages are passed by value, so smaller messages should be
-// used when possible.
-// Example:
-//     struct IntMessage { int value; };
-//     struct DoubleMessage { double value; };
-//     MessageQueue<IntMessage, DoubleMessage> queue;
-//     queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42});
-//     queue.SendMessage(DoubleMessage{42.0});
-//     auto message = queue.ReceiveMessage();  // message is a std::variant of the different
-//                                             // message types.
-//     if (std::holds_alternative<IntMessage>(message)) {
-//       cout << "Received int message with value " << std::get<IntMessage>(message) << "\n";
-//     }
-// The message queue also supports a special timeout message. This is scheduled to be sent by the
-// SetTimeout method, which will cause the MessageQueue to deliver a TimeoutExpiredMessage after the
-// time period has elapsed. Note that only one timeout can be active can be active at a time, and
-// subsequent calls to SetTimeout will overwrite any existing timeout.
-// Example:
-//     queue.SetTimeout(5000);  // request to send TimeoutExpiredMessage in 5000ms.
-//     auto message = queue.ReceiveMessage();  // blocks for 5000ms and returns
-//                                             // TimeoutExpiredMessage
-// Note additional messages can be sent in the meantime and a ReceiveMessage call will wake up to
-// return that message. The TimeoutExpiredMessage will still be sent at the right time.
-// Finally, MessageQueue has a SwitchReceive method that can be used to run different code depending
-// on the type of message received. SwitchReceive takes a set of lambda expressions that take one
-// argument of one of the allowed message types. An additional lambda expression that takes a single
-// auto argument can be used to serve as a catch-all case.
-// Example:
-//     queue.SwitchReceive(
-//       [&](IntMessage message) {
-//         cout << "Received int: " << message.value << "\n";
-//       },
-//       [&](DoubleMessage message) {
-//         cout << "Received double: " << message.value << "\n";
-//       },
-//       [&](auto other_message) {
-//         // Another message was received. In this case, it's TimeoutExpiredMessage.
-//       }
-//     )
-// For additional examples, see
-template <typename... MessageTypes>
-class MessageQueue {
- public:
-  using Message = std::variant<TimeoutExpiredMessage, MessageTypes...>;
-  // Adds a message to the message queue, which can later be received with ReceiveMessage. See class
-  // comment for more details.
-  void SendMessage(Message message) {
-    // TimeoutExpiredMessage should not be sent manually.
-    DCHECK(!std::holds_alternative<TimeoutExpiredMessage>(message));
-    Thread* self = Thread::Current();
-    MutexLock lock{self, mutex_};
-    messages_.push_back(message);
-    cv_.Signal(self);
-  }
-  // Schedule a TimeoutExpiredMessage to be delivered in timeout_milliseconds. See class comment for
-  // more details.
-  void SetTimeout(uint64_t timeout_milliseconds) {
-    Thread* self = Thread::Current();
-    MutexLock lock{self, mutex_};
-    deadline_milliseconds_ = timeout_milliseconds + MilliTime();
-    cv_.Signal(self);
-  }
-  // Remove and return a message from the queue. If no message is available, ReceiveMessage will
-  // block until one becomes available. See class comment for more details.
-  Message ReceiveMessage() {
-    Thread* self = Thread::Current();
-    MutexLock lock{self, mutex_};
-    // Loop until we receive a message
-    while (true) {
-      // First check if the deadline has passed.
-      if (deadline_milliseconds_.has_value() && deadline_milliseconds_.value() < MilliTime()) {
-        deadline_milliseconds_.reset();
-        return TimeoutExpiredMessage{};
-      }
-      // Check if there is a message in the queue.
-      if (messages_.size() > 0) {
-        Message message = messages_.front();
-        messages_.pop_front();
-        return message;
-      }
-      // Otherwise, wait until we have a message or a timeout.
-      if (deadline_milliseconds_.has_value()) {
-        uint64_t timeout = deadline_milliseconds_.value() - MilliTime();
-        cv_.TimedWait(self, timeout, /*ns=*/0);
-      } else {
-        cv_.Wait(self);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Waits for a message and applies the appropriate function argument to the received message. See
-  // class comment for more details.
-  template <typename ReturnType = void, typename... Fn>
-  ReturnType SwitchReceive(Fn... case_fn) {
-    struct Matcher : Fn... {
-      using Fn::operator()...;
-    } matcher{case_fn...};
-    return std::visit(matcher, ReceiveMessage());
-  }
- private:
-  Mutex mutex_{"MessageQueue Mutex"};
-  ConditionVariable cv_{"MessageQueue ConditionVariable", mutex_};
-  std::deque<Message> messages_;
-  std::optional<uint64_t> deadline_milliseconds_;
-}  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/base/ b/runtime/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e5858..0000000
--- a/runtime/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "message_queue.h"
-#include <thread>
-#include "common_runtime_test.h"
-#include "thread-current-inl.h"
-namespace art {
-class MessageQueueTest : public CommonRuntimeTest {};
-namespace {
-// Define some message types
-struct EmptyMessage {};
-struct IntMessage {
-  int value;
-struct OtherIntMessage {
-  int other_value;
-struct TwoIntMessage {
-  int value1;
-  int value2;
-struct StringMessage {
-  std::string message;
-using TestMessageQueue =
-    MessageQueue<EmptyMessage, IntMessage, OtherIntMessage, TwoIntMessage, StringMessage>;
-}  // namespace
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SendReceiveTest) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue;
-  queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{});
-  ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<EmptyMessage>(queue.ReceiveMessage()));
-  queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42});
-  ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<IntMessage>(queue.ReceiveMessage()));
-  queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43});
-  ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<OtherIntMessage>(queue.ReceiveMessage()));
-  queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2});
-  ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<TwoIntMessage>(queue.ReceiveMessage()));
-  queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"});
-  ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<StringMessage>(queue.ReceiveMessage()));
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, TestTimeout) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue;
-  constexpr uint64_t kDuration = 500;
-  const auto start = MilliTime();
-  queue.SetTimeout(kDuration);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<TimeoutExpiredMessage>(queue.ReceiveMessage()));
-  const auto elapsed = MilliTime() - start;
-  ASSERT_GT(elapsed, kDuration);
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, TwoWayMessaging) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue1;
-  TestMessageQueue queue2;
-  std::thread thread{[&]() {
-    // Tell the parent thread we are running.
-    queue1.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{});
-    // Wait for a message from the parent thread.
-    queue2.ReceiveMessage();
-  }};
-  queue1.ReceiveMessage();
-  queue2.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{});
-  thread.join();
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceiveTest) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue;
-  queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{});
-  queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42});
-  queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43});
-  queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2});
-  queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"});
-  queue.SetTimeout(500);
-  bool empty_received = false;
-  bool int_received = false;
-  bool other_int_received = false;
-  bool two_int_received = false;
-  bool string_received = false;
-  bool timeout_received = false;
-  while (!(empty_received && int_received && other_int_received && two_int_received &&
-           string_received && timeout_received)) {
-    queue.SwitchReceive(
-        [&]([[maybe_unused]] const EmptyMessage& message) {
-          ASSERT_FALSE(empty_received);
-          empty_received = true;
-        },
-        [&](const IntMessage& message) {
-          ASSERT_FALSE(int_received);
-          int_received = true;
-          ASSERT_EQ(message.value, 42);
-        },
-        [&](const OtherIntMessage& message) {
-          ASSERT_FALSE(other_int_received);
-          other_int_received = true;
-          ASSERT_EQ(message.other_value, 43);
-        },
-        // The timeout message is here to make sure the cases can go in any order
-        [&]([[maybe_unused]] const TimeoutExpiredMessage& message) {
-          ASSERT_FALSE(timeout_received);
-          timeout_received = true;
-        },
-        [&](const TwoIntMessage& message) {
-          ASSERT_FALSE(two_int_received);
-          two_int_received = true;
-          ASSERT_EQ(message.value1, 1);
-          ASSERT_EQ(message.value2, 2);
-        },
-        [&](const StringMessage& message) {
-          ASSERT_FALSE(string_received);
-          string_received = true;
-          ASSERT_EQ(message.message, "Hello, World!");
-        });
-  }
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceiveAutoTest) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue;
-  queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{});
-  queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42});
-  queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43});
-  queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2});
-  queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"});
-  queue.SetTimeout(500);
-  int pending_messages = 6;
-  while (pending_messages > 0) {
-    queue.SwitchReceive([&]([[maybe_unused]] auto message) { pending_messages--; });
-  }
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceivePartialAutoTest) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue;
-  queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{});
-  queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42});
-  queue.SendMessage(OtherIntMessage{43});
-  queue.SendMessage(TwoIntMessage{1, 2});
-  queue.SendMessage(StringMessage{"Hello, World!"});
-  queue.SetTimeout(500);
-  bool running = true;
-  while (running) {
-    queue.SwitchReceive(
-        [&](const StringMessage& message) {
-          ASSERT_EQ(message.message, "Hello, World!");
-          running = false;
-        },
-        [&]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& message) {
-          const bool is_string{std::is_same<StringMessage, decltype(message)>()};
-          ASSERT_FALSE(is_string);
-        });
-  }
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, SwitchReceiveReturn) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue;
-  queue.SendMessage(EmptyMessage{});
-      queue.SwitchReceive<bool>([&]([[maybe_unused]] const EmptyMessage& message) { return true; },
-                                [&]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& message) { return false; }));
-  queue.SendMessage(IntMessage{42});
-      queue.SwitchReceive<bool>([&]([[maybe_unused]] const EmptyMessage& message) { return true; },
-                                [&]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& message) { return false; }));
-TEST_F(MessageQueueTest, ReceiveInOrder) {
-  TestMessageQueue queue;
-  std::vector<TestMessageQueue::Message> messages{
-      EmptyMessage{},
-      IntMessage{42},
-      OtherIntMessage{43},
-      TwoIntMessage{1, 2},
-      StringMessage{"Hello, World!"},
-  };
-  // Send the messages
-  for (const auto& message : messages) {
-    queue.SendMessage(message);
-  }
-  queue.SetTimeout(500);
-  // Receive the messages. Make sure they came in order, except for the TimeoutExpiredMessage, which
-  // can come at any time.
-  bool received_timeout = false;
-  for (const auto& expected : messages) {
-    auto message = queue.ReceiveMessage();
-    if (std::holds_alternative<TimeoutExpiredMessage>(message)) {
-      ASSERT_FALSE(received_timeout);
-      received_timeout = true;
-    } else {
-      ASSERT_EQ(message.index(), expected.index());
-    }
-  }
-  if (!received_timeout) {
-    // If we have not received the timeout yet, receive one more message and make sure it's the
-    // timeout.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(std::holds_alternative<TimeoutExpiredMessage>(queue.ReceiveMessage()));
-  }
-}  // namespace art