Rewrite ClassLinker::LinkFields().

Rewrite field offset assignment to avoid heap allocations in
most cases. We do one allocation if there are many fields.

Rewrite gap filling to prefer small gaps over big ones. This
creates more natural field ordering. For example,
    class A { byte unalign; }
    class B extends A {
        long l;
	byte a, b, c, d, e, f;
would have previously had offsets
    12, 10, 14, 9, 11, 13, 15
for fields a, b, c, d, e, f, respectively. Now these are
    9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
in line with their lexicographical order.

Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: --host --optimizing
Test: boots.
Bug: 175869411
Change-Id: I558635ac59c959dd85e8a3b015c26a6d90033853
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index bbdfcef..e87ca4a 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -607,87 +607,6 @@
-// Gap between two fields in object layout.
-struct FieldGap {
-  uint32_t start_offset;  // The offset from the start of the object.
-  uint32_t size;  // The gap size of 1, 2, or 4 bytes.
-struct FieldGapsComparator {
-  FieldGapsComparator() {
-  }
-  bool operator() (const FieldGap& lhs, const FieldGap& rhs)
-    // Sort by gap size, largest first. Secondary sort by starting offset.
-    // Note that the priority queue returns the largest element, so operator()
-    // should return true if lhs is less than rhs.
-    return lhs.size < rhs.size || (lhs.size == rhs.size && lhs.start_offset > rhs.start_offset);
-  }
-using FieldGaps = std::priority_queue<FieldGap, std::vector<FieldGap>, FieldGapsComparator>;
-// Adds largest aligned gaps to queue of gaps.
-static void AddFieldGap(uint32_t gap_start, uint32_t gap_end, FieldGaps* gaps) {
-  DCHECK(gaps != nullptr);
-  uint32_t current_offset = gap_start;
-  while (current_offset != gap_end) {
-    size_t remaining = gap_end - current_offset;
-    if (remaining >= sizeof(uint32_t) && IsAligned<4>(current_offset)) {
-      gaps->push(FieldGap {current_offset, sizeof(uint32_t)});
-      current_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
-    } else if (remaining >= sizeof(uint16_t) && IsAligned<2>(current_offset)) {
-      gaps->push(FieldGap {current_offset, sizeof(uint16_t)});
-      current_offset += sizeof(uint16_t);
-    } else {
-      gaps->push(FieldGap {current_offset, sizeof(uint8_t)});
-      current_offset += sizeof(uint8_t);
-    }
-    DCHECK_LE(current_offset, gap_end) << "Overran gap";
-  }
-// Shuffle fields forward, making use of gaps whenever possible.
-template<int n>
-static void ShuffleForward(size_t* current_field_idx,
-                           MemberOffset* field_offset,
-                           std::deque<ArtField*>* grouped_and_sorted_fields,
-                           FieldGaps* gaps)
-    REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-  DCHECK(current_field_idx != nullptr);
-  DCHECK(grouped_and_sorted_fields != nullptr);
-  DCHECK(gaps != nullptr);
-  DCHECK(field_offset != nullptr);
-  DCHECK(IsPowerOfTwo(n));
-  while (!grouped_and_sorted_fields->empty()) {
-    ArtField* field = grouped_and_sorted_fields->front();
-    Primitive::Type type = field->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
-    if (Primitive::ComponentSize(type) < n) {
-      break;
-    }
-    if (!IsAligned<n>(field_offset->Uint32Value())) {
-      MemberOffset old_offset = *field_offset;
-      *field_offset = MemberOffset(RoundUp(field_offset->Uint32Value(), n));
-      AddFieldGap(old_offset.Uint32Value(), field_offset->Uint32Value(), gaps);
-    }
-    CHECK(type != Primitive::kPrimNot) << field->PrettyField();  // should be primitive types
-    grouped_and_sorted_fields->pop_front();
-    if (!gaps->empty() && gaps->top().size >= n) {
-      FieldGap gap = gaps->top();
-      gaps->pop();
-      DCHECK_ALIGNED(gap.start_offset, n);
-      field->SetOffset(MemberOffset(gap.start_offset));
-      if (gap.size > n) {
-        AddFieldGap(gap.start_offset + n, gap.start_offset + gap.size, gaps);
-      }
-    } else {
-      DCHECK_ALIGNED(field_offset->Uint32Value(), n);
-      field->SetOffset(*field_offset);
-      *field_offset = MemberOffset(field_offset->Uint32Value() + n);
-    }
-    ++(*current_field_idx);
-  }
 ClassLinker::ClassLinker(InternTable* intern_table, bool fast_class_not_found_exceptions)
     : boot_class_table_(new ClassTable()),
@@ -8376,40 +8295,160 @@
   return LinkFields(self, klass, true, class_size);
-struct LinkFieldsComparator {
-  LinkFieldsComparator() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-  }
-  // No thread safety analysis as will be called from STL. Checked lock held in constructor.
-  bool operator()(ArtField* field1, ArtField* field2)
-    // First come reference fields, then 64-bit, then 32-bit, and then 16-bit, then finally 8-bit.
-    Primitive::Type type1 = field1->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
-    Primitive::Type type2 = field2->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
-    if (type1 != type2) {
-      if (type1 == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-        // Reference always goes first.
-        return true;
-      }
-      if (type2 == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-        // Reference always goes first.
-        return false;
-      }
-      size_t size1 = Primitive::ComponentSize(type1);
-      size_t size2 = Primitive::ComponentSize(type2);
-      if (size1 != size2) {
-        // Larger primitive types go first.
-        return size1 > size2;
-      }
-      // Primitive types differ but sizes match. Arbitrarily order by primitive type.
-      return type1 < type2;
-    }
-    // Same basic group? Then sort by dex field index. This is guaranteed to be sorted
-    // by name and for equal names by type id index.
-    // NOTE: This works also for proxies. Their static fields are assigned appropriate indexes.
-    return field1->GetDexFieldIndex() < field2->GetDexFieldIndex();
-  }
+// We use the following order of field types for assigning offsets.
+// Some fields can be shuffled forward to fill gaps, see `ClassLinker::LinkFields()`.
+enum class FieldTypeOrder {
+  kReference = 0u,
+  kLong,
+  kDouble,
+  kInt,
+  kFloat,
+  kChar,
+  kShort,
+  kBoolean,
+  kByte,
+  kLast64BitType = kDouble,
+  kLast32BitType = kFloat,
+  kLast16BitType = kShort,
+static FieldTypeOrder FieldTypeOrderFromFirstDescriptorCharacter(char first_char) {
+  switch (first_char) {
+    default:
+      DCHECK(first_char == 'L' || first_char == '[') << first_char;
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kReference;
+    case 'J':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kLong;
+    case 'D':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kDouble;
+    case 'I':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kInt;
+    case 'F':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kFloat;
+    case 'C':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kChar;
+    case 'S':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kShort;
+    case 'Z':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kBoolean;
+    case 'B':
+      return FieldTypeOrder::kByte;
+  }
+// Gaps where we can insert fields in object layout.
+class FieldGaps {
+ public:
+  template <uint32_t kSize>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE MemberOffset AlignFieldOffset(MemberOffset field_offset) {
+    static_assert(kSize == 2u || kSize == 4u || kSize == 8u);
+    if (!IsAligned<kSize>(field_offset.Uint32Value())) {
+      uint32_t gap_start = field_offset.Uint32Value();
+      field_offset = MemberOffset(RoundUp(gap_start, kSize));
+      AddGaps<kSize - 1u>(gap_start, field_offset.Uint32Value());
+    }
+    return field_offset;
+  }
+  template <uint32_t kSize>
+  bool HasGap() const {
+    static_assert(kSize == 1u || kSize == 2u || kSize == 4u);
+    return (kSize == 1u && gap1_offset_ != kNoOffset) ||
+           (kSize <= 2u && gap2_offset_ != kNoOffset) ||
+           gap4_offset_ != kNoOffset;
+  }
+  template <uint32_t kSize>
+  MemberOffset ReleaseGap() {
+    static_assert(kSize == 1u || kSize == 2u || kSize == 4u);
+    uint32_t result;
+    if (kSize == 1u && gap1_offset_ != kNoOffset) {
+      DCHECK(gap2_offset_ == kNoOffset || gap2_offset_ > gap1_offset_);
+      DCHECK(gap4_offset_ == kNoOffset || gap4_offset_ > gap1_offset_);
+      result = gap1_offset_;
+      gap1_offset_ = kNoOffset;
+    } else if (kSize <= 2u && gap2_offset_ != kNoOffset) {
+      DCHECK(gap4_offset_ == kNoOffset || gap4_offset_ > gap2_offset_);
+      result = gap2_offset_;
+      gap2_offset_ = kNoOffset;
+      if (kSize < 2u) {
+        AddGaps<1u>(result + kSize, result + 2u);
+      }
+    } else {
+      DCHECK_NE(gap4_offset_, kNoOffset);
+      result = gap4_offset_;
+      gap4_offset_ = kNoOffset;
+      if (kSize < 4u) {
+        AddGaps<kSize | 2u>(result + kSize, result + 4u);
+      }
+    }
+    return MemberOffset(result);
+  }
+ private:
+  template <uint32_t kGapsToCheck>
+  void AddGaps(uint32_t gap_start, uint32_t gap_end) {
+    if ((kGapsToCheck & 1u) != 0u) {
+      DCHECK_LT(gap_start, gap_end);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(gap_end, 2u);
+      if ((gap_start & 1u) != 0u) {
+        DCHECK_EQ(gap1_offset_, kNoOffset);
+        gap1_offset_ = gap_start;
+        gap_start += 1u;
+        if (kGapsToCheck == 1u || gap_start == gap_end) {
+          DCHECK_EQ(gap_start, gap_end);
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if ((kGapsToCheck & 2u) != 0u) {
+      DCHECK_LT(gap_start, gap_end);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(gap_start, 2u);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(gap_end, 4u);
+      if ((gap_start & 2u) != 0u) {
+        DCHECK_EQ(gap2_offset_, kNoOffset);
+        gap2_offset_ = gap_start;
+        gap_start += 2u;
+        if (kGapsToCheck <= 3u || gap_start == gap_end) {
+          DCHECK_EQ(gap_start, gap_end);
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if ((kGapsToCheck & 4u) != 0u) {
+      DCHECK_LT(gap_start, gap_end);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(gap_start, 4u);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(gap_end, 8u);
+      DCHECK_EQ(gap_start + 4u, gap_end);
+      DCHECK_EQ(gap4_offset_, kNoOffset);
+      gap4_offset_ = gap_start;
+      return;
+    }
+    DCHECK(false) << "Remaining gap: " << gap_start << " to " << gap_end
+        << " after checking " << kGapsToCheck;
+  }
+  static constexpr uint32_t kNoOffset = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
+  uint32_t gap4_offset_ = kNoOffset;
+  uint32_t gap2_offset_ = kNoOffset;
+  uint32_t gap1_offset_ = kNoOffset;
+template <size_t kSize>
+ALWAYS_INLINE static MemberOffset AssignFieldOffset(ArtField* field, MemberOffset field_offset)
+    REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  DCHECK_ALIGNED(field_offset.Uint32Value(), kSize);
+  DCHECK_EQ(Primitive::ComponentSize(field->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType()), kSize);
+  field->SetOffset(field_offset);
+  return MemberOffset(field_offset.Uint32Value() + kSize);
 bool ClassLinker::LinkFields(Thread* self,
                              Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
                              bool is_static,
@@ -8448,56 +8487,153 @@
   // 8) All java boolean (8-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
   // 9) All java byte (8-bit) integer fields, sorted alphabetically.
-  // Once the fields are sorted in this order we will attempt to fill any gaps that might be present
-  // in the memory layout of the structure. See ShuffleForward for how this is done.
-  std::deque<ArtField*> grouped_and_sorted_fields;
+  // Once the fields are sorted in this order we will attempt to fill any gaps
+  // that might be present in the memory layout of the structure.
+  // Note that we shall not fill gaps between the superclass fields.
+  // Collect fields and their "type order index" (see numbered points above).
   const char* old_no_suspend_cause = self->StartAssertNoThreadSuspension(
-      "Naked ArtField references in deque");
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
-    grouped_and_sorted_fields.push_back(&fields->At(i));
+      "Using plain ArtField references");
+  using Entry = std::pair<ArtField*, FieldTypeOrder>;
+  constexpr size_t kStackBufferEntries = 16;  // Avoid allocations for small number of fields.
+  Entry stack_buffer[kStackBufferEntries];
+  std::vector<Entry> heap_buffer;
+  ArrayRef<Entry> sorted_fields;
+  if (num_fields <= kStackBufferEntries) {
+    sorted_fields = ArrayRef<Entry>(stack_buffer, num_fields);
+  } else {
+    heap_buffer.resize(num_fields);
+    sorted_fields = ArrayRef<Entry>(heap_buffer);
-  std::sort(grouped_and_sorted_fields.begin(), grouped_and_sorted_fields.end(),
-            LinkFieldsComparator());
-  // References should be at the front.
-  size_t current_field = 0;
   size_t num_reference_fields = 0;
-  FieldGaps gaps;
+  size_t primitive_fields_start = num_fields;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i != num_fields; ++i) {
+    ArtField* field = &fields->At(i);
+    const char* descriptor = field->GetTypeDescriptor();
+    FieldTypeOrder type_order_index = FieldTypeOrderFromFirstDescriptorCharacter(descriptor[0]);
+    // Insert references to the start, other fields to the end.
+    DCHECK_LT(num_reference_fields, primitive_fields_start);
+    if (type_order_index == FieldTypeOrder::kReference) {
+      sorted_fields[num_reference_fields] = std::make_pair(field, type_order_index);
+      ++num_reference_fields;
+    } else {
+      --primitive_fields_start;
+      sorted_fields[primitive_fields_start] = std::make_pair(field, type_order_index);
+    }
+  }
+  DCHECK_EQ(num_reference_fields, primitive_fields_start);
-  for (; current_field < num_fields; current_field++) {
-    ArtField* field = grouped_and_sorted_fields.front();
-    Primitive::Type type = field->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
-    bool isPrimitive = type != Primitive::kPrimNot;
-    if (isPrimitive) {
-      break;  // past last reference, move on to the next phase
+  // Reference fields are already sorted.
+  DCHECK(std::is_sorted(
+      sorted_fields.begin(),
+      sorted_fields.begin() + num_reference_fields,
+      [](const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+        CHECK_EQ(lhs.first->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimNot);
+        CHECK_EQ(rhs.first->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimNot);
+        return lhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex() < rhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex();
+      }));
+  // Primitive fields were stored in reverse order of their dex field index (and addresses).
+  DCHECK(std::is_sorted(
+      sorted_fields.begin() + primitive_fields_start,
+      sorted_fields.end(),
+      [](const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+        CHECK_NE(lhs.first->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimNot);
+        CHECK_NE(rhs.first->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimNot);
+        CHECK_EQ(lhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex() > rhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex(),
+                 lhs.first > rhs.first);
+        return lhs.first > rhs.first;
+      }));
+  // Sort the primitive fields by the field type order, then field index.
+  std::sort(sorted_fields.begin() + primitive_fields_start,
+            sorted_fields.end(),
+            [](const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+              if (lhs.second != rhs.second) {
+                return lhs.second < rhs.second;
+              } else {
+                DCHECK_EQ(lhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex() < rhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex(),
+                          lhs.first < rhs.first);
+                return lhs.first < rhs.first;
+              }
+            });
+  // Primitive fields are now sorted by field size (descending), then type, then field index.
+  DCHECK(std::is_sorted(
+      sorted_fields.begin() + primitive_fields_start,
+      sorted_fields.end(),
+      [](const Entry& lhs, const Entry& rhs) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+        Primitive::Type lhs_type = lhs.first->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
+        CHECK_NE(lhs_type, Primitive::kPrimNot);
+        Primitive::Type rhs_type = rhs.first->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
+        CHECK_NE(rhs_type, Primitive::kPrimNot);
+        if (lhs_type != rhs_type) {
+          size_t lhs_size = Primitive::ComponentSize(lhs_type);
+          size_t rhs_size = Primitive::ComponentSize(rhs_type);
+          return (lhs_size != rhs_size) ? (lhs_size > rhs_size) : (lhs_type < rhs_type);
+        } else {
+          return lhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex() < rhs.first->GetDexFieldIndex();
+        }
+      }));
+  // Process reference fields.
+  FieldGaps field_gaps;
+  size_t index = 0u;
+  if (num_reference_fields != 0u) {
+    constexpr size_t kReferenceSize = sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>);
+    field_offset = field_gaps.AlignFieldOffset<kReferenceSize>(field_offset);
+    for (; index != num_reference_fields; ++index) {
+      ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+      field_offset = AssignFieldOffset<kReferenceSize>(field, field_offset);
-    if (UNLIKELY(!IsAligned<sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>)>(
-        field_offset.Uint32Value()))) {
-      MemberOffset old_offset = field_offset;
-      field_offset = MemberOffset(RoundUp(field_offset.Uint32Value(), 4));
-      AddFieldGap(old_offset.Uint32Value(), field_offset.Uint32Value(), &gaps);
-    }
-    DCHECK_ALIGNED(field_offset.Uint32Value(), sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>));
-    grouped_and_sorted_fields.pop_front();
-    num_reference_fields++;
-    field->SetOffset(field_offset);
-    field_offset = MemberOffset(field_offset.Uint32Value() +
-                                sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>));
-  // Gaps are stored as a max heap which means that we must shuffle from largest to smallest
-  // otherwise we could end up with suboptimal gap fills.
-  ShuffleForward<8>(&current_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
-  ShuffleForward<4>(&current_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
-  ShuffleForward<2>(&current_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
-  ShuffleForward<1>(&current_field, &field_offset, &grouped_and_sorted_fields, &gaps);
-  if (!grouped_and_sorted_fields.empty()) {
-    std::ostringstream oss;
-    oss << "Missed " << grouped_and_sorted_fields.size() << " fields ";
-    for (ArtField* field : grouped_and_sorted_fields) {
-      oss << field->PrettyField() << " ";
+  // Process 64-bit fields.
+  if (index != num_fields && sorted_fields[index].second <= FieldTypeOrder::kLast64BitType) {
+    field_offset = field_gaps.AlignFieldOffset<8u>(field_offset);
+    while (index != num_fields && sorted_fields[index].second <= FieldTypeOrder::kLast64BitType) {
+      ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+      field_offset = AssignFieldOffset<8u>(field, field_offset);
+      ++index;
-    LOG(FATAL) << oss.str();
+  // Process 32-bit fields.
+  if (index != num_fields && sorted_fields[index].second <= FieldTypeOrder::kLast32BitType) {
+    field_offset = field_gaps.AlignFieldOffset<4u>(field_offset);
+    if (field_gaps.HasGap<4u>()) {
+      ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+      AssignFieldOffset<4u>(field, field_gaps.ReleaseGap<4u>());  // Ignore return value.
+      ++index;
+      DCHECK(!field_gaps.HasGap<4u>());  // There can be only one gap for a 32-bit field.
+    }
+    while (index != num_fields && sorted_fields[index].second <= FieldTypeOrder::kLast32BitType) {
+      ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+      field_offset = AssignFieldOffset<4u>(field, field_offset);
+      ++index;
+    }
+  }
+  // Process 16-bit fields.
+  if (index != num_fields && sorted_fields[index].second <= FieldTypeOrder::kLast16BitType) {
+    field_offset = field_gaps.AlignFieldOffset<2u>(field_offset);
+    while (index != num_fields &&
+           sorted_fields[index].second <= FieldTypeOrder::kLast16BitType &&
+           field_gaps.HasGap<2u>()) {
+      ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+      AssignFieldOffset<2u>(field, field_gaps.ReleaseGap<2u>());  // Ignore return value.
+      ++index;
+    }
+    while (index != num_fields && sorted_fields[index].second <= FieldTypeOrder::kLast16BitType) {
+      ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+      field_offset = AssignFieldOffset<2u>(field, field_offset);
+      ++index;
+    }
+  }
+  // Process 8-bit fields.
+  for (; index != num_fields && field_gaps.HasGap<1u>(); ++index) {
+    ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+    AssignFieldOffset<1u>(field, field_gaps.ReleaseGap<1u>());  // Ignore return value.
+  }
+  for (; index != num_fields; ++index) {
+    ArtField* field = sorted_fields[index].first;
+    field_offset = AssignFieldOffset<1u>(field, field_offset);
+  }
   // We lie to the GC about the java.lang.ref.Reference.referent field, so it doesn't scan it.
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index c677601..c561c4d 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -485,12 +485,15 @@
     // Classes have a different size due to padding field. Strings are variable length.
     if (!klass->IsClassClass() && !klass->IsStringClass() && !is_static) {
-      // Currently only required for AccessibleObject since of the padding fields. The class linker
-      // says AccessibleObject is 9 bytes but sizeof(AccessibleObject) is 12 bytes due to padding.
-      // The RoundUp is to get around this case.
+      // The RoundUp is required for some mirror classes that have a gap at the end,
+      // such as AccessibleObject, ByteArrayViewVarHandle and ByteBufferViewVarHandle.
+      // For example, the AccessibleObject has size 9 according to the class linker.
+      // However, the C++ sizeof(AccessibleObject) is 12 bytes due to alignment, even
+      // though members in C++ subclasses are actually starting at offset 9.
+      //
+      // TODO: We could define a subclass with a `uint8_t` member and check its offset instead.
       static constexpr size_t kPackAlignment = 4;
-      size_t expected_size = RoundUp(is_static ? klass->GetClassSize() : klass->GetObjectSize(),
-          kPackAlignment);
+      size_t expected_size = RoundUp(klass->GetObjectSize(), kPackAlignment);
       if (sizeof(T) != expected_size) {
         LOG(ERROR) << "Class size mismatch:"
            << " class=" << class_descriptor
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 52fc6f4..97bb0ad 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 namespace art {
 const uint8_t ImageHeader::kImageMagic[] = { 'a', 'r', 't', '\n' };
-// Last change: nterp trampoline.
-const uint8_t ImageHeader::kImageVersion[] = { '0', '9', '1', '\0' };
+// Last change: Rewrite ClassLinker::LinkFields().
+const uint8_t ImageHeader::kImageVersion[] = { '0', '9', '2', '\0' };
 ImageHeader::ImageHeader(uint32_t image_reservation_size,
                          uint32_t component_count,
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/accessible_object.h b/runtime/mirror/accessible_object.h
index 9660bf0..bfd0f35 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/accessible_object.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/accessible_object.h
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
   // We only use the field indirectly using the FlagOffset() method.
   uint8_t flag_ ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
-  // Padding required for correct alignment of subclasses like Executable, Field, etc.
-  uint8_t padding_[1] ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/executable.h b/runtime/mirror/executable.h
index 6e072af..6f9fc0b 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/executable.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/executable.h
@@ -59,7 +59,11 @@
-  uint16_t has_real_parameter_data_;
+  uint8_t has_real_parameter_data_;
+  // Padding required for matching alignment with the Java peer.
+  uint8_t padding_[2] ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
   HeapReference<mirror::Class> declaring_class_;
   HeapReference<mirror::Class> declaring_class_of_overridden_method_;
   HeapReference<mirror::Array> parameters_;
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/field.h b/runtime/mirror/field.h
index 63aac15..6eabd82 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/field.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/field.h
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
   // Padding required for matching alignment with the Java peer.
-  uint8_t padding_[2];
+  uint8_t padding_[3];
   HeapReference<mirror::Class> declaring_class_;
   HeapReference<mirror::Class> type_;