Disassemble Thumb2 shifts and more VFP instructions.
Disassemble Thumb2 instructions LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR and VFP
Clean up disassembly of VCMP, VCMPE, VNEG and VSQRT. These
could have been erroneously used for other insns (VSQRT for
VMOV was encountered) and one VSQRT branch was unreachable.
Remove duplicate VMOV opcodes from compiler.
Change-Id: I160a1e3e4b6eabb6a5101ce348ffd49c0573257d
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/arm_lir.h b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/arm_lir.h
index 1784af3..c9acd66 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/arm_lir.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/arm_lir.h
@@ -454,8 +454,6 @@
kThumb2Vcmps, // vcmp [111011101] D [11010] rd[15-12] [1011] E [1] M [0] rm[3-0].
kThumb2LdrPcRel12, // ldr rd,[pc,#imm12] [1111100011011111] rt[15-12] imm12[11-0].
kThumb2BCond, // b<c> [1110] S cond[25-22] imm6[21-16] [10] J1 [0] J2 imm11[10..0].
- kThumb2Vmovd_RR, // vmov [111011101] D [110000] vd[15-12 [101101] M [0] vm[3-0].
- kThumb2Vmovs_RR, // vmov [111011101] D [110000] vd[15-12 [101001] M [0] vm[3-0].
kThumb2Fmrs, // vmov [111011100000] vn[19-16] rt[15-12] [1010] N [0010000].
kThumb2Fmsr, // vmov [111011100001] vn[19-16] rt[15-12] [1010] N [0010000].
kThumb2Fmrrd, // vmov [111011000100] rt2[19-16] rt[15-12] [101100] M [1] vm[3-0].
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc
index 1c35018..f77b0a6 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc
@@ -848,14 +848,6 @@
kFmtUnused, -1, -1,
"b!1c", "!0t", 4, kFixupCondBranch),
- ENCODING_MAP(kThumb2Vmovd_RR, 0xeeb00b40,
- kFmtDfp, 22, 12, kFmtDfp, 5, 0, kFmtUnused, -1, -1,
- kFmtUnused, -1, -1, IS_BINARY_OP | REG_DEF0_USE1,
- "vmov.f64", "!0S, !1S", 4, kFixupNone),
- ENCODING_MAP(kThumb2Vmovs_RR, 0xeeb00a40,
- kFmtSfp, 22, 12, kFmtSfp, 5, 0, kFmtUnused, -1, -1,
- kFmtUnused, -1, -1, IS_BINARY_OP | REG_DEF0_USE1,
- "vmov.f32", "!0s, !1s", 4, kFixupNone),
ENCODING_MAP(kThumb2Fmrs, 0xee100a10,
kFmtBitBlt, 15, 12, kFmtSfp, 7, 16, kFmtUnused, -1, -1,
kFmtUnused, -1, -1, IS_BINARY_OP | REG_DEF0_USE1,
diff --git a/disassembler/disassembler_arm.cc b/disassembler/disassembler_arm.cc
index 899aa78..d6d2058 100644
--- a/disassembler/disassembler_arm.cc
+++ b/disassembler/disassembler_arm.cc
@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@
"tst", "rsb", "cmp", "cmn", "orr", "mul", "bic", "mvn",
+static const char* const kThumb2ShiftOperations[] = {
+ "lsl", "lsr", "asr", "ror"
static const char* kThumbReverseOperations[] = {
"rev", "rev16", "rbit", "revsh"
@@ -359,6 +363,61 @@
+uint32_t VFPExpand32(uint32_t imm8) {
+ CHECK_EQ(imm8 & 0xffu, imm8);
+ uint32_t bit_a = (imm8 >> 7) & 1;
+ uint32_t bit_b = (imm8 >> 6) & 1;
+ uint32_t slice = imm8 & 0x3f;
+ return (bit_a << 31) | ((1 << 30) - (bit_b << 25)) | (slice << 19);
+uint64_t VFPExpand64(uint32_t imm8) {
+ CHECK_EQ(imm8 & 0xffu, imm8);
+ uint64_t bit_a = (imm8 >> 7) & 1;
+ uint64_t bit_b = (imm8 >> 6) & 1;
+ uint64_t slice = imm8 & 0x3f;
+ return (bit_a << 31) | ((UINT64_C(1) << 62) - (bit_b << 54)) | (slice << 48);
+uint64_t AdvSIMDExpand(uint32_t op, uint32_t cmode, uint32_t imm8) {
+ CHECK_EQ(op & 1, op);
+ CHECK_EQ(cmode & 0xf, cmode);
+ CHECK_EQ(imm8 & 0xff, imm8);
+ int32_t cmode321 = cmode >> 1;
+ if (imm8 == 0 && cmode321 != 0 && cmode321 != 4 && cmode321 != 7) {
+ return INT64_C(0x00000000deadbeef); // UNPREDICTABLE
+ }
+ uint64_t imm = imm8;
+ switch (cmode321) {
+ case 3: imm <<= 8; // Fall through.
+ case 2: imm <<= 8; // Fall through.
+ case 1: imm <<= 8; // Fall through.
+ case 0: return static_cast<int64_t>((imm << 32) | imm);
+ case 5: imm <<= 8; // Fall through.
+ case 4: return static_cast<int64_t>((imm << 48) | (imm << 32) | (imm << 16) | imm);
+ case 6:
+ imm = ((imm + 1u) << ((cmode & 1) != 0 ? 16 : 8)) - 1u; // Add 8 or 16 ones.
+ return static_cast<int64_t>((imm << 32) | imm);
+ default:
+ CHECK_EQ(cmode321, 7);
+ if ((cmode & 1) == 0 && op == 0) {
+ imm = (imm << 8) | imm;
+ return static_cast<int64_t>((imm << 48) | (imm << 32) | (imm << 16) | imm);
+ } else if ((cmode & 1) == 0 && op != 0) {
+ for (int i = 1; i != 8; ++i) {
+ imm |= ((imm >> i) & UINT64_C(1)) << (i * 8);
+ }
+ imm = imm & ~UINT64_C(0xfe);
+ return static_cast<int64_t>((imm << 8) - imm);
+ } else if ((cmode & 1) != 0 && op == 0) {
+ imm = static_cast<uint32_t>(VFPExpand32(imm8));
+ return static_cast<int64_t>((imm << 32) | imm);
+ } else {
+ return INT64_C(0xdeadbeef00000000); // UNDEFINED
+ }
+ }
size_t DisassemblerArm::DumpThumb32(std::ostream& os, const uint8_t* instr_ptr) {
uint32_t instr = (ReadU16(instr_ptr) << 16) | ReadU16(instr_ptr + 2);
// |111|1 1|1000000|0000|1111110000000000|
@@ -757,83 +816,136 @@
} else if ((op3 >> 4) == 2 && op4 == 0) { // 10xxxx, op = 0
// fp data processing
+ // |1111|1100|0|0|00|0000|1111|110|0|0|0|0|0|0000|
+ // |5 2|1 8|7|6|54|3 0|5 2|1 9|8|7|6|5|4|3 0|
+ // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|-|-|-|-|----|
+ // |3322|2222|2|2|22|1111|1111|110|0|0|0|0|0|0000|
+ // |1 8|7 4|3|2|10|9 6|5 2|1 9|8|7|6|5|4|3 0|
+ // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|-|-|-|-|----|
+ // |1110|1110| op3 | Vn | Vd |101|S|N|Q|M|0| Vm |
+ // |1110|1110|0|D|00| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|0|M|0| Vm | VMLA
+ // |1110|1110|0|D|00| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|1|M|0| Vm | VMLS
+ // |1110|1110|0|D|10| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|0|M|0| Vm | VMUL
+ // |1110|1110|0|D|10| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|1|M|0| Vm | VNMUL
+ // |1110|1110|0|D|11| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|0|M|0| Vm | VADD
+ // |1110|1110|0|D|11| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|1|M|0| Vm | VSUB
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|00| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|0|M|0| Vm | VDIV
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11| iH | Vd |101|S|0|0|0|0| iL | VMOV (imm)
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|op5 | Vd |101|S|.|1|M|0| Vm | ... (see below)
+ uint32_t S = (instr >> 8) & 1;
+ uint32_t Q = (instr >> 6) & 1;
+ FpRegister d(instr, 12, 22);
+ FpRegister n(instr, 16, 7);
+ FpRegister m(instr, 0, 5);
if ((op3 & 0xB) == 0) { // 100x00
- // |1111|1100|0|0|00|0000|1111|110|0|0|0 |0|0|0000|
- // |5 2|1 8|7|6|54|3 0|5 2|1 9|8|7|6 |5|4|3 0|
- // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|-|- |-|-|----|
- // |3322|2222|2|2|22|1111|1111|110|0|0|0 |0|0|0000|
- // |1 8|7 4|3|2|10|9 6|5 2|1 9|8|7|6 |5|4|3 0|
- // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|-|- |-|-|----|
- // |1110|1110|0|D|00| Vn | Vd |101|S|N|op|M|0| Vm |
- uint32_t op = (instr >> 6) & 1;
- FpRegister d(instr, 12, 22);
- FpRegister n(instr, 16, 7);
- FpRegister m(instr, 0, 5);
- opcode << (op == 0 ? "vmla" : "vmls");
+ opcode << (Q == 0 ? "vmla" : "vmls") << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
args << d << ", " << n << ", " << m;
- } else if ((op3 & 0xB) == 0xB) { // 101x11
- uint32_t Q = (instr >> 6) & 1;
- if (Q == 1) {
- // VCVT (floating-point conversion)
- // |1111|1100|0|0|00|0000|1111|110|0|0 |0|0|0|0000|
- // |5 2|1 8|7|6|54|3 0|5 2|1 9|8|7 |6|5|4|3 0|
- // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|- |-|-|-|----|
- // |3322|2222|2|2|22|1111|1111|110|0|0 |0|0|0|0000|
- // |1 8|7 4|3|2|10|9 6|5 2|1 9|8|7 |6|5|4|3 0|
- // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|- |-|-|-|----|
- // |1110|1110|1|D|11|op5 | Vd |101|S|op|1|M|0| Vm |
- uint32_t op5 = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
- uint32_t S = (instr >> 8) & 1;
- uint32_t op = (instr >> 7) & 1;
- // Register types in these instructions relies on the combination of op5 and S.
- FpRegister Dd(instr, 12, 22, 1);
- FpRegister Sd(instr, 12, 22, 0);
- FpRegister Dm(instr, 0, 5, 1);
- FpRegister Sm(instr, 0, 5, 0);
- if (op5 == 0xD) {
+ } else if ((op3 & 0xB) == 0x2) { // 100x10
+ opcode << (Q == 0 ? "vmul" : "vnmul") << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", " << n << ", " << m;
+ } else if ((op3 & 0xB) == 0x3) { // 100x11
+ opcode << (Q == 0 ? "vadd" : "vsub") << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", " << n << ", " << m;
+ } else if ((op3 & 0xB) == 0x8 && Q == 0) { // 101x00, Q == 0
+ opcode << "vdiv" << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", " << n << ", " << m;
+ } else if ((op3 & 0xB) == 0xB && Q == 0) { // 101x11, Q == 0
+ uint32_t imm8 = ((instr & 0xf0000u) >> 12) | (instr & 0xfu);
+ opcode << "vmov" << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", " << (S != 0 ? StringPrintf("0x%016" PRIx64, VFPExpand64(imm8))
+ : StringPrintf("0x%08x", VFPExpand32(imm8)));
+ if ((instr & 0xa0) != 0) {
+ args << " (UNPREDICTABLE)";
+ }
+ } else if ((op3 & 0xB) == 0xB && Q == 1) { // 101x11, Q == 1
+ // VNEG, VSQRT, VCMP, VCMPE, VCVT (floating-point conversion)
+ // |1111|1100|0|0|00|0000|1111|110|0|0 |0|0|0|0000|
+ // |5 2|1 8|7|6|54|3 0|5 2|1 9|8|7 |6|5|4|3 0|
+ // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|- |-|-|-|----|
+ // |3322|2222|2|2|22|1111|1111|110|0|0 |0|0|0|0000|
+ // |1 8|7 4|3|2|10|9 6|5 2|1 9|8|7 |6|5|4|3 0|
+ // |----|----|-|-|--|----|----|---|-|- |-|-|-|----|
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|0000| Vd |101|S|0 |1|M|0| Vm | VMOV (reg)
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|0000| Vd |101|S|1 |1|M|0| Vm | VABS
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|0001| Vd |101|S|0 |1|M|0| Vm | VNEG
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|0001| Vd |101|S|1 |1|M|0| Vm | VSQRT
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|0100| Vd |101|S|op|1|M|0| Vm | VCMP
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|0101| Vd |101|S|op|1|0|0|0000| VCMPE
+ // |1110|1110|1|D|11|op5 | Vd |101|S|op|1|M|0| Vm | VCVT
+ uint32_t op5 = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
+ uint32_t op = (instr >> 7) & 1;
+ // Register types in VCVT instructions rely on the combination of op5 and S.
+ FpRegister Dd(instr, 12, 22, 1);
+ FpRegister Sd(instr, 12, 22, 0);
+ FpRegister Dm(instr, 0, 5, 1);
+ FpRegister Sm(instr, 0, 5, 0);
+ if (op5 == 0) {
+ opcode << (op == 0 ? "vmov" : "vabs") << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", " << m;
+ } else if (op5 == 1) {
+ opcode << (op != 0 ? "vsqrt" : "vneg") << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", " << m;
+ } else if (op5 == 4) {
+ opcode << "vcmp" << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", " << m;
+ if (op != 0) {
+ args << " (quiet nan)";
+ }
+ } else if (op5 == 5) {
+ opcode << "vcmpe" << (S != 0 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
+ args << d << ", #0.0";
+ if (op != 0) {
+ args << " (quiet nan)";
+ }
+ if ((instr & 0x2f) != 0) {
+ args << " (UNPREDICTABLE)";
+ }
+ } else if (op5 == 0xD) {
+ if (S == 1) {
+ // vcvt{r}.s32.f64
+ opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".s32.f64";
+ args << Sd << ", " << Dm;
+ } else {
+ // vcvt{r}.s32.f32
+ opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".s32.f32";
+ args << Sd << ", " << Sm;
+ }
+ } else if (op5 == 0xC) {
+ if (S == 1) {
+ // vcvt{r}.u32.f64
+ opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".u32.f64";
+ args << Sd << ", " << Dm;
+ } else {
+ // vcvt{r}.u32.f32
+ opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".u32.f32";
+ args << Sd << ", " << Sm;
+ }
+ } else if (op5 == 0x8) {
+ if (S == 1) {
+ // vcvt.f64.<Tm>
+ opcode << "vcvt.f64." << (op == 0 ? "u" : "s") << "32";
+ args << Dd << ", " << Sm;
+ } else {
+ // vcvt.f32.<Tm>
+ opcode << "vcvt.f32." << (op == 0 ? "u" : "s") << "32";
+ args << Sd << ", " << Sm;
+ }
+ } else if (op5 == 0x7) {
+ if (op == 1) {
if (S == 1) {
- // vcvt{r}.s32.f64
- opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".s32.f64";
- args << Sd << ", " << Dm;
- } else {
- // vcvt{r}.s32.f32
- opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".s32.f32";
- args << Sd << ", " << Sm;
- }
- } else if (op5 == 0xC) {
- if (S == 1) {
- // vcvt{r}.u32.f64
- opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".u32.f64";
- args << Sd << ", " << Dm;
- } else {
- // vcvt{r}.u32.f32
- opcode << "vcvt" << (op == 0 ? "r" : "") << ".u32.f32";
- args << Sd << ", " << Sm;
- }
- } else if (op5 == 0x8) {
- if (S == 1) {
- // vcvt.f64.<Tm>
- opcode << "vcvt.f64." << (op == 0 ? "u" : "s") << "32";
+ // vcvt.f64.f32
+ opcode << "vcvt.f64.f32";
args << Dd << ", " << Sm;
} else {
- // vcvt.f32.<Tm>
- opcode << "vcvt.f32." << (op == 0 ? "u" : "s") << "32";
- args << Sd << ", " << Sm;
- }
- } else if (op5 == 0x7) {
- if (op == 1) {
- if (S == 1) {
- // vcvt.f64.f32
- opcode << "vcvt.f64.f32";
- args << Dd << ", " << Sm;
- } else {
- // vcvt.f32.f64
- opcode << "vcvt.f32.f64";
- args << Sd << ", " << Dm;
- }
+ // vcvt.f32.f64
+ opcode << "vcvt.f32.f64";
+ args << Sd << ", " << Dm;
+ } else if ((op5 & 0xa) == 0xa) {
+ opcode << "vcvt";
+ args << "[undecoded: floating <-> fixed]";
} else if ((op3 >> 4) == 2 && op4 == 1) { // 10xxxx, op = 1
@@ -886,53 +998,6 @@
- if ((op3 & 0x30) == 0x20 && op4 == 0) { // 10 xxxx ... 0
- if ((coproc & 0xE) == 0xA) {
- // VFP data-processing instructions
- // |111|1|1100|0000|0000|1111|110|0|00 |0|0|0000|
- // |5 3|2|1098|7654|3 0|54 2|10 |8|76 |5|4|3 0|
- // |---|-|----|----|----|----|---|-|----|-|-|----|
- // |332|2|2222|2222|1111|1111|110|0|00 |0|0|0000|
- // |1 9|8|7654|3210|9 6|54 2|109|8|76 |5|4|3 0|
- // |---|-|----|----|----|----|---|-|----|-|-|----|
- // |111|T|1110|opc1|opc2| |101| |opc3| | | |
- // 111 0 1110|1111 0100 1110 101 0 01 1 0 1001 - eef4ea69
- uint32_t opc1 = (instr >> 20) & 0xF;
- uint32_t opc2 = (instr >> 16) & 0xF;
- uint32_t opc3 = (instr >> 6) & 0x3;
- if ((opc1 & 0xB) == 0xB) { // 1x11
- // Other VFP data-processing instructions.
- uint32_t sz = (instr >> 8) & 1;
- FpRegister d(instr, 12, 22);
- FpRegister m(instr, 0, 5);
- switch (opc2) {
- case 0x1: // Vneg/Vsqrt
- // 1110 11101 D 11 0001 dddd 101s o1M0 mmmm
- opcode << (opc3 == 1 ? "vneg" : "vsqrt") << (sz == 1 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
- args << d << ", " << m;
- break;
- case 0x4: case 0x5: { // Vector compare
- // 1110 11101 D 11 0100 dddd 101 sE1M0 mmmm
- opcode << (opc3 == 1 ? "vcmp" : "vcmpe") << (sz == 1 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
- args << d << ", " << m;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if ((op3 & 0x30) == 0x30) { // 11 xxxx
- // Advanced SIMD
- if ((instr & 0xFFBF0ED0) == 0xeeb10ac0) { // Vsqrt
- // 1110 11101 D 11 0001 dddd 101S 11M0 mmmm
- // 1110 11101 0 11 0001 1101 1011 1100 1000 - eeb1dbc8
- uint32_t sz = (instr >> 8) & 1;
- FpRegister d(instr, 12, 22);
- FpRegister m(instr, 0, 5);
- opcode << "vsqrt" << (sz == 1 ? ".f64" : ".f32");
- args << d << ", " << m;
- }
- }
case 2:
@@ -1388,6 +1453,16 @@
default: // more formats
if ((op2 >> 4) == 2) { // 010xxxx
// data processing (register)
+ if ((instr & 0x0080f0f0) == 0x0000f000) {
+ uint32_t shift_op = (instr >> 21) & 3;
+ uint32_t S = (instr >> 20) & 1;
+ ArmRegister Rd(instr, 8);
+ ArmRegister Rn(instr, 16);
+ ArmRegister Rm(instr, 0);
+ opcode << kThumb2ShiftOperations[shift_op] << (S != 0 ? "s" : "");
+ args << Rd << ", " << Rn << ", " << Rm;
+ }
} else if ((op2 >> 3) == 6) { // 0110xxx
// Multiply, multiply accumulate, and absolute difference
op1 = (instr >> 20) & 0x7;