AArch64: Implement InexpensiveConstant methods.
Implement IsInexpensiveConstant and friends for A64.
Also extending the methods to take the opcode with respect to which
the constant is inexpensive. Additionally, logical operations (i.e.
and, or, xor) can now handle the immediates 0 and ~0 (which are not
logical immediates).
Change-Id: I46ce1287703765c5ab54983d13c1b3a1f5838622
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/utility_arm64.cc b/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/utility_arm64.cc
index cd1840a..5326e74 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/utility_arm64.cc
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm64/utility_arm64.cc
@@ -269,8 +269,47 @@
return (n << 12 | imm_r << 6 | imm_s);
+// Maximum number of instructions to use for encoding the immediate.
+static const int max_num_ops_per_const_load = 2;
+ * @brief Return the number of fast halfwords in the given uint64_t integer.
+ * @details The input integer is split into 4 halfwords (bits 0-15, 16-31, 32-47, 48-63). The
+ * number of fast halfwords (halfwords that are either 0 or 0xffff) is returned. See below for
+ * a more accurate description.
+ * @param value The input 64-bit integer.
+ * @return Return @c retval such that (retval & 0x7) is the maximum between n and m, where n is
+ * the number of halfwords with all bits unset (0) and m is the number of halfwords with all bits
+ * set (0xffff). Additionally (retval & 0x8) is set when m > n.
+ */
+static int GetNumFastHalfWords(uint64_t value) {
+ unsigned int num_0000_halfwords = 0;
+ unsigned int num_ffff_halfwords = 0;
+ for (int shift = 0; shift < 64; shift += 16) {
+ uint16_t halfword = static_cast<uint16_t>(value >> shift);
+ if (halfword == 0)
+ num_0000_halfwords++;
+ else if (halfword == UINT16_C(0xffff))
+ num_ffff_halfwords++;
+ }
+ if (num_0000_halfwords >= num_ffff_halfwords) {
+ DCHECK_LE(num_0000_halfwords, 4U);
+ return num_0000_halfwords;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_LE(num_ffff_halfwords, 4U);
+ return num_ffff_halfwords | 0x8;
+ }
+// The InexpensiveConstantXXX variants below are used in the promotion algorithm to determine how a
+// constant is considered for promotion. If the constant is "inexpensive" then the promotion
+// algorithm will give it a low priority for promotion, even when it is referenced many times in
+// the code.
bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantInt(int32_t value) {
- return false; // (ModifiedImmediate(value) >= 0) || (ModifiedImmediate(~value) >= 0);
+ // A 32-bit int can always be loaded with 2 instructions (and without using the literal pool).
+ // We therefore return true and give it a low priority for promotion.
+ return true;
bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantFloat(int32_t value) {
@@ -278,13 +317,70 @@
bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantLong(int64_t value) {
- return InexpensiveConstantInt(High32Bits(value)) && InexpensiveConstantInt(Low32Bits(value));
+ int num_slow_halfwords = 4 - (GetNumFastHalfWords(value) & 0x7);
+ if (num_slow_halfwords <= max_num_ops_per_const_load) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (EncodeLogicalImmediate(/*is_wide=*/true, value) >= 0);
bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantDouble(int64_t value) {
return EncodeImmDouble(value) >= 0;
+// The InexpensiveConstantXXX variants below are used to determine which A64 instructions to use
+// when one of the operands is an immediate (e.g. register version or immediate version of add).
+bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantInt(int32_t value, Instruction::Code opcode) {
+ switch (opcode) {
+ case Instruction::IF_EQ:
+ case Instruction::IF_NE:
+ case Instruction::IF_LT:
+ case Instruction::IF_GE:
+ case Instruction::IF_GT:
+ case Instruction::IF_LE:
+ case Instruction::ADD_INT:
+ case Instruction::ADD_INT_2ADDR:
+ case Instruction::SUB_INT:
+ case Instruction::SUB_INT_2ADDR:
+ // The code below is consistent with the implementation of OpRegRegImm().
+ {
+ int32_t abs_value = std::abs(value);
+ if (abs_value < 0x1000) {
+ return true;
+ } else if ((abs_value & UINT64_C(0xfff)) == 0 && ((abs_value >> 12) < 0x1000)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ case Instruction::SHL_INT:
+ case Instruction::SHL_INT_2ADDR:
+ case Instruction::SHR_INT:
+ case Instruction::SHR_INT_2ADDR:
+ case Instruction::USHR_INT:
+ case Instruction::USHR_INT_2ADDR:
+ return true;
+ case Instruction::AND_INT:
+ case Instruction::AND_INT_2ADDR:
+ case Instruction::AND_INT_LIT16:
+ case Instruction::AND_INT_LIT8:
+ case Instruction::OR_INT:
+ case Instruction::OR_INT_2ADDR:
+ case Instruction::OR_INT_LIT16:
+ case Instruction::OR_INT_LIT8:
+ case Instruction::XOR_INT:
+ case Instruction::XOR_INT_2ADDR:
+ case Instruction::XOR_INT_LIT16:
+ case Instruction::XOR_INT_LIT8:
+ if (value == 0 || value == INT32_C(-1)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (EncodeLogicalImmediate(/*is_wide=*/false, value) >= 0);
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
* Load a immediate using one single instruction when possible; otherwise
* use a pair of movz and movk instructions.
@@ -358,9 +454,6 @@
// TODO: clean up the names. LoadConstantWide() should really be LoadConstantNoClobberWide().
LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadConstantWide(RegStorage r_dest, int64_t value) {
- // Maximum number of instructions to use for encoding the immediate.
- const int max_num_ops = 2;
if (r_dest.IsFloat()) {
return LoadFPConstantValueWide(r_dest, value);
@@ -378,19 +471,12 @@
// At least one in value's halfwords is not 0x0, nor 0xffff: find out how many.
- int num_0000_halfwords = 0;
- int num_ffff_halfwords = 0;
uint64_t uvalue = static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
- for (int shift = 0; shift < 64; shift += 16) {
- uint16_t halfword = static_cast<uint16_t>(uvalue >> shift);
- if (halfword == 0)
- num_0000_halfwords++;
- else if (halfword == UINT16_C(0xffff))
- num_ffff_halfwords++;
- }
- int num_fast_halfwords = std::max(num_0000_halfwords, num_ffff_halfwords);
+ int num_fast_halfwords = GetNumFastHalfWords(uvalue);
+ int num_slow_halfwords = 4 - (num_fast_halfwords & 0x7);
+ bool more_ffff_halfwords = (num_fast_halfwords & 0x8) != 0;
- if (num_fast_halfwords < 3) {
+ if (num_slow_halfwords > 1) {
// A single movz/movn is not enough. Try the logical immediate route.
int log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(/*is_wide=*/true, value);
if (log_imm >= 0) {
@@ -398,19 +484,19 @@
- if (num_fast_halfwords >= 4 - max_num_ops) {
+ if (num_slow_halfwords <= max_num_ops_per_const_load) {
// We can encode the number using a movz/movn followed by one or more movk.
ArmOpcode op;
uint16_t background;
LIR* res = nullptr;
// Decide whether to use a movz or a movn.
- if (num_0000_halfwords >= num_ffff_halfwords) {
- op = WIDE(kA64Movz3rdM);
- background = 0;
- } else {
+ if (more_ffff_halfwords) {
op = WIDE(kA64Movn3rdM);
background = 0xffff;
+ } else {
+ op = WIDE(kA64Movz3rdM);
+ background = 0;
// Emit the first instruction (movz, movn).
@@ -726,7 +812,7 @@
int64_t abs_value = (neg) ? -value : value;
ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
ArmOpcode alt_opcode = kA64Brk1d;
- int32_t log_imm = -1;
+ bool is_logical = false;
bool is_wide = r_dest.Is64Bit();
ArmOpcode wide = (is_wide) ? WIDE(0) : UNWIDE(0);
int info = 0;
@@ -761,65 +847,89 @@
opcode = (neg) ? kA64Add4RRdT : kA64Sub4RRdT;
return NewLIR4(opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), abs_value >> 12, 1);
} else {
- log_imm = -1;
alt_opcode = (op == kOpAdd) ? kA64Add4RRre : kA64Sub4RRre;
info = EncodeExtend(is_wide ? kA64Uxtx : kA64Uxtw, 0);
- // case kOpRsub:
- // opcode = kThumb2RsubRRI8M;
- // alt_opcode = kThumb2RsubRRR;
- // break;
case kOpAdc:
- log_imm = -1;
alt_opcode = kA64Adc3rrr;
case kOpSbc:
- log_imm = -1;
alt_opcode = kA64Sbc3rrr;
case kOpOr:
- log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(is_wide, value);
+ is_logical = true;
opcode = kA64Orr3Rrl;
alt_opcode = kA64Orr4rrro;
case kOpAnd:
- log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(is_wide, value);
+ is_logical = true;
opcode = kA64And3Rrl;
alt_opcode = kA64And4rrro;
case kOpXor:
- log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(is_wide, value);
+ is_logical = true;
opcode = kA64Eor3Rrl;
alt_opcode = kA64Eor4rrro;
case kOpMul:
// TUNING: power of 2, shift & add
- log_imm = -1;
alt_opcode = kA64Mul3rrr;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
- if (log_imm >= 0) {
- return NewLIR3(opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), log_imm);
- } else {
- RegStorage r_scratch;
- if (is_wide) {
- r_scratch = AllocTempWide();
- LoadConstantWide(r_scratch, value);
+ if (is_logical) {
+ int log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(is_wide, value);
+ if (log_imm >= 0) {
+ return NewLIR3(opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), log_imm);
} else {
- r_scratch = AllocTemp();
- LoadConstant(r_scratch, value);
+ // When the immediate is either 0 or ~0, the logical operation can be trivially reduced
+ // to a - possibly negated - assignment.
+ if (value == 0) {
+ switch (op) {
+ case kOpOr:
+ case kOpXor:
+ // Or/Xor by zero reduces to an assignment.
+ return NewLIR2(kA64Mov2rr | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg());
+ default:
+ // And by zero reduces to a `mov rdest, xzr'.
+ DCHECK(op == kOpAnd);
+ return NewLIR2(kA64Mov2rr | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), (is_wide) ? rxzr : rwzr);
+ }
+ } else if (value == INT64_C(-1)
+ || (!is_wide && static_cast<uint32_t>(value) == ~UINT32_C(0))) {
+ switch (op) {
+ case kOpAnd:
+ // And by -1 reduces to an assignment.
+ return NewLIR2(kA64Mov2rr | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg());
+ case kOpXor:
+ // Xor by -1 reduces to an `mvn rdest, rsrc'.
+ return NewLIR2(kA64Mvn2rr | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg());
+ default:
+ // Or by -1 reduces to a `mvn rdest, xzr'.
+ DCHECK(op == kOpOr);
+ return NewLIR2(kA64Mvn2rr | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), (is_wide) ? rxzr : rwzr);
+ }
+ }
- if (EncodingMap[alt_opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
- res = NewLIR4(alt_opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg(), info);
- else
- res = NewLIR3(alt_opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg());
- FreeTemp(r_scratch);
- return res;
+ RegStorage r_scratch;
+ if (is_wide) {
+ r_scratch = AllocTempWide();
+ LoadConstantWide(r_scratch, value);
+ } else {
+ r_scratch = AllocTemp();
+ LoadConstant(r_scratch, value);
+ }
+ if (EncodingMap[alt_opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
+ res = NewLIR4(alt_opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg(), info);
+ else
+ res = NewLIR3(alt_opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg());
+ FreeTemp(r_scratch);
+ return res;
LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegImm(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, int value) {