Revert "Use RAII for preventing user-code suspensions"

This reverts commit 9c8f34448e0e2b0b0b0094d75dadc3116f5610fa.

Bug: 130150240
Reason for revert: Parent causes lock-level violations in gcstress.

Change-Id: I6c29a0d37a933ac37ab835e171750c2ae5ca0599
diff --git a/openjdkjvmti/ b/openjdkjvmti/
index 6ad4e2a..b96c92a 100644
--- a/openjdkjvmti/
+++ b/openjdkjvmti/
@@ -1014,144 +1014,153 @@
   ArtJvmTiEnv* tienv = ArtJvmTiEnv::AsArtJvmTiEnv(env);
   art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current();
   art::Thread* target;
-  ScopedNoUserCodeSuspension snucs(self);
-  // From now on we know we cannot get suspended by user-code.
-  // NB This does a SuspendCheck (during thread state change) so we need to make
-  // sure we don't have the 'suspend_lock' locked here.
-  art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
-  art::MutexLock tll_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_list_lock_);
-  jvmtiError err = ERR(INTERNAL);
-  if (!ThreadUtil::GetAliveNativeThread(thread, soa, &target, &err)) {
-    return err;
-  }
-  if (target != self) {
-    // TODO This is part of the spec but we could easily avoid needing to do it.
-    // We would just put all the logic into a sync-checkpoint.
-    art::MutexLock tscl_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);
-    if (target->GetUserCodeSuspendCount() == 0) {
+  do {
+    ThreadUtil::SuspendCheck(self);
+    art::MutexLock ucsl_mu(self, *art::Locks::user_code_suspension_lock_);
+    // Make sure we won't be suspended in the middle of holding the thread_suspend_count_lock_ by a
+    // user-code suspension. We retry and do another SuspendCheck to clear this.
+    if (ThreadUtil::WouldSuspendForUserCodeLocked(self)) {
+      continue;
-  }
-  // We hold the user_code_suspension_lock_ so the target thread is staying
-  // suspended until we are done (unless it's 'self' in which case we don't care
-  // since we aren't going to be returning).
-  // TODO We could implement this using a synchronous checkpoint and not bother
-  // with any of the suspension stuff. The spec does specifically say to return
-  // THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED though. Find the requested stack frame.
-  std::unique_ptr<art::Context> context(art::Context::Create());
-  FindFrameAtDepthVisitor visitor(target, context.get(), depth);
-  visitor.WalkStack();
-  if (!visitor.FoundFrame()) {
-    return ERR(NO_MORE_FRAMES);
-  }
-  art::ArtMethod* method = visitor.GetMethod();
-  if (method->IsNative()) {
-    return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME);
-  }
-  // From here we are sure to succeed.
-  bool needs_instrument = false;
-  // Get/create a shadow frame
-  art::ShadowFrame* shadow_frame =
-      visitor.GetOrCreateShadowFrame(&needs_instrument);
-  {
-    art::WriterMutexLock lk(self, tienv->event_info_mutex_);
-    if (LIKELY(!shadow_frame->NeedsNotifyPop())) {
-      // Ensure we won't miss exceptions being thrown if we get jit-compiled. We
-      // only do this for the first NotifyPopFrame.
-      target->IncrementForceInterpreterCount();
-      // Mark shadow frame as needs_notify_pop_
-      shadow_frame->SetNotifyPop(true);
+    // From now on we know we cannot get suspended by user-code.
+    // NB This does a SuspendCheck (during thread state change) so we need to make sure we don't
+    // have the 'suspend_lock' locked here.
+    art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+    art::MutexLock tll_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_list_lock_);
+    jvmtiError err = ERR(INTERNAL);
+    if (!ThreadUtil::GetAliveNativeThread(thread, soa, &target, &err)) {
+      return err;
-    tienv->notify_frames.insert(shadow_frame);
-  }
-  // Make sure can we will go to the interpreter and use the shadow frames.
-  if (needs_instrument) {
-    art::Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation()->InstrumentThreadStack(
-        target);
-  }
-  return OK;
+    if (target != self) {
+      // TODO This is part of the spec but we could easily avoid needing to do it. We would just put
+      // all the logic into a sync-checkpoint.
+      art::MutexLock tscl_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);
+      if (target->GetUserCodeSuspendCount() == 0) {
+        return ERR(THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED);
+      }
+    }
+    // We hold the user_code_suspension_lock_ so the target thread is staying suspended until we are
+    // done (unless it's 'self' in which case we don't care since we aren't going to be returning).
+    // TODO We could implement this using a synchronous checkpoint and not bother with any of the
+    // suspension stuff. The spec does specifically say to return THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED though.
+    // Find the requested stack frame.
+    std::unique_ptr<art::Context> context(art::Context::Create());
+    FindFrameAtDepthVisitor visitor(target, context.get(), depth);
+    visitor.WalkStack();
+    if (!visitor.FoundFrame()) {
+      return ERR(NO_MORE_FRAMES);
+    }
+    art::ArtMethod* method = visitor.GetMethod();
+    if (method->IsNative()) {
+      return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME);
+    }
+    // From here we are sure to succeed.
+    bool needs_instrument = false;
+    // Get/create a shadow frame
+    art::ShadowFrame* shadow_frame = visitor.GetOrCreateShadowFrame(&needs_instrument);
+    {
+      art::WriterMutexLock lk(self, tienv->event_info_mutex_);
+      if (LIKELY(!shadow_frame->NeedsNotifyPop())) {
+        // Ensure we won't miss exceptions being thrown if we get jit-compiled. We only do this for
+        // the first NotifyPopFrame.
+        target->IncrementForceInterpreterCount();
+        // Mark shadow frame as needs_notify_pop_
+        shadow_frame->SetNotifyPop(true);
+      }
+      tienv->notify_frames.insert(shadow_frame);
+    }
+    // Make sure can we will go to the interpreter and use the shadow frames.
+    if (needs_instrument) {
+      art::Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation()->InstrumentThreadStack(target);
+    }
+    return OK;
+  } while (true);
 jvmtiError StackUtil::PopFrame(jvmtiEnv* env, jthread thread) {
   art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current();
   art::Thread* target;
-  ScopedNoUserCodeSuspension snucs(self);
-  // From now on we know we cannot get suspended by user-code.
-  // NB This does a SuspendCheck (during thread state change) so we need to make
-  // sure we don't have the 'suspend_lock' locked here.
-  art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
-  art::MutexLock tll_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_list_lock_);
-  jvmtiError err = ERR(INTERNAL);
-  if (!ThreadUtil::GetAliveNativeThread(thread, soa, &target, &err)) {
-    return err;
-  }
-  {
-    art::MutexLock tscl_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);
-    if (target == self || target->GetUserCodeSuspendCount() == 0) {
-      // We cannot be the current thread for this function.
+  do {
+    ThreadUtil::SuspendCheck(self);
+    art::MutexLock ucsl_mu(self, *art::Locks::user_code_suspension_lock_);
+    // Make sure we won't be suspended in the middle of holding the thread_suspend_count_lock_ by a
+    // user-code suspension. We retry and do another SuspendCheck to clear this.
+    if (ThreadUtil::WouldSuspendForUserCodeLocked(self)) {
+      continue;
-  }
-  JvmtiGlobalTLSData* tls_data = ThreadUtil::GetGlobalTLSData(target);
-  constexpr art::StackVisitor::StackWalkKind kWalkKind =
-      art::StackVisitor::StackWalkKind::kIncludeInlinedFrames;
-  if (tls_data != nullptr &&
-      tls_data->disable_pop_frame_depth !=
-          JvmtiGlobalTLSData::kNoDisallowedPopFrame &&
-      tls_data->disable_pop_frame_depth ==
-          art::StackVisitor::ComputeNumFrames(target, kWalkKind)) {
-        << "Disallowing frame pop due to in-progress class-load/prepare. "
-        << "Frame at depth " << tls_data->disable_pop_frame_depth << " was "
-        << "marked as un-poppable by the jvmti plugin. See b/117615146 for "
-        << "more information.";
-    return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME);
-  }
-  // We hold the user_code_suspension_lock_ so the target thread is staying
-  // suspended until we are done.
-  std::unique_ptr<art::Context> context(art::Context::Create());
-  FindFrameAtDepthVisitor final_frame(target, context.get(), 0);
-  FindFrameAtDepthVisitor penultimate_frame(target, context.get(), 1);
-  final_frame.WalkStack();
-  penultimate_frame.WalkStack();
+    // From now on we know we cannot get suspended by user-code.
+    // NB This does a SuspendCheck (during thread state change) so we need to make sure we don't
+    // have the 'suspend_lock' locked here.
+    art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+    art::MutexLock tll_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_list_lock_);
+    jvmtiError err = ERR(INTERNAL);
+    if (!ThreadUtil::GetAliveNativeThread(thread, soa, &target, &err)) {
+      return err;
+    }
+    {
+      art::MutexLock tscl_mu(self, *art::Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);
+      if (target == self || target->GetUserCodeSuspendCount() == 0) {
+        // We cannot be the current thread for this function.
+        return ERR(THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED);
+      }
+    }
+    JvmtiGlobalTLSData* tls_data = ThreadUtil::GetGlobalTLSData(target);
+    constexpr art::StackVisitor::StackWalkKind kWalkKind =
+        art::StackVisitor::StackWalkKind::kIncludeInlinedFrames;
+    if (tls_data != nullptr &&
+        tls_data->disable_pop_frame_depth != JvmtiGlobalTLSData::kNoDisallowedPopFrame &&
+        tls_data->disable_pop_frame_depth == art::StackVisitor::ComputeNumFrames(target,
+                                                                                 kWalkKind)) {
+      JVMTI_LOG(WARNING, env) << "Disallowing frame pop due to in-progress class-load/prepare. "
+                              << "Frame at depth " << tls_data->disable_pop_frame_depth << " was "
+                              << "marked as un-poppable by the jvmti plugin. See b/117615146 for "
+                              << "more information.";
+      return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME);
+    }
+    // We hold the user_code_suspension_lock_ so the target thread is staying suspended until we are
+    // done.
+    std::unique_ptr<art::Context> context(art::Context::Create());
+    FindFrameAtDepthVisitor final_frame(target, context.get(), 0);
+    FindFrameAtDepthVisitor penultimate_frame(target, context.get(), 1);
+    final_frame.WalkStack();
+    penultimate_frame.WalkStack();
-  if (!final_frame.FoundFrame() || !penultimate_frame.FoundFrame()) {
-    // Cannot do it if there is only one frame!
-    return ERR(NO_MORE_FRAMES);
-  }
+    if (!final_frame.FoundFrame() || !penultimate_frame.FoundFrame()) {
+      // Cannot do it if there is only one frame!
+      return ERR(NO_MORE_FRAMES);
+    }
-  art::ArtMethod* called_method = final_frame.GetMethod();
-  art::ArtMethod* calling_method = penultimate_frame.GetMethod();
-  if (calling_method->IsNative() || called_method->IsNative()) {
-    return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME);
-  }
-  // From here we are sure to succeed.
+    art::ArtMethod* called_method = final_frame.GetMethod();
+    art::ArtMethod* calling_method = penultimate_frame.GetMethod();
+    if (calling_method->IsNative() || called_method->IsNative()) {
+      return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME);
+    }
+    // From here we are sure to succeed.
-  // Get/create a shadow frame
-  bool created_final_frame = false;
-  bool created_penultimate_frame = false;
-  art::ShadowFrame* called_shadow_frame =
-      final_frame.GetOrCreateShadowFrame(&created_final_frame);
-  art::ShadowFrame* calling_shadow_frame =
-      penultimate_frame.GetOrCreateShadowFrame(&created_penultimate_frame);
+    // Get/create a shadow frame
+    bool created_final_frame = false;
+    bool created_penultimate_frame = false;
+    art::ShadowFrame* called_shadow_frame =
+        final_frame.GetOrCreateShadowFrame(&created_final_frame);
+    art::ShadowFrame* calling_shadow_frame =
+        penultimate_frame.GetOrCreateShadowFrame(&created_penultimate_frame);
-  CHECK_NE(called_shadow_frame, calling_shadow_frame)
-      << "Frames at different depths not different!";
+    CHECK_NE(called_shadow_frame, calling_shadow_frame)
+        << "Frames at different depths not different!";
-  // Tell the shadow-frame to return immediately and skip all exit events.
-  called_shadow_frame->SetForcePopFrame(true);
-  calling_shadow_frame->SetForceRetryInstruction(true);
+    // Tell the shadow-frame to return immediately and skip all exit events.
+    called_shadow_frame->SetForcePopFrame(true);
+    calling_shadow_frame->SetForceRetryInstruction(true);
-  // Make sure can we will go to the interpreter and use the shadow frames. The
-  // early return for the final frame will force everything to the interpreter
-  // so we only need to instrument if it was not present.
-  if (created_final_frame) {
-    DeoptManager::Get()->DeoptimizeThread(target);
-  }
-  return OK;
+    // Make sure can we will go to the interpreter and use the shadow frames. The early return for
+    // the final frame will force everything to the interpreter so we only need to instrument if it
+    // was not present.
+    if (created_final_frame) {
+      DeoptManager::Get()->DeoptimizeThread(target);
+    }
+    return OK;
+  } while (true);
 }  // namespace openjdkjvmti