Fix 053-wait-some time bounds

Require that we wait at least as long as specified, except allow
1 millisecond slop to accomodate some old kernels that seem to
wake up slightly early. But allow for additional scheduling
delays by increasing the upper time bound.

Test: Treehugger
Bug: 175435088
Change-Id: Ib374fbf9e03c6862273c6cd0b0883c73d052ae9d
diff --git a/test/053-wait-some/src/ b/test/053-wait-some/src/
index b8e6dfe..3fcaa82 100644
--- a/test/053-wait-some/src/
+++ b/test/053-wait-some/src/
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@
                 boolean showTime = timing;
                 if (! timing) {
-                    long epsilon = delay / 10;
-                    if (epsilon > 50) {
-                        epsilon = 50;
-                    }
-                    long min = delay - epsilon;
+                    // Allow a random scheduling delay of at least 100 msecs.
+                    final long epsilon = Math.max(delay / 20, 100);
+                    long min = delay - 1;
                     long max = delay + epsilon;
                     if (elapsed < min) {
+                        // This can legitimately happen due to premature wake-ups.
+                        // This seems rare and unexpected enough in practice that we should
+                        // still report.
                         System.out.println("  Elapsed time was too short");
                         showTime = true;
                     } else if (elapsed > max) {