Implement CFI for Optimizing.
CFI is necessary for stack unwinding in gdb, lldb, and libunwind.
Change-Id: I1a3480e3a4a99f48bf7e6e63c4e83a80cfee40a2
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h b/compiler/dex/quick/lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
index d71a87d..94ffd7f 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/lazy_debug_frame_opcode_writer.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
// When we are generating the CFI code, we do not know the instuction offsets,
// this class stores the LIR references and patches the instruction stream later.
class LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter FINAL
- : private DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<ArenaAllocatorAdapter<uint8_t>> {
+ : public DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<ArenaAllocatorAdapter<uint8_t>> {
typedef DebugFrameOpCodeWriter<ArenaAllocatorAdapter<uint8_t>> Base;
// This method is implicitely called the by opcode writers.
@@ -38,72 +38,12 @@
advances_.push_back({this->data()->size(), *last_lir_insn_});
- // The register was unspilled.
- void Restore(Reg reg) {
- if (enable_writes_) {
- Base::Restore(reg);
- }
- }
- // Custom alias - unspill many registers based on bitmask.
- void RestoreMany(Reg reg_base, uint32_t reg_mask) {
- if (enable_writes_) {
- Base::RestoreMany(reg_base, reg_mask);
- }
- }
- // Remember the state of register spills.
- void RememberState() {
- if (enable_writes_) {
- Base::RememberState();
- }
- }
- // Restore the state of register spills.
- void RestoreState() {
- if (enable_writes_) {
- Base::RestoreState();
- }
- }
- // Set the frame pointer (CFA) to (stack_pointer + offset).
- void DefCFAOffset(int offset) {
- if (enable_writes_) {
- Base::DefCFAOffset(offset);
- }
- this->current_cfa_offset_ = offset;
- }
- // The stack size was increased by given delta.
- void AdjustCFAOffset(int delta) {
- DefCFAOffset(this->current_cfa_offset_ + delta);
- }
- // The register was spilled to (stack_pointer + offset).
- void RelOffset(Reg reg, int offset) {
- if (enable_writes_) {
- Base::RelOffset(reg, offset);
- }
- }
- // Custom alias - spill many registers based on bitmask.
- void RelOffsetForMany(Reg reg_base, int offset, uint32_t reg_mask, int reg_size) {
- if (enable_writes_) {
- Base::RelOffsetForMany(reg_base, offset, reg_mask, reg_size);
- }
- }
- using Base::GetCurrentCFAOffset;
- using Base::SetCurrentCFAOffset;
- using Base::GetCurrentPC;
const ArenaVector<uint8_t>* Patch(size_t code_size);
explicit LazyDebugFrameOpCodeWriter(LIR** last_lir_insn, bool enable_writes,
ArenaAllocator* allocator)
- : Base(allocator->Adapter()),
+ : Base(enable_writes, allocator->Adapter()),
- enable_writes_(enable_writes),
patched_(false) {
@@ -114,8 +54,9 @@
LIR* last_lir_insn;
} Advance;
+ using Base::data; // Hidden. Use Patch method instead.
LIR** last_lir_insn_;
- bool enable_writes_;
ArenaVector<Advance> advances_;
bool patched_;