Enable moving classes.

Slight reduction in Zygote size, memory savings are in the noise.
Before: Zygote size: 8739224
After: Zygote size: 8733568

Fixed a bug where we didn't set the concurrent start bytes after
switching the allocator from bump pointer to ROSAlloc in the
zygote. This caused excessive memory usage.

Added the method verifiers as roots to fix an issue caused by
RegTypes holding a Class*.

Added logic to clear card table in the SemiSpace collector, this
reduces DalvikOther from ~2400k -> ~1760k when using the SemiSpace

Added a missing lock to the timing loggers which caused a rare
one time crash in std::set.

Bug: 11771255
Bug: 8499494
Bug: 10802951

Change-Id: I99d2b528cd51c1c5ed7012e3220b3aefded680ae
diff --git a/runtime/native/java_lang_reflect_Constructor.cc b/runtime/native/java_lang_reflect_Constructor.cc
index 04dfcb5..5811992 100644
--- a/runtime/native/java_lang_reflect_Constructor.cc
+++ b/runtime/native/java_lang_reflect_Constructor.cc
@@ -41,24 +41,24 @@
       javaMethod, WellKnownClasses::java_lang_reflect_AbstractMethod_artMethod);
   mirror::ArtMethod* m = soa.Decode<mirror::Object*>(art_method)->AsArtMethod();
-  mirror::Class* c = m->GetDeclaringClass();
+  SirtRef<mirror::Class> c(soa.Self(), m->GetDeclaringClass());
   if (UNLIKELY(c->IsAbstract())) {
     ThrowLocation throw_location = soa.Self()->GetCurrentLocationForThrow();
     soa.Self()->ThrowNewExceptionF(throw_location, "Ljava/lang/InstantiationException;",
                                    "Can't instantiate %s %s",
                                    c->IsInterface() ? "interface" : "abstract class",
-                                   PrettyDescriptor(c).c_str());
-    return NULL;
+                                   PrettyDescriptor(c.get()).c_str());
+    return nullptr;
   if (!Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->EnsureInitialized(c, true, true)) {
-    return NULL;
+    return nullptr;
   mirror::Object* receiver = c->AllocNonMovableObject(soa.Self());
-  if (receiver == NULL) {
-    return NULL;
+  if (receiver == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
   jobject javaReceiver = soa.AddLocalReference<jobject>(receiver);