Store precice set of which constructors require barriers
Fixes bugs where things in the boot image might not have been
calculated even though resolved_clases was true. This only occured
for app and test compiles though.
Fixes test 476-checker-ctor-memory-barrier which was failing due to
inlining something in the boot class path and getting a unexpected
barrier since the barrier defaults to enabled.
No measurable increase in RAM usage.
Bug: 28005874
Change-Id: I4a417819aa129c95f4a83c38df1a66eb77824ea9
diff --git a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
index 0ed0bb6..905f84d 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
+++ b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
@@ -183,12 +183,15 @@
// Remove and delete a compiled method.
void RemoveCompiledMethod(const MethodReference& method_ref) REQUIRES(!compiled_methods_lock_);
- void AddRequiresNoConstructorBarrier(Thread* self, const DexFile* dex_file,
- uint16_t class_def_index)
- REQUIRES(!no_barrier_constructor_classes_lock_);
- bool RequiresConstructorBarrier(Thread* self, const DexFile* dex_file,
- uint16_t class_def_index) const
- REQUIRES(!no_barrier_constructor_classes_lock_);
+ void SetRequiresConstructorBarrier(Thread* self,
+ const DexFile* dex_file,
+ uint16_t class_def_index,
+ bool requires)
+ REQUIRES(!requires_constructor_barrier_lock_);
+ bool RequiresConstructorBarrier(Thread* self,
+ const DexFile* dex_file,
+ uint16_t class_def_index)
+ REQUIRES(!requires_constructor_barrier_lock_);
// Callbacks from compiler to see what runtime checks must be generated.
@@ -631,14 +634,11 @@
const InstructionSet instruction_set_;
const InstructionSetFeatures* const instruction_set_features_;
- // All class references that do not require constructor barriers. Only filled in if
- // resolved_classes_ is true.
- mutable ReaderWriterMutex no_barrier_constructor_classes_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
- std::set<ClassReference> no_barrier_constructor_classes_
- GUARDED_BY(no_barrier_constructor_classes_lock_);
- // resolved_classes_ is true if we performed the resolve phase and filled in
- // no_barrier_constructor_classes_.
- bool resolved_classes_;
+ // All class references that require constructor barriers. If the class reference is not in the
+ // set then the result has not yet been computed.
+ mutable ReaderWriterMutex requires_constructor_barrier_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
+ std::map<ClassReference, bool> requires_constructor_barrier_
+ GUARDED_BY(requires_constructor_barrier_lock_);
typedef SafeMap<const ClassReference, CompiledClass*> ClassTable;
// All class references that this compiler has compiled.