Invoke typed arraycopy for primitive arrays.

Apps will always call the Object version of arraycopy. When
we can infer the types of the passed arrays, replace the method
being called to be the typed System.arraycopy one.

10% improvement on ExoPlayerBench.

Test: 641-checker-arraycopy
bug: 7103825
Change-Id: I872d7a6e163a4614510ef04ae582eb90ec48b5fa
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 3e34090..e3926c5 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
                                                                /* needs_access_check */ false);
-  HLoadClass::LoadKind kind = HSharpening::SharpenClass(
+  HLoadClass::LoadKind kind = HSharpening::ComputeLoadClassKind(
       load_class, codegen_, compiler_driver_, caller_compilation_unit_);
   DCHECK(kind != HLoadClass::LoadKind::kInvalid)
       << "We should always be able to reference a class for inline caches";
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@
   HDeadCodeElimination dce(callee_graph, inline_stats_, "dead_code_elimination$inliner");
   HConstantFolding fold(callee_graph, "constant_folding$inliner");
   HSharpening sharpening(callee_graph, codegen_, dex_compilation_unit, compiler_driver_, handles_);
-  InstructionSimplifier simplify(callee_graph, inline_stats_);
+  InstructionSimplifier simplify(callee_graph, codegen_, inline_stats_);
   IntrinsicsRecognizer intrinsics(callee_graph, inline_stats_);
   HOptimization* optimizations[] = {