Avoid CAS for marking region space bitmap for baker

Only have the GC thread mark it. This occurs when popping from the
mark stack. The race where an object may be pushed to the mark
stack twice is handled by not scanning if it is already marked.

Also avoid checking is_active when marking from the GC.

EAAC: 1263 -> 1253 (average of 30 runs)
GC time: 7.21s -> 6.83s (average of 18 runs)

Timings on 960 mhz N6P.

Bug: 12687968

Change-Id: I47e98c3e258829d2ba0babd803a219c82a36168c
Test: test-art-host, debug N6P booting with baker CC.
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h
index fb774a4..76f500c 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying-inl.h
@@ -34,32 +34,27 @@
   // to gray even though the object has already been marked through. This happens if a mutator
   // thread gets preempted before the AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer below, GC marks through the
   // object (changes it from white to gray and back to white), and the thread runs and
-  // incorrectly changes it from white to gray. We need to detect such "false gray" cases and
-  // change the objects back to white at the end of marking.
+  // incorrectly changes it from white to gray. If this happens, the object will get added to the
+  // mark stack again and get changed back to white after it is processed.
   if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
-    // Test the bitmap first to reduce the chance of false gray cases.
+    // Test the bitmap first to avoid graying an object that has already been marked through most
+    // of the time.
     if (bitmap->Test(ref)) {
       return ref;
   // This may or may not succeed, which is ok because the object may already be gray.
-  bool cas_success = false;
+  bool success = false;
   if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
-    cas_success = ref->AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer(ReadBarrier::WhitePtr(),
-                                                   ReadBarrier::GrayPtr());
-  }
-  if (bitmap->AtomicTestAndSet(ref)) {
-    // Already marked.
-    if (kUseBakerReadBarrier &&
-        cas_success &&
-        // The object could be white here if a thread gets preempted after a success at the
-        // above AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer, GC has marked through it, and the thread runs up
-        // to this point.
-        ref->GetReadBarrierPointer() == ReadBarrier::GrayPtr()) {
-      // Register a "false-gray" object to change it from gray to white at the end of marking.
-      PushOntoFalseGrayStack(ref);
-    }
+    // GC will mark the bitmap when popping from mark stack. If only the GC is touching the bitmap
+    // we can avoid an expensive CAS.
+    // For the baker case, an object is marked if either the mark bit marked or the bitmap bit is
+    // set.
+    success = ref->AtomicSetReadBarrierPointer(ReadBarrier::WhitePtr(), ReadBarrier::GrayPtr());
   } else {
+    success = !bitmap->AtomicTestAndSet(ref);
+  }
+  if (success) {
     // Newly marked.
     if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
       DCHECK_EQ(ref->GetReadBarrierPointer(), ReadBarrier::GrayPtr());
@@ -99,13 +94,16 @@
   return ref;
-template<bool kGrayImmuneObject>
+template<bool kGrayImmuneObject, bool kFromGCThread>
 inline mirror::Object* ConcurrentCopying::Mark(mirror::Object* from_ref) {
   if (from_ref == nullptr) {
     return nullptr;
   DCHECK(heap_->collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeCC);
-  if (UNLIKELY(kUseBakerReadBarrier && !is_active_)) {
+  if (kFromGCThread) {
+    DCHECK(is_active_);
+    DCHECK_EQ(Thread::Current(), thread_running_gc_);
+  } else if (UNLIKELY(kUseBakerReadBarrier && !is_active_)) {
     // In the lock word forward address state, the read barrier bits
     // in the lock word are part of the stored forwarding address and
     // invalid. This is usually OK as the from-space copy of objects
@@ -192,6 +190,16 @@
+inline bool ConcurrentCopying::IsMarkedInUnevacFromSpace(mirror::Object* from_ref) {
+  // Use load acquire on the read barrier pointer to ensure that we never see a white read barrier
+  // pointer with an unmarked bit due to reordering.
+  DCHECK(region_space_->IsInUnevacFromSpace(from_ref));
+  if (kUseBakerReadBarrier && from_ref->GetReadBarrierPointerAcquire() == ReadBarrier::GrayPtr()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return region_space_bitmap_->Test(from_ref);
 }  // namespace collector
 }  // namespace gc
 }  // namespace art