Updating the compiler to use the new-world model
New compiler is integrated and passes first test (Fibonacci).
Change-Id: Ic5448ab89ebd22baa30fafc3d1300324687d1fc2
diff --git a/src/compiler/codegen/arm/ArchUtility.cc b/src/compiler/codegen/arm/ArchUtility.cc
index 16a0200..2f3af44 100644
--- a/src/compiler/codegen/arm/ArchUtility.cc
+++ b/src/compiler/codegen/arm/ArchUtility.cc
@@ -318,8 +318,7 @@
switch(lir->opcode) {
case kArmPseudoMethodEntry:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- method entry " <<
- cUnit->method->clazz->descriptor << ":" <<
- cUnit->method->name;
+ art::PrettyMethod(cUnit->method, true);
case kArmPseudoMethodExit:
LOG(INFO) << "-------- Method_Exit";
@@ -390,8 +389,8 @@
const Method *method = cUnit->method;
LOG(INFO) << "/*";
- LOG(INFO) << "Dumping LIR insns for " << method->clazz->descriptor <<
- ":" << method->name;
+ LOG(INFO) << "Dumping LIR insns for " <<
+ art::PrettyMethod(cUnit->method, true);
LIR* lirInsn;
ArmLIR* armLIR;
int insnsSize = cUnit->insnsSize;
@@ -408,7 +407,7 @@
" bytes, Dalvik size is " << insnsSize * 2;
LOG(INFO) << "expansion factor: " <<
(float)cUnit->totalSize / (float)(insnsSize * 2);
- for (int i = 0; i < method->registersSize; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < method->num_registers_; i++) {
RegLocation loc = cUnit->regLocation[i];
char buf[100];
if (loc.fpLocation == kLocPhysReg) {
@@ -425,41 +424,42 @@
for (lirInsn = cUnit->firstLIRInsn; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
- oatDumpLIRInsn(cUnit, lirInsn, (unsigned char*) cUnit->baseAddr);
+ oatDumpLIRInsn(cUnit, lirInsn, 0);
for (lirInsn = cUnit->classPointerList; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
armLIR = (ArmLIR*) lirInsn;
char buf[100];
- snprintf(buf, 100, "%p (%04x): .class (%s)",
- (char*)cUnit->baseAddr + armLIR->generic.offset,
- armLIR->generic.offset,
+ snprintf(buf, 100, "%x (%04x): .class (%s)",
+ armLIR->generic.offset, armLIR->generic.offset,
((CallsiteInfo *) armLIR->operands[0])->classDescriptor);
LOG(INFO) << buf;
for (lirInsn = cUnit->literalList; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
armLIR = (ArmLIR*) lirInsn;
char buf[100];
- snprintf(buf, 100, "%p (%04x): .word (%#x)",
- (char*)cUnit->baseAddr + armLIR->generic.offset,
- armLIR->generic.offset,
+ snprintf(buf, 100, "%x (%04x): .word (%#x)",
+ armLIR->generic.offset, armLIR->generic.offset,
LOG(INFO) << buf;
int linebreak = 0;
+ std::string signature = method->GetSignature()->ToModifiedUtf8();
+ std::string name = method->GetName()->ToModifiedUtf8();
+ std::string descriptor = method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDescriptor()->
+ ToModifiedUtf8();
char buf[100];
LOG(INFO) << "*/";
- sprintf(buf,"\n u1 %s%s_%s_code[] = {",
- cUnit->method->clazz->descriptor, cUnit->method->name,
- cUnit->method->shorty);
+ sprintf(buf,"\n u1 %s%s_%s_code[] = {", descriptor.c_str(),
+ name.c_str(), signature.c_str());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++)
if (buf[i] == ';') buf[i] = '_';
LOG(INFO) << buf;
strcpy(buf," ");
- for (int i = 0; i < cUnit->totalSize; i++) {
- sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"0x%02x,",
- ((u1*)cUnit->baseAddr)[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cUnit->totalSize/2; i++) {
+ sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"0x%04x,", cUnit->codeBuffer[i]);
if (++linebreak == 8) {
linebreak = 0;
LOG(INFO) << buf;
@@ -478,8 +478,8 @@
LOG(FATAL) << "Null table";
sprintf(buf,"\n MappingTable %s%s_%s_mappingTable[%d] = {",
- cUnit->method->clazz->descriptor, cUnit->method->name,
- cUnit->method->shorty, cUnit->mappingTableSize);
+ descriptor.c_str(), name.c_str(), signature.c_str(),
+ cUnit->mappingTableSize);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++)
if (buf[i] == ';') buf[i] = '_';
LOG(INFO) << buf;