Compile boot image extensions in memory.

Allow boot image location components for extensions to
specify a profile. If such extension is not found on disk,
or the on-disk version fails validation (presumably because
it's out of date), compile the extension in memory, passing
memfd file descriptors as output arguments to dex2oat.

Also fix GetPrimaryImageLocation() to check for the '/' in
the first component instead of the full boot image location.

Test: Additional tests in dex2oat_image_test
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Bug: 119800099
Change-Id: I4d3c178defe311bf51153d4beb386eba208d75a5
diff --git a/dex2oat/ b/dex2oat/
index ede7282..9f0ea33 100644
--- a/dex2oat/
+++ b/dex2oat/
@@ -80,12 +80,13 @@
                          size_t method_frequency = 1,
                          size_t class_frequency = 1) {
     std::vector<std::string> dexes = GetLibCoreDexFileNames();
-    VisitDexes(dexes, method_visitor, class_visitor, method_frequency, class_frequency);
+    ArrayRef<const std::string> dexes_array(dexes);
+    VisitDexes(dexes_array, method_visitor, class_visitor, method_frequency, class_frequency);
   // Visitors take method and type references
   template <typename MethodVisitor, typename ClassVisitor>
-  void VisitDexes(const std::vector<std::string>& dexes,
+  void VisitDexes(ArrayRef<const std::string> dexes,
                   const MethodVisitor& method_visitor,
                   const ClassVisitor& class_visitor,
                   size_t method_frequency = 1,
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(file->WriteFully(&line[0], line.length()));
-  void GenerateProfile(const std::vector<std::string>& dexes,
+  void GenerateProfile(ArrayRef<const std::string> dexes,
                        File* out_file,
                        size_t method_frequency,
                        size_t type_frequency) {
@@ -314,6 +315,21 @@
     return file1->Compare(file2.get()) == 0;
+  void AddAndroidRootToImageCompilerOptions() {
+    const char* android_root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
+    CHECK(android_root != nullptr);
+    Runtime::Current()->image_compiler_options_.push_back(
+        "--android-root=" + std::string(android_root));
+  }
+  void EnableImageDex2Oat() {
+    Runtime::Current()->image_dex2oat_enabled_ = true;
+  }
+  void DisableImageDex2Oat() {
+    Runtime::Current()->image_dex2oat_enabled_ = false;
+  }
 TEST_F(Dex2oatImageTest, TestModesAndFilters) {
@@ -341,9 +357,11 @@
   ImageSizes filter_sizes;
   std::cout << "Base compile sizes " << base_sizes << std::endl;
   // Compile all methods and classes
+  std::vector<std::string> libcore_dexes = GetLibCoreDexFileNames();
+  ArrayRef<const std::string> libcore_dexes_array(libcore_dexes);
     ScratchFile profile_file;
-    GenerateProfile(GetLibCoreDexFileNames(),
+    GenerateProfile(libcore_dexes_array,
                     /*method_frequency=*/ 1u,
                     /*type_frequency=*/ 1u);
@@ -363,7 +381,7 @@
   // Test compiling fewer methods and classes.
     ScratchFile profile_file;
-    GenerateProfile(GetLibCoreDexFileNames(),
+    GenerateProfile(libcore_dexes_array,
@@ -416,15 +434,6 @@
   std::vector<std::string> libcore_dex_files = GetLibCoreDexFileNames();
   CopyDexFiles(jar_dir, &libcore_dex_files);
-  // Create a profile.
-  ScratchFile profile_file;
-  GenerateProfile(libcore_dex_files,
-                  profile_file.GetFile(),
-                  /*method_frequency=*/ 1u,
-                  /*type_frequency=*/ 1u);
-  std::vector<std::string> extra_args;
-  extra_args.push_back("--profile-file=" + profile_file.GetFilename());
   ArrayRef<const std::string> full_bcp(libcore_dex_files);
   size_t total_dex_files = full_bcp.size();
   ASSERT_GE(total_dex_files, 5u);  // 3 for "head", 1 for "tail", at least one for "mid", see below.
@@ -465,22 +474,46 @@
   ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos, tail_slash_pos);
   std::string tail_name = tail_location.substr(tail_slash_pos + 1u);
+  // Create profiles.
+  ScratchFile head_profile_file;
+  GenerateProfile(head_dex_files,
+                  head_profile_file.GetFile(),
+                  /*method_frequency=*/ 1u,
+                  /*type_frequency=*/ 1u);
+  const std::string& head_profile_filename = head_profile_file.GetFilename();
+  ScratchFile mid_profile_file;
+  GenerateProfile(mid_dex_files,
+                  mid_profile_file.GetFile(),
+                  /*method_frequency=*/ 5u,
+                  /*type_frequency=*/ 4u);
+  const std::string& mid_profile_filename = mid_profile_file.GetFilename();
+  ScratchFile tail_profile_file;
+  GenerateProfile(tail_dex_files,
+                  tail_profile_file.GetFile(),
+                  /*method_frequency=*/ 5u,
+                  /*type_frequency=*/ 4u);
+  const std::string& tail_profile_filename = tail_profile_file.GetFilename();
   // Compile the "head", i.e. the primary boot image.
+  std::vector<std::string> extra_args;
+  extra_args.push_back("--profile-file=" + head_profile_filename);
   extra_args.push_back(android::base::StringPrintf("--base=0x%08x", kBaseAddress));
   bool head_ok = CompileBootImage(extra_args, filename_prefix, head_dex_files, &error_msg);
   ASSERT_TRUE(head_ok) << error_msg;
-  extra_args.pop_back();
   // Compile the "mid", i.e. the first extension.
   std::string mid_bcp_string = android::base::Join(mid_bcp, ':');
+  extra_args.clear();
+  extra_args.push_back("--profile-file=" + mid_profile_filename);
   AddRuntimeArg(extra_args, "-Xbootclasspath:" + mid_bcp_string);
   AddRuntimeArg(extra_args, "-Xbootclasspath-locations:" + mid_bcp_string);
   extra_args.push_back("--boot-image=" + base_location);
   bool mid_ok = CompileBootImage(extra_args, filename_prefix, mid_dex_files, &error_msg);
   ASSERT_TRUE(mid_ok) << error_msg;
-  extra_args.resize(extra_args.size() - 3u);
   // Try to compile the "tail" without specifying the "mid" extension. This shall fail.
+  extra_args.clear();
+  extra_args.push_back("--profile-file=" + tail_profile_filename);
   std::string full_bcp_string = android::base::Join(full_bcp, ':');
   AddRuntimeArg(extra_args, "-Xbootclasspath:" + full_bcp_string);
   AddRuntimeArg(extra_args, "-Xbootclasspath-locations:" + full_bcp_string);
@@ -504,17 +537,16 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir_result);
   std::string single_filename_prefix = single_image_dir + "/core";
+  // The dex files for the single-image are everything not in the "head".
+  ArrayRef<const std::string> single_dex_files = full_bcp.SubArray(/*pos=*/ head_dex_files.size());
   // Create a smaller profile for the single-image test that squashes the "mid" and "tail".
   ScratchFile single_profile_file;
-  GenerateProfile(libcore_dex_files,
+  GenerateProfile(single_dex_files,
                   /*method_frequency=*/ 5u,
                   /*type_frequency=*/ 4u);
-  extra_args.clear();
-  extra_args.push_back("--profile-file=" + single_profile_file.GetFilename());
-  // The dex files for the single-image are everything not in the "head".
-  ArrayRef<const std::string> single_dex_files = full_bcp.SubArray(/*pos=*/ head_dex_files.size());
+  const std::string& single_profile_filename = single_profile_file.GetFilename();
   // Prepare the single image name and location.
   CHECK_GE(single_dex_files.size(), 2u);
@@ -531,6 +563,8 @@
   CHECK_EQ(single_name, mid_name);
   // Compile the single-image against the primary boot image.
+  extra_args.clear();
+  extra_args.push_back("--profile-file=" + single_profile_filename);
   AddRuntimeArg(extra_args, "-Xbootclasspath:" + full_bcp_string);
   AddRuntimeArg(extra_args, "-Xbootclasspath-locations:" + full_bcp_string);
   extra_args.push_back("--boot-image=" + base_location);
@@ -635,6 +669,7 @@
     // Loading the primary image with just the name now succeeds.
     bool load_ok = load(base_name);
     ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(head_dex_files.size(), boot_image_spaces.size());
     // Loading the primary image with a search path still fails.
     load_ok = silent_load("*");
@@ -647,6 +682,11 @@
     ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
     ASSERT_EQ(mid_bcp.size(), boot_image_spaces.size());
+    // Load the primary without path and first extension with path.
+    load_ok = load(base_name + ':' + mid_location);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(mid_bcp.size(), boot_image_spaces.size());
     // Load the primary with full path and the first extension without full path.
     load_ok = load(base_location + ':' + mid_name);
     ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;  // Loaded successfully.
@@ -710,6 +750,81 @@
   EXPECT_TRUE(CompareFiles(single_ext_prefix + ".vdex", single_ext_prefix2 + ".vdex"));
   EXPECT_TRUE(CompareFiles(single_ext_prefix + ".oat", single_ext_prefix2 + ".oat"));
+  // Test parsing profile specification and creating the boot image extension on-the-fly.
+  // We must set --android-root in the image compiler options.
+  AddAndroidRootToImageCompilerOptions();
+  for (bool r : { false, true }) {
+    relocate = r;
+    // Try and fail to load everything as compiled extension.
+    bool load_ok = silent_load(base_location + "!" + single_profile_filename);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(load_ok);
+    // Try and fail to load with invalid spec, two profile name separators.
+    load_ok = silent_load(base_location + ":" + single_location + "!!arbitrary-profile-name");
+    ASSERT_FALSE(load_ok);
+    // Try and fail to load with invalid spec, missing profile name.
+    load_ok = silent_load(base_location + ":" + single_location + "!");
+    ASSERT_FALSE(load_ok);
+    // Try and fail to load with invalid spec, missing component name.
+    load_ok = silent_load(base_location + ":!" + single_profile_filename);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(load_ok);
+    // Load primary boot image, specifying invalid extension component and profile name.
+    load_ok = load(base_location + ":/non-existent/" + single_name + "!non-existent-profile-name");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(head_dex_files.size(), boot_image_spaces.size());
+    // Load primary boot image and the single extension, specifying invalid profile name.
+    // (Load extension from file.)
+    load_ok = load(base_location + ":" + single_location + "!non-existent-profile-name");
+    ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(head_dex_files.size() + 1u, boot_image_spaces.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(single_dex_files.size(),
+              boot_image_spaces.back()->GetImageHeader().GetComponentCount());
+    // Load primary boot image and fail to load the single extension, specifying
+    // invalid extension component name but a valid profile file.
+    // (Running dex2oat to compile extension is disabled.)
+    ASSERT_FALSE(Runtime::Current()->IsImageDex2OatEnabled());
+    load_ok = load(base_location + ":/non-existent/" + single_name + "!" + single_profile_filename);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(head_dex_files.size(), boot_image_spaces.size());
+    EnableImageDex2Oat();
+    // Load primary boot image and the single extension, specifying invalid extension
+    // component name but a valid profile file. (Compile extension by running dex2oat.)
+    load_ok = load(base_location + ":/non-existent/" + single_name + "!" + single_profile_filename);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(head_dex_files.size() + 1u, boot_image_spaces.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(single_dex_files.size(),
+              boot_image_spaces.back()->GetImageHeader().GetComponentCount());
+    // Load primary boot image and two extensions, specifying invalid extension component
+    // names but valid profile files. (Compile extensions by running dex2oat.)
+    load_ok = load(base_location + ":/non-existent/" + mid_name + "!" + mid_profile_filename
+                                 + ":/non-existent/" + tail_name + "!" + tail_profile_filename);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(head_dex_files.size() + 2u, boot_image_spaces.size());
+    ASSERT_EQ(mid_dex_files.size(),
+              boot_image_spaces[head_dex_files.size()]->GetImageHeader().GetComponentCount());
+    ASSERT_EQ(tail_dex_files.size(),
+              boot_image_spaces[head_dex_files.size() + 1u]->GetImageHeader().GetComponentCount());
+    // Load primary boot image and fail to load extensions, specifying invalid component
+    // names but valid profile file only for the second one. As we fail to load the first
+    // extension, the second extension has a missing dependency and cannot be compiled.
+    load_ok = load(base_location + ":/non-existent/" + mid_name
+                                 + ":/non-existent/" + tail_name + "!" + tail_profile_filename);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(load_ok) << error_msg;
+    ASSERT_EQ(head_dex_files.size(), boot_image_spaces.size());
+    DisableImageDex2Oat();
+  }
   int rmdir_result = rmdir(scratch_dir.c_str());
   ASSERT_EQ(0, rmdir_result);
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/ b/dex2oat/linker/
index fb1e69d..e6ffbc1 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/
@@ -460,9 +460,10 @@
       return false;
-    if (!compiler_options_.IsAppImage() && fchmod(image_file->Fd(), 0644) != 0) {
+    // Make file world readable if we have created it, i.e. when not passed as file descriptor.
+    if (image_fd == -1 && !compiler_options_.IsAppImage() && fchmod(image_file->Fd(), 0644) != 0) {
       PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to make image file world readable: " << image_filename;
-      return EXIT_FAILURE;
+      return false;
     // Image data size excludes the bitmap and the header.
diff --git a/runtime/gc/space/ b/runtime/gc/space/
index de4f93f..b3d5c31 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/space/
+++ b/runtime/gc/space/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
 #include "android-base/strings.h"
+#include "android-base/unique_fd.h"
 #include "arch/instruction_set.h"
 #include "art_field-inl.h"
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "base/enums.h"
 #include "base/file_utils.h"
 #include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/memfd.h"
 #include "base/os.h"
 #include "base/scoped_flock.h"
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@
 #include "mirror/object-refvisitor-inl.h"
 #include "oat.h"
 #include "oat_file.h"
+#include "profile/profile_compilation_info.h"
 #include "runtime.h"
 #include "space-inl.h"
@@ -63,6 +66,7 @@
 namespace gc {
 namespace space {
+using android::base::Join;
 using android::base::StringAppendF;
 using android::base::StringPrintf;
@@ -182,7 +186,7 @@
-  std::string command_line(android::base::Join(arg_vector, ' '));
+  std::string command_line(Join(arg_vector, ' '));
   LOG(INFO) << "GenerateImage: " << command_line;
   return Exec(arg_vector, error_msg);
@@ -257,26 +261,32 @@
-static bool ReadSpecificImageHeader(const char* filename,
-                                    ImageHeader* image_header,
-                                    std::string* error_msg) {
-    std::unique_ptr<File> image_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(filename));
-    if (image_file.get() == nullptr) {
-      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unable to open file \"%s\" for reading image header", filename);
-      return false;
-    }
-    const bool success = image_file->ReadFully(image_header, sizeof(ImageHeader));
-    if (!success) {
-      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unable to read image header from file \"%s\"", filename);
+static bool ReadSpecificImageHeader(File* image_file,
+                                    const char* file_description,
+                                    /*out*/ImageHeader* image_header,
+                                    /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
+    if (!image_file->ReadFully(image_header, sizeof(ImageHeader))) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unable to read image header from \"%s\"", file_description);
       return false;
     if (!image_header->IsValid()) {
-      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Image header from file \"%s\" is invalid", filename);
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Image header from \"%s\" is invalid", file_description);
       return false;
     return true;
+static bool ReadSpecificImageHeader(const char* filename,
+                                    /*out*/ImageHeader* image_header,
+                                    /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
+  std::unique_ptr<File> image_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(filename));
+  if (image_file.get() == nullptr) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unable to open file \"%s\" for reading image header", filename);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return ReadSpecificImageHeader(image_file.get(), filename, image_header, error_msg);
 static std::unique_ptr<ImageHeader> ReadSpecificImageHeader(const char* filename,
                                                             std::string* error_msg) {
   std::unique_ptr<ImageHeader> hdr(new ImageHeader);
@@ -777,8 +787,6 @@
     CHECK(image_filename != nullptr);
     CHECK(image_location != nullptr);
-    VLOG(image) << "ImageSpace::Init entering image_filename=" << image_filename;
     std::unique_ptr<File> file;
       TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("OpenImageFile", logger);
@@ -788,11 +796,35 @@
         return nullptr;
+    return Init(file.get(),
+                image_filename,
+                image_location,
+                oat_file,
+                /*allow_direct_mapping=*/ true,
+                logger,
+                image_reservation,
+                error_msg);
+  }
+  static std::unique_ptr<ImageSpace> Init(File* file,
+                                          const char* image_filename,
+                                          const char* image_location,
+                                          const OatFile* oat_file,
+                                          bool allow_direct_mapping,
+                                          TimingLogger* logger,
+                                          /*inout*/MemMap* image_reservation,
+                                          /*out*/std::string* error_msg)
+      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    CHECK(image_filename != nullptr);
+    CHECK(image_location != nullptr);
+    VLOG(image) << "ImageSpace::Init entering image_filename=" << image_filename;
     ImageHeader temp_image_header;
     ImageHeader* image_header = &temp_image_header;
       TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("ReadImageHeader", logger);
-      bool success = file->ReadFully(image_header, sizeof(*image_header));
+      bool success = file->PreadFully(image_header, sizeof(*image_header), /*offset=*/ 0u);
       if (!success || !image_header->IsValid()) {
         *error_msg = StringPrintf("Invalid image header in '%s'", image_filename);
         return nullptr;
@@ -862,6 +894,7 @@
+        allow_direct_mapping,
@@ -1019,6 +1052,7 @@
                               const char* image_location,
                               const ImageHeader& image_header,
                               int fd,
+                              bool allow_direct_mapping,
                               TimingLogger* logger,
                               /*inout*/MemMap* image_reservation,
                               /*out*/std::string* error_msg)
@@ -1026,7 +1060,7 @@
     TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("MapImageFile", logger);
     std::string temp_error_msg;
     const bool is_compressed = image_header.HasCompressedBlock();
-    if (!is_compressed) {
+    if (!is_compressed && allow_direct_mapping) {
       uint8_t* address = (image_reservation != nullptr) ? image_reservation->Begin() : nullptr;
       return MemMap::MapFileAtAddress(address,
@@ -1041,7 +1075,7 @@
-    // Reserve output and decompress into it.
+    // Reserve output and copy/decompress into it.
     MemMap map = MemMap::MapAnonymous(image_location,
                                       PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
@@ -1062,44 +1096,63 @@
         DCHECK(error_msg == nullptr || !error_msg->empty());
         return MemMap::Invalid();
-      memcpy(map.Begin(), &image_header, sizeof(ImageHeader));
-      Runtime::ScopedThreadPoolUsage stpu;
-      ThreadPool* const pool = stpu.GetThreadPool();
-      const uint64_t start = NanoTime();
-      Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
-      static constexpr size_t kMinBlocks = 2u;
-      const bool use_parallel = pool != nullptr && image_header.GetBlockCount() >= kMinBlocks;
-      for (const ImageHeader::Block& block : image_header.GetBlocks(temp_map.Begin())) {
-        auto function = [&](Thread*) {
-          const uint64_t start2 = NanoTime();
-          ScopedTrace trace("LZ4 decompress block");
-          bool result = block.Decompress(/*out_ptr=*/map.Begin(),
-                                         /*in_ptr=*/temp_map.Begin(),
-                                         error_msg);
-          if (!result && error_msg != nullptr) {
-            *error_msg = "Failed to decompress image block " + *error_msg;
+      if (is_compressed) {
+        memcpy(map.Begin(), &image_header, sizeof(ImageHeader));
+        Runtime::ScopedThreadPoolUsage stpu;
+        ThreadPool* const pool = stpu.GetThreadPool();
+        const uint64_t start = NanoTime();
+        Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+        static constexpr size_t kMinBlocks = 2u;
+        const bool use_parallel = pool != nullptr && image_header.GetBlockCount() >= kMinBlocks;
+        for (const ImageHeader::Block& block : image_header.GetBlocks(temp_map.Begin())) {
+          auto function = [&](Thread*) {
+            const uint64_t start2 = NanoTime();
+            ScopedTrace trace("LZ4 decompress block");
+            bool result = block.Decompress(/*out_ptr=*/map.Begin(),
+                                           /*in_ptr=*/temp_map.Begin(),
+                                           error_msg);
+            if (!result && error_msg != nullptr) {
+              *error_msg = "Failed to decompress image block " + *error_msg;
+            }
+            VLOG(image) << "Decompress block " << block.GetDataSize() << " -> "
+                        << block.GetImageSize() << " in " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start2);
+          };
+          if (use_parallel) {
+            pool->AddTask(self, new FunctionTask(std::move(function)));
+          } else {
+            function(self);
-          VLOG(image) << "Decompress block " << block.GetDataSize() << " -> "
-                      << block.GetImageSize() << " in " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start2);
-        };
-        if (use_parallel) {
-          pool->AddTask(self, new FunctionTask(std::move(function)));
-        } else {
-          function(self);
+        if (use_parallel) {
+          ScopedTrace trace("Waiting for workers");
+          // Go to native since we don't want to suspend while holding the mutator lock.
+          ScopedThreadSuspension sts(Thread::Current(), kNative);
+          pool->Wait(self, true, false);
+        }
+        const uint64_t time = NanoTime() - start;
+        // Add one 1 ns to prevent possible divide by 0.
+        VLOG(image) << "Decompressing image took " << PrettyDuration(time) << " ("
+                    << PrettySize(static_cast<uint64_t>(map.Size()) * MsToNs(1000) / (time + 1))
+                    << "/s)";
+      } else {
+        DCHECK(!allow_direct_mapping);
+        // We do not allow direct mapping for boot image extensions compiled to a memfd.
+        // This prevents wasting memory by kernel keeping the contents of the file alive
+        // despite these contents being unreachable once the file descriptor is closed
+        // and mmapped memory is copied for all existing mappings.
+        //
+        // Most pages would be copied during relocation while there is only one mapping.
+        // We could use MAP_SHARED for relocation and then msync() and remap MAP_PRIVATE
+        // as required for forking from zygote, but there would still be some pages
+        // wasted anyway and we want to avoid that. (For example, static synchronized
+        // methods use the class object for locking and thus modify its lockword.)
+        // No other process should race to overwrite the extension in memfd.
+        DCHECK_EQ(memcmp(temp_map.Begin(), &image_header, sizeof(ImageHeader)), 0);
+        memcpy(map.Begin(), temp_map.Begin(), temp_map.Size());
-      if (use_parallel) {
-        ScopedTrace trace("Waiting for workers");
-        // Go to native since we don't want to suspend while holding the mutator lock.
-        ScopedThreadSuspension sts(Thread::Current(), kNative);
-        pool->Wait(self, true, false);
-      }
-      const uint64_t time = NanoTime() - start;
-      // Add one 1 ns to prevent possible divide by 0.
-      VLOG(image) << "Decompressing image took " << PrettyDuration(time) << " ("
-                  << PrettySize(static_cast<uint64_t>(map.Size()) * MsToNs(1000) / (time + 1))
-                  << "/s)";
     return map;
@@ -1490,11 +1543,22 @@
     uint32_t boot_image_component_count;
     uint32_t boot_image_space_count;
     uint32_t boot_image_checksum;
+    // The following file descriptors hold the memfd files for extensions compiled
+    // in memory and described by the above fields. We want to use them to mmap()
+    // the contents and then close them while treating the ImageChunk description
+    // as immutable (const), so make these fields explicitly mutable.
+    mutable android::base::unique_fd art_fd;
+    mutable android::base::unique_fd vdex_fd;
+    mutable android::base::unique_fd oat_fd;
-  BootImageLayout(const std::string& image_location, ArrayRef<const std::string> boot_class_path)
+  BootImageLayout(const std::string& image_location,
+                  ArrayRef<const std::string> boot_class_path,
+                  ArrayRef<const std::string> boot_class_path_locations)
      : image_location_(image_location),
-       boot_class_path_(boot_class_path) {}
+       boot_class_path_(boot_class_path),
+       boot_class_path_locations_(boot_class_path_locations) {}
   std::string GetPrimaryImageLocation();
@@ -1541,6 +1605,12 @@
+  struct NamedComponentLocation {
+    std::string base_location;
+    size_t bcp_index;
+    std::string profile_filename;
+  };
   std::string ExpandLocationImpl(const std::string& location,
                                  size_t bcp_index,
                                  bool boot_image_extension) {
@@ -1561,26 +1631,45 @@
+  std::string GetBcpComponentPath(size_t bcp_index) {
+    DCHECK_LE(bcp_index, boot_class_path_.size());
+    size_t bcp_slash_pos = boot_class_path_[bcp_index].rfind('/');
+    DCHECK_NE(bcp_slash_pos, std::string::npos);
+    return boot_class_path_[bcp_index].substr(0u, bcp_slash_pos + 1u);
+  }
   bool VerifyImageLocation(const std::vector<std::string>& components,
                            /*out*/size_t* named_components_count,
                            /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
   bool MatchNamedComponents(
       ArrayRef<const std::string> named_components,
-      /*out*/std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>>* base_locations_and_bcp_indexes,
+      /*out*/std::vector<NamedComponentLocation>* named_component_locations,
       /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
-  bool ValidateBootImageChecksum(const std::string& actual_filename,
+  bool ValidateBootImageChecksum(const char* file_description,
                                  const ImageHeader& header,
                                  /*out*/uint32_t* boot_image_space_count,
                                  /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
+  bool ValidateHeader(const ImageHeader& header,
+                      size_t bcp_index,
+                      const char* file_description,
+                      /*out*/uint32_t* boot_image_space_count,
+                      /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
   bool ReadHeader(const std::string& base_location,
                   const std::string& base_filename,
                   size_t bcp_index,
-                  size_t bcp_component_count,
                   /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
+  bool CompileExtension(const std::string& base_location,
+                        const std::string& base_filename,
+                        size_t bcp_index,
+                        const std::string& profile_filename,
+                        ArrayRef<std::string> dependencies,
+                        /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
   bool CheckAndRemoveLastChunkChecksum(/*inout*/std::string_view* oat_checksums,
                                        /*out*/std::string* error_msg);
@@ -1599,6 +1688,7 @@
   const std::string& image_location_;
   ArrayRef<const std::string> boot_class_path_;
+  ArrayRef<const std::string> boot_class_path_locations_;
   std::vector<ImageChunk> chunks_;
   uint32_t base_address_ = 0u;
@@ -1617,7 +1707,7 @@
   std::string location = (location_end == std::string::npos)
       ? image_location_.substr(location_start)
       : image_location_.substr(location_start, location_end - location_start);
-  if (image_location_.find('/') == std::string::npos) {
+  if (location.find('/') == std::string::npos) {
     // No path, so use the path from the first boot class path component.
     size_t slash_pos = boot_class_path_.empty()
         ? std::string::npos
@@ -1655,6 +1745,7 @@
   for (size_t i = 0; i != components_size; ++i) {
     const std::string& component = components[i];
     DCHECK(!component.empty());  // Guaranteed by Split().
+    const size_t profile_delimiter_pos = component.find('!');
     size_t wildcard_pos = component.find('*');
     if (wildcard_pos == std::string::npos) {
       if (wildcards_start != components.size()) {
@@ -1663,12 +1754,35 @@
         return false;
-      if (component.back() == '/') {
+      if (profile_delimiter_pos != std::string::npos) {
+        if (component.find('!', profile_delimiter_pos + 1u) != std::string::npos) {
+          *error_msg = StringPrintf("Multiple profile delimiters in %s", component.c_str());
+          return false;
+        }
+        if (profile_delimiter_pos == 0u || profile_delimiter_pos + 1u == component.size()) {
+          *error_msg = StringPrintf("Missing component and/or profile name in %s",
+                                    component.c_str());
+          return false;
+        }
+        if (component.back() == '/') {
+          *error_msg = StringPrintf("Profile name ends with path separator: %s",
+                                    component.c_str());
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+      size_t component_name_length =
+          profile_delimiter_pos != std::string::npos ? profile_delimiter_pos : component.size();
+      if (component[component_name_length - 1u] == '/') {
         *error_msg = StringPrintf("Image component ends with path separator: %s",
         return false;
     } else {
+      if (profile_delimiter_pos != std::string::npos) {
+        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unsupproted wildcard (*) and profile delimiter (!) in %s",
+                                  component.c_str());
+        return false;
+      }
       if (wildcards_start == components_size) {
         wildcards_start = i;
@@ -1696,16 +1810,24 @@
 bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::MatchNamedComponents(
     ArrayRef<const std::string> named_components,
-    /*out*/std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>>* base_locations_and_bcp_indexes,
+    /*out*/std::vector<NamedComponentLocation>* named_component_locations,
     /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
-  DCHECK(base_locations_and_bcp_indexes->empty());
-  base_locations_and_bcp_indexes->reserve(named_components.size());
+  DCHECK(named_component_locations->empty());
+  named_component_locations->reserve(named_components.size());
   size_t bcp_component_count = boot_class_path_.size();
   size_t bcp_pos = 0;
   std::string base_name;
   for (size_t i = 0, size = named_components.size(); i != size; ++i) {
-    const std::string& component = named_components[i];
+    std::string component = named_components[i];
+    std::string profile_filename;  // Empty.
+    const size_t profile_delimiter_pos = component.find('!');
+    if (profile_delimiter_pos != std::string::npos) {
+      profile_filename = component.substr(profile_delimiter_pos + 1u);
+      DCHECK(!profile_filename.empty());  // Checked by VerifyImageLocation()
+      component.resize(profile_delimiter_pos);
+      DCHECK(!component.empty());  // Checked by VerifyImageLocation()
+    }
     size_t slash_pos = component.rfind('/');
     std::string base_location;
     if (i == 0u) {
@@ -1716,9 +1838,7 @@
         base_location = component;
       } else {
         base_name = component;
-        size_t bcp_slash_pos = boot_class_path_[0u].rfind('/');
-        DCHECK_NE(bcp_slash_pos, std::string::npos);
-        base_location = boot_class_path_[0u].substr(0u, bcp_slash_pos + 1u) + component;
+        base_location = GetBcpComponentPath(0u) + component;
     } else {
       std::string to_match;
@@ -1730,9 +1850,7 @@
       while (true) {
         if (slash_pos == std::string::npos) {
           // If we do not have a full path, we need to update the path based on the BCP location.
-          size_t bcp_slash_pos = boot_class_path_[bcp_pos].rfind('/');
-          DCHECK_NE(bcp_slash_pos, std::string::npos);
-          std::string path = boot_class_path_[bcp_pos].substr(0u, bcp_slash_pos + 1u);
+          std::string path = GetBcpComponentPath(bcp_pos);
           to_match = path + component;
           base_location = path + base_name;
@@ -1747,20 +1865,27 @@
-    base_locations_and_bcp_indexes->emplace_back(base_location, bcp_pos);
+    if (!profile_filename.empty() && profile_filename.find('/') == std::string::npos) {
+      profile_filename.insert(/*pos*/ 0u, GetBcpComponentPath(bcp_pos));
+    }
+    NamedComponentLocation location;
+    location.base_location = base_location;
+    location.bcp_index = bcp_pos;
+    location.profile_filename = profile_filename;
+    named_component_locations->push_back(location);
   return true;
-bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::ValidateBootImageChecksum(const std::string& actual_filename,
+bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::ValidateBootImageChecksum(const char* file_description,
                                                             const ImageHeader& header,
                                                             /*out*/uint32_t* boot_image_space_count,
                                                             /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
   uint32_t boot_image_component_count = header.GetBootImageComponentCount();
   if (chunks_.empty() != (boot_image_component_count == 0u)) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unexpected boot image component count in %s: %u, %s",
-                              actual_filename.c_str(),
+                              file_description,
                               chunks_.empty() ? "should be 0" : "should not be 0");
     return false;
@@ -1778,7 +1903,7 @@
     if (chunk.component_count > boot_image_component_count - component_count) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Boot image component count in %s ends in the middle of a chunk, "
                                     "%u is between %u and %u",
-                                actual_filename.c_str(),
+                                file_description,
                                 component_count + chunk.component_count);
@@ -1791,14 +1916,14 @@
   DCHECK_LE(component_count, boot_image_component_count);
   if (component_count != boot_image_component_count) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Missing boot image components for checksum in %s: %u > %u",
-                              actual_filename.c_str(),
+                              file_description,
     return false;
   if (composite_checksum != header.GetBootImageChecksum()) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Boot image checksum mismatch in %s: 0x%08x != 0x%08x",
-                              actual_filename.c_str(),
+                              file_description,
     return false;
@@ -1806,40 +1931,55 @@
   return true;
-bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::ReadHeader(const std::string& base_location,
-                                             const std::string& base_filename,
-                                             size_t bcp_index,
-                                             size_t bcp_component_count,
-                                             /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
-  DCHECK_LE(next_bcp_index_, bcp_index);
+bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::ValidateHeader(const ImageHeader& header,
+                                                 size_t bcp_index,
+                                                 const char* file_description,
+                                                 /*out*/uint32_t* boot_image_space_count,
+                                                 /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
+  size_t bcp_component_count = boot_class_path_.size();
   DCHECK_LT(bcp_index, bcp_component_count);
   size_t allowed_component_count = bcp_component_count - bcp_index;
   DCHECK_LE(total_reservation_size_, kMaxTotalImageReservationSize);
   size_t allowed_reservation_size = kMaxTotalImageReservationSize - total_reservation_size_;
-  std::string actual_filename = ExpandLocation(base_filename, bcp_index);
-  ImageHeader header;
-  if (!ReadSpecificImageHeader(actual_filename.c_str(), &header, error_msg)) {
-    return false;
-  }
   if (header.GetComponentCount() == 0u ||
       header.GetComponentCount() > allowed_component_count) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unexpected component count in %s, received %u, "
                                   "expected non-zero and <= %zu",
-                              actual_filename.c_str(),
+                              file_description,
     return false;
   if (header.GetImageReservationSize() > allowed_reservation_size) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Reservation size too big in %s: %u > %zu",
-                              actual_filename.c_str(),
+                              file_description,
     return false;
+  if (!ValidateBootImageChecksum(file_description, header, boot_image_space_count, error_msg)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::ReadHeader(const std::string& base_location,
+                                             const std::string& base_filename,
+                                             size_t bcp_index,
+                                             /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
+  DCHECK_LE(next_bcp_index_, bcp_index);
+  DCHECK_LT(bcp_index, boot_class_path_.size());
+  std::string actual_filename = ExpandLocation(base_filename, bcp_index);
+  ImageHeader header;
+  if (!ReadSpecificImageHeader(actual_filename.c_str(), &header, error_msg)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const char* file_description = actual_filename.c_str();
   uint32_t boot_image_space_count;
-  if (!ValidateBootImageChecksum(actual_filename, header, &boot_image_space_count, error_msg)) {
+  if (!ValidateHeader(header, bcp_index, file_description, &boot_image_space_count, error_msg)) {
     return false;
@@ -1864,6 +2004,186 @@
   return true;
+bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::CompileExtension(const std::string& base_location,
+                                                   const std::string& base_filename,
+                                                   size_t bcp_index,
+                                                   const std::string& profile_filename,
+                                                   ArrayRef<std::string> dependencies,
+                                                   /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
+  DCHECK_LE(total_component_count_, next_bcp_index_);
+  DCHECK_LE(next_bcp_index_, bcp_index);
+  size_t bcp_component_count = boot_class_path_.size();
+  DCHECK_LT(bcp_index, bcp_component_count);
+  DCHECK(!profile_filename.empty());
+  if (total_component_count_ != bcp_index) {
+    // We require all previous BCP components to have a boot image space (primary or extension).
+    *error_msg = "Cannot compile extension because of missing dependencies.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+  if (!runtime->IsImageDex2OatEnabled()) {
+    *error_msg = "Cannot compile extension because dex2oat for image compilation is disabled.";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Check dependencies.
+  DCHECK(!dependencies.empty());
+  size_t dependency_component_count = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0, size = dependencies.size(); i != size; ++i) {
+    if (chunks_.size() == i || chunks_[i].start_index != dependency_component_count) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Missing extension dependency \"%s\"", dependencies[i].c_str());
+      return false;
+    }
+    dependency_component_count += chunks_[i].component_count;
+  }
+  // Collect locations from the profile.
+  std::set<std::string> dex_locations;
+  {
+    std::unique_ptr<File> profile_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(profile_filename.c_str()));
+    if (profile_file == nullptr) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open profile file \"%s\" for reading, error: %s",
+                                profile_filename.c_str(),
+                                strerror(errno));
+      return false;
+    }
+    // TODO: Rewrite ProfileCompilationInfo to provide a better interface and
+    // to store the dex locations in uncompressed section of the file.
+    auto collect_fn = [&dex_locations](const std::string& dex_location,
+                                       uint32_t checksum ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+      dex_locations.insert(dex_location);  // Just collect locations.
+      return false;                        // Do not read the profile data.
+    };
+    ProfileCompilationInfo info(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
+    if (!info.Load(profile_file->Fd(), /*merge_classes=*/ true, collect_fn)) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to scan profile from %s", profile_filename.c_str());
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Match boot class path components to locations from profile.
+  // Note that the profile records only filenames without paths.
+  size_t bcp_end = bcp_index;
+  for (; bcp_end != bcp_component_count; ++bcp_end) {
+    const std::string& bcp_component = boot_class_path_locations_[bcp_end];
+    size_t slash_pos = bcp_component.rfind('/');
+    DCHECK_NE(slash_pos, std::string::npos);
+    std::string bcp_component_name = bcp_component.substr(slash_pos + 1u);
+    if (dex_locations.count(bcp_component_name) == 0u) {
+      break;  // Did not find the current location in dex file.
+    }
+  }
+  if (bcp_end == bcp_index) {
+    // No data for the first (requested) component.
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("The profile does not contain data for %s",
+                              boot_class_path_locations_[bcp_index].c_str());
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Create in-memory files.
+  std::string art_filename = ExpandLocation(base_filename, bcp_index);
+  std::string vdex_filename = ImageHeader::GetVdexLocationFromImageLocation(art_filename);
+  std::string oat_filename = ImageHeader::GetOatLocationFromImageLocation(art_filename);
+  android::base::unique_fd art_fd(memfd_create_compat(art_filename.c_str(), /*flags=*/ 0));
+  android::base::unique_fd vdex_fd(memfd_create_compat(vdex_filename.c_str(), /*flags=*/ 0));
+  android::base::unique_fd oat_fd(memfd_create_compat(oat_filename.c_str(), /*flags=*/ 0));
+  if (art_fd.get() == -1 || vdex_fd.get() == -1 || oat_fd.get() == -1) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to create memfd handles for compiling extension for %s",
+                              boot_class_path_locations_[bcp_index].c_str());
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Construct the dex2oat command line.
+  std::string dex2oat = runtime->GetCompilerExecutable();
+  ArrayRef<const std::string> head_bcp =
+      boot_class_path_.SubArray(/*pos=*/ 0u, /*length=*/ dependency_component_count);
+  ArrayRef<const std::string> head_bcp_locations =
+      boot_class_path_locations_.SubArray(/*pos=*/ 0u, /*length=*/ dependency_component_count);
+  ArrayRef<const std::string> extension_bcp =
+      boot_class_path_.SubArray(/*pos=*/ bcp_index, /*length=*/ bcp_end - bcp_index);
+  ArrayRef<const std::string> extension_bcp_locations =
+      boot_class_path_locations_.SubArray(/*pos=*/ bcp_index, /*length=*/ bcp_end - bcp_index);
+  std::string boot_class_path = Join(head_bcp, ':') + ':' + Join(extension_bcp, ':');
+  std::string boot_class_path_locations =
+      Join(head_bcp_locations, ':') + ':' + Join(extension_bcp_locations, ':');
+  std::vector<std::string> args;
+  args.push_back(dex2oat);
+  args.push_back("--runtime-arg");
+  args.push_back("-Xbootclasspath:" + boot_class_path);
+  args.push_back("--runtime-arg");
+  args.push_back("-Xbootclasspath-locations:" + boot_class_path_locations);
+  args.push_back("--boot-image=" + Join(dependencies, ':'));
+  for (size_t i = bcp_index; i != bcp_end; ++i) {
+    args.push_back("--dex-file=" + boot_class_path_[i]);
+    args.push_back("--dex-location=" + boot_class_path_locations_[i]);
+  }
+  args.push_back("--image-fd=" + std::to_string(art_fd.get()));
+  args.push_back("--output-vdex-fd=" + std::to_string(vdex_fd.get()));
+  args.push_back("--oat-fd=" + std::to_string(oat_fd.get()));
+  args.push_back("--oat-location=" + ImageHeader::GetOatLocationFromImageLocation(base_filename));
+  args.push_back("--single-image");
+  args.push_back("--image-format=uncompressed");
+  // Do not let the file descriptor numbers change the compilation output.
+  args.push_back("--avoid-storing-invocation");
+  runtime->AddCurrentRuntimeFeaturesAsDex2OatArguments(&args);
+  if (!kIsTargetBuild) {
+    args.push_back("--host");
+  }
+  for (const std::string& compiler_option : runtime->GetImageCompilerOptions()) {
+    args.push_back(compiler_option);
+  }
+  // Compile the extension.
+  VLOG(image) << "Compiling boot image extension for " << (bcp_end - bcp_index)
+              << " components, starting from " << boot_class_path_locations_[bcp_index];
+  if (!Exec(args, error_msg)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Read and validate the image header.
+  ImageHeader header;
+  {
+    File image_file(art_fd.release(), /*check_usage=*/ false);
+    if (!ReadSpecificImageHeader(&image_file, "compiled image file", &header, error_msg)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    art_fd.reset(image_file.Release());
+  }
+  uint32_t boot_image_space_count;
+  const char* file_description = "compiled image file";
+  if (!ValidateHeader(header, bcp_index, file_description, &boot_image_space_count, error_msg)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  DCHECK(!chunks_.empty());
+  ImageChunk chunk;
+  chunk.base_location = base_location;
+  chunk.base_filename = base_filename;
+  chunk.start_index = bcp_index;
+  chunk.component_count = header.GetComponentCount();
+  chunk.image_space_count = header.GetImageSpaceCount();
+  chunk.reservation_size = header.GetImageReservationSize();
+  chunk.checksum = header.GetImageChecksum();
+  chunk.boot_image_component_count = header.GetBootImageComponentCount();
+  chunk.boot_image_space_count = boot_image_space_count;
+  chunk.boot_image_checksum = header.GetBootImageChecksum();
+  chunk.art_fd.reset(art_fd.release());
+  chunk.vdex_fd.reset(vdex_fd.release());
+  chunk.oat_fd.reset(oat_fd.release());
+  chunks_.push_back(std::move(chunk));
+  next_bcp_index_ = bcp_index + header.GetComponentCount();
+  total_component_count_ += header.GetComponentCount();
+  total_reservation_size_ += header.GetImageReservationSize();
+  return true;
 bool ImageSpace::BootImageLayout::CheckAndRemoveLastChunkChecksum(
     /*inout*/std::string_view* oat_checksums,
     /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
@@ -1917,18 +2237,26 @@
   ArrayRef<const std::string> named_components =
       ArrayRef<const std::string>(components).SubArray(/*pos=*/ 0u, named_components_count);
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> base_locations_and_bcp_indexes;
-  if (!MatchNamedComponents(named_components, &base_locations_and_bcp_indexes, error_msg)) {
+  std::vector<NamedComponentLocation> named_component_locations;
+  if (!MatchNamedComponents(named_components, &named_component_locations, error_msg)) {
     return false;
   // Load the image headers of named components.
-  DCHECK_EQ(base_locations_and_bcp_indexes.size(), named_components.size());
+  DCHECK_EQ(named_component_locations.size(), named_components.size());
   const size_t bcp_component_count = boot_class_path_.size();
   size_t bcp_pos = 0u;
+  ArrayRef<std::string> extension_dependencies;
   for (size_t i = 0, size = named_components.size(); i != size; ++i) {
-    const std::string& base_location = base_locations_and_bcp_indexes[i].first;
-    size_t bcp_index = base_locations_and_bcp_indexes[i].second;
+    const std::string& base_location = named_component_locations[i].base_location;
+    size_t bcp_index = named_component_locations[i].bcp_index;
+    const std::string& profile_filename = named_component_locations[i].profile_filename;
+    if (extension_dependencies.empty() && !profile_filename.empty()) {
+      // Each extension is compiled against the same dependencies, namely the leading
+      // named components that were specified without providing the profile filename.
+      extension_dependencies =
+          ArrayRef<std::string>(components).SubArray(/*pos=*/ 0, /*length=*/ i);
+    }
     if (bcp_index < bcp_pos) {
       DCHECK_NE(i, 0u);
       LOG(ERROR) << "Named image component already covered by previous image: " << base_location;
@@ -1943,15 +2271,27 @@
     std::string* err_msg = (i == 0 || validate) ? error_msg : &local_error_msg;
     std::string base_filename;
     if (!filename_fn(base_location, &base_filename, err_msg) ||
-        !ReadHeader(base_location, base_filename, bcp_index, bcp_component_count, err_msg)) {
+        !ReadHeader(base_location, base_filename, bcp_index, err_msg)) {
       if (i == 0u || validate) {
         return false;
       VLOG(image) << "Error reading named image component header for " << base_location
                   << ", error: " << local_error_msg;
-      bcp_pos = bcp_index + 1u;  // Skip at least this component.
-      DCHECK_GT(bcp_pos, GetNextBcpIndex());
-      continue;
+      if (profile_filename.empty() ||
+          !CompileExtension(base_location,
+                            base_filename,
+                            bcp_index,
+                            profile_filename,
+                            extension_dependencies,
+                            &local_error_msg)) {
+        if (!profile_filename.empty()) {
+          VLOG(image) << "Error compiling extension for " << boot_class_path_[bcp_index]
+                      << " error: " << local_error_msg;
+        }
+        bcp_pos = bcp_index + 1u;  // Skip at least this component.
+        DCHECK_GT(bcp_pos, GetNextBcpIndex());
+        continue;
+      }
     if (validate) {
       if (!CheckAndRemoveLastChunkChecksum(oat_checksums, error_msg)) {
@@ -1968,7 +2308,7 @@
   ArrayRef<const std::string> search_paths =
       ArrayRef<const std::string>(components).SubArray(/*pos=*/ named_components_count);
   if (!search_paths.empty()) {
-    const std::string& primary_base_location = base_locations_and_bcp_indexes[0].first;
+    const std::string& primary_base_location = named_component_locations[0].base_location;
     size_t base_slash_pos = primary_base_location.rfind('/');
     DCHECK_NE(base_slash_pos, std::string::npos);
     std::string base_name = primary_base_location.substr(base_slash_pos + 1u);
@@ -1990,7 +2330,7 @@
         std::string err_msg;  // Ignored.
         std::string base_filename;
         if (filename_fn(base_location, &base_filename, &err_msg) &&
-            ReadHeader(base_location, base_filename, bcp_pos, bcp_component_count, &err_msg)) {
+            ReadHeader(base_location, base_filename, bcp_pos, &err_msg)) {
           VLOG(image) << "Found image extension for " << ExpandLocation(base_location, bcp_pos);
           bcp_pos = GetNextBcpIndex();
           found = true;
@@ -2071,7 +2411,7 @@
   bool IsZygote() const { return is_zygote_; }
   void FindImageFiles() {
-    BootImageLayout layout(image_location_, boot_class_path_);
+    BootImageLayout layout(image_location_, boot_class_path_, boot_class_path_locations_);
     std::string image_location = layout.GetPrimaryImageLocation();
     std::string system_filename;
     bool found_image = FindImageFilenameImpl(image_location.c_str(),
@@ -2559,10 +2899,31 @@
   std::unique_ptr<ImageSpace> Load(const std::string& image_location,
                                    const std::string& image_filename,
+                                   android::base::unique_fd art_fd,
                                    TimingLogger* logger,
                                    /*inout*/MemMap* image_reservation,
                                    /*out*/std::string* error_msg)
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    if (art_fd.get() != -1) {
+      // No need to lock memfd for which we hold the only file descriptor
+      // (see locking with ScopedFlock for normal files below).
+      VLOG(startup) << "Using image file " << image_filename.c_str() << " for image location "
+                    << image_location << " for compiled extension";
+      File image_file(art_fd.release(), image_filename, /*check_usage=*/ false);
+      std::unique_ptr<ImageSpace> result = Loader::Init(&image_file,
+                                                        image_filename.c_str(),
+                                                        image_location.c_str(),
+                                                        /*oat_file=*/ nullptr,
+                                                        /*allow_direct_mapping=*/ false,
+                                                        logger,
+                                                        image_reservation,
+                                                        error_msg);
+      // Note: We're closing the image file descriptor here when we destroy
+      // the `image_file` as we no longer need it.
+      return result;
+    }
     // Should this be a RDWR lock? This is only a defensive measure, as at
     // this point the image should exist.
     // However, only the zygote can write into the global dalvik-cache, so
@@ -2581,6 +2942,7 @@
     VLOG(startup) << "Using image file " << image_filename.c_str() << " for image location "
                   << image_location;
     // If we are in /system we can assume the image is good. We can also
     // assume this if we are using a relocated image (i.e. image checksum
     // matches) since this is only different by the offset. We need this to
@@ -2596,6 +2958,8 @@
   bool OpenOatFile(ImageSpace* space,
+                   android::base::unique_fd vdex_fd,
+                   android::base::unique_fd oat_fd,
                    ArrayRef<const std::string> dex_filenames,
                    bool validate_oat_file,
                    ArrayRef<const std::unique_ptr<ImageSpace>> dependencies,
@@ -2616,14 +2980,30 @@
       std::string oat_location =
-      oat_file.reset(OatFile::Open(/*zip_fd=*/ -1,
-                                   oat_filename,
-                                   oat_location,
-                                   executable_,
-                                   /*low_4gb=*/ false,
-                                   dex_filenames,
-                                   image_reservation,
-                                   error_msg));
+      DCHECK_EQ(vdex_fd.get() != -1, oat_fd.get() != -1);
+      if (vdex_fd.get() == -1) {
+        oat_file.reset(OatFile::Open(/*zip_fd=*/ -1,
+                                     oat_filename,
+                                     oat_location,
+                                     executable_,
+                                     /*low_4gb=*/ false,
+                                     dex_filenames,
+                                     image_reservation,
+                                     error_msg));
+      } else {
+        oat_file.reset(OatFile::Open(/*zip_fd=*/ -1,
+                                     vdex_fd.get(),
+                                     oat_fd.get(),
+                                     oat_location,
+                                     executable_,
+                                     /*low_4gb=*/ false,
+                                     dex_filenames,
+                                     image_reservation,
+                                     error_msg));
+        // We no longer need the file descriptors and they will be closed by
+        // the unique_fd destructor when we leave this function.
+      }
       if (oat_file == nullptr) {
         *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open oat file '%s' referenced from image %s: %s",
@@ -2660,7 +3040,7 @@
           return false;
       } else if (dependencies.empty()) {
-        std::string expected_boot_class_path = android::base::Join(ArrayRef<const std::string>(
+        std::string expected_boot_class_path = Join(ArrayRef<const std::string>(
               boot_class_path_locations_).SubArray(0u, component_count), ':');
         if (expected_boot_class_path != oat_boot_class_path) {
           *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to match oat boot class path %s to expected "
@@ -2758,8 +3138,13 @@
     std::vector<std::string> filenames =
         ExpandMultiImageLocations(requested_bcp_locations, chunk.base_filename, is_extension);
     DCHECK_EQ(locations.size(), filenames.size());
-    for (std::size_t i = 0u, size = locations.size(); i != size; ++i) {
-      spaces->push_back(Load(locations[i], filenames[i], logger, image_reservation, error_msg));
+    for (size_t i = 0u, size = locations.size(); i != size; ++i) {
+      spaces->push_back(Load(locations[i],
+                             filenames[i],
+                             std::move(chunk.art_fd),
+                             logger,
+                             image_reservation,
+                             error_msg));
       const ImageSpace* space = spaces->back().get();
       if (space == nullptr) {
         return false;
@@ -2796,10 +3181,12 @@
     ArrayRef<const std::unique_ptr<ImageSpace>> dependencies =
         ArrayRef<const std::unique_ptr<ImageSpace>>(*spaces).SubArray(
             /*pos=*/ 0u, chunk.boot_image_component_count);
-    for (std::size_t i = 0u, size = locations.size(); i != size; ++i) {
+    for (size_t i = 0u, size = locations.size(); i != size; ++i) {
       ImageSpace* space = (*spaces)[spaces->size() - chunk.image_space_count + i].get();
       size_t bcp_chunk_size = (chunk.image_space_count == 1u) ? chunk.component_count : 1u;
       if (!OpenOatFile(space,
+                       std::move(chunk.vdex_fd),
+                       std::move(chunk.oat_fd),
                        boot_class_path_.SubArray(/*pos=*/ chunk.start_index + i, bcp_chunk_size),
@@ -2880,7 +3267,7 @@
     /*out*/std::string* error_msg) {
   TimingLogger logger(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, /*precise=*/ true, VLOG_IS_ON(image));
-  BootImageLayout layout(image_location_, boot_class_path_);
+  BootImageLayout layout(image_location_, boot_class_path_, boot_class_path_locations_);
   if (!layout.LoadFromSystem(image_isa_, error_msg)) {
     return false;
@@ -2912,7 +3299,7 @@
   TimingLogger logger(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, /*precise=*/ true, VLOG_IS_ON(image));
-  BootImageLayout layout(image_location_, boot_class_path_);
+  BootImageLayout layout(image_location_, boot_class_path_, boot_class_path_locations_);
   if (!layout.LoadFromDalvikCache(dalvik_cache_, error_msg)) {
     return false;
@@ -3303,7 +3690,7 @@
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Oat boot class path (%s) is not a prefix of"
                               " runtime boot class path (%s)",
-                              android::base::Join(boot_class_path, ':').c_str());
+                              Join(boot_class_path, ':').c_str());
     return static_cast<size_t>(-1);
   return component_count;
@@ -3333,7 +3720,9 @@
   size_t bcp_pos = 0u;
   if (StartsWith(oat_checksums, "i")) {
     // Use only the matching part of the BCP for validation.
-    BootImageLayout layout(image_location, boot_class_path.SubArray(/*pos=*/ 0u, bcp_size));
+    BootImageLayout layout(image_location,
+                           boot_class_path.SubArray(/*pos=*/ 0u, bcp_size),
+                           boot_class_path_locations.SubArray(/*pos=*/ 0u, bcp_size));
     std::string primary_image_location = layout.GetPrimaryImageLocation();
     std::string system_filename;
     bool has_system = false;
diff --git a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
index f56b42b..2a90d8b 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
@@ -63,6 +63,15 @@
   //     <ext-path>/<ext-name>
   //     <ext-name>
   // and must be listed in the order of their corresponding BCP components.
+  // The specification may have a suffix with profile specification, one of
+  //     !<ext-path>/<ext-name>
+  //     !<ext-name>
+  // and this profile will be used to compile the extension when loading the
+  // boot image if the on-disk version is not acceptable (either not present
+  // or fails validation, presumably because it's out of date). The first
+  // extension specification that includes the profile specification also
+  // terminates the list of the boot image dependencies that each extension
+  // is compiled against.
   // Search paths for remaining extensions can be specified after named
   // components as one of
@@ -94,6 +103,21 @@
   //           corresponding BCP component path and then in /system/framework.
   //     /apex/*:boot-framework.jar
   //         - invalid, named components may not follow search paths.
+  //!/system/framework/
+  //         - primary and one extension, use BCP component paths; if extension
+  //           is not found or broken compile it in memory using the specified
+  //           profile file from the exact path.
+  //!
+  //         - primary and two extensions, use BCP component paths; only the
+  //           second extension has a profile file and can be compiled in memory
+  //           when it is not found or broken, using the specified profile file
+  //           in the BCP component path and it is compiled against the primary
+  //           and first extension and only if the first extension is OK.
+  //!!
+  //         - primary and two extensions, use BCP component paths; if any
+  //           extension is not found or broken compile it in memory using
+  //           the specified profile file in the BCP component path, each
+  //           extension is compiled only against the primary boot image.
   static bool LoadBootImage(
       const std::vector<std::string>& boot_class_path,
       const std::vector<std::string>& boot_class_path_locations,
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.h b/runtime/runtime.h
index 61ca874..a988fa7 100644
--- a/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 enum class CalleeSaveType: uint32_t;
 class ClassLinker;
 class CompilerCallbacks;
+class Dex2oatImageTest;
 class DexFile;
 enum class InstructionSet;
 class InternTable;
@@ -1342,6 +1343,7 @@
   // Note: See comments on GetFaultMessage.
   friend std::string GetFaultMessageForAbortLogging();
+  friend class Dex2oatImageTest;
   friend class ScopedThreadPoolUsage;
   friend class OatFileAssistantTest;
   class NotifyStartupCompletedTask;