Add conditional branches, and build dominator tree.
Change-Id: I4b151a07b72692961235a1419b54b6b45cf54e63
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e7e9f47..9ec8e89 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -24,6 +24,103 @@
+void HGraph::FindBackEdges(ArenaBitVector* visited) const {
+ ArenaBitVector visiting(arena_, blocks_.Size(), false);
+ VisitBlockForBackEdges(GetEntryBlock(), visited, &visiting);
+void HGraph::RemoveDeadBlocks(const ArenaBitVector& visited) const {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks_.Size(); i++) {
+ if (!visited.IsBitSet(i)) {
+ HBasicBlock* block = blocks_.Get(i);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < block->successors()->Size(); j++) {
+ block->successors()->Get(j)->RemovePredecessor(block);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void HGraph::VisitBlockForBackEdges(HBasicBlock* block,
+ ArenaBitVector* visited,
+ ArenaBitVector* visiting) const {
+ int id = block->block_id();
+ if (visited->IsBitSet(id)) return;
+ visited->SetBit(id);
+ visiting->SetBit(id);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < block->successors()->Size(); i++) {
+ HBasicBlock* successor = block->successors()->Get(i);
+ if (visiting->IsBitSet(successor->block_id())) {
+ successor->AddBackEdge(block);
+ } else {
+ VisitBlockForBackEdges(successor, visited, visiting);
+ }
+ }
+ visiting->ClearBit(id);
+void HGraph::BuildDominatorTree() {
+ ArenaBitVector visited(arena_, blocks_.Size(), false);
+ // (1) Find the back edges in the graph doing a DFS traversal.
+ FindBackEdges(&visited);
+ // (2) Remove blocks not visited during the initial DFS.
+ // Step (3) requires dead blocks to be removed from the
+ // predecessors list of live blocks.
+ RemoveDeadBlocks(visited);
+ // (3) Compute the immediate dominator of each block. We visit
+ // the successors of a block only when all its forward branches
+ // have been processed.
+ GrowableArray<size_t> visits(arena_, blocks_.Size());
+ visits.SetSize(blocks_.Size());
+ HBasicBlock* entry = GetEntryBlock();
+ dominator_order_.Add(entry);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < entry->successors()->Size(); i++) {
+ VisitBlockForDominatorTree(entry->successors()->Get(i), entry, &visits);
+ }
+HBasicBlock* HGraph::FindCommonDominator(HBasicBlock* first, HBasicBlock* second) const {
+ ArenaBitVector visited(arena_, blocks_.Size(), false);
+ // Walk the dominator tree of the first block and mark the visited blocks.
+ while (first != nullptr) {
+ visited.SetBit(first->block_id());
+ first = first->dominator();
+ }
+ // Walk the dominator tree of the second block until a marked block is found.
+ while (second != nullptr) {
+ if (visited.IsBitSet(second->block_id())) {
+ return second;
+ }
+ second = second->dominator();
+ }
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find common dominator";
+ return nullptr;
+void HGraph::VisitBlockForDominatorTree(HBasicBlock* block,
+ HBasicBlock* predecessor,
+ GrowableArray<size_t>* visits) {
+ if (block->dominator() == nullptr) {
+ block->set_dominator(predecessor);
+ } else {
+ block->set_dominator(FindCommonDominator(block->dominator(), predecessor));
+ }
+ visits->Increment(block->block_id());
+ // Once all the forward edges have been visited, we know the immediate
+ // dominator of the block. We can then start visiting its successors.
+ if (visits->Get(block->block_id()) ==
+ block->predecessors()->Size() - block->NumberOfBackEdges()) {
+ dominator_order_.Add(block);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < block->successors()->Size(); i++) {
+ VisitBlockForDominatorTree(block->successors()->Get(i), block, visits);
+ }
+ }
void HBasicBlock::AddInstruction(HInstruction* instruction) {
if (first_instruction_ == nullptr) {
DCHECK(last_instruction_ == nullptr);