Cache field lowering info in mir_graph.
Change-Id: I9f9d76e3ae6c31e88bdf3f59820d31a625da020f
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index 8ef80fa..d159f49 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -14,11 +14,15 @@
* limitations under the License.
+#include <algorithm>
#include "compiler_internals.h"
#include "dataflow_iterator-inl.h"
+#include "dex_instruction.h"
+#include "dex_instruction-inl.h"
#include "dex/quick/dex_file_method_inliner.h"
#include "dex/quick/dex_file_to_method_inliner_map.h"
#include "driver/compiler_options.h"
+#include "UniquePtr.h"
namespace art {
@@ -1090,4 +1094,109 @@
return ComputeSkipCompilation(&stats, skip_compilation);
+void MIRGraph::DoCacheFieldLoweringInfo() {
+ // Try to use stack-allocated array, resort to heap if we exceed the initial size.
+ static constexpr size_t kInitialSize = 32;
+ uint16_t stack_idxs[kInitialSize];
+ UniquePtr<uint16_t[]> allocated_idxs;
+ uint16_t* field_idxs = stack_idxs;
+ size_t size = kInitialSize;
+ // Find IGET/IPUT/SGET/SPUT insns, store IGET/IPUT fields at the beginning, SGET/SPUT at the end.
+ size_t ifield_pos = 0u;
+ size_t sfield_pos = size;
+ AllNodesIterator iter(this);
+ for (BasicBlock* bb = iter.Next(); bb != nullptr; bb = iter.Next()) {
+ if (bb->block_type != kDalvikByteCode) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (MIR* mir = bb->first_mir_insn; mir != nullptr; mir = mir->next) {
+ if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode >= Instruction::IGET &&
+ mir->dalvikInsn.opcode <= Instruction::SPUT_SHORT) {
+ bool need_alloc = false;
+ const Instruction* insn = Instruction::At(current_code_item_->insns_ + mir->offset);
+ uint16_t field_idx;
+ // Get field index and try to find it among existing indexes. If found, it's usually among
+ // the last few added, so we'll start the search from ifield_pos/sfield_pos. Though this
+ // is a linear search, it actually performs much better than map based approach.
+ if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode <= Instruction::IPUT_SHORT) {
+ field_idx = insn->VRegC_22c();
+ size_t i = ifield_pos;
+ while (i != 0u && field_idxs[i - 1] != field_idx) {
+ --i;
+ }
+ if (i != 0u) {
+ mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info = i - 1;
+ } else {
+ mir->meta.ifield_lowering_info = ifield_pos;
+ if (UNLIKELY(ifield_pos == sfield_pos)) {
+ need_alloc = true;
+ } else {
+ field_idxs[ifield_pos++] = field_idx;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ field_idx = insn->VRegB_21c();
+ size_t i = sfield_pos;
+ while (i != size && field_idxs[i] != field_idx) {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (i != size) {
+ mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info = size - i - 1u;
+ } else {
+ mir->meta.sfield_lowering_info = size - sfield_pos;
+ if (UNLIKELY(ifield_pos == sfield_pos)) {
+ need_alloc = true;
+ } else {
+ field_idxs[--sfield_pos] = field_idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNLIKELY(need_alloc)) {
+ DCHECK(field_idxs == stack_idxs);
+ // All IGET/IPUT/SGET/SPUT instructions take 2 code units and there must also be a RETURN.
+ uint32_t max_refs = (current_code_item_->insns_size_in_code_units_ - 1u) / 2u;
+ allocated_idxs.reset(new uint16_t[max_refs]);
+ field_idxs = allocated_idxs.get();
+ size_t sfield_count = size - sfield_pos;
+ sfield_pos = max_refs - sfield_count;
+ size = max_refs;
+ memcpy(field_idxs, stack_idxs, ifield_pos * sizeof(field_idxs[0]));
+ memcpy(field_idxs + sfield_pos, stack_idxs + ifield_pos,
+ sfield_count * sizeof(field_idxs[0]));
+ if (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode <= Instruction::IPUT_SHORT) {
+ field_idxs[ifield_pos++] = field_idx;
+ } else {
+ field_idxs[--sfield_pos] = field_idx;
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK_LE(ifield_pos, sfield_pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ifield_pos != 0u) {
+ // Resolve instance field infos.
+ DCHECK_EQ(ifield_lowering_infos_.Size(), 0u);
+ ifield_lowering_infos_.Resize(ifield_pos);
+ for (size_t pos = 0u; pos != ifield_pos; ++pos) {
+ ifield_lowering_infos_.Insert(MirIFieldLoweringInfo(field_idxs[pos]));
+ }
+ MirIFieldLoweringInfo::Resolve(cu_->compiler_driver, GetCurrentDexCompilationUnit(),
+ ifield_lowering_infos_.GetRawStorage(), ifield_pos);
+ }
+ if (sfield_pos != size) {
+ // Resolve static field infos.
+ DCHECK_EQ(sfield_lowering_infos_.Size(), 0u);
+ sfield_lowering_infos_.Resize(size - sfield_pos);
+ for (size_t pos = size; pos != sfield_pos;) {
+ --pos;
+ sfield_lowering_infos_.Insert(MirSFieldLoweringInfo(field_idxs[pos]));
+ }
+ MirSFieldLoweringInfo::Resolve(cu_->compiler_driver, GetCurrentDexCompilationUnit(),
+ sfield_lowering_infos_.GetRawStorage(), size - sfield_pos);
+ }
} // namespace art