Make slow paths easier to write

This adds a class LIRSlowPath that allows for deferred compilation
of slow paths.  Using this object you can add code that will be
invoked out of line using a forward branch.  The intention is to
move the slow paths out of the main flow and avoid branch-over
constructs that will almost always trigger.  The forward branch
to the slow path code will be predicted false and this will
be correct most of the time.  The slow path code returns to the
instruction after the original branch using an unconditional branch.

This is used in the following opcodes: sput, sget, const-string,
check-cast, const-class.

Others will follow.

Bug: 10864890
Change-Id: I17130c5dc20d369bc6bbf50b8cf04343263e888e
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/ b/compiler/dex/quick/
index 760e06e..8d9c042 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "mirror/array.h"
 #include "mirror/object-inl.h"
 #include "verifier/method_verifier.h"
+#include <functional>
 namespace art {
@@ -358,6 +359,34 @@
+// Slow path to ensure a class is initialized for sget/sput.
+class StaticFieldSlowPath : public Mir2Lir::LIRSlowPath {
+ public:
+  StaticFieldSlowPath(Mir2Lir* m2l, LIR* unresolved, LIR* uninit, LIR* cont,
+           int storage_index, int r_base) :
+    LIRSlowPath(m2l, m2l->GetCurrentDexPc(), unresolved, cont), uninit_(uninit), storage_index_(storage_index),
+    r_base_(r_base) {
+  }
+  void Compile() {
+    LIR* unresolved_target = GenerateTargetLabel();
+    uninit_->target = unresolved_target;
+    m2l_->CallRuntimeHelperImm(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInitializeStaticStorage),
+                            storage_index_, true);
+    // Copy helper's result into r_base, a no-op on all but MIPS.
+    m2l_->OpRegCopy(r_base_,  m2l_->TargetReg(kRet0));
+    m2l_->OpUnconditionalBranch(cont_);
+  }
+ private:
+  LIR* const uninit_;
+  const int storage_index_;
+  const int r_base_;
 void Mir2Lir::GenSput(uint32_t field_idx, RegLocation rl_src, bool is_long_or_double,
                       bool is_object) {
   int field_offset;
@@ -401,23 +430,20 @@
       // r_base now points at static storage (Class*) or NULL if the type is not yet resolved.
       if (!is_initialized) {
         // Check if r_base is NULL or a not yet initialized class.
-        // TUNING: fast path should fall through
+        // The slow path is invoked if the r_base is NULL or the class pointed
+        // to by it is not initialized.
         LIR* unresolved_branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, r_base, 0, NULL);
         int r_tmp = TargetReg(kArg2);
-        LIR* initialized_branch = OpCmpMemImmBranch(kCondGe, r_tmp, r_base,
+        LIR* uninit_branch = OpCmpMemImmBranch(kCondLt, r_tmp, r_base,
                                           mirror::Class::kStatusInitialized, NULL);
+        LIR* cont = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-        LIR* unresolved_target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-        unresolved_branch->target = unresolved_target;
-        CallRuntimeHelperImm(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInitializeStaticStorage), storage_index,
-                             true);
-        // Copy helper's result into r_base, a no-op on all but MIPS.
-        OpRegCopy(r_base, TargetReg(kRet0));
-        LIR* initialized_target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-        initialized_branch->target = initialized_target;
+        AddSlowPath(new (arena_) StaticFieldSlowPath(this,
+                                                     unresolved_branch, uninit_branch, cont,
+                                                     storage_index, r_base));
@@ -494,23 +520,20 @@
       // r_base now points at static storage (Class*) or NULL if the type is not yet resolved.
       if (!is_initialized) {
         // Check if r_base is NULL or a not yet initialized class.
-        // TUNING: fast path should fall through
+        // The slow path is invoked if the r_base is NULL or the class pointed
+        // to by it is not initialized.
         LIR* unresolved_branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, r_base, 0, NULL);
         int r_tmp = TargetReg(kArg2);
-        LIR* initialized_branch = OpCmpMemImmBranch(kCondGe, r_tmp, r_base,
+        LIR* uninit_branch = OpCmpMemImmBranch(kCondLt, r_tmp, r_base,
                                           mirror::Class::kStatusInitialized, NULL);
+        LIR* cont = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-        LIR* unresolved_target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-        unresolved_branch->target = unresolved_target;
-        CallRuntimeHelperImm(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInitializeStaticStorage), storage_index,
-                             true);
-        // Copy helper's result into r_base, a no-op on all but MIPS.
-        OpRegCopy(r_base, TargetReg(kRet0));
-        LIR* initialized_target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-        initialized_branch->target = initialized_target;
+        AddSlowPath(new (arena_) StaticFieldSlowPath(this,
+                                                     unresolved_branch, uninit_branch, cont,
+                                                     storage_index, r_base));
@@ -550,6 +573,16 @@
+// Generate code for all slow paths.
+void Mir2Lir::HandleSlowPaths() {
+  int n = slow_paths_.Size();
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+    LIRSlowPath* slowpath = slow_paths_.Get(i);
+    slowpath->Compile();
+  }
+  slow_paths_.Reset();
 void Mir2Lir::HandleSuspendLaunchPads() {
   int num_elems = suspend_launchpads_.Size();
   ThreadOffset helper_offset = QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pTestSuspend);
@@ -818,32 +851,40 @@
         type_idx) || SLOW_TYPE_PATH) {
       // Slow path, at runtime test if type is null and if so initialize
-      LIR* branch1 = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, rl_result.low_reg, 0, NULL);
-      // Resolved, store and hop over following code
+      LIR* branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, rl_result.low_reg, 0, NULL);
+      LIR* cont = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
+      // Object to generate the slow path for class resolution.
+      class SlowPath : public LIRSlowPath {
+       public:
+        SlowPath(Mir2Lir* m2l, LIR* fromfast, LIR* cont, const int type_idx,
+                 const RegLocation& rl_method, const RegLocation& rl_result) :
+                   LIRSlowPath(m2l, m2l->GetCurrentDexPc(), fromfast, cont), type_idx_(type_idx),
+                   rl_method_(rl_method), rl_result_(rl_result) {
+        }
+        void Compile() {
+          GenerateTargetLabel();
+          m2l_->CallRuntimeHelperImmReg(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInitializeType), type_idx_,
+                                        rl_method_.low_reg, true);
+          m2l_->OpRegCopy(rl_result_.low_reg,  m2l_->TargetReg(kRet0));
+          m2l_->OpUnconditionalBranch(cont_);
+        }
+       private:
+        const int type_idx_;
+        const RegLocation rl_method_;
+        const RegLocation rl_result_;
+      };
+      // Add to list for future.
+      AddSlowPath(new (arena_) SlowPath(this, branch, cont,
+                                        type_idx, rl_method, rl_result));
       StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
-      /*
-       * Because we have stores of the target value on two paths,
-       * clobber temp tracking for the destination using the ssa name
-       */
-      ClobberSReg(rl_dest.s_reg_low);
-      LIR* branch2 = OpUnconditionalBranch(0);
-      // TUNING: move slow path to end & remove unconditional branch
-      LIR* target1 = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-      // Call out to helper, which will return resolved type in kArg0
-      CallRuntimeHelperImmReg(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInitializeType), type_idx,
-                              rl_method.low_reg, true);
-      RegLocation rl_result = GetReturn(false);
-      StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
-      /*
-       * Because we have stores of the target value on two paths,
-       * clobber temp tracking for the destination using the ssa name
-       */
-      ClobberSReg(rl_dest.s_reg_low);
-      // Rejoin code paths
-      LIR* target2 = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-      branch1->target = target1;
-      branch2->target = target2;
-    } else {
+     } else {
       // Fast path, we're done - just store result
       StoreValue(rl_dest, rl_result);
@@ -875,32 +916,41 @@
     // Might call out to helper, which will return resolved string in kRet0
-    int r_tgt = CallHelperSetup(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pResolveString));
     LoadWordDisp(TargetReg(kArg0), offset_of_string, TargetReg(kRet0));
-    if (cu_->instruction_set == kThumb2) {
+    if (cu_->instruction_set == kThumb2 ||
+        cu_->instruction_set == kMips) {
+      //  OpRegImm(kOpCmp, TargetReg(kRet0), 0);  // Is resolved?
       LoadConstant(TargetReg(kArg1), string_idx);
-      OpRegImm(kOpCmp, TargetReg(kRet0), 0);  // Is resolved?
+      LIR* fromfast = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, TargetReg(kRet0), 0, NULL);
+      LIR* cont = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-      // For testing, always force through helper
-        OpIT(kCondEq, "T");
-      }
-      // The copy MUST generate exactly one instruction (for OpIT).
-      DCHECK_NE(TargetReg(kArg0), r_method);
-      OpRegCopy(TargetReg(kArg0), r_method);   // .eq
-      LIR* call_inst = OpReg(kOpBlx, r_tgt);    // .eq, helper(Method*, string_idx)
-      MarkSafepointPC(call_inst);
-      FreeTemp(r_tgt);
-    } else if (cu_->instruction_set == kMips) {
-      LIR* branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondNe, TargetReg(kRet0), 0, NULL);
-      LoadConstant(TargetReg(kArg1), string_idx);
-      OpRegCopy(TargetReg(kArg0), r_method);   // .eq
-      LIR* call_inst = OpReg(kOpBlx, r_tgt);
-      MarkSafepointPC(call_inst);
-      FreeTemp(r_tgt);
-      LIR* target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-      branch->target = target;
+      // Object to generate the slow path for string resolution.
+      class SlowPath : public LIRSlowPath {
+       public:
+        SlowPath(Mir2Lir* m2l, LIR* fromfast, LIR* cont, int r_method) :
+          LIRSlowPath(m2l, m2l->GetCurrentDexPc(), fromfast, cont), r_method_(r_method) {
+        }
+        void Compile() {
+          GenerateTargetLabel();
+          int r_tgt = m2l_->CallHelperSetup(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pResolveString));
+          m2l_->OpRegCopy(m2l_->TargetReg(kArg0), r_method_);   // .eq
+          LIR* call_inst = m2l_->OpReg(kOpBlx, r_tgt);
+          m2l_->MarkSafepointPC(call_inst);
+          m2l_->FreeTemp(r_tgt);
+          m2l_->OpUnconditionalBranch(cont_);
+        }
+       private:
+         int r_method_;
+      };
+      // Add to list for future.
+      AddSlowPath(new (arena_) SlowPath(this, fromfast, cont, r_method));
     } else {
       DCHECK_EQ(cu_->instruction_set, kX86);
       LIR* branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondNe, TargetReg(kRet0), 0, NULL);
@@ -1213,37 +1263,90 @@
     LoadWordDisp(class_reg, offset_of_type, class_reg);
     if (!cu_->compiler_driver->CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(*cu_->dex_file, type_idx)) {
       // Need to test presence of type in dex cache at runtime
-      LIR* hop_branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondNe, class_reg, 0, NULL);
-      // Not resolved
-      // Call out to helper, which will return resolved type in kArg0
-      // InitializeTypeFromCode(idx, method)
-      CallRuntimeHelperImmReg(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInitializeType), type_idx,
-                              TargetReg(kArg1), true);
-      OpRegCopy(class_reg, TargetReg(kRet0));  // Align usage with fast path
-      // Rejoin code paths
-      LIR* hop_target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-      hop_branch->target = hop_target;
+      LIR* hop_branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, class_reg, 0, NULL);
+      LIR* cont = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
+      // Slow path to initialize the type.  Executed if the type is NULL.
+      class SlowPath : public LIRSlowPath {
+       public:
+        SlowPath(Mir2Lir* m2l, LIR* fromfast, LIR* cont, const int type_idx,
+                 const int class_reg) :
+                   LIRSlowPath(m2l, m2l->GetCurrentDexPc(), fromfast, cont), type_idx_(type_idx),
+                   class_reg_(class_reg) {
+        }
+        void Compile() {
+          GenerateTargetLabel();
+          // Call out to helper, which will return resolved type in kArg0
+          // InitializeTypeFromCode(idx, method)
+          m2l_->CallRuntimeHelperImmReg(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pInitializeType), type_idx_,
+                                        m2l_->TargetReg(kArg1), true);
+          m2l_->OpRegCopy(class_reg_, m2l_->TargetReg(kRet0));  // Align usage with fast path
+          m2l_->OpUnconditionalBranch(cont_);
+        }
+       public:
+        const int type_idx_;
+        const int class_reg_;
+      };
+      AddSlowPath(new (arena_) SlowPath(this, hop_branch, cont,
+                                        type_idx, class_reg));
   // At this point, class_reg (kArg2) has class
   LoadValueDirectFixed(rl_src, TargetReg(kArg0));  // kArg0 <= ref
-  /* Null is OK - continue */
-  LIR* branch1 = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, TargetReg(kArg0), 0, NULL);
-  /* load object->klass_ */
-  DCHECK_EQ(mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(), 0);
-  LoadWordDisp(TargetReg(kArg0), mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(), TargetReg(kArg1));
-  /* kArg1 now contains object->klass_ */
-  LIR* branch2 = NULL;
-  if (!type_known_abstract) {
-    branch2 = OpCmpBranch(kCondEq, TargetReg(kArg1), class_reg, NULL);
-  }
-  CallRuntimeHelperRegReg(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pCheckCast), TargetReg(kArg2),
-                          TargetReg(kArg1), true);
-  /* branch target here */
-  LIR* target = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
-  branch1->target = target;
-  if (branch2 != NULL) {
-    branch2->target = target;
+  // Slow path for the case where the classes are not equal.  In this case we need
+  // to call a helper function to do the check.
+  class SlowPath : public LIRSlowPath {
+   public:
+    SlowPath(Mir2Lir* m2l, LIR* fromfast, LIR* cont, bool load):
+               LIRSlowPath(m2l, m2l->GetCurrentDexPc(), fromfast, cont), load_(load) {
+    }
+    void Compile() {
+      GenerateTargetLabel();
+      if (load_) {
+        m2l_->LoadWordDisp(m2l_->TargetReg(kArg0), mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(),
+                           m2l_->TargetReg(kArg1));
+      }
+      m2l_->CallRuntimeHelperRegReg(QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(pCheckCast), m2l_->TargetReg(kArg2),
+                                    m2l_->TargetReg(kArg1), true);
+      m2l_->OpUnconditionalBranch(cont_);
+    }
+   private:
+    bool load_;
+  };
+  if (type_known_abstract) {
+    // Easier case, run slow path if target is non-null (slow path will load from target)
+    LIR* branch = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondNe, TargetReg(kArg0), 0, NULL);
+    LIR* cont = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
+    AddSlowPath(new (arena_) SlowPath(this, branch, cont, true));
+  } else {
+    // Harder, more common case.  We need to generate a forward branch over the load
+    // if the target is null.  If it's non-null we perform the load and branch to the
+    // slow path if the classes are not equal.
+    /* Null is OK - continue */
+    LIR* branch1 = OpCmpImmBranch(kCondEq, TargetReg(kArg0), 0, NULL);
+    /* load object->klass_ */
+    DCHECK_EQ(mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(), 0);
+    LoadWordDisp(TargetReg(kArg0), mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value(),
+                    TargetReg(kArg1));
+    LIR* branch2 = OpCmpBranch(kCondNe, TargetReg(kArg1), class_reg, NULL);
+    LIR* cont = NewLIR0(kPseudoTargetLabel);
+    // Add the slow path that will not perform load since this is already done.
+    AddSlowPath(new (arena_) SlowPath(this, branch2, cont, false));
+    // Set the null check to branch to the continuation.
+    branch1->target = cont;