Fix premature deoptimization if the loop body isn't entered.
Add a test between initial_ and end_ to see if the loop body is entered.
If the loop body isn't entered at all, we jump to the loop header. Loop header is
still executed and is going to test the condition again and loop body won't be
entered. This makes sure no deoptimization is triggered if the loop body isn't
even entered.
Bug: 21034044
(cherry picked from commit 3584bce5b1f45e5741d3a6ca24884a36320ecb6b)
Change-Id: I2b6de1f22fbc4568ca419f76382ebd87806d9694
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index b2b5496..f8550c2 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -126,11 +126,14 @@
return instruction_ == bound.instruction_ && constant_ == bound.constant_;
- static HInstruction* FromArrayLengthToNewArrayIfPossible(HInstruction* instruction) {
- // Null check on the NewArray should have been eliminated by instruction
- // simplifier already.
- if (instruction->IsArrayLength() && instruction->InputAt(0)->IsNewArray()) {
- return instruction->InputAt(0)->AsNewArray();
+ static HInstruction* FromArrayLengthToArray(HInstruction* instruction) {
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsArrayLength() || instruction->IsNewArray());
+ if (instruction->IsArrayLength()) {
+ HInstruction* input = instruction->InputAt(0);
+ if (input->IsNullCheck()) {
+ input = input->AsNullCheck()->InputAt(0);
+ }
+ return input;
return instruction;
@@ -146,8 +149,9 @@
// Some bounds are created with HNewArray* as the instruction instead
// of HArrayLength*. They are treated the same.
- instruction1 = FromArrayLengthToNewArrayIfPossible(instruction1);
- instruction2 = FromArrayLengthToNewArrayIfPossible(instruction2);
+ // HArrayLength with the same array input are considered equal also.
+ instruction1 = FromArrayLengthToArray(instruction1);
+ instruction2 = FromArrayLengthToArray(instruction2);
return instruction1 == instruction2;
@@ -271,7 +275,7 @@
// Loop header of loop_info. Exiting loop is normal.
return false;
- const GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*> successors = block->GetSuccessors();
+ const GrowableArray<HBasicBlock*>& successors = block->GetSuccessors();
for (size_t i = 0; i < successors.Size(); i++) {
if (!loop_info->Contains(*successors.Get(i))) {
// One of the successors exits the loop.
@@ -293,8 +297,14 @@
void Run() {
HLoopInformation* loop_info = induction_variable_->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation();
- for (HBlocksInLoopIterator it_loop(*loop_info); !it_loop.Done(); it_loop.Advance()) {
- HBasicBlock* block = it_loop.Current();
+ HBlocksInLoopReversePostOrderIterator it_loop(*loop_info);
+ HBasicBlock* block = it_loop.Current();
+ DCHECK(block == induction_variable_->GetBlock());
+ // Skip loop header. Since narrowed value range of a MonotonicValueRange only
+ // applies to the loop body (after the test at the end of the loop header).
+ it_loop.Advance();
+ for (; !it_loop.Done(); it_loop.Advance()) {
+ block = it_loop.Current();
if (!DominatesAllBackEdges(block, loop_info)) {
// In order not to trigger deoptimization unnecessarily, make sure
@@ -308,30 +318,35 @@
// that the loop will loop through the full monotonic value range from
// initial_ to end_. So adding deoptimization might be too aggressive and can
// trigger deoptimization unnecessarily even if the loop won't actually throw
- // AIOOBE. Otherwise, the loop induction variable is going to cover the full
- // monotonic value range from initial_ to end_, and deoptimizations are added
- // iff the loop will throw AIOOBE.
+ // AIOOBE.
found_array_length_ = nullptr;
for (HInstruction* instruction = block->GetFirstInstruction();
instruction != nullptr;
instruction = instruction->GetNext()) {
- if (!instruction->IsArrayGet() && !instruction->IsArraySet()) {
- continue;
- }
- HInstruction* index = instruction->InputAt(1);
- if (!index->IsBoundsCheck()) {
+ if (!instruction->IsBoundsCheck()) {
- HArrayLength* array_length = index->InputAt(1)->AsArrayLength();
- if (array_length == nullptr) {
- DCHECK(index->InputAt(1)->IsIntConstant());
+ HInstruction* length_value = instruction->InputAt(1);
+ if (length_value->IsIntConstant()) {
// TODO: may optimize for constant case.
+ DCHECK(!length_value->IsPhi());
+ if (length_value->IsPhi()) {
+ // Outer loop shouldn't collect bounds checks inside inner
+ // loop because the inner loop body doen't dominate
+ // outer loop's back edges. However just to be on the safe side,
+ // if there are any such cases, we just skip over them.
+ continue;
+ }
+ DCHECK(length_value->IsArrayLength());
+ HArrayLength* array_length = length_value->AsArrayLength();
HInstruction* array = array_length->InputAt(0);
if (array->IsNullCheck()) {
array = array->AsNullCheck()->InputAt(0);
@@ -347,7 +362,7 @@
- index = index->AsBoundsCheck()->InputAt(0);
+ HInstruction* index = instruction->AsBoundsCheck()->InputAt(0);
HInstruction* left = index;
int32_t right = 0;
if (left == induction_variable_ ||
@@ -375,7 +390,7 @@
// The instruction that corresponds to a MonotonicValueRange.
HInstruction* induction_variable_;
- // The array length of the array that's accessed inside the loop.
+ // The array length of the array that's accessed inside the loop body.
HArrayLength* found_array_length_;
// The lowest and highest constant offsets relative to induction variable
@@ -411,6 +426,8 @@
ValueBound GetLower() const { return lower_; }
ValueBound GetUpper() const { return upper_; }
+ bool IsConstantValueRange() { return lower_.IsConstant() && upper_.IsConstant(); }
// If it's certain that this value range fits in other_range.
virtual bool FitsIn(ValueRange* other_range) const {
if (other_range == nullptr) {
@@ -495,13 +512,30 @@
ValueBound GetBound() const { return bound_; }
void SetEnd(HInstruction* end) { end_ = end; }
void SetInclusive(bool inclusive) { inclusive_ = inclusive; }
- HBasicBlock* GetLoopHead() const {
+ HBasicBlock* GetLoopHeader() const {
return induction_variable_->GetBlock();
MonotonicValueRange* AsMonotonicValueRange() OVERRIDE { return this; }
+ HBasicBlock* GetLoopHeaderSuccesorInLoop() {
+ HBasicBlock* header = GetLoopHeader();
+ HInstruction* instruction = header->GetLastInstruction();
+ DCHECK(instruction->IsIf());
+ HIf* h_if = instruction->AsIf();
+ HLoopInformation* loop_info = header->GetLoopInformation();
+ bool true_successor_in_loop = loop_info->Contains(*h_if->IfTrueSuccessor());
+ bool false_successor_in_loop = loop_info->Contains(*h_if->IfFalseSuccessor());
+ // Just in case it's some strange loop structure.
+ if (true_successor_in_loop && false_successor_in_loop) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ DCHECK(true_successor_in_loop || false_successor_in_loop);
+ return false_successor_in_loop ? h_if->IfFalseSuccessor() : h_if->IfTrueSuccessor();
+ }
// If it's certain that this value range fits in other_range.
bool FitsIn(ValueRange* other_range) const OVERRIDE {
if (other_range == nullptr) {
@@ -593,12 +627,114 @@
+ // Try to add HDeoptimize's in the loop pre-header first to narrow this range.
+ // For example, this loop:
+ //
+ // for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ // array[i - 1] = array[i] + array[i + 1];
+ // }
+ //
+ // will be transformed to:
+ //
+ // int array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed;
+ // if (start >= end) {
+ // array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed = 0;
+ // } else {
+ // if (start < 1) deoptimize();
+ // if (array == null) deoptimize();
+ // array_length = array.length;
+ // if (end > array_length - 1) deoptimize;
+ // array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed = array_length;
+ // }
+ // for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ // // No more null check and bounds check.
+ // // array.length value is replaced with array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed
+ // // in the loop body.
+ // array[i - 1] = array[i] + array[i + 1];
+ // }
+ //
+ // We basically first go through the loop body and find those array accesses whose
+ // index is at a constant offset from the induction variable ('i' in the above example),
+ // and update offset_low and offset_high along the way. We then add the following
+ // deoptimizations in the loop pre-header (suppose end is not inclusive).
+ // if (start < -offset_low) deoptimize();
+ // if (end >= array.length - offset_high) deoptimize();
+ // It might be necessary to first hoist array.length (and the null check on it) out of
+ // the loop with another deoptimization.
+ //
+ // In order not to trigger deoptimization unnecessarily, we want to make a strong
+ // guarantee that no deoptimization is triggered if the loop body itself doesn't
+ // throw AIOOBE. (It's the same as saying if deoptimization is triggered, the loop
+ // body must throw AIOOBE).
+ // This is achieved by the following:
+ // 1) We only process loops that iterate through the full monotonic range from
+ // initial_ to end_. We do the following checks to make sure that's the case:
+ // a) The loop doesn't have early exit (via break, return, etc.)
+ // b) The increment_ is 1/-1. An increment of 2, for example, may skip end_.
+ // 2) We only collect array accesses of blocks in the loop body that dominate
+ // all loop back edges, these array accesses are guaranteed to happen
+ // at each loop iteration.
+ // With 1) and 2), if the loop body doesn't throw AIOOBE, collected array accesses
+ // when the induction variable is at initial_ and end_ must be in a legal range.
+ // Since the added deoptimizations are basically checking the induction variable
+ // at initial_ and end_ values, no deoptimization will be triggered either.
+ //
+ // A special case is the loop body isn't entered at all. In that case, we may still
+ // add deoptimization due to the analysis described above. In order not to trigger
+ // deoptimization, we do a test between initial_ and end_ first and skip over
+ // the added deoptimization.
+ ValueRange* NarrowWithDeoptimization() {
+ if (increment_ != 1 && increment_ != -1) {
+ // In order not to trigger deoptimization unnecessarily, we want to
+ // make sure the loop iterates through the full range from initial_ to
+ // end_ so that boundaries are covered by the loop. An increment of 2,
+ // for example, may skip end_.
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (end_ == nullptr) {
+ // No full info to add deoptimization.
+ return this;
+ }
+ HBasicBlock* header = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
+ DCHECK(header->IsLoopHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* pre_header = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
+ if (!initial_->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header) ||
+ !end_->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header)) {
+ // Can't add a check in loop pre-header if the value isn't available there.
+ return this;
+ }
+ ArrayAccessInsideLoopFinder finder(induction_variable_);
+ if (!finder.HasFoundArrayLength()) {
+ // No array access was found inside the loop that can benefit
+ // from deoptimization.
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (!AddDeoptimization(finder)) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // After added deoptimizations, induction variable fits in
+ // [-offset_low, array.length-1-offset_high], adjusted with collected offsets.
+ ValueBound lower = ValueBound(0, -finder.GetOffsetLow());
+ ValueBound upper = ValueBound(finder.GetFoundArrayLength(), -1 - finder.GetOffsetHigh());
+ // We've narrowed the range after added deoptimizations.
+ return new (GetAllocator()) ValueRange(GetAllocator(), lower, upper);
+ }
// Returns true if adding a (constant >= value) check for deoptimization
// is allowed and will benefit compiled code.
- bool CanAddDeoptimizationConstant(HInstruction* value,
- int32_t constant,
- bool* is_proven) {
+ bool CanAddDeoptimizationConstant(HInstruction* value, int32_t constant, bool* is_proven) {
*is_proven = false;
+ HBasicBlock* header = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
+ DCHECK(header->IsLoopHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* pre_header = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
+ DCHECK(value->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header));
// See if we can prove the relationship first.
if (value->IsIntConstant()) {
if (value->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() >= constant) {
@@ -615,22 +751,118 @@
return true;
+ // Try to filter out cases that the loop entry test will never be true.
+ bool LoopEntryTestUseful() {
+ if (initial_->IsIntConstant() && end_->IsIntConstant()) {
+ int32_t initial_val = initial_->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+ int32_t end_val = end_->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+ if (increment_ == 1) {
+ if (inclusive_) {
+ return initial_val > end_val;
+ } else {
+ return initial_val >= end_val;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(increment_ == -1);
+ if (inclusive_) {
+ return initial_val < end_val;
+ } else {
+ return initial_val <= end_val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Returns the block for adding deoptimization.
+ HBasicBlock* TransformLoopForDeoptimizationIfNeeded() {
+ HBasicBlock* header = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
+ DCHECK(header->IsLoopHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* pre_header = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
+ // Deoptimization is only added when both initial_ and end_ are defined
+ // before the loop.
+ DCHECK(initial_->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header));
+ DCHECK(end_->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header));
+ // If it can be proven the loop body is definitely entered (unless exception
+ // is thrown in the loop header for which triggering deoptimization is fine),
+ // there is no need for tranforming the loop. In that case, deoptimization
+ // will just be added in the loop pre-header.
+ if (!LoopEntryTestUseful()) {
+ return pre_header;
+ }
+ HGraph* graph = header->GetGraph();
+ graph->TransformLoopHeaderForBCE(header);
+ HBasicBlock* new_pre_header = header->GetDominator();
+ DCHECK(new_pre_header == header->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* if_block = new_pre_header->GetDominator();
+ HBasicBlock* dummy_block = if_block->GetSuccessors().Get(0); // True successor.
+ HBasicBlock* deopt_block = if_block->GetSuccessors().Get(1); // False successor.
+ dummy_block->AddInstruction(new (graph->GetArena()) HGoto());
+ deopt_block->AddInstruction(new (graph->GetArena()) HGoto());
+ new_pre_header->AddInstruction(new (graph->GetArena()) HGoto());
+ return deopt_block;
+ }
+ // Adds a test between initial_ and end_ to see if the loop body is entered.
+ // If the loop body isn't entered at all, it jumps to the loop pre-header (after
+ // transformation) to avoid any deoptimization.
+ void AddLoopBodyEntryTest() {
+ HBasicBlock* header = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
+ DCHECK(header->IsLoopHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* pre_header = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
+ HBasicBlock* if_block = pre_header->GetDominator();
+ HGraph* graph = header->GetGraph();
+ HCondition* cond;
+ if (increment_ == 1) {
+ if (inclusive_) {
+ cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HGreaterThan(initial_, end_);
+ } else {
+ cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HGreaterThanOrEqual(initial_, end_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(increment_ == -1);
+ if (inclusive_) {
+ cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HLessThan(initial_, end_);
+ } else {
+ cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HLessThanOrEqual(initial_, end_);
+ }
+ }
+ HIf* h_if = new (graph->GetArena()) HIf(cond);
+ if_block->AddInstruction(cond);
+ if_block->AddInstruction(h_if);
+ }
// Adds a check that (value >= constant), and HDeoptimize otherwise.
void AddDeoptimizationConstant(HInstruction* value,
- int32_t constant) {
- HBasicBlock* block = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
- DCHECK(block->IsLoopHeader());
- HGraph* graph = block->GetGraph();
- HBasicBlock* pre_header = block->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
- HSuspendCheck* suspend_check = block->GetLoopInformation()->GetSuspendCheck();
+ int32_t constant,
+ HBasicBlock* deopt_block,
+ bool loop_entry_test_block_added) {
+ HBasicBlock* header = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
+ DCHECK(header->IsLoopHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* pre_header = header->GetDominator();
+ if (loop_entry_test_block_added) {
+ DCHECK(deopt_block->GetSuccessors().Get(0) == pre_header);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(deopt_block == pre_header);
+ }
+ HGraph* graph = header->GetGraph();
+ HSuspendCheck* suspend_check = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetSuspendCheck();
+ if (loop_entry_test_block_added) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(deopt_block, header->GetDominator()->GetDominator()->GetSuccessors().Get(1));
+ }
HIntConstant* const_instr = graph->GetIntConstant(constant);
HCondition* cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HLessThan(value, const_instr);
HDeoptimize* deoptimize = new (graph->GetArena())
HDeoptimize(cond, suspend_check->GetDexPc());
- pre_header->InsertInstructionBefore(cond, pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
- pre_header->InsertInstructionBefore(deoptimize, pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(cond, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(deoptimize, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
- suspend_check->GetEnvironment(), block);
+ suspend_check->GetEnvironment(), header);
// Returns true if adding a (value <= array_length + offset) check for deoptimization
@@ -640,6 +872,26 @@
int32_t offset,
bool* is_proven) {
*is_proven = false;
+ HBasicBlock* header = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
+ DCHECK(header->IsLoopHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* pre_header = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
+ DCHECK(value->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header));
+ if (array_length->GetBlock() == header) {
+ // array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed only has correct value when the loop
+ // body is entered. We bail out in this case. Usually array_length defined
+ // in the loop header is already hoisted by licm.
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // array_length is defined either before the loop header already, or in
+ // the loop body since it's used in the loop body. If it's defined in the loop body,
+ // a phi array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed is used to replace it. In that case,
+ // all the uses of array_length must be dominated by its definition in the loop
+ // body. array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed is guaranteed to be the same as
+ // array_length once the loop body is entered so all the uses of the phi will
+ // use the correct value.
+ }
if (offset > 0) {
// There might be overflow issue.
// TODO: handle this, possibly with some distance relationship between
@@ -667,56 +919,99 @@
// Adds a check that (value <= array_length + offset), and HDeoptimize otherwise.
void AddDeoptimizationArrayLength(HInstruction* value,
HArrayLength* array_length,
- int32_t offset) {
- HBasicBlock* block = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
- DCHECK(block->IsLoopHeader());
- HGraph* graph = block->GetGraph();
- HBasicBlock* pre_header = block->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
- HSuspendCheck* suspend_check = block->GetLoopInformation()->GetSuspendCheck();
+ int32_t offset,
+ HBasicBlock* deopt_block,
+ bool loop_entry_test_block_added) {
+ HBasicBlock* header = induction_variable_->GetBlock();
+ DCHECK(header->IsLoopHeader());
+ HBasicBlock* pre_header = header->GetDominator();
+ if (loop_entry_test_block_added) {
+ DCHECK(deopt_block->GetSuccessors().Get(0) == pre_header);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(deopt_block == pre_header);
+ }
+ HGraph* graph = header->GetGraph();
+ HSuspendCheck* suspend_check = header->GetLoopInformation()->GetSuspendCheck();
// We may need to hoist null-check and array_length out of loop first.
- if (!array_length->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header)) {
+ if (!array_length->GetBlock()->Dominates(deopt_block)) {
+ // array_length must be defined in the loop body.
+ DCHECK(header->GetLoopInformation()->Contains(*array_length->GetBlock()));
+ DCHECK(array_length->GetBlock() != header);
HInstruction* array = array_length->InputAt(0);
HNullCheck* null_check = array->AsNullCheck();
if (null_check != nullptr) {
array = null_check->InputAt(0);
- // We've already made sure array is defined before the loop when collecting
+ // We've already made sure the array is defined before the loop when collecting
// array accesses for the loop.
- DCHECK(array->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header));
- if (null_check != nullptr && !null_check->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header)) {
+ DCHECK(array->GetBlock()->Dominates(deopt_block));
+ if (null_check != nullptr && !null_check->GetBlock()->Dominates(deopt_block)) {
// Hoist null check out of loop with a deoptimization.
HNullConstant* null_constant = graph->GetNullConstant();
HCondition* null_check_cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HEqual(array, null_constant);
// TODO: for one dex_pc, share the same deoptimization slow path.
HDeoptimize* null_check_deoptimize = new (graph->GetArena())
HDeoptimize(null_check_cond, suspend_check->GetDexPc());
- pre_header->InsertInstructionBefore(null_check_cond, pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
- pre_header->InsertInstructionBefore(
- null_check_deoptimize, pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(
+ null_check_cond, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(
+ null_check_deoptimize, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
// Eliminate null check in the loop.
- suspend_check->GetEnvironment(), block);
+ suspend_check->GetEnvironment(), header);
- // Hoist array_length out of loop.
- array_length->MoveBefore(pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
+ HArrayLength* new_array_length = new (graph->GetArena()) HArrayLength(array);
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(new_array_length, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
+ if (loop_entry_test_block_added) {
+ // Replace array_length defined inside the loop body with a phi
+ // array_length_in_loop_body_if_needed. This is a synthetic phi so there is
+ // no vreg number for it.
+ HPhi* phi = new (graph->GetArena()) HPhi(
+ graph->GetArena(), kNoRegNumber, 2, Primitive::kPrimInt);
+ // Set to 0 if the loop body isn't entered.
+ phi->SetRawInputAt(0, graph->GetIntConstant(0));
+ // Set to array.length if the loop body is entered.
+ phi->SetRawInputAt(1, new_array_length);
+ pre_header->AddPhi(phi);
+ array_length->ReplaceWith(phi);
+ // Make sure phi is only used after the loop body is entered.
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ for (HUseIterator<HInstruction*> it(phi->GetUses());
+ !it.Done();
+ it.Advance()) {
+ HInstruction* user = it.Current()->GetUser();
+ DCHECK(GetLoopHeaderSuccesorInLoop()->Dominates(user->GetBlock()));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ array_length->ReplaceWith(new_array_length);
+ }
+ array_length->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(array_length);
+ // Use new_array_length for deopt.
+ array_length = new_array_length;
- HIntConstant* offset_instr = graph->GetIntConstant(offset);
- HAdd* add = new (graph->GetArena()) HAdd(Primitive::kPrimInt, array_length, offset_instr);
- HCondition* cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HGreaterThan(value, add);
- HDeoptimize* deoptimize = new (graph->GetArena())
- HDeoptimize(cond, suspend_check->GetDexPc());
- pre_header->InsertInstructionBefore(add, pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
- pre_header->InsertInstructionBefore(cond, pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
- pre_header->InsertInstructionBefore(deoptimize, pre_header->GetLastInstruction());
- deoptimize->CopyEnvironmentFromWithLoopPhiAdjustment(
- suspend_check->GetEnvironment(), block);
+ HInstruction* added = array_length;
+ if (offset != 0) {
+ HIntConstant* offset_instr = graph->GetIntConstant(offset);
+ added = new (graph->GetArena()) HAdd(Primitive::kPrimInt, array_length, offset_instr);
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(added, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
+ }
+ HCondition* cond = new (graph->GetArena()) HGreaterThan(value, added);
+ HDeoptimize* deopt = new (graph->GetArena()) HDeoptimize(cond, suspend_check->GetDexPc());
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(cond, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
+ deopt_block->InsertInstructionBefore(deopt, deopt_block->GetLastInstruction());
+ deopt->CopyEnvironmentFromWithLoopPhiAdjustment(suspend_check->GetEnvironment(), header);
- // Add deoptimizations in loop pre-header with the collected array access
+ // Adds deoptimizations in loop pre-header with the collected array access
// data so that value ranges can be established in loop body.
// Returns true if deoptimizations are successfully added, or if it's proven
// it's not necessary.
@@ -733,70 +1028,60 @@
return false;
+ HBasicBlock* deopt_block;
+ bool loop_entry_test_block_added = false;
bool is_constant_proven, is_length_proven;
+ HInstruction* const_comparing_instruction;
+ int32_t const_compared_to;
+ HInstruction* array_length_comparing_instruction;
+ int32_t array_length_offset;
if (increment_ == 1) {
// Increasing from initial_ to end_.
- int32_t offset = inclusive_ ? -offset_high - 1 : -offset_high;
- if (CanAddDeoptimizationConstant(initial_, -offset_low, &is_constant_proven) &&
- CanAddDeoptimizationArrayLength(end_, array_length, offset, &is_length_proven)) {
- if (!is_constant_proven) {
- AddDeoptimizationConstant(initial_, -offset_low);
+ const_comparing_instruction = initial_;
+ const_compared_to = -offset_low;
+ array_length_comparing_instruction = end_;
+ array_length_offset = inclusive_ ? -offset_high - 1 : -offset_high;
+ } else {
+ const_comparing_instruction = end_;
+ const_compared_to = inclusive_ ? -offset_low : -offset_low - 1;
+ array_length_comparing_instruction = initial_;
+ array_length_offset = -offset_high - 1;
+ }
+ if (CanAddDeoptimizationConstant(const_comparing_instruction,
+ const_compared_to,
+ &is_constant_proven) &&
+ CanAddDeoptimizationArrayLength(array_length_comparing_instruction,
+ array_length,
+ array_length_offset,
+ &is_length_proven)) {
+ if (!is_constant_proven || !is_length_proven) {
+ deopt_block = TransformLoopForDeoptimizationIfNeeded();
+ loop_entry_test_block_added = (deopt_block != pre_header);
+ if (loop_entry_test_block_added) {
+ // Loop body may be entered.
+ AddLoopBodyEntryTest();
- if (!is_length_proven) {
- AddDeoptimizationArrayLength(end_, array_length, offset);
- }
- return true;
- } else if (increment_ == -1) {
- // Decreasing from initial_ to end_.
- int32_t constant = inclusive_ ? -offset_low : -offset_low - 1;
- if (CanAddDeoptimizationConstant(end_, constant, &is_constant_proven) &&
- CanAddDeoptimizationArrayLength(
- initial_, array_length, -offset_high - 1, &is_length_proven)) {
- if (!is_constant_proven) {
- AddDeoptimizationConstant(end_, constant);
- }
- if (!is_length_proven) {
- AddDeoptimizationArrayLength(initial_, array_length, -offset_high - 1);
- }
- return true;
+ if (!is_constant_proven) {
+ AddDeoptimizationConstant(const_comparing_instruction,
+ const_compared_to,
+ deopt_block,
+ loop_entry_test_block_added);
+ if (!is_length_proven) {
+ AddDeoptimizationArrayLength(array_length_comparing_instruction,
+ array_length,
+ array_length_offset,
+ deopt_block,
+ loop_entry_test_block_added);
+ }
+ return true;
return false;
- // Try to add HDeoptimize's in the loop pre-header first to narrow this range.
- ValueRange* NarrowWithDeoptimization() {
- if (increment_ != 1 && increment_ != -1) {
- // TODO: possibly handle overflow/underflow issues with deoptimization.
- return this;
- }
- if (end_ == nullptr) {
- // No full info to add deoptimization.
- return this;
- }
- ArrayAccessInsideLoopFinder finder(induction_variable_);
- if (!finder.HasFoundArrayLength()) {
- // No array access was found inside the loop that can benefit
- // from deoptimization.
- return this;
- }
- if (!AddDeoptimization(finder)) {
- return this;
- }
- // After added deoptimizations, induction variable fits in
- // [-offset_low, array.length-1-offset_high], adjusted with collected offsets.
- ValueBound lower = ValueBound(0, -finder.GetOffsetLow());
- ValueBound upper = ValueBound(finder.GetFoundArrayLength(), -1 - finder.GetOffsetHigh());
- // We've narrowed the range after added deoptimizations.
- return new (GetAllocator()) ValueRange(GetAllocator(), lower, upper);
- }
HPhi* const induction_variable_; // Induction variable for this monotonic value range.
HInstruction* const initial_; // Initial value.
@@ -819,12 +1104,17 @@
// it's likely some AIOOBE will be thrown.
static constexpr int32_t kMaxConstantForAddingDeoptimize = INT_MAX - 1024 * 1024;
+ // Added blocks for loop body entry test.
+ bool IsAddedBlock(HBasicBlock* block) const {
+ return block->GetBlockId() >= initial_block_size_;
+ }
explicit BCEVisitor(HGraph* graph)
- : HGraphVisitor(graph),
- maps_(graph->GetBlocks().Size()),
- need_to_revisit_block_(false) {}
+ : HGraphVisitor(graph), maps_(graph->GetBlocks().Size()),
+ need_to_revisit_block_(false), initial_block_size_(graph->GetBlocks().Size()) {}
void VisitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock* block) OVERRIDE {
+ DCHECK(!IsAddedBlock(block));
if (need_to_revisit_block_) {
@@ -839,6 +1129,10 @@
// Return the map of proven value ranges at the beginning of a basic block.
ArenaSafeMap<int, ValueRange*>* GetValueRangeMap(HBasicBlock* basic_block) {
+ if (IsAddedBlock(basic_block)) {
+ // Added blocks don't keep value ranges.
+ return nullptr;
+ }
int block_id = basic_block->GetBlockId();
if ( == nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<ArenaSafeMap<int, ValueRange*>> map(
@@ -853,8 +1147,12 @@
ValueRange* LookupValueRange(HInstruction* instruction, HBasicBlock* basic_block) {
while (basic_block != nullptr) {
ArenaSafeMap<int, ValueRange*>* map = GetValueRangeMap(basic_block);
- if (map->find(instruction->GetId()) != map->end()) {
- return map->Get(instruction->GetId());
+ if (map != nullptr) {
+ if (map->find(instruction->GetId()) != map->end()) {
+ return map->Get(instruction->GetId());
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(IsAddedBlock(basic_block));
basic_block = basic_block->GetDominator();
@@ -971,7 +1269,7 @@
if (left_range != nullptr) {
left_monotonic_range = left_range->AsMonotonicValueRange();
if (left_monotonic_range != nullptr) {
- HBasicBlock* loop_head = left_monotonic_range->GetLoopHead();
+ HBasicBlock* loop_head = left_monotonic_range->GetLoopHeader();
if (instruction->GetBlock() != loop_head) {
// For monotonic value range, don't handle `instruction`
// if it's not defined in the loop header.
@@ -1013,7 +1311,7 @@
// Update the info for monotonic value range.
if (left_monotonic_range->GetInductionVariable() == left &&
left_monotonic_range->GetIncrement() < 0 &&
- block == left_monotonic_range->GetLoopHead() &&
+ block == left_monotonic_range->GetLoopHeader() &&
instruction->IfFalseSuccessor()->GetLoopInformation() == block->GetLoopInformation()) {
left_monotonic_range->SetInclusive(cond == kCondLT);
@@ -1047,7 +1345,7 @@
// Update the info for monotonic value range.
if (left_monotonic_range->GetInductionVariable() == left &&
left_monotonic_range->GetIncrement() > 0 &&
- block == left_monotonic_range->GetLoopHead() &&
+ block == left_monotonic_range->GetLoopHeader() &&
instruction->IfFalseSuccessor()->GetLoopInformation() == block->GetLoopInformation()) {
left_monotonic_range->SetInclusive(cond == kCondGT);
@@ -1083,7 +1381,16 @@
HBasicBlock* block = bounds_check->GetBlock();
HInstruction* index = bounds_check->InputAt(0);
HInstruction* array_length = bounds_check->InputAt(1);
- DCHECK(array_length->IsIntConstant() || array_length->IsArrayLength());
+ DCHECK(array_length->IsIntConstant() ||
+ array_length->IsArrayLength() ||
+ array_length->IsPhi());
+ if (array_length->IsPhi()) {
+ // Input 1 of the phi contains the real array.length once the loop body is
+ // entered. That value will be used for bound analysis. The graph is still
+ // strickly in SSA form.
+ array_length = array_length->AsPhi()->InputAt(1)->AsArrayLength();
+ }
if (!index->IsIntConstant()) {
ValueRange* index_range = LookupValueRange(index, block);
@@ -1238,25 +1545,26 @@
if (left_range->IsMonotonicValueRange() &&
- block == left_range->AsMonotonicValueRange()->GetLoopHead()) {
+ block == left_range->AsMonotonicValueRange()->GetLoopHeader()) {
// The comparison is for an induction variable in the loop header.
DCHECK(left == left_range->AsMonotonicValueRange()->GetInductionVariable());
- HBasicBlock* loop_body_successor;
- if (LIKELY(block->GetLoopInformation()->
- Contains(*instruction->IfFalseSuccessor()))) {
- loop_body_successor = instruction->IfFalseSuccessor();
- } else {
- loop_body_successor = instruction->IfTrueSuccessor();
+ HBasicBlock* loop_body_successor =
+ left_range->AsMonotonicValueRange()->GetLoopHeaderSuccesorInLoop();
+ if (loop_body_successor == nullptr) {
+ // In case it's some strange loop structure.
+ return;
ValueRange* new_left_range = LookupValueRange(left, loop_body_successor);
- if (new_left_range == left_range) {
+ if ((new_left_range == left_range) ||
+ // Range narrowed with deoptimization is usually more useful than
+ // a constant range.
+ new_left_range->IsConstantValueRange()) {
// We are not successful in narrowing the monotonic value range to
// a regular value range. Try using deoptimization.
new_left_range = left_range->AsMonotonicValueRange()->
if (new_left_range != left_range) {
- GetValueRangeMap(instruction->IfFalseSuccessor())->
- Overwrite(left->GetId(), new_left_range);
+ GetValueRangeMap(loop_body_successor)->Overwrite(left->GetId(), new_left_range);
@@ -1511,6 +1819,9 @@
// eliminate those bounds checks.
bool need_to_revisit_block_;
+ // Initial number of blocks.
+ int32_t initial_block_size_;
@@ -1527,7 +1838,22 @@
// value can be narrowed further down in the dominator tree.
// TODO: only visit blocks that dominate some array accesses.
- visitor.VisitReversePostOrder();
+ HBasicBlock* last_visited_block = nullptr;
+ for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*graph_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
+ HBasicBlock* current = it.Current();
+ if (current == last_visited_block) {
+ // We may insert blocks into the reverse post order list when processing
+ // a loop header. Don't process it again.
+ DCHECK(current->IsLoopHeader());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (visitor.IsAddedBlock(current)) {
+ // Skip added blocks. Their effects are already taken care of.
+ continue;
+ }
+ visitor.VisitBasicBlock(current);
+ last_visited_block = current;
+ }
} // namespace art