Testrunner: Release semphores/mutex when exception is caught.
Threads should release semaphore and mutex even when the exceptions are
Test: Manually running the testrunner
Change-Id: Ibeddd7a5167752be5f056728edcf6e117d947ba1
diff --git a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
index 601acb6..5a6114e 100755
--- a/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
+++ b/test/testrunner/testrunner.py
@@ -446,29 +446,34 @@
test_name: The name of the test along with the variants.
global stop_testrunner
- if is_test_disabled(test, test_variant):
- test_skipped = True
- else:
- test_skipped = False
- proc = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- script_output = proc.stdout.read().strip()
- test_passed = not proc.wait()
- if not test_skipped:
- if test_passed:
- print_test_info(test_name, 'PASS')
+ try:
+ if is_test_disabled(test, test_variant):
+ test_skipped = True
- failed_tests.append(test_name)
- if not env.ART_TEST_KEEP_GOING:
- stop_testrunner = True
- print_test_info(test_name, 'FAIL', ('%s\n%s') % (
- command, script_output))
- elif not dry_run:
- print_test_info(test_name, 'SKIP')
- skipped_tests.append(test_name)
- else:
- print_test_info(test_name, '')
- semaphore.release()
+ test_skipped = False
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ script_output = proc.stdout.read().strip()
+ test_passed = not proc.wait()
+ if not test_skipped:
+ if test_passed:
+ print_test_info(test_name, 'PASS')
+ else:
+ failed_tests.append(test_name)
+ if not env.ART_TEST_KEEP_GOING:
+ stop_testrunner = True
+ print_test_info(test_name, 'FAIL', ('%s\n%s') % (
+ command, script_output))
+ elif not dry_run:
+ print_test_info(test_name, 'SKIP')
+ skipped_tests.append(test_name)
+ else:
+ print_test_info(test_name, '')
+ except Exception, e:
+ failed_tests.append(test_name)
+ print_text(('%s\n%s\n') % (command, str(e)))
+ finally:
+ semaphore.release()
def print_test_info(test_name, result, failed_test_info=""):
@@ -485,6 +490,7 @@
command used to invoke the script. It doesn't override the failing
test information in either of the cases.
global test_count
info = ''
if not verbose:
@@ -493,48 +499,53 @@
# the console width.
console_width = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1])
info = '\r' + ' ' * console_width + '\r'
- print_mutex.acquire()
- test_count += 1
- percent = (test_count * 100) / total_test_count
- progress_info = ('[ %d%% %d/%d ]') % (
- percent,
- test_count,
- total_test_count)
+ try:
+ print_mutex.acquire()
+ test_count += 1
+ percent = (test_count * 100) / total_test_count
+ progress_info = ('[ %d%% %d/%d ]') % (
+ percent,
+ test_count,
+ total_test_count)
- if result == "FAIL":
- info += ('%s %s %s\n%s\n') % (
- progress_info,
- test_name,
- failed_test_info)
- else:
- result_text = ''
- if result == 'PASS':
- result_text += COLOR_PASS + 'PASS' + COLOR_NORMAL
- elif result == 'SKIP':
- result_text += COLOR_SKIP + 'SKIP' + COLOR_NORMAL
- if verbose:
- info += ('%s %s %s\n') % (
- progress_info,
- test_name,
- result_text)
- else:
- total_output_length = 2 # Two spaces
- total_output_length += len(progress_info)
- total_output_length += len(result)
- allowed_test_length = console_width - total_output_length
- test_name_len = len(test_name)
- if allowed_test_length < test_name_len:
- test_name = ('%s...%s') % (
- test_name[:(allowed_test_length - 3)/2],
- test_name[-(allowed_test_length - 3)/2:])
- info += ('%s %s %s') % (
+ if result == "FAIL":
+ info += ('%s %s %s\n%s\n') % (
- result_text)
- print_text(info)
- print_mutex.release()
+ failed_test_info)
+ else:
+ result_text = ''
+ if result == 'PASS':
+ result_text += COLOR_PASS + 'PASS' + COLOR_NORMAL
+ elif result == 'SKIP':
+ result_text += COLOR_SKIP + 'SKIP' + COLOR_NORMAL
+ if verbose:
+ info += ('%s %s %s\n') % (
+ progress_info,
+ test_name,
+ result_text)
+ else:
+ total_output_length = 2 # Two spaces
+ total_output_length += len(progress_info)
+ total_output_length += len(result)
+ allowed_test_length = console_width - total_output_length
+ test_name_len = len(test_name)
+ if allowed_test_length < test_name_len:
+ test_name = ('%s...%s') % (
+ test_name[:(allowed_test_length - 3)/2],
+ test_name[-(allowed_test_length - 3)/2:])
+ info += ('%s %s %s') % (
+ progress_info,
+ test_name,
+ result_text)
+ print_text(info)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print_text(('%s\n%s\n') % (test_name, str(e)))
+ failed_tests.append(test_name)
+ finally:
+ print_mutex.release()
def get_disabled_test_info():
"""Generate set of known failures.