Merge changes Idcdfe515,I888be2bd

* changes:
  Revert "ART Test Runner"
  Revert "Fix issues in ART testrunner"
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 770fc21..742353d 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
 include art/build/
 # List of all tests of the form 003-omnibus-opcodes.
@@ -106,53 +107,690 @@
 # General rules to build and run a run-test.
 TARGET_TYPES := host target
-PREBUILD_TYPES := prebuild
-PREBUILD_TYPES += no-prebuild
-PREBUILD_TYPES += no-dex2oat
-COMPILER_TYPES := interp-ac
-COMPILER_TYPES += interpreter
-COMPILER_TYPES += optimizing
-COMPILER_TYPES += regalloc_gc
-RELOCATE_TYPES := relocate
-RELOCATE_TYPES += no-relocate
-RELOCATE_TYPES += relocate-npatchoat
+  PREBUILD_TYPES += prebuild
+  PREBUILD_TYPES += no-prebuild
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_NO_DEX2OAT),true)
+  PREBUILD_TYPES += no-dex2oat
+  COMPILER_TYPES += interp-ac
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_INTERPRETER),true)
+  COMPILER_TYPES += interpreter
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_JIT),true)
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_OPTIMIZING),true)
+  COMPILER_TYPES += optimizing
+  COMPILER_TYPES += regalloc_gc
+RELOCATE_TYPES := no-relocate
+  RELOCATE_TYPES += relocate
+  RELOCATE_TYPES += relocate-npatchoat
 TRACE_TYPES := ntrace
-TRACE_TYPES += trace
-TRACE_TYPES += stream
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_TRACE),true)
+  TRACE_TYPES += trace
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_TRACE_STREAM),true)
+  TRACE_TYPES += stream
 GC_TYPES := cms
-GC_TYPES += gcstress
-GC_TYPES += gcverify
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_GC_STRESS),true)
+  GC_TYPES += gcstress
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_GC_VERIFY),true)
+  GC_TYPES += gcverify
 JNI_TYPES := checkjni
-JNI_TYPES += forcecopy
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_JNI_FORCECOPY),true)
+  JNI_TYPES += forcecopy
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_IMAGE),true)
 IMAGE_TYPES := picimage
-IMAGE_TYPES += no-image
-IMAGE_TYPES += multipicimage
-IMAGE_TYPES += npicimage
-IMAGE_TYPES += multinpicimage
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_NO_IMAGE),true)
+  IMAGE_TYPES += no-image
+  IMAGE_TYPES := multipicimage
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_NPIC_IMAGE),true)
+  IMAGE_TYPES += npicimage
+    IMAGE_TYPES := multinpicimage
+  endif
 PICTEST_TYPES := npictest
-PICTEST_TYPES += pictest
-RUN_TYPES := debug
-RUN_TYPES += ndebug
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_PIC_TEST),true)
+  PICTEST_TYPES += pictest
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_DEBUG),true)
+  RUN_TYPES += debug
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_NDEBUG),true)
+  RUN_TYPES += ndebug
 DEBUGGABLE_TYPES := ndebuggable
 DEBUGGABLE_TYPES += debuggable
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_RUN_TEST_2ND_ARCH),true)
+# List all run test names with number arguments agreeing with the comment above.
+define all-run-test-names
+  $(foreach target, $(1), \
+    $(foreach run-type, $(2), \
+      $(foreach prebuild, $(3), \
+        $(foreach compiler, $(4), \
+          $(foreach relocate, $(5), \
+            $(foreach trace, $(6), \
+              $(foreach gc, $(7), \
+                $(foreach jni, $(8), \
+                  $(foreach image, $(9), \
+                    $(foreach pictest, $(10), \
+                      $(foreach debuggable, $(11), \
+                        $(foreach test, $(12), \
+                          $(foreach address_size, $(13), \
+                            test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(run-type)-$(prebuild)-$(compiler)-$(relocate)-$(trace)-$(gc)-$(jni)-$(image)-$(pictest)-$(debuggable)-$(test)$(address_size) \
+                    )))))))))))))
+endef  # all-run-test-names
+# To generate a full list or tests:
+# $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES),$(COMPILER_TYPES), \
+# Convert's a rule name to the form used in variables, e.g. no-relocate to NO_RELOCATE
 define name-to-var
 $(shell echo $(1) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr '-' '_')
 endef  # name-to-var
+# Disable 153-reference-stress temporarily until a fix arrives. b/33389022.
+# Disable 080-oom-fragmentation due to flakes. b/33795328
+# Disable 497-inlining-and-class-loader and 542-unresolved-access-check until
+#     they are rewritten. These tests use a broken class loader that tries to
+#     register a dex file that's already registered with a different loader.
+#     b/34193123
+  153-reference-stress \
+  080-oom-fragmentation \
+  497-inlining-and-class-loader \
+  542-unresolved-access-check
+ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Disable 149-suspend-all-stress, its output is flaky (b/28988206).
+# Disable 577-profile-foreign-dex (b/27454772).
+  149-suspend-all-stress \
+  577-profile-foreign-dex \
+ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Tests that are timing sensitive and flaky on heavily loaded systems.
+  002-sleep \
+  053-wait-some \
+  055-enum-performance \
+  133-static-invoke-super
+# disable timing sensitive tests on "dist" builds.
+ifdef dist_goal
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# 147-stripped-dex-fallback isn't supported on device because --strip-dex
+# requires the zip command.
+# 569-checker-pattern-replacement tests behaviour present only on host.
+  147-stripped-dex-fallback \
+  569-checker-pattern-replacement
+ifneq (,$(filter target,$(TARGET_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,target,$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Tests that require python3.
+  960-default-smali \
+  961-default-iface-resolution-gen \
+  964-default-iface-init-gen \
+  968-default-partial-compile-gen \
+  969-iface-super \
+  970-iface-super-resolution-gen \
+  971-iface-super
+# Check if we have python3 to run our tests.
+ifeq ($(wildcard /usr/bin/python3),)
+  $(warning "No python3 found. Disabling tests: $(TEST_ART_PYTHON3_DEPENDENCY_RUN_TESTS)")
+  # Currently disable tests requiring python3 when it is not installed.
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Note 116-nodex2oat is not broken per-se it just doesn't (and isn't meant to) work with --prebuild.
+  116-nodex2oat \
+  118-noimage-dex2oat \
+  134-nodex2oat-nofallback
+ifneq (,$(filter prebuild,$(PREBUILD_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),prebuild, \
+# 554-jit-profile-file is disabled because it needs a primary oat file to know what it should save.
+# 529 and 555: b/27784033
+  117-nopatchoat \
+  147-stripped-dex-fallback \
+  554-jit-profile-file \
+  529-checker-unresolved \
+  555-checker-regression-x86const \
+  608-checker-unresolved-lse
+ifneq (,$(filter no-prebuild,$(PREBUILD_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),no-prebuild, \
+# Note 117-nopatchoat is not broken per-se it just doesn't work (and isn't meant to) without
+# --prebuild --relocate
+  117-nopatchoat \
+  118-noimage-dex2oat \
+  119-noimage-patchoat \
+  554-jit-profile-file
+ifneq (,$(filter no-relocate,$(RELOCATE_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+      $(COMPILER_TYPES), no-relocate,$(TRACE_TYPES),$(GC_TYPES),$(JNI_TYPES), \
+# Temporarily disable some broken tests when forcing access checks in interpreter b/22414682
+# 629 requires compilation.
+  137-cfi \
+  629-vdex-speed
+ifneq (,$(filter interp-ac,$(COMPILER_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+      interp-ac,$(RELOCATE_TYPES),$(TRACE_TYPES),$(GC_TYPES),$(JNI_TYPES), \
+# Tests that are broken with GC stress.
+# * 137-cfi needs to unwind a second forked process. We're using a primitive sleep to wait till we
+#   hope the second process got into the expected state. The slowness of gcstress makes this bad.
+# * 908-gc-start-finish expects GCs only to be run at clear points. The reduced heap size makes
+#   this non-deterministic. Same for 913.
+# * 961-default-iface-resolution-gen and 964-default-iface-init-genare very long tests that often
+#   will take more than the timeout to run when gcstress is enabled. This is because gcstress
+#   slows down allocations significantly which these tests do a lot.
+  137-cfi \
+  154-gc-loop \
+  908-gc-start-finish \
+  913-heaps \
+  961-default-iface-resolution-gen \
+  964-default-iface-init-gen
+ifneq (,$(filter gcstress,$(GC_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# 115-native-bridge setup is complicated. Need to implement it correctly for the target.
+ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,target,$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES),$(COMPILER_TYPES), \
+# 130-hprof dumps the heap and runs hprof-conv to check whether the file is somewhat readable. This
+# is only possible on the host.
+# TODO: Turn off all the other combinations, this is more about testing actual ART code. A gtest is
+#       very hard to write here, as (for a complete test) JDWP must be set up.
+ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,target,$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# 131 is an old test. The functionality has been implemented at an earlier stage and is checked
+# in tests 138. Blacklisted for debug builds since these builds have duplicate classes checks which
+# punt to interpreter.
+ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),debug,$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+    $(PICTEST_TYPES),$(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES),131-structural-change,$(ALL_ADDRESS_SIZES))
+# 138-duplicate-classes-check. Turned on for debug builds since debug builds have duplicate classes
+# checks enabled, b/2133391.
+ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),ndebug,$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+    $(PICTEST_TYPES),$(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES),138-duplicate-classes-check,$(ALL_ADDRESS_SIZES))
+# All these tests check that we have sane behavior if we don't have a patchoat or dex2oat.
+# Therefore we shouldn't run them in situations where we actually don't have these since they
+# explicitly test for them. These all also assume we have an image.
+# 147-stripped-dex-fallback is disabled because it requires --prebuild.
+# 554-jit-profile-file is disabled because it needs a primary oat file to know what it should save.
+# 629-vdex-speed requires compiled code.
+  116-nodex2oat \
+  117-nopatchoat \
+  118-noimage-dex2oat \
+  119-noimage-patchoat \
+  137-cfi \
+  138-duplicate-classes-check2 \
+  147-stripped-dex-fallback \
+  554-jit-profile-file \
+  629-vdex-speed
+# This test fails without an image.
+# 018, 961, 964, 968 often time out. b/34369284
+  137-cfi \
+  138-duplicate-classes-check \
+  018-stack-overflow \
+  961-default-iface-resolution-gen \
+  964-default-iface-init \
+  968-default-partial-compile-gen \
+ifneq (,$(filter no-dex2oat,$(PREBUILD_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),no-dex2oat, \
+ifneq (,$(filter no-image,$(IMAGE_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+ifneq (,$(filter relocate-npatchoat,$(RELOCATE_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+      $(COMPILER_TYPES), relocate-npatchoat,$(TRACE_TYPES),$(GC_TYPES),$(JNI_TYPES), \
+# 137:
+# This test unrolls and expects managed frames, but tracing means we run the interpreter.
+# 802 and 570-checker-osr:
+# This test dynamically enables tracing to force a deoptimization. This makes the test meaningless
+# when already tracing, and writes an error message that we do not want to check for.
+# 130 occasional timeout b/32383962.
+# 629 requires compilation.
+  087-gc-after-link \
+  130-hprof \
+  137-cfi \
+  141-class-unload \
+  570-checker-osr \
+  629-vdex-speed \
+  802-deoptimization
+ifneq (,$(filter trace stream,$(TRACE_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# These tests expect JIT compilation, which is suppressed when tracing.
+  604-hot-static-interface \
+  612-jit-dex-cache \
+  613-inlining-dex-cache \
+  616-cha \
+  626-set-resolved-string \
+ifneq (,$(filter trace stream,$(TRACE_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+      jit,$(RELOCATE_TYPES),trace stream,$(GC_TYPES),$(JNI_TYPES),$(IMAGE_TYPES), \
+# Known broken tests for the interpreter.
+# CFI unwinding expects managed frames.
+# 629 requires compilation.
+  137-cfi \
+  554-jit-profile-file \
+  629-vdex-speed
+ifneq (,$(filter interpreter,$(COMPILER_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+      interpreter,$(RELOCATE_TYPES),$(TRACE_TYPES),$(GC_TYPES),$(JNI_TYPES), \
+# Known broken tests for the JIT.
+# CFI unwinding expects managed frames, and the test does not iterate enough to even compile. JIT
+# also uses Generic JNI instead of the JNI compiler.
+# Test 906 iterates the heap filtering with different options. No instances should be created
+# between those runs to be able to have precise checks.
+# Test 902 hits races with the JIT compiler. b/32821077
+# Test 629 requires compilation.
+# Test 914, 915, 917, & 919 are very sensitive to the exact state of the stack,
+# including the jit-inserted runtime frames. This causes them to be somewhat
+# flaky as JIT tests. This should be fixed once b/33630159 or b/33616143 are
+# resolved but until then just disable them. Test 916 already checks this
+# feature for JIT use cases in a way that is resilient to the jit frames.
+# 912: b/34655682
+  137-cfi \
+  629-vdex-speed \
+  902-hello-transformation \
+  904-object-allocation \
+  906-iterate-heap \
+  912-classes \
+  914-hello-obsolescence \
+  915-obsolete-2 \
+  917-fields-transformation \
+  919-obsolete-fields \
+  926-multi-obsolescence \
+ifneq (,$(filter jit,$(COMPILER_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Known broken tests for the graph coloring register allocator.
+# These tests were based on the linear scan allocator, which makes different decisions than
+# the graph coloring allocator. (These attempt to test for code quality, not correctness.)
+  570-checker-select \
+  484-checker-register-hints
+ifneq (,$(filter regalloc_gc,$(COMPILER_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+      regalloc_gc,$(RELOCATE_TYPES),$(TRACE_TYPES),$(GC_TYPES),$(JNI_TYPES), \
+# Known broken tests for the mips32 optimizing compiler backend.
+ifeq (mips,$(TARGET_ARCH))
+    ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,target,$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+  endif
+# Known broken tests for the mips64 optimizing compiler backend.
+ifeq (mips64,$(TARGET_ARCH))
+    ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,target,$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+  endif
+# Tests that should fail when the optimizing compiler compiles them non-debuggable.
+  454-get-vreg \
+  457-regs \
+  602-deoptimizeable
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Tests that should fail when the optimizing compiler compiles them debuggable.
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Tests that should fail in the read barrier configuration with the interpreter.
+# Tests that should fail in the read barrier configuration with the Optimizing compiler (AOT).
+# Tests that should fail in the read barrier configuration with JIT (Optimizing compiler).
+# Tests failing in non-Baker read barrier configurations with the Optimizing compiler (AOT).
+# 537: Expects an array copy to be intrinsified, but calling-on-slowpath intrinsics are not yet
+#      handled in non-Baker read barrier configurations.
+  537-checker-arraycopy
+# Tests failing in non-Baker read barrier configurations with JIT (Optimizing compiler).
+# 537: Expects an array copy to be intrinsified, but calling-on-slowpath intrinsics are not yet
+#      handled in non-Baker read barrier configurations.
+  537-checker-arraycopy
+ifeq ($(ART_USE_READ_BARRIER),true)
+  ifneq (,$(filter interpreter,$(COMPILER_TYPES)))
+    ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES), \
+        $(PREBUILD_TYPES),interpreter,$(RELOCATE_TYPES),$(TRACE_TYPES),$(GC_TYPES), \
+  endif
+    ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES), \
+      ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES), \
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifneq (,$(filter jit,$(COMPILER_TYPES)))
+    ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES), \
+      ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES), \
+    endif
+  endif
+ifneq (,$(filter npictest,$(PICTEST_TYPES)))
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Tests that should fail in the heap poisoning configuration with the Optimizing compiler.
+# 055: Exceeds run time limits due to heap poisoning instrumentation (on ARM and ARM64 devices).
+  055-enum-performance
+ifeq ($(ART_HEAP_POISONING),true)
+    ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES), \
+  endif
+# 909: Tests that check semantics for a non-debuggable app.
+# 137: relies on AOT code and debuggable makes us JIT always.
+  137-cfi \
+  909-attach-agent \
+ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+# Tests incompatible with bisection bug search. Sorted by incompatibility reason.
+# 000 through 595 do not compile anything. 089 tests a build failure. 018 through 137
+# run dalvikvm more than once. 115 and 088 assume they are always compiled.
+# 055 tests performance which is degraded during bisecting.
+  000-nop \
+  134-nodex2oat-nofallback \
+  147-stripped-dex-fallback \
+  595-profile-saving \
+  \
+  089-many-methods \
+  \
+  018-stack-overflow \
+  116-nodex2oat \
+  117-nopatchoat \
+  118-noimage-dex2oat \
+  119-noimage-patchoat \
+  126-miranda-multidex \
+  137-cfi \
+  \
+  115-native-bridge \
+  088-monitor-verification \
+  \
+  055-enum-performance
+ifeq ($(ART_TEST_BISECTION),true)
+  ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES), \
+# Clear variables ahead of appending to them when defining tests.
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_RULES :=))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach prebuild, $(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(prebuild))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach compiler, $(COMPILER_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(compiler))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach relocate, $(RELOCATE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(relocate))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach trace, $(TRACE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(trace))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach gc, $(GC_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(gc))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach jni, $(JNI_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(jni))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach image, $(IMAGE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(image))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach test, $(TEST_ART_RUN_TESTS), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(test))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach address_size, $(ALL_ADDRESS_SIZES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(address_size))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach run_type, $(RUN_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(run_type))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach debuggable_type, $(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(debuggable_type))_RULES :=)))
 # We need dex2oat and dalvikvm on the target as well as the core images (all images as we sync
 # only once).
@@ -225,148 +863,405 @@
-host_prereq_rules := $(ART_TEST_HOST_RUN_TEST_DEPENDENCIES)
-host_prereq_rules += $(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_OUT)
-host_prereq_rules += $(TEST_ART_RUN_TEST_DEPENDENCIES)
-host_prereq_rules += $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/hprof-conv
-target_prereq_rules += test-art-target-sync
-define core-image-dependencies
-  ifeq ($(2),no-image)
-    $(1)_prereq_rules += $($(call name-to-var,$(1))_CORE_IMAGE_$(3)_pic_$(4))
+# Create a rule to build and run a tests following the form:
+# test-art-{1: host or target}-run-test-{2: debug ndebug}-{3: prebuild no-prebuild no-dex2oat}-
+#    {4: interpreter optimizing jit interp-ac}-
+#    {5: relocate nrelocate relocate-npatchoat}-
+#    {6: trace or ntrace}-{7: gcstress gcverify cms}-{8: forcecopy checkjni jni}-
+#    {9: no-image image picimage}-{10: pictest npictest}-
+#    {11: ndebuggable debuggable}-{12: test name}{13: 32 or 64}
+define define-test-art-run-test
+  run_test_options :=
+  prereq_rule :=
+  test_groups :=
+  uc_host_or_target :=
+  jack_classpath :=
+  ifeq ($(ART_TEST_WITH_STRACE),true)
+    run_test_options += --strace
+  endif
+    run_test_options += --always-clean
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(ART_TEST_BISECTION),true)
+    run_test_options += --bisection-search
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(1),host)
+    uc_host_or_target := HOST
+    test_groups := ART_RUN_TEST_HOST_RULES
+    run_test_options += --host
+    jack_classpath := $(HOST_JACK_CLASSPATH)
-    ifeq ($(2),npicimage)
-      $(1)_prereq_rules += $($(call name-to-var,$(1))_CORE_IMAGE_$(3)_no-pic_$(4))
+    ifeq ($(1),target)
+      uc_host_or_target := TARGET
+      test_groups := ART_RUN_TEST_TARGET_RULES
+      prereq_rule := test-art-target-sync $(TARGET_JACK_CLASSPATH_DEPENDENCIES)
+      jack_classpath := $(TARGET_JACK_CLASSPATH)
-      ifeq ($(2),picimage)
-        $(1)_prereq_rules += $($(call name-to-var,$(1))_CORE_IMAGE_$(3)_pic_$(4))
+      $$(error found $(1) expected $(TARGET_TYPES))
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(2),debug)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_DEBUG_RULES
+  else
+    ifeq ($(2),ndebug)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_RELEASE_RULES
+      run_test_options += -O
+    else
+      $$(error found $(2) expected $(RUN_TYPES))
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(3),prebuild)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_PREBUILD_RULES
+    run_test_options += --prebuild
+  else
+    ifeq ($(3),no-prebuild)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_NO_PREBUILD_RULES
+      run_test_options += --no-prebuild
+    else
+      ifeq ($(3),no-dex2oat)
+        test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_NO_DEX2OAT_RULES
+        run_test_options += --no-prebuild --no-dex2oat
-        ifeq ($(2),multinpicimage)
-          $(1)_prereq_rules += $($(call name-to-var,$(1))_CORE_IMAGE_$(3)_no-pic_multi_$(4))
+        $$(error found $(3) expected $(PREBUILD_TYPES))
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(4),optimizing)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_OPTIMIZING_RULES
+    run_test_options += --optimizing
+  else ifeq ($(4),regalloc_gc)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_OPTIMIZING_GRAPH_COLOR_RULES
+    run_test_options += --optimizing -Xcompiler-option --register-allocation-strategy=graph-color
+  else
+    ifeq ($(4),interpreter)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_INTERPRETER_RULES
+      run_test_options += --interpreter
+    else ifeq ($(4),interp-ac)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_INTERPRETER_ACCESS_CHECKS_RULES
+      run_test_options += --interpreter --verify-soft-fail
+    else
+      ifeq ($(4),jit)
+        test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_JIT_RULES
+        run_test_options += --jit
+      else
+        $$(error found $(4) expected $(COMPILER_TYPES))
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(5),relocate)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_RELOCATE_RULES
+    run_test_options += --relocate
+  else
+    ifeq ($(5),no-relocate)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_NO_RELOCATE_RULES
+      run_test_options += --no-relocate
+    else
+      ifeq ($(5),relocate-npatchoat)
+        test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_RELOCATE_NO_PATCHOAT_RULES
+        run_test_options += --relocate --no-patchoat
+      else
+        $$(error found $(5) expected $(RELOCATE_TYPES))
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(6),trace)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_TRACE_RULES
+    run_test_options += --trace
+  else
+    ifeq ($(6),ntrace)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_NO_TRACE_RULES
+    else
+      ifeq ($(6),stream)
+        # Group streaming under normal tracing rules.
+        test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_TRACE_RULES
+        run_test_options += --trace --stream
+      else
+        $$(error found $(6) expected $(TRACE_TYPES))
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(7),gcverify)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_GCVERIFY_RULES
+    run_test_options += --gcverify
+  else
+    ifeq ($(7),gcstress)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_GCSTRESS_RULES
+      run_test_options += --gcstress
+    else
+      ifeq ($(7),cms)
+        test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_CMS_RULES
+      else
+        $$(error found $(7) expected $(GC_TYPES))
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(8),forcecopy)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_FORCECOPY_RULES
+    run_test_options += --runtime-option -Xjniopts:forcecopy
+    ifneq ($$(ART_TEST_JNI_FORCECOPY),true)
+      skip_test := true
+    endif
+  else
+    ifeq ($(8),checkjni)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_CHECKJNI_RULES
+      run_test_options += --runtime-option -Xcheck:jni
+    else
+      ifeq ($(8),jni)
+        test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_JNI_RULES
+      else
+        $$(error found $(8) expected $(JNI_TYPES))
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+  image_suffix := $(4)
+  ifeq ($(4),regalloc_gc)
+    # Graph coloring tests share the image_suffix with optimizing tests.
+    image_suffix := optimizing
+  else
+    ifeq ($(4),jit)
+      # JIT tests share the image_suffix with interpreter tests.
+      image_suffix := interpreter
+    endif
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(9),no-image)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_NO_IMAGE_RULES
+    run_test_options += --no-image
+    # Add the core dependency. This is required for pre-building.
+    # Use the PIC image, as it is the default in run-test, to match dependencies.
+    ifeq ($(1),host)
+      prereq_rule += $$(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_pic_$(13))
+    else
+      prereq_rule += $$(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_pic_$(13))
+    endif
+  else
+    ifeq ($(9),npicimage)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_IMAGE_RULES
+      run_test_options += --npic-image
+      # Add the core dependency.
+      ifeq ($(1),host)
+        prereq_rule += $$(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_no-pic_$(13))
+      else
+        prereq_rule += $$(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_no-pic_$(13))
+      endif
+    else
+      ifeq ($(9),picimage)
+        test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_PICIMAGE_RULES
+        ifeq ($(1),host)
+          prereq_rule += $$(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_pic_$(13))
-          ifeq ($(2),multipicimage)
-             $(1)_prereq_rules += $($(call name-to-var,$(1))_CORE_IMAGE_$(3)_pic_multi_$(4))
+          prereq_rule += $$(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_pic_$(13))
+        endif
+      else
+        ifeq ($(9),multinpicimage)
+          test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_IMAGE_RULES
+          run_test_options += --npic-image --multi-image
+                ifeq ($(1),host)
+                        prereq_rule += $$(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_no-pic_multi_$(13))
+                else
+                        prereq_rule += $$(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_no-pic_multi_$(13))
+                endif
+        else
+          ifeq ($(9),multipicimage)
+            test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_PICIMAGE_RULES
+                        run_test_options += --multi-image
+                        ifeq ($(1),host)
+                        prereq_rule += $$(HOST_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_pic_multi_$(13))
+                        else
+                        prereq_rule += $$(TARGET_CORE_IMAGE_$$(image_suffix)_pic_multi_$(13))
+                        endif
+          else
+            $$(error found $(9) expected $(IMAGE_TYPES))
-# Generate list of dependencies required for given target - HOST or TARGET, IMAGE_TYPE,
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach image, $(IMAGE_TYPES), \
-    $(foreach compiler, $(COMPILER_TYPES), \
-      $(foreach address_size, $(ALL_ADDRESS_SIZES), $(eval \
-        $(call core-image-dependencies,$(target),$(image),$(compiler),$(address_size)))))))
-test-art-host-run-test-dependencies : $(host_prereq_rules)
-test-art-target-run-test-dependencies : $(target_prereq_rules)
-test-art-run-test-dependencies : test-art-host-run-test-dependencies test-art-target-run-test-dependencies
-# Create a rule to build and run a test group of the following form:
-# test-art-{1: host target}-run-test-{2: prebuild no-prebuild no-dex2oat \
-# interp-ac interpreter jit optimizing regalloc_gc relocate no-relocate \
-# relocate-npatchoat ntrace trace stream cms gcstress gcverify checkjni \
-# forcecopy picimage no-image multinpicimage npictest pictest debug ndebug \
-# ndebuggable debuggable}
-# test-art-{1: host target}-run-test{2: 32 64}
-define define-test-art-run-test-group
-  ifneq (,$(filter $(2),$(ALL_ADDRESS_SIZES)))
-    build_target := test-art-$(1)-run-test$(2)
+  ifeq ($(10),pictest)
+    run_test_options += --pic-test
-    build_target := test-art-$(1)-run-test-$(2)
+    ifeq ($(10),npictest)
+      # Nothing to be done.
+    else
+      $$(error found $(10) expected $(PICTEST_TYPES))
+    endif
-  # Python testrunner support multi-threaded test run, however, to invoke the script, one
-  # has to provide the concurrency level for the run. To provide that value, the concurrency
-  # level of the make invocation is used. The make invocation information is extracted through
-  # `ps` and subsequently the number of threads is determined.
-  kati_pid = $(shell echo $$PPID)
-  make_pid = $$(shell ps -o ppid= -p $$(kati_pid))
-  grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword := -e
-  grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword += $$(shell echo $(MAKECMDGOALS) | sed -e "s/\s\+/ -e /g")
-  ps_data := $$(shell ps aux | grep $$(make_pid) | grep $$(grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword) )
-  concurrency := $$(shell [[ "$$(ps_data)" =~ -[a-zA-Z]*j[[:space:]]*[0-9]+ ]] && [[ $$$$BASH_REMATCH =~ [0-9]+ ]] && echo $$$$BASH_REMATCH || echo 1)
+  ifeq ($(11),debuggable)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_DEBUGGABLE_RULES
+    run_test_options += --debuggable
+  else
+    ifeq ($(11),ndebuggable)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_NONDEBUGGABLE_RULES
+      # Nothing to be done.
+    else
+      $$(error found $(11) expected $(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES))
+    endif
+  endif
+  # $(12) is the test name.
+  test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_$(call name-to-var,$(12))_RULES
+  ifeq ($(13),64)
+    test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_64_RULES
+    run_test_options += --64
+  else
+    ifeq ($(13),32)
+      test_groups += ART_RUN_TEST_$$(uc_host_or_target)_32_RULES
+    else
+      $$(error found $(13) expected $(ALL_ADDRESS_SIZES))
+    endif
+  endif
+  # Override of host instruction-set-features. Required to test advanced x86 intrinsics. The
+  # conditionals aren't really correct, they will fail to do the right thing on a 32-bit only
+  # host. However, this isn't common enough to worry here and make the conditions complicated.
+    ifeq ($(13),64)
+      run_test_options += --instruction-set-features $(DEX2OAT_HOST_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES)
+    endif
+  endif
+    ifeq ($(13),32)
+      run_test_options += --instruction-set-features $($(HOST_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)DEX2OAT_HOST_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES)
+    endif
+  endif
+  run_test_rule_name := test-art-$(1)-run-test-$(2)-$(3)-$(4)-$(5)-$(6)-$(7)-$(8)-$(9)-$(10)-$(11)-$(12)$(13)
+  run_test_options := --output-path $(ART_HOST_TEST_DIR)/run-test-output/$$(run_test_rule_name) \
+      $$(run_test_options)
+  ifneq ($(ART_TEST_ANDROID_ROOT),)
+    run_test_options := --android-root $(ART_TEST_ANDROID_ROOT) $$(run_test_options)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(ART_TEST_QUIET),true)
+    run_test_options += --quiet
+  endif
+$$(run_test_rule_name): PRIVATE_RUN_TEST_OPTIONS := $$(run_test_options)
+$$(run_test_rule_name): PRIVATE_JACK_CLASSPATH := $$(jack_classpath)
+.PHONY: $$(run_test_rule_name)
+	$(hide) $$(call ART_TEST_SKIP,$$@) && \
+	  DX=$(abspath $(DX)) \
+	    JASMIN=$(abspath $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/jasmin) \
+	    SMALI=$(abspath $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/smali) \
+	    DXMERGER=$(abspath $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/dexmerger) \
+	    JACK=$(abspath $(JACK)) \
+	    art/test/run-test $$(PRIVATE_RUN_TEST_OPTIONS) $(12) \
+	      && $$(call ART_TEST_PASSED,$$@) || $$(call ART_TEST_FAILED,$$@)
+	$$(hide) (echo $(MAKECMDGOALS) | grep -q $$@ && \
+	  echo "run-test run as top-level target, removing test directory $(ART_HOST_TEST_DIR)" && \
+	  rm -r $(ART_HOST_TEST_DIR)) || true
-  .PHONY: $$(build_target)
-  $$(build_target) : args := --$(1) --$(2) --verbose -j$$(concurrency)
-  $$(build_target) : test-art-$(1)-run-test-dependencies
-			./art/test/testrunner/  $$(args)
-  build_target :=
-  concurrency :=
-  ps_data :=
-  kati_pid :=
-  make_pid :=
-  grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword :=
+  $$(foreach test_group,$$(test_groups), $$(eval $$(value test_group) += $$(run_test_rule_name)))
+  # Clear locally defined variables.
+  uc_host_or_target :=
+  test_groups :=
+  run_test_options :=
+  run_test_rule_name :=
+  prereq_rule :=
+  jack_classpath :=
+endef  # define-test-art-run-test
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach test, $(TEST_ART_RUN_TESTS), \
+    $(foreach run_type, $(RUN_TYPES), \
+      $(foreach address_size, $(ADDRESS_SIZES_$(call name-to-var,$(target))), \
+        $(foreach prebuild, $(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+          $(foreach compiler, $(COMPILER_TYPES), \
+            $(foreach relocate, $(RELOCATE_TYPES), \
+              $(foreach trace, $(TRACE_TYPES), \
+                $(foreach gc, $(GC_TYPES), \
+                  $(foreach jni, $(JNI_TYPES), \
+                    $(foreach image, $(IMAGE_TYPES), \
+                      $(foreach pictest, $(PICTEST_TYPES), \
+                        $(foreach debuggable, $(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES), \
+                          $(eval $(call define-test-art-run-test,$(target),$(run_type),$(prebuild),$(compiler),$(relocate),$(trace),$(gc),$(jni),$(image),$(pictest),$(debuggable),$(test),$(address_size))) \
+                  )))))))))))))
+define-test-art-run-test :=
+# Define a phony rule whose purpose is to test its prerequisites.
+# $(1): host or target
+# $(2): list of prerequisites
+define define-test-art-run-test-group
+.PHONY: $(1)
+$(1): $(2)
+	$(hide) $$(call ART_TEST_PREREQ_FINISHED,$$@)
 endef  # define-test-art-run-test-group
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach prebuild, $(PREBUILD_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(prebuild)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach run-type, $(RUN_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(run-type)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach compiler, $(COMPILER_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(compiler)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach relocate, $(RELOCATE_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(relocate)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach trace, $(TRACE_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(trace)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach gc, $(GC_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(gc)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach jni, $(JNI_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(jni)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach debuggable, $(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(debuggable)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach image, $(IMAGE_TYPES), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(image)))))
-$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
-  $(foreach address_size, $(ADDRESS_SIZES_$(call name-to-var,$(target))), $(eval \
-    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,$(target),$(address_size)))))
-# Create a rule to build and run a test group of the following form:
-# test-art-{1: host target}-run-test
-define define-test-art-host-or-target-run-test-group
-  build_target := test-art-$(1)-run-test
-  .PHONY: $$(build_target)
-  # Python testrunner support multi-threaded test run, however, to invoke the script, one
-  # has to provide the concurrency level for the run. To provide that value, the concurrency
-  # level of the make invocation is used. The make invocation information is extracted through
-  # `ps` and subsequently the number of threads is determined.
-  kati_pid = $(shell echo $$PPID)
-  make_pid = $$(shell ps -o ppid= -p $$(kati_pid))
-  grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword := -e
-  grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword += $$(shell echo $(MAKECMDGOALS) | sed -e "s/\s\+/ -e /g")
-  ps_data := $$(shell ps aux | grep $$(make_pid) | grep $$(grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword))
-  concurrency := $$(shell [[ "$$(ps_data)" =~ -[a-zA-Z]*j[[:space:]]*[0-9]+ ]] && [[ $$$$BASH_REMATCH =~ [0-9]+ ]] && echo $$$$BASH_REMATCH || echo 1)
-  $$(build_target) : args := --$(1) --verbose -j$$(concurrency)
-  $$(build_target) : test-art-$(1)-run-test-dependencies
-			./art/test/testrunner/ $$(args)
-  build_target :=
-  args :=
-  grep_build_targets_from_ps_keyword :=
-  ps_data :=
-  concurrency :=
-  kati_pid :=
-  make_pid :=
-endef  # define-test-art-host-or-target-run-test-group
 $(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), $(eval \
-  $(call define-test-art-host-or-target-run-test-group,$(target))))
+  $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test,$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_RULES))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach prebuild, $(PREBUILD_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(prebuild),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(prebuild))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach run-type, $(RUN_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(run-type),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(run-type))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach compiler, $(COMPILER_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(compiler),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(compiler))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach relocate, $(RELOCATE_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(relocate),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(relocate))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach trace, $(TRACE_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(trace),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(trace))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach gc, $(GC_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(gc),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(gc))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach jni, $(JNI_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(jni),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(jni))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach debuggable, $(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(debuggable),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(debuggable))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach image, $(IMAGE_TYPES), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(image),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(image))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach test, $(TEST_ART_RUN_TESTS), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test-$(test),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(test))_RULES)))))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach address_size, $(ADDRESS_SIZES_$(call name-to-var,$(target))), $(eval \
+    $(call define-test-art-run-test-group,test-art-$(target)-run-test$(address_size),$(ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(address_size)_RULES)))))
+# Clear variables now we're finished with them.
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_RULES :=))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach prebuild, $(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(prebuild))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach compiler, $(COMPILER_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(compiler))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach relocate, $(RELOCATE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(relocate))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach trace, $(TRACE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(trace))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach gc, $(GC_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(gc))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach jni, $(JNI_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(jni))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach debuggable, $(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(debuggable))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach image, $(IMAGE_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(image))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach test, $(TEST_ART_RUN_TESTS), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(test))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach address_size, $(ALL_ADDRESS_SIZES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(address_size))_RULES :=)))
+$(foreach target, $(TARGET_TYPES), \
+  $(foreach run_type, $(RUN_TYPES), \
+    $(eval ART_RUN_TEST_$(call name-to-var,$(target))_$(call name-to-var,$(run_type))_RULES :=)))
+define-test-art-run-test-group :=
@@ -375,8 +1270,10 @@
diff --git a/test/knownfailures.json b/test/knownfailures.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 98d56d4..0000000
--- a/test/knownfailures.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-    {
-        "test": "153-reference-stress",
-        "description": ["Disable 153-reference-stress temporarily until a fix",
-                        "arrives."],
-        "bug": "http://b/33389022"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "080-oom-fragmentation",
-        "description": "Disable 080-oom-fragmentation due to flakes.",
-        "bug": "http://b/33795328"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["497-inlining-and-class-loader",
-                  "542-unresolved-access-check"],
-        "description": ["Disable 497-inlining-and-class-loader and ",
-                        "542-unresolved-access-check until they are rewritten.",
-                        "These tests use a broken class loader that tries to",
-                        "register a dex file that's already registered with a",
-                        "different loader."],
-        "bug": "http://b/34193123"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "149-suspend-all-stress",
-        "description": "Disable 149-suspend-all-stress, its output is flaky",
-        "bug": "http://b/28988206"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "577-profile-foreign-dex",
-        "description": "Disable 577-profile-foreign-dex",
-        "bug": "http://b/27454772"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["002-sleep",
-                  "053-wait-some",
-                  "055-enum-performance",
-                  "133-static-invoke-super"],
-        "description": ["Tests that are timing sensitive and flaky on heavily",
-                        "loaded systems."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
-        "variant": "target",
-        "description": ["147-stripped-dex-fallback isn't supported on device",
-                        "because --strip-dex  requires the zip command."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "569-checker-pattern-replacement",
-        "variant": "target",
-        "description": ["569-checker-pattern-replacement tests behaviour",
-                        "present only on host."]
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["116-nodex2oat",
-                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
-                  "134-nodex2oat-nofallback"],
-        "variant": "prebuild",
-        "description": ["Note 116-nodex2oat is not broken per-se it just",
-                        "doesn't (and isn't meant to) work with --prebuild."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "554-jit-profile-file",
-        "variant": "no-prebuild | interpreter",
-        "description": ["554-jit-profile-file is disabled because it needs a",
-                        "primary oat file to know what it should save."]
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["529-checker-unresolved", "555-checker-regression-x86const"],
-        "variant": "no-prebuild",
-        "bug": "http://b/27784033"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["117-nopatchoat",
-                  "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
-                  "608-checker-unresolved-lse"],
-        "variant": "no-prebuild"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["117-nopatchoat",
-                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
-                  "119-noimage-patchoat",
-                  "554-jit-profile-file"],
-        "variant": "no-relocate",
-        "description": ["117-nopatchoat is not broken per-se it just doesn't",
-                        "work (and isn't meant to) without --prebuild",
-                        "--relocate"]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "137-cfi",
-        "variant": "interp-ac",
-        "description": ["Temporarily disable some broken tests when forcing",
-                        "access checks in interpreter"],
-        "bug": "http://b/22414682"
-    },
-    {
-        "test" : "629-vdex-speed",
-        "variant": "interp-ac | no-dex2oat | interpreter | jit | relocate-npatchoat",
-        "description": "629 requires compilation."
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "137-cfi",
-        "variant": "gcstress",
-        "description": ["137-cfi needs to unwind a second forked process. We're",
-                        "using a primitive sleep to wait till we hope the",
-                        "second process got into the expected state. The",
-                        "slowness of gcstress makes this bad."]
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["908-gc-start-finish",
-                  "913-heaps"],
-        "variant": "gcstress",
-        "description": ["908-gc-start-finish expects GCs only to be run at",
-                        "clear points. The reduced heap size makes this",
-                        "non-deterministic. Same for 913."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "961-default-iface-resolution-gen",
-        "variant": "gcstress",
-        "description": ["961-default-iface-resolution-gen and",
-                        "964-default-iface-init-genare very long tests that",
-                        "often will take more than the timeout to run when",
-                        "gcstress is enabled. This is because gcstress slows",
-                        "down allocations significantly which these tests do a",
-                        "lot."]
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["964-default-iface-init-gen",
-                 "154-gc-loop"],
-        "variant": "gcstress"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "115-native-bridge",
-        "variant": "target",
-        "description": ["115-native-bridge setup is complicated. Need to",
-                        "implement it correctly for the target."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "130-hprof",
-        "variant": "target",
-        "desription": ["130-hprof dumps the heap and runs hprof-conv to check",
-                       "whether the file is somewhat readable. Thi is only",
-                       "possible on the host. TODO: Turn off all the other",
-                       "combinations, this is more about testing actual ART",
-                       "code. A gtest is very hard to write here, as (for a",
-                       "complete test) JDWP must be set up."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "131-structural-change",
-        "variant": "debug",
-        "description": ["131 is an old test. The functionality has been",
-                        "implemented at an earlier stage and is checked",
-                        "in tests 138. Blacklisted for debug builds since",
-                        "these builds have duplicate classes checks which",
-                        "punt to interpreter"]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "138-duplicate-classes-check",
-        "variant": "ndebug",
-        "description": ["Turned on for debug builds since debug builds have",
-                        "duplicate classes checks enabled"],
-        "bug": "http://b/2133391"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
-        "variant": "no-dex2oat | no-image | relocate-npatchoat",
-        "description": ["147-stripped-dex-fallback is disabled because it",
-                        "requires --prebuild."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "554-jit-profile-file",
-        "variant": "no-dex2oat | no-image | relocate-npatchoat",
-        "description": ["554-jit-profile-file is disabled because it needs a",
-                        "primary oat file to know what it should save."]
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["116-nodex2oat",
-                  "117-nopatchoat",
-                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
-                  "119-noimage-patchoat",
-                  "137-cfi",
-                  "138-duplicate-classes-check2"],
-        "variant": "no-dex2oat | no-image | relocate-npatchoat",
-        "description": ["All these tests check that we have sane behavior if we",
-                        "don't have a patchoat or dex2oat. Therefore we",
-                        "shouldn't run them in situations where we actually",
-                        "don't have these since they explicitly test for them.",
-                        "These all also assume we have an image."]
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["137-cfi",
-                  "138-duplicate-classes-check",
-                  "018-stack-overflow",
-                  "961-default-iface-resolution-gen",
-                  "964-default-iface-init"],
-        "variant": "no-image",
-        "description": ["This test fails without an image. 018, 961, 964 often",
-                        "time out."],
-        "bug": "http://b/34369284"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "137-cfi",
-        "description": ["This test unrolls and expects managed frames, but",
-                        "tracing means we run the interpreter."],
-        "variant": "trace | stream"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["802-deoptimization",
-                 "570-checker-osr"],
-        "description": ["This test dynamically enables tracing to force a",
-                        "deoptimization. This makes the test meaningless",
-                        "when already tracing, and writes an error message",
-                        "that we do not want to check for."],
-        "variant": "trace | stream"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "130-hprof",
-        "description": "130 occasional timeout",
-        "bug": "http://b/32383962",
-        "variant": "trace | stream"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["087-gc-after-link",
-                  "141-class-unload"],
-        "variant": "trace | stream"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["604-hot-static-interface",
-                  "612-jit-dex-cache",
-                  "613-inlining-dex-cache",
-                  "616-cha",
-                  "626-set-resolved-string"],
-        "variant": "trace  | stream",
-        "description": ["These tests expect JIT compilation, which is",
-                        "suppressed when tracing."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "137-cfi",
-        "description": ["CFI unwinding expects managed frames, and the test",
-                        "does not iterate enough to even compile. JIT also",
-                        "uses Generic JNI instead of the JNI compiler."],
-        "variant": "interpreter | jit"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "902-hello-transformation",
-        "description": "Test 902 hits races with the JIT compiler.",
-        "bug": "http://b/32821077",
-        "variant": "jit"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "906-iterate-heap",
-        "description": ["Test 906 iterates the heap filtering with different",
-                        "options. No instances should be created between those",
-                        "runs to be able to have precise checks."],
-        "variant": "jit"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["914-hello-obsolescence",
-                  "915-obsolete-2",
-                  "917-fields-transformation",
-                  "919-obsolete-fields"],
-        "description": ["Test 914, 915, 917, & 919 are very sensitive to the",
-                        "exact state of the stack, including the jit-inserted",
-                        "runtime frames. This causes them to be somewhat flaky",
-                        "as JIT tests. This should be fixed once b/33630159 or",
-                        "b/33616143 are resolved but until then just disable",
-                        "them. Test 916 already checks this feature for JIT",
-                        "use cases in a way that is resilient to the jit",
-                        "frames."],
-        "variant": "jit"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["926-multi-obsolescence",
-                  "904-object-allocation"],
-        "variant": "jit"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "912-classes",
-        "variant": "jit",
-        "bug": "http://b/34655682"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["570-checker-select",
-                  "484-checker-register-hints"],
-        "description": ["These tests were based on the linear scan allocator,",
-                        "which makes different decisions than the graph",
-                        "coloring allocator. (These attempt to test for code",
-                        "quality, not correctness.)"],
-        "variant": "regalloc_gc"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["454-get-vreg",
-                  "457-regs",
-                  "602-deoptimizeable"],
-        "description": ["Tests that should fail when the optimizing compiler ",
-                        "compiles them non-debuggable."],
-        "variant": "optimizing &  ndebuggable | regalloc_gc & ndebuggable"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "596-app-images",
-        "variant": "npictest"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "055-enum-performance",
-        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc",
-        "description": ["055: Exceeds run time limits due to heap poisoning ",
-                        "instrumentation (on ARM and ARM64 devices)."]
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "909-attach-agent",
-        "variant": "debuggable",
-        "description": "Tests that check semantics for a non-debuggable app."
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "137-cfi",
-        "variant": "debuggable",
-        "description": ["The test relies on AOT code and debuggable makes us",
-                        "JIT always."]
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["000-nop",
-                  "134-nodex2oat-nofallback",
-                  "147-stripped-dex-fallback",
-                 "595-profile-saving"],
-        "description": "The doesn't compile anything",
-        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
-        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": "089-many-methods",
-        "description": "The test tests a build failure",
-        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
-        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["018-stack-overflow",
-                  "116-nodex2oat",
-                  "117-nopatchoat",
-                  "118-noimage-dex2oat",
-                  "119-noimage-patchoat",
-                  "126-miranda-multidex",
-                  "137-cfi"],
-        "description": "The test run dalvikvm more than once.",
-        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
-        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["115-native-bridge",
-                 "088-monitor-verification"],
-        "description": "The test assume they are always compiled.",
-        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
-        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "055-enum-performance",
-        "description": ["The test tests performance which degrades during",
-                        "bisecting."],
-        "env_vars": {"ART_TEST_BISECTION": "true"},
-        "variant": "optimizing | regalloc_gc"
-    },
-    {
-        "test": "537-checker-arraycopy",
-        "env_vars": {"ART_USE_READ_BARRIER": "true"},
-        "variant": "interpreter | optimizing | regalloc_gc | jit"
-    }
diff --git a/test/testrunner/ b/test/testrunner/
deleted file mode 100644
index e015d74..0000000
--- a/test/testrunner/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import os
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-env = dict(os.environ)
-def getEnvBoolean(var, default):
-  val = env.get(var)
-  if val:
-    if val == "True" or val == "true":
-      return True
-    if val == "False" or val == "false":
-      return False
-  return default
-def get_build_var(var_name):
-  # The command is taken from build/ to fetch build variables.
-  command = ("CALLED_FROM_SETUP=true BUILD_SYSTEM=build/core "
-             "make --no-print-directory -C \"%s\" -f build/core/ "
-             "dumpvar-%s") % (ANDROID_BUILD_TOP, var_name)
-  config = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            shell=True).communicate()[0]
-  return config.strip()
-def get_env(key):
-  return env.get(key)
-ANDROID_BUILD_TOP = env.get('ANDROID_BUILD_TOP', os.getcwd())
-# Directory used for temporary test files on the host.
-ART_HOST_TEST_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'test-art-')
-# Keep going after encountering a test failure?
-# Do you want all tests, even those that are time consuming?
-ART_TEST_FULL = getEnvBoolean('ART_TEST_FULL', False)
-# Do you want interpreter tests run?
-                                                   ART_TEST_FULL)
-# Do you want JIT tests run?
-# Do you want optimizing compiler tests run?
-# Do you want to test the optimizing compiler with graph coloring register allocation?
-# Do we want to test a non-PIC-compiled core image?
-# Do we want to test PIC-compiled tests ("apps")?
-# Do you want tracing tests run?
-# Do you want tracing tests (streaming mode) run?
-# Do you want tests with GC verification enabled run?
-# Do you want tests with the GC stress mode enabled run?
-# Do you want tests with the JNI forcecopy mode enabled run?
-# Do you want run-tests with relocation disabled run?
-# Do you want run-tests with prebuilding?
-# Do you want run-tests with no prebuilding enabled run?
-# Do you want run-tests with a pregenerated
-# Do you want run-tests without a pregenerated
-# Do you want run-tests with relocation enabled but patchoat failing?
-                                                       ART_TEST_FULL)
-# Do you want run-tests without a dex2oat?
-# Do you want run-tests with
-# Do you want run-tests with
-# Do you want failed tests to have their artifacts cleaned up?
-# Do you want run-tests with the --debuggable flag
-# Do you want to test multi-part boot-image functionality?
-ART_TEST_DEBUG_GC = getEnvBoolean('ART_TEST_DEBUG_GC', False)
-# Do you want run-tests with the host/target's second arch?
-TARGET_2ND_ARCH = get_build_var('TARGET_2ND_ARCH')
-TARGET_ARCH = get_build_var('TARGET_ARCH')
-  if "64" in TARGET_ARCH:
-  else:
-  if "64" in TARGET_ARCH:
-  else:
-HOST_PREFER_32_BIT = get_build_var('HOST_PREFER_32_BIT')
-if HOST_PREFER_32_BIT == "true":
-                                    get_build_var("HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES"))
-os.environ['JACK'] = HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES + '/jack'
-os.environ['DX'] = HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES + '/dx'
-os.environ['SMALI'] = HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES + '/smali'
-os.environ['JASMIN'] = HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES + '/jasmin'
-os.environ['DXMERGER'] = HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES + '/dexmerger'
diff --git a/test/testrunner/ b/test/testrunner/
deleted file mode 100755
index faa0c6e..0000000
--- a/test/testrunner/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""ART Run-Test TestRunner
-The testrunner runs the ART run-tests by simply invoking the script.
-It fetches the list of eligible tests from art/test directory, and list of
-disabled tests from art/test/knownfailures.json. It runs the tests by
-invoking art/test/run-test script and checks the exit value to decide if the
-test passed or failed.
-Before invoking the script, first build all the tests dependencies.
-There are two major build targets for building target and host tests
-1) test-art-host-run-test
-2) test-art-target-run-test
-There are various options to invoke the script which are:
--t: Either the test name as in art/test or the test name including the variant
-    information. Eg, "-t 001-HelloWorld",
-    "-t test-art-host-run-test-debug-prebuild-optimizing-relocate-ntrace-cms-checkjni-picimage-npictest-ndebuggable-001-HelloWorld32"
--j: Number of thread workers to be used. Eg - "-j64"
---dry-run: Instead of running the test name, just print its name.
--b / --build-dependencies: to build the dependencies before running the test
-To specify any specific variants for the test, use --<<variant-name>>.
-For eg, for compiler type as optimizing, use --optimizing.
-In the end, the script will print the failed and skipped tests if any.
-import fnmatch
-import itertools
-import json
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-import env
-RUN_TYPES = set()
-TRACE_TYPES = set()
-GC_TYPES = set()
-JNI_TYPES = set()
-IMAGE_TYPES = set()
-ADDRESS_SIZES_TARGET = {'host': set(), 'target': set()}
-# DISABLED_TEST_CONTAINER holds information about the disabled tests. It is a map
-# that has key as the test name (like 001-HelloWorld), and value as set of
-# variants that the test is disabled for.
-# The Dict contains the list of all possible variants for a given type. For example,
-# for key TARGET, the value would be target and host. The list is used to parse
-# the test name given as the argument to run.
-# The set contains all the variants of each time.
-# The colors are used in the output. When a test passes, COLOR_PASS is used,
-# and so on.
-COLOR_ERROR = '\033[91m'
-COLOR_PASS = '\033[92m'
-COLOR_SKIP = '\033[93m'
-COLOR_NORMAL = '\033[0m'
-# The mutex object is used by the threads for exclusive access of test_count
-# to make any changes in its value.
-test_count_mutex = threading.Lock()
-# The set contains the list of all the possible run tests that are in art/test
-# directory.
-RUN_TEST_SET = set()
-# The semaphore object is used by the testrunner to limit the number of
-# threads to the user requested concurrency value.
-semaphore = threading.Semaphore(1)
-# The mutex object is used to provide exclusive access to a thread to print
-# its output.
-print_mutex = threading.Lock()
-failed_tests = []
-skipped_tests = []
-# Flags
-n_thread = 1
-test_count = 0
-total_test_count = 0
-verbose = False
-last_print_length = 0
-dry_run = False
-build = False
-gdb = False
-gdb_arg = ''
-stop_testrunner = False
-def gather_test_info():
-  """The method gathers test information about the test to be run which includes
-  generating the list of total tests from the art/test directory and the list
-  of disabled test. It also maps various variants to types.
-  """
-  # TODO: Avoid duplication of the variant names in different lists.
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['pictest'] = {'pictest', 'npictest'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['run'] = {'ndebug', 'debug'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['target'] = {'target', 'host'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['trace'] = {'trace', 'ntrace', 'stream'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['image'] = {'picimage', 'no-image', 'npicimage',
-                                'multinpicimage', 'multipicimage'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['debuggable'] = {'ndebuggable', 'debuggable'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['gc'] = {'gcstress', 'gcverify', 'cms'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['prebuild'] = {'no-prebuild', 'no-dex2oat', 'prebuild'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['relocate'] = {'relocate-npatchoat', 'relocate', 'no-relocate'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['jni'] = {'jni', 'forcecopy', 'checkjni'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['address_sizes'] = {'64', '32'}
-  VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['compiler'] = {'interp-ac', 'interpreter', 'jit', 'optimizing',
-                              'regalloc_gc'}
-  for v_type in VARIANT_TYPE_DICT:
-  test_dir = env.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP + '/art/test'
-  for f in os.listdir(test_dir):
-    if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, '[0-9]*'):
-      RUN_TEST_SET.add(f)
-  DISABLED_TEST_CONTAINER = get_disabled_test_info()
-def setup_test_env():
-  """The method sets default value for the various variants of the tests if they
-  are already not set.
-  """
-    # Bisection search writes to standard output.
-    env.ART_TEST_QUIET = False
-  if not TARGET_TYPES:
-    TARGET_TYPES.add('host')
-    TARGET_TYPES.add('target')
-    PREBUILD_TYPES.add('prebuild')
-    PREBUILD_TYPES.add('no-prebuild')
-    PREBUILD_TYPES.add('no-dex2oat')
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('interp-ac')
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('interpreter')
-  if env.ART_TEST_JIT:
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('jit')
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('optimizing')
-    OPTIMIZING_COMPILER_TYPES.add('optimizing')
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('regalloc_gc')
-    OPTIMIZING_COMPILER_TYPES.add('regalloc_gc')
-    RELOCATE_TYPES.add('no-relocate')
-    RELOCATE_TYPES.add('relocate')
-    RELOCATE_TYPES.add('relocate-npatchoat')
-  if not TRACE_TYPES:
-    TRACE_TYPES.add('ntrace')
-  if env.ART_TEST_TRACE:
-    TRACE_TYPES.add('trace')
-    TRACE_TYPES.add('stream')
-  if not GC_TYPES:
-    GC_TYPES.add('cms')
-    GC_TYPES.add('gcstress')
-    GC_TYPES.add('gcverify')
-  if not JNI_TYPES:
-    JNI_TYPES.add('checkjni')
-    JNI_TYPES.add('forcecopy')
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('picimage')
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('no-image')
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('multipicimage')
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('npicimage')
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('multinpicimage')
-  if not PICTEST_TYPES:
-    PICTEST_TYPES.add('npictest')
-  if env.ART_TEST_PIC_TEST:
-    PICTEST_TYPES.add('pictest')
-    RUN_TYPES.add('debug')
-    RUN_TYPES.add('ndebug')
-    DEBUGGABLE_TYPES.add('ndebuggable')
-    DEBUGGABLE_TYPES.add('debuggable')
-  if not ADDRESS_SIZES:
-  else:
-  global semaphore
-  semaphore = threading.Semaphore(n_thread)
-def run_tests(tests):
-  """Creates thread workers to run the tests.
-  The method generates command and thread worker to run the tests. Depending on
-  the user input for the number of threads to be used, the method uses a
-  semaphore object to keep a count in control for the thread workers. When a new
-  worker is created, it acquires the semaphore object, and when the number of
-  workers reaches the maximum allowed concurrency, the method wait for an
-  existing thread worker to release the semaphore object. Worker releases the
-  semaphore object when they finish printing the output.
-  Args:
-    tests: The set of tests to be run.
-  """
-  options_all = ''
-  global total_test_count
-  total_test_count = len(tests)
-  total_test_count *= len(RUN_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(PREBUILD_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(RELOCATE_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(TRACE_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(GC_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(JNI_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(IMAGE_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(PICTEST_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(DEBUGGABLE_TYPES)
-  total_test_count *= len(COMPILER_TYPES)
-  target_address_combinations = 0
-  for target in TARGET_TYPES:
-    for address_size in ADDRESS_SIZES_TARGET[target]:
-      target_address_combinations += 1
-  total_test_count *= target_address_combinations
-    options_all += ' --strace'
-    options_all += ' --always-clean'
-    options_all += ' --bisection-search'
-    options_all += ' --android-root ' + env.ART_TEST_ARDROID_ROOT
-  if gdb:
-    options_all += ' --gdb'
-    if gdb_arg:
-      options_all += ' --gdb-arg ' + gdb_arg
-  config = itertools.product(tests, TARGET_TYPES, RUN_TYPES, PREBUILD_TYPES,
-                             COMPILER_TYPES, RELOCATE_TYPES, TRACE_TYPES,
-                             GC_TYPES, JNI_TYPES, IMAGE_TYPES, PICTEST_TYPES,
-                             DEBUGGABLE_TYPES)
-  for test, target, run, prebuild, compiler, relocate, trace, gc, \
-      jni, image, pictest, debuggable in config:
-    for address_size in ADDRESS_SIZES_TARGET[target]:
-      if stop_testrunner:
-        # When ART_TEST_KEEP_GOING is set to false, then as soon as a test
-        # fails, stop_testrunner is set to True. When this happens, the method
-        # stops creating any any thread and wait for all the exising threads
-        # to end.
-        while threading.active_count() > 2:
-          time.sleep(0.1)
-          return
-      test_name = 'test-art-'
-      test_name += target + '-run-test-'
-      test_name += run + '-'
-      test_name += prebuild + '-'
-      test_name += compiler + '-'
-      test_name += relocate + '-'
-      test_name += trace + '-'
-      test_name += gc + '-'
-      test_name += jni + '-'
-      test_name += image + '-'
-      test_name += pictest + '-'
-      test_name += debuggable + '-'
-      test_name += test
-      test_name += address_size
-      variant_set = {target, run, prebuild, compiler, relocate, trace, gc, jni,
-                     image, pictest, debuggable, address_size}
-      options_test = options_all
-      if target == 'host':
-        options_test += ' --host'
-      if run == 'ndebug':
-        options_test += ' -O'
-      if prebuild == 'prebuild':
-        options_test += ' --prebuild'
-      elif prebuild == 'no-prebuild':
-        options_test += ' --no-prebuild'
-      elif prebuild == 'no-dex2oat':
-        options_test += ' --no-prebuild --no-dex2oat'
-      if compiler == 'optimizing':
-        options_test += ' --optimizing'
-      elif compiler == 'regalloc_gc':
-        options_test += ' --optimizing -Xcompiler-option --register-allocation-strategy=graph-color'
-      elif compiler == 'interpreter':
-        options_test += ' --interpreter'
-      elif compiler == 'interp-ac':
-        options_test += ' --interpreter --verify-soft-fail'
-      elif compiler == 'jit':
-        options_test += ' --jit'
-      if relocate == 'relocate':
-        options_test += ' --relocate'
-      elif relocate == 'no-relocate':
-        options_test += ' --no-relocate'
-      elif relocate == 'relocate-npatchoat':
-        options_test += ' --relocate --no-patchoat'
-      if trace == 'trace':
-        options_test += ' --trace'
-      elif trace == 'stream':
-        options_test += ' --trace --stream'
-      if gc == 'gcverify':
-        options_test += ' --gcverify'
-      elif gc == 'gcstress':
-        options_test += ' --gcstress'
-      if jni == 'forcecopy':
-        options_test += ' --runtime-option -Xjniopts:forcecopy'
-      elif jni == 'checkjni':
-        options_test += ' --runtime-option -Xcheck:jni'
-      if image == 'no-image':
-        options_test += ' --no-image'
-      elif image == 'npicimage':
-        options_test += ' --npic-image'
-      elif image == 'multinpicimage':
-        options_test += ' --npic-image --multi-image'
-      elif image == 'multipicimage':
-        options_test += ' --multi-image'
-      if pictest == 'pictest':
-        options_test += ' --pic-test'
-      if debuggable == 'debuggable':
-        options_test += ' --debuggable'
-      if address_size == '64':
-        options_test += ' --64'
-          options_test += ' --instruction-set-features' + env.DEX2OAT_HOST_INSTRUCTION_SET_FEATURES
-      elif address_size == '32':
-          options_test += ' --instruction-set-features ' + \
-      options_test = (' --output-path %s/run-test-output/%s') % (
-        env.ART_HOST_TEST_DIR, test_name) + options_test
-      run_test_sh = env.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP + '/art/test/run-test'
-      command = run_test_sh + ' ' + options_test + ' ' + test
-      semaphore.acquire()
-      worker = threading.Thread(target=run_test, args=(command, test, variant_set, test_name))
-      worker.daemon = True
-      worker.start()
-  while threading.active_count() > 2:
-    time.sleep(0.1)
-def run_test(command, test, test_variant, test_name):
-  """Runs the test.
-  It invokes art/test/run-test script to run the test. The output of the script
-  is checked, and if it ends with "Succeeded!", it assumes that the tests
-  passed, otherwise, put it in the list of failed test. Before actually running
-  the test, it also checks if the test is placed in the list of disabled tests,
-  and if yes, it skips running it, and adds the test in the list of skipped
-  tests. The method uses print_text method to actually print the output. After
-  successfully running and capturing the output for the test, it releases the
-  semaphore object.
-  Args:
-    command: The command to be used to invoke the script
-    test: The name of the test without the variant information.
-    test_variant: The set of variant for the test.
-    test_name: The name of the test along with the variants.
-  """
-  global last_print_length
-  global test_count
-  global stop_testrunner
-  if is_test_disabled(test, test_variant):
-    test_skipped = True
-  else:
-    test_skipped = False
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-    script_output =
-    test_passed = not proc.wait()
-  # If verbose is set to True, every test information is printed on a new line.
-  # If not, the information is printed on the same line overriding the
-  # previous test output.
-  if not verbose:
-    suffix = '\r'
-    prefix = ' ' * last_print_length + '\r'
-  else:
-    suffix = '\n'
-    prefix = ''
-  test_count_mutex.acquire()
-  test_count += 1
-  percent = (test_count * 100) / total_test_count
-  out = '[ ' + str(percent) + '% ' + str(test_count) + '/' + str(total_test_count) + ' ] '
-  test_count_mutex.release()
-  out += test_name + ' '
-  if not test_skipped:
-    if test_passed:
-      out += COLOR_PASS + 'PASS' + COLOR_NORMAL
-    else:
-      failed_tests.append(test_name)
-      if verbose:
-        out += '\n' + command + '\n' + script_output
-      if not env.ART_TEST_KEEP_GOING:
-        stop_testrunner = True
-  elif not dry_run:
-    skipped_tests.append(test_name)
-  last_print_length = len(out)
-  print_mutex.acquire()
-  print_text(prefix + out + suffix)
-  print_mutex.release()
-  semaphore.release()
-def get_disabled_test_info():
-  """Generate set of known failures.
-  It parses the art/test/knownfailures.json file to generate the list of
-  disabled tests.
-  Returns:
-    The method returns a dict of tests mapped to the variants list
-    for which the test should not be run.
-  """
-  known_failures_file = env.ANDROID_BUILD_TOP + '/art/test/knownfailures.json'
-  with open(known_failures_file) as known_failures_json:
-    known_failures_info = json.loads(
-  disabled_test_info = {}
-  for failure in known_failures_info:
-    tests = failure.get('test')
-    if tests:
-      tests = [tests]
-    else:
-      tests = failure.get('tests', [])
-    variants = parse_variants(failure.get('variant'))
-    env_vars = failure.get('env_vars')
-    if check_env_vars(env_vars):
-      for test in tests:
-        if test in disabled_test_info:
-          disabled_test_info[test] = disabled_test_info[test].union(variants)
-        else:
-          disabled_test_info[test] = variants
-  return disabled_test_info
-def check_env_vars(env_vars):
-  """Checks if the env variables are set as required to run the test.
-  Returns:
-    True if all the env variables are set as required, otherwise False.
-  """
-  if not env_vars:
-    return True
-  for key in env_vars:
-    if env.get_env(key) != env_vars.get(key):
-      return False
-  return True
-def is_test_disabled(test, variant_set):
-  """Checks if the test along with the variant_set is disabled.
-  Args:
-    test: The name of the test as in art/test directory.
-    variant_set: Variants to be used for the test.
-  Returns:
-    True, if the test is disabled.
-  """
-  if dry_run:
-    return True
-  variants_list = DISABLED_TEST_CONTAINER.get(test, {})
-  for variants in variants_list:
-    variants_present = True
-    for variant in variants:
-      if variant not in variant_set:
-        variants_present = False
-        break
-    if variants_present:
-      return True
-  return False
-def parse_variants(variants):
-  """Parse variants fetched from art/test/knownfailures.json.
-  """
-  if not variants:
-    variants = ''
-    for variant in TOTAL_VARIANTS_SET:
-      variants += variant
-      variants += '|'
-    variants = variants[:-1]
-  variant_list = set()
-  or_variants = variants.split('|')
-  for or_variant in or_variants:
-    and_variants = or_variant.split('&')
-    variant = set()
-    for and_variant in and_variants:
-      and_variant = and_variant.strip()
-      variant.add(and_variant)
-    variant_list.add(frozenset(variant))
-  return variant_list
-def print_text(output):
-  sys.stdout.write(output)
-  sys.stdout.flush()
-def print_analysis():
-  if not verbose:
-    print_text(' ' * last_print_length + '\r')
-  if skipped_tests:
-    print_text(COLOR_SKIP + 'SKIPPED TESTS' + COLOR_NORMAL + '\n')
-    for test in skipped_tests:
-      print_text(test + '\n')
-    print_text('\n')
-  if failed_tests:
-    print_text(COLOR_ERROR + 'FAILED TESTS' + COLOR_NORMAL + '\n')
-    for test in failed_tests:
-      print_text(test + '\n')
-def parse_test_name(test_name):
-  """Parses the testname provided by the user.
-  It supports two types of test_name:
-  1) Like 001-HelloWorld. In this case, it will just verify if the test actually
-  exists and if it does, it returns the testname.
-  2) Like test-art-host-run-test-debug-prebuild-interpreter-no-relocate-ntrace-cms-checkjni-picimage-npictest-ndebuggable-001-HelloWorld32
-  In this case, it will parse all the variants and check if they are placed
-  correctly. If yes, it will set the various VARIANT_TYPES to use the
-  variants required to run the test. Again, it returns the test_name
-  without the variant information like 001-HelloWorld.
-  """
-  if test_name in RUN_TEST_SET:
-    return {test_name}
-  regex = '^test-art-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['target']) + ')-'
-  regex += 'run-test-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['run']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['prebuild']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['compiler']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['relocate']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['trace']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['gc']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['jni']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['image']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['pictest']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['debuggable']) + ')-'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(RUN_TEST_SET) + ')'
-  regex += '(' + '|'.join(VARIANT_TYPE_DICT['address_sizes']) + ')$'
-  match = re.match(regex, test_name)
-  if match:
-    TARGET_TYPES.add(
-    RUN_TYPES.add(
-    TRACE_TYPES.add(
-    GC_TYPES.add(
-    JNI_TYPES.add(
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add(
-    return {}
-def parse_option():
-  global verbose
-  global dry_run
-  global n_thread
-  global build
-  global gdb
-  global gdb_arg
-  parser = OptionParser()
-  parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', help='name of the test')
-  parser.add_option('-j', type='int', dest='n_thread')
-  for variant in TOTAL_VARIANTS_SET:
-    flag = '--' + variant
-    flag_dest = variant.replace('-', '_')
-    if variant == '32' or variant == '64':
-      flag_dest = 'n' + flag_dest
-    parser.add_option(flag, action='store_true', dest=flag_dest)
-  parser.add_option('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose')
-  parser.add_option('--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run')
-  parser.add_option('-b', '--build-dependencies', action='store_true', dest='build')
-  parser.add_option('--gdb', action='store_true', dest='gdb')
-  parser.add_option('--gdb-arg', dest='gdb_arg')
-  options = parser.parse_args()[0]
-  test = ''
-  if options.test:
-    test = parse_test_name(options.test)
-  if options.pictest:
-    PICTEST_TYPES.add('pictest')
-  if options.ndebug:
-    RUN_TYPES.add('ndebug')
-  if options.interp_ac:
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('interp-ac')
-  if options.picimage:
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('picimage')
-  if options.n64:
-    ADDRESS_SIZES.add('64')
-  if options.interpreter:
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('interpreter')
-  if options.jni:
-    JNI_TYPES.add('jni')
-  if options.relocate_npatchoat:
-    RELOCATE_TYPES.add('relocate-npatchoat')
-  if options.no_prebuild:
-    PREBUILD_TYPES.add('no-prebuild')
-  if options.npictest:
-    PICTEST_TYPES.add('npictest')
-  if options.no_dex2oat:
-    PREBUILD_TYPES.add('no-dex2oat')
-  if options.jit:
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('jit')
-  if options.relocate:
-    RELOCATE_TYPES.add('relocate')
-  if options.ndebuggable:
-    DEBUGGABLE_TYPES.add('ndebuggable')
-  if options.no_image:
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('no-image')
-  if options.optimizing:
-    COMPILER_TYPES.add('optimizing')
-  if options.trace:
-    TRACE_TYPES.add('trace')
-  if options.gcstress:
-    GC_TYPES.add('gcstress')
-  if options.no_relocate:
-    RELOCATE_TYPES.add('no-relocate')
-  if
-    TARGET_TYPES.add('target')
-  if options.forcecopy:
-    JNI_TYPES.add('forcecopy')
-  if options.n32:
-    ADDRESS_SIZES.add('32')
-  if
-    TARGET_TYPES.add('host')
-  if options.gcverify:
-    GC_TYPES.add('gcverify')
-  if options.debuggable:
-    DEBUGGABLE_TYPES.add('debuggable')
-  if options.prebuild:
-    PREBUILD_TYPES.add('prebuild')
-  if options.debug:
-    RUN_TYPES.add('debug')
-  if options.checkjni:
-    JNI_TYPES.add('checkjni')
-  if options.ntrace:
-    TRACE_TYPES.add('ntrace')
-  if options.cms:
-    GC_TYPES.add('cms')
-  if options.npicimage:
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('npicimage')
-  if options.multinpicimage:
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('multinpicimage')
-  if options.multipicimage:
-    IMAGE_TYPES.add('multipicimage')
-  if options.verbose:
-    verbose = True
-  if options.n_thread:
-    n_thread = max(1, options.n_thread)
-  if options.dry_run:
-    dry_run = True
-    verbose = True
-  if
-    build = True
-  if options.gdb:
-    n_thread = 1
-    gdb = True
-    if options.gdb_arg:
-      gdb_arg = options.gdb_arg
-  return test
-def main():
-  gather_test_info()
-  user_requested_test = parse_option()
-  setup_test_env()
-  if build:
-    build_targets = ''
-    if 'host' in TARGET_TYPES:
-      build_targets += 'test-art-host-run-test-dependencies'
-    if 'target' in TARGET_TYPES:
-      build_targets += 'test-art-target-run-test-dependencies'
-    build_command = 'make -j' + str(n_thread) + ' ' + build_targets
-    if
-      sys.exit(1)
-  if user_requested_test:
-    test_runner_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_tests, args=(user_requested_test,))
-  else:
-    test_runner_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_tests, args=(RUN_TEST_SET,))
-  test_runner_thread.daemon = True
-  try:
-    test_runner_thread.start()
-    while threading.active_count() > 1:
-      time.sleep(0.1)
-    print_analysis()
-    if failed_tests:
-      sys.exit(1)
-    sys.exit(0)
-  except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    print_analysis()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()