MIPS64: Improve storing of constants in fields and array elements
Test: booted MIPS64 in QEMU
Test: mma test-art-target-run-test
Test: mma test-art-host-gtest-assembler_mips64_test
Change-Id: I8e0002166174eebea1309358eb9d96f34eee3225
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h
index 8bbe862..b98db65 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h
@@ -782,6 +782,86 @@
template <typename ImplicitNullChecker = NoImplicitNullChecker>
+ void StoreConstToOffset(StoreOperandType type,
+ int64_t value,
+ GpuRegister base,
+ int32_t offset,
+ GpuRegister temp,
+ ImplicitNullChecker null_checker = NoImplicitNullChecker()) {
+ // We permit `base` and `temp` to coincide (however, we check that neither is AT),
+ // in which case the `base` register may be overwritten in the process.
+ CHECK_NE(temp, AT); // Must not use AT as temp, so as not to overwrite the adjusted base.
+ if (!IsInt<16>(offset) ||
+ (type == kStoreDoubleword && !IsAligned<kMips64DoublewordSize>(offset) &&
+ !IsInt<16>(static_cast<int32_t>(offset + kMips64WordSize)))) {
+ LoadConst32(AT, offset & ~(kMips64DoublewordSize - 1));
+ Daddu(AT, AT, base);
+ base = AT;
+ offset &= (kMips64DoublewordSize - 1);
+ }
+ GpuRegister reg;
+ // If the adjustment left `base` unchanged and equal to `temp`, we can't use `temp`
+ // to load and hold the value but we can use AT instead as AT hasn't been used yet.
+ // Otherwise, `temp` can be used for the value. And if `temp` is the same as the
+ // original `base` (that is, `base` prior to the adjustment), the original `base`
+ // register will be overwritten.
+ if (base == temp) {
+ temp = AT;
+ }
+ if (type == kStoreDoubleword && IsAligned<kMips64DoublewordSize>(offset)) {
+ if (value == 0) {
+ reg = ZERO;
+ } else {
+ reg = temp;
+ LoadConst64(reg, value);
+ }
+ Sd(reg, base, offset);
+ null_checker();
+ } else {
+ uint32_t low = Low32Bits(value);
+ uint32_t high = High32Bits(value);
+ if (low == 0) {
+ reg = ZERO;
+ } else {
+ reg = temp;
+ LoadConst32(reg, low);
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case kStoreByte:
+ Sb(reg, base, offset);
+ break;
+ case kStoreHalfword:
+ Sh(reg, base, offset);
+ break;
+ case kStoreWord:
+ Sw(reg, base, offset);
+ break;
+ case kStoreDoubleword:
+ // not aligned to kMips64DoublewordSize
+ CHECK_ALIGNED(offset, kMips64WordSize);
+ Sw(reg, base, offset);
+ null_checker();
+ if (high == 0) {
+ reg = ZERO;
+ } else {
+ reg = temp;
+ if (high != low) {
+ LoadConst32(reg, high);
+ }
+ }
+ Sw(reg, base, offset + kMips64WordSize);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if (type != kStoreDoubleword) {
+ null_checker();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename ImplicitNullChecker = NoImplicitNullChecker>
void LoadFromOffset(LoadOperandType type,
GpuRegister reg,
GpuRegister base,
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64_test.cc b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64_test.cc
index 96a02c4..879807a 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64_test.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64_test.cc
@@ -2178,6 +2178,82 @@
DriverStr(expected, "StoreFpuToOffset");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPS64Test, StoreConstToOffset) {
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreByte, 0xFF, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreHalfword, 0xFFFF, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0x12345678, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreDoubleword, 0x123456789ABCDEF0, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreByte, 0, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreHalfword, 0, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreDoubleword, 0, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreDoubleword, 0x1234567812345678, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreDoubleword, 0x1234567800000000, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreDoubleword, 0x0000000012345678, mips64::A1, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0, mips64::T8, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0x12345678, mips64::T8, +0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0, mips64::A1, -0xFFF0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0x12345678, mips64::A1, +0xFFF0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0, mips64::T8, -0xFFF0, mips64::T8);
+ __ StoreConstToOffset(mips64::kStoreWord, 0x12345678, mips64::T8, +0xFFF0, mips64::T8);
+ const char* expected =
+ "ori $t8, $zero, 0xFF\n"
+ "sb $t8, 0($a1)\n"
+ "ori $t8, $zero, 0xFFFF\n"
+ "sh $t8, 0($a1)\n"
+ "lui $t8, 0x1234\n"
+ "ori $t8, $t8,0x5678\n"
+ "sw $t8, 0($a1)\n"
+ "lui $t8, 0x9abc\n"
+ "ori $t8, $t8,0xdef0\n"
+ "dahi $t8, $t8, 0x5679\n"
+ "dati $t8, $t8, 0x1234\n"
+ "sd $t8, 0($a1)\n"
+ "sb $zero, 0($a1)\n"
+ "sh $zero, 0($a1)\n"
+ "sw $zero, 0($a1)\n"
+ "sd $zero, 0($a1)\n"
+ "lui $t8, 0x1234\n"
+ "ori $t8, $t8,0x5678\n"
+ "dins $t8, $t8, 0x20, 0x20\n"
+ "sd $t8, 0($a1)\n"
+ "lui $t8, 0x246\n"
+ "ori $t8, $t8, 0x8acf\n"
+ "dsll32 $t8, $t8, 0x3\n"
+ "sd $t8, 0($a1)\n"
+ "lui $t8, 0x1234\n"
+ "ori $t8, $t8, 0x5678\n"
+ "sd $t8, 0($a1)\n"
+ "sw $zero, 0($t8)\n"
+ "lui $at,0x1234\n"
+ "ori $at, $at, 0x5678\n"
+ "sw $at, 0($t8)\n"
+ "lui $at, 0xffff\n"
+ "ori $at, $at, 0x10\n"
+ "daddu $at, $at, $a1\n"
+ "sw $zero, 0($at)\n"
+ "li $at, 0xfff0\n"
+ "daddu $at, $at, $a1\n"
+ "lui $t8, 0x1234\n"
+ "ori $t8, $t8, 0x5678\n"
+ "sw $t8, 0($at)\n"
+ "lui $at, 0xffff\n"
+ "ori $at, $at, 0x10\n"
+ "daddu $at, $at, $t8\n"
+ "sw $zero, 0($at)\n"
+ "li $at, 0xfff0\n"
+ "daddu $at, $at, $t8\n"
+ "lui $t8, 0x1234\n"
+ "ori $t8, $t8, 0x5678\n"
+ "sw $t8, 0($at)\n";
+ DriverStr(expected, "StoreConstToOffset");
// Loading/adding Constants //