Add more sdk/module_exports needed by conscrypt

core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules is needed by targets outside
external/conscrypt but which are in repositories that provide something
that is needed by conscrypt, e.g. development/ is needed by the build
and contains the Development target which depends on this. There are
other targets too.

hiddenapi - needed to build conscrypt.

dex2oat/dex2oatd - the dexpreopt/config.go panics if it cannot find it.

Bug: 142935992
Test: m art-module-sdk art-module-host-exports art-module-test-exports
Change-Id: I16ade2f7a63de2a3b3e5c4334694c26715cd2119
diff --git a/build/sdk/Android.bp b/build/sdk/Android.bp
index b542db3..a2d802f 100644
--- a/build/sdk/Android.bp
+++ b/build/sdk/Android.bp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+        "core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules",
     native_static_libs: [
@@ -30,9 +31,22 @@
     name: "art-module-host-exports",
     host_supported: true,
     device_supported: false,
+    target: {
+        host: {
+            // Set in because the top level compile_multilib
+            // property is fixed to "both" in the sdk/module_exports
+            // implementation and cannot be overridden any other way.
+            compile_multilib: "64",
+        },
+    },
     java_libs: [
+    native_binaries: [
+        "hiddenapi",
+        "dex2oat",
+        "dex2oatd",
+    ],
 // Exported tests and supporting libraries